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File: 396c03b8e59a85e⋯.jpg (675.13 KB, 828x791, 828:791, 1591855455665.jpg)

783479  No.142982

Social Capital - (n.) the effective functioning of social groups through interpersonal relationships, a shared sense of identity, a shared understanding, shared norms, shared values, trust, cooperation, and reciprocity. Social capital is a measure of value gained from social groups

It is no question the Left's bigoted attitude was intentional to decrease the social capital of the enemies of the left. The left teaches followers to shut people off - friends and family - who disagree.

Social capital is a huge value. The value of which can be seen throughout our history in our tendency to form groups, evolution to be friendly, achievement of great accomplishment through collaborative efforts (early PC dev, space)

The lone wolf strategy is a consequence of this - be it legal or criminal for a variety of goals - to bypass social capital needed to achieve large goals. We also cling to specific opportunities for collaboration and value them, like here.

How do we increase the social capital of contrarians like many on here? Are there places free from the clutches of (( )) to allow social collaboration of non-leftists? I see us getting together for politics, but it ends there. How can we encourage people connecting so that they profit?

Behold, our shared fate as non-conformists:


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d0c548  No.142991

File: dd08a2c4330c0ae⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 271x186, 271:186, download.jpg)

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a1a399  No.142998


I don't trust people who go to such great lengths to insert "the left" when "jews" would suffice. It's three parentheses, btw.

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bb27bb  No.143012


>How can we encourage people connecting so that they profit?

start a peaceful mongolian basket-weaving club

how can anybody possibly hate a mongolian basket-weaving club even if its members are all white?

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75eba5  No.143053

File: 229b120350e26cf⋯.jpg (60.69 KB, 591x583, 591:583, 229b120350e26cf8c17eaf8b9b….jpg)


You just exposed yourself as a kike shill by using only two parenthesis because (((JIDF))) isn't allowed to use three. Ideology and group-think are what the jews exploit to control us. Unironically divided we stand, together we fall.

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3101f9  No.143071


Sartre was a nigger.

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e5d2ab  No.143077

File: 291cd705e7e57ef⋯.png (696.59 KB, 720x939, 240:313, 1595041522583.png)

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7753dc  No.143103


that's why they destroy male and white spaces.

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783479  No.143117

File: ea90df53f060f06⋯.jpg (261.37 KB, 566x973, 566:973, 1397270019035.jpg)

File: 6932150d32a8fb4⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 605x605, 1:1, trotter_french_bulldog_9.jpg)

File: 9afa75b2addac12⋯.jpg (60.67 KB, 510x719, 510:719, 7075683435737630_n.jpg)

File: 755e8d7d8106b5d⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 1399255488104.jpg)

File: df9ec6841ec65d6⋯.png (679.98 KB, 502x679, 502:679, 1398539336109.png)


You just exposed yourself as a giant autist

I meant all of them - jews ((kikes), niggers, ccp + best korea = friends forever, mudslime

All of them


Exactly. However - internet! Here are some examples:

unwoke.hr/ (non-woke hiring website)

FBI stats and census data for stats

Using a combo of yandex, google, baidu, etc for getting around shilled topics

Fuck yea, where did this folder come from

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ea74e2  No.143224

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Social and Mental Capital - (n.) the effective functioning of the social tribe, cult, gang, military, unit [military], corporation (incorporated), trust, alliance, union, state, federation [and whatever I missed]; and mental wisemen, philosophers, metaphysicians [practice of correcting or cultivating perception in others], visionaries, orators, warrior-poets, analysts [and whatever].

It is not in question whether the Left's untrustworthy, disloyal, spastic behavior and apocalyptic, nihilistic emotional state were intended; nor whether the necryptic (word invented meaning: dead, buried, even the grave has rotted; in this situation meaning they want you dead and forgotten for centuries and millenia and eons to come; to make what you said publicly today effectively said to yourself privately eons ago), defaming and misanthropic accusations and assertions were intended to decrease the social and mental capital of the enemies of the left. The left teaches followers to shut the people out and minds off - friends and family, mentors and leaders - of those whom disagree.

Social and mental capital has incredible value. The value of which can be seen throughout our history in our tendency to form groups, evolution to be friendly, achievement of great accomplishments through collaborative efforts (early PC dev, space). To seek the Truth and shed falsehoods, in pursuit of the mystical, divine, and metaphysical, evolution to be wise and intelligent, achievement of great intellectual accomplishments through pure focus and intentional efforts (early PC dev, space).

[paragraph unclear, non-native English speaker] Lone wolf strategies are an attempt at bypassing the social capital needed to achieve large goals. We still cling to certain opportunities for collaboration and value them, like here.

How do we increase the social and mental capitol of Constantino/pol/? Are there places from the clutches of }}}reptilians{{{ to allow social and mental collaboration of non-leftists? I see us getting together for politics, but it ends there. How can we encourage people connecting so that they profit?

Behold, our shared fate as Constantino/pol/eans: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=hr-I6-gxecg

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ea74e2  No.143228

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

spicy istan/pol/ meme

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22199b  No.144946

File: dfd88bbd616abc1⋯.jpg (155.66 KB, 660x990, 2:3, 1566022766271.jpg)



You sound like 'the left'

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