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File: c713b2adde580e6⋯.png (81.77 KB, 644x362, 322:181, download_1_.png)

e683a1  No.142879

>Suspect is an anti-feminist lawyer painfully dying of cancer

>Was currently in court saying the draft is sexist

>Now a suspect in July 11th CA judge killing

>Had online posts about the "Female Fraud Act" and other things

This guy is awesome, so sad he heroed himself

Some FauxNews on him: https://www.foxnews.com/us/lawyer-who-shot-husband-killed-son-of-nj-federal-judge-may-have-been-seeking-out-enemies-following-cancer-diagnosis-report.amp

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a0b1c4  No.142887


>so sad he heroed himself

Strongly doubt since he obviously had other targets.

Is ironic that he killed a young man (spicnigger so no loss) and attempted to kill another man rather than shooting his enemy.

Too bad White males never learn to select appropriate targets…

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283b20  No.142895

This is just the cover-up for the first murders.

Die in a fire, kike.

There will be no mercy for you.

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e683a1  No.142984

File: 616f303a02b7435⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 373x327, 373:327, 10448810_614798791952800_4….jpg)

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e683a1  No.142985


Did you want to elaborate on anything or do you think a dying lawyer getting payback on judges who simply do not follow the law is a bad idea? Genuinely interested considering the complexity

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d5f7c6  No.142988

File: 5480bcf03054c6e⋯.png (58.19 KB, 1632x533, 1632:533, D2B9C67F_8253_4CF4_B997_6D….png)

File: 070a924c161100c⋯.png (420.36 KB, 1833x1555, 1833:1555, 55D16531_0287_4BDB_8F40_32….png)

Reposting from deleted thread. (no context, no information)

Does anyone else find this interesting?

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e683a1  No.143474


Very much so

It does seem too convenient for the lawyer to be in a hated field of equal rights for men. Seems like an easy "mad man" tag

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39bacc  No.143488


The story is complete bullshit.

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776498  No.143530


>kill son of judge as intimidation

>kill hated lawyer who's got cancer

>frame killed lawyer as killer of son

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041e15  No.143536

File: 0571f08d4a7cc1c⋯.jpg (357.88 KB, 1208x2050, 604:1025, epstein_banker.JPG)


Is anybody still talking about the judge's involvement with the prosecution of Deutch Bank for it's involvement with Jeffrey Epstein's money laundering and the death of his personal investment banker? He hung himself.


Sounds like OP is trying to distract everyone from the main narrative in this case. OP is a massive fag and yes, almost certainly a kikenvermin, apologies for the tautology.

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f50087  No.143544

Marc Angelucci another men's rights activist allegedly shot by FedEx driver in California and then this.

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626cfa  No.144163


>OP is fake and gay

Totally agree. The only reason this Roy guy is dead is because he's the patsy they want to blame. Any real guy dying of cancer and with a lengthy hit list is going to keep going until the very end. The media narrative is total bullshit, as usual, just like OP's post.

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3a2158  No.144172


You are describing a simp. A subhuman who never kills the primary enemy of all men: women.

Simps will always be the ones dragging society down along with women, for when the need to kill some women rises, the simp will literally kill himself instead of killing a woman.


>muh edgy

Confirmed to be a jew.

All jews will be killed.

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703394  No.144179


>they pinned the crime to a dying true anti-establishment activist

>he was suicided

Imagine my shock!

also OP is a faggot and should lurk moar

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43f6a8  No.144591

File: 32d59db91d37a95⋯.png (235.86 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, screw_your_optics.png)


I don't understand why more men don't use those final years of their life to hunt down and assassinate the scum who have destroyed this country. Especially their offspring.

I bet it beats writhing in pain in a hospital bed or vegetating in an asylum.

No need for manifestos and other faggotry, by the way.

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