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File: b4ee9b1d5c7e8bd⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 500x625, 4:5, swnsory_dep_portable.jpg)

0bfa9f  No.142436

The purpose of 8chan and 8kun was to see if humans would remain 'moral' when anonymous. They tell us that 'their experiment' failed.

It didn't.

When they say 'morality' what they mean is THEIR NARRATIVE OF MORALITY/CONTROL.

Due to anonymity we were able to discard their narrative and forge our own narrative.

Seeking to control your own narrative means that you are immune to the accretion of tyrannical power.

I strongly disagree with Jung's ideology that personal power is a solution, rather control of the narrative (internal resolution of reality) is the only way to defeat the accretion of power by anyone/anything. To accrue power an individual must submit to an outside narrative (knowledge) and subvert their own reality. Power is intimately dependent on the subversion and substitution of individual knowledge for exterior or biased input of governments and institutions or even another human being.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own." - Adam Savage

In truth, our entire life experience itself is the only religion; it is the only communique with God; something inexplicable and immune to outside interference.

The way I see it we developed our own individual morality through testing ideas. This made us worse than dangerous in their mind because someone who develops their own morality cannot 'be controlled' by a narrative (communist central planning). I think they were testing to see how their mind control/power structure was working on 'the masses' and they were disappointed to see us revert right back to pure independence and our own moral code that did not want or require their 'guidance'.

I am having trouble 'fitting into society' anymore because I have little use for their engineered 'morality' or their 'ideas/lies'.

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409ad9  No.142438

>The purpose of 8chan and 8kun was to see if humans would remain 'moral' when anonymous.

No it wasn't you revisionist cunt.

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0bfa9f  No.142439


Not 'your purpose' you dumb faggot. THEIR PURPOSE.

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409ad9  No.142440


You didn't say that, you said THE purpose.

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0bfa9f  No.142441

File: 65d8071539e1916⋯.png (330.79 KB, 500x625, 4:5, man_on_bridge_lights.png)


As in why they allowed it to exist at all. You think this wasn't a government sponsored experiment?

Jesus, anon, quit being so fucking naive.

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4ebabf  No.142445

File: 4af443498bbf780⋯.jpeg (36.73 KB, 457x535, 457:535, CujH8anWYAAURF5.jpeg)

>The purpose of 8chan and 8kun was to see if humans would remain 'moral' when anonymous. They tell us that 'their experiment' failed.

You retarded son? Either Q boomer or edgy newfag, look into what imageboards are for fucks sake

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0bfa9f  No.142447


How could you be this dull?

How could you not understand what it means to forge your own morality?

That means that you do not hold the standards of the morality that was 'given' to you but rather YOU DECIDE what is acceptable. I don't know how image boards could not represent this ideology any better.

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2a29e9  No.142448


>it exists therefore it was prolly gubment sponsored

this is how commies think.

Maybe good websites and formats evolve naturally and that's the power of language/internet

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0bfa9f  No.142450


>Maybe good websites and formats evolve naturally and that's the power of language/internet

Holy fuck anon! Fucking no. Everything. All of it falls under central planning at this point and has for at least 100 years. Everything you do and are is controlled, packaged and scrutinized.

For FUCKS SAKE YOU ASS, why do you think that we are 'more dangerous' in the mind of the FBI than communist terrorist that are actively plotting insurrection in the USA? To have a nation fall (at this point) means fuckall. To have the SYSTEM fall means the end of them.

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4ebabf  No.142451


So edgy newfag, got it.

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0bfa9f  No.142453


Do you kikes have anything to say about the OP?

Fucking globohomo jerkoffs (literally in your case (((anon))) )

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4ebabf  No.142457

File: 6e7a5b1dd107b3c⋯.jpg (373.74 KB, 1447x2046, 1447:2046, 1594697402068.jpg)


LOL, come on fag your the one trying to make shit so damn serious being revisionist faggot on how 8chan came around and it's morality. This place started after a criplled prgrapped smoking pot throught of 4chan and reddit in one. Trying to make shit deeper than it is is just plain cringe.

8chan came to be what it was after mootikins sold out and to what is was now because based tarrant massacred a bunch of mudshits and glow niggers fear us. Pretty simple shit.

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4ebabf  No.142458


>those typos

Time for bed wew

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0bfa9f  No.142459

File: 492c8a646f54e5e⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 255x230, 51:46, IDF_diaper_patrol.jpg)


Night (((anon))).

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98444c  No.142462


OP, it's almost impossible to know what you're talking about, but I'll remind you that you're on a NatSoc board, and the idea that there is a "they" trying to control "morality" is both true and retarded. Taking for a moment that NatSoc is not an invention but a revelation, and submission to the Truth, let's call it Natural Law, is not a sign of weakness but sanity, it follows that morality cannot be developed but only remembered, and that trying to control "morality," either the Jews doing it to you or you engineering your own chaos magyke version, is maybe the only thing that can be called "evil."

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0bfa9f  No.142464


Nationalism is just genetic preference anon. There are many different forms of nationalism.

>it's almost impossible to know what you're talking about

I thought I was being clear. Hmmm. What confounded you in the OP?

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98444c  No.142465


… and genetic preference is Natural Law. Hammurabi antedates DNA by how many hundreds of millions of years? Anywho. I don't think you have a thesis, OP, but I also have a feeling I might be talking to a GPT-3 bot, so I'm going to head out to the workshop. Good luck.

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0bfa9f  No.142467


>Good luck.

Thanks anon. I will be forced to work through this without you. Sad really.

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0bfa9f  No.142468



I really dislike Hammurabi. There are gaps in that code that you could drive a truck through. As a matter of fact, I dislike all codified law since it is biased by its own nature.

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fa556e  No.142472


>The purpose of 8chan and 8kun was to see if humans would remain 'moral' when anonymous.


>I think they were testing


>I am having trouble 'fitting into society' anymore because I have little use for their engineered 'morality' or their 'ideas/lies'.


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0bfa9f  No.142476


What was the 'purpose'? Give me the purpose iyo and the higher purpose for the government letting it exist (clearly we have seen that they can do whatever they want whenever they want…boohooo 8chan).

I know you can only tell me what you think the purpose was…but I guess that will have to be good enough for now since that seem to have TRIGGERED everyone so much that we don't get to talk about anything else.

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fa556e  No.142495


Your problem is in thinking there is one. There isn’t. It’s just a fucking website, man. It’s dead. It had no purpose.

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0bfa9f  No.142498


>It had no purpose.

That is sad anon. WTF are you doing here?

You couldn't glean a single thing out of your experience? What a CWOT for you. Aren't you revolted that you are still here?

Perhaps I should have been more careful in speaking and noted that it only had a purpose for me.

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e0ba01  No.142518


>I am having trouble 'fitting into society'

Because you are ugly, repulsive and smell bad and you're doing a shitty job cleaning your teeth. You should brush and floss AFTER EVERY MEAL AND SNACK you vile pig.

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0bfa9f  No.142520


Hahaha absolutely none of that is true.

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9378cf  No.142595

File: b9af10ba388d829⋯.png (3.55 MB, 2296x2758, 164:197, b9af10ba388d8299c257fd4651….png)


>I strongly disagree with Jung's ideology that personal power is a solution, rather control of the narrative (internal resolution of reality) is the only way to defeat the accretion of power by anyone/anything.

I'd propose you appreciate a level higher than mere "narrative", which is Mythos. Narratives are guiding thoughtforms that can be based in truths or falsehoods. Plenty today are built on absolute falsehoods designed on evil intent. Mythologies on the other hand are built by revelations about what is True - thus its enduring narratives are True to that world and its specific Actors.

To understand the world in accordance with a narrative is like trying to navigate a strange land with a map. The first question is if the map is an accurate, precise, "True" representation of the actual landscape. If it is, you can find your way around in it pretty easily. If it is not, you will inevitably get lost and will either have to amend that map or find a better map. The second question is if the map is pertinent to you, the Actor. If you are a forager, a map showing you the local flora and fauna will inform your behavior much better than a topographical map showing geological formations. But if you are a geologist looking for minerals, the forager's map would be pretty much useless to you in turn.

Those who cling to untrue maps will get lost and not find what they need to be successful. Likewise those who adopt inappropriate maps to what they are and their Purpose will struggle to be successful. Given the differences among peoples in biology, history, culture, and character, there will be a multitude of different Mythological maps that will overlap in many respects but differ in fundamentally important ways that can only be adjusted and improved upon reliably by those whom those maps are specifically for.

So, it isn't a matter of simply "controlling a narrative" that is stronger than your opposition in no relation to anything else, but that you discover the Truth and the Mythos that is designed for what you are.

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fa556e  No.142596


Are you retarded or just illiterate?

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0bfa9f  No.142599


I have been thinking a lot about 'phase states', anon, in terms of the universal construct. You are speaking of them, if I understand you correctly (please help me if I misunderstood) but these are very much what you are describing in a lesser manner. Phase states are scalar and are part of the fabric of eternity. Thank you for responding with something literate and thoughtful btw.

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9378cf  No.142684


>Phase states are scalar and are part of the fabric of eternity.

I'm unsure what that means, but I'm mainly just referring to the basic metaphysics of "Truth" versus "Reality". Real things are thing that exist or have existed, whereas "Truths" are metaphysical states of potential (or actual) existence that transcend physical reality.

So a story can speak of a "Truth" while being an utter fiction. Aesop's Fables are good examples. There has never been a goose that laid golden eggs, and there is no specific instance of a greedy person killing such a strange creature to get more of its eggs. The story's events are fiction and "not real" at all. However, that fable is speaking to a "Truth" about human greed and its potential to cause the destruction of prosperity, a pattern of self-destructive behavior recorded through time and space that is not confined to any particular physical instance. Nonetheless there seems to be a pattern governing it that we can usefully describe. That's basic metaphysics.

You can attribute that metaphysics to all kinds of explanations - human biology, culture, circumstance, game theory, stupidity, divinity - but it is most certainly a part of the nature of the universe yet has no physical form in itself. With the proper technologies that reveal metaphysical properties of the universe, we are able to act in ways that shapes reality in various ways - from mundane things like changing your decision-making to truly extraordinary things that strain the imagination. It's enough just to appreciate it at its non-mystical level though - it's plenty impressive enough even there.

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78ea2e  No.142687

File: 49749efd231cce9⋯.png (64.58 KB, 244x331, 244:331, nande.png)


just what the fuck are you eating that is so corrosive it creates the need for such measures?

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32ce8d  No.142706


The point is to absolutely and unconditionally reject their morality, but their immorality also. Releasing oneself from their false dichotomies and killing their "one god" , while discovering your own and yourself in the process. Which cannot be done without your kameraden and your people. An independent soul is something to be earned, lest you remain but a drop in a sea of causality, bound to recycle with no memory and genuine self for eternity, forever a slave and food to their impostor 'god'

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fd723c  No.142722

File: b316c0980c1aa99⋯.png (219.56 KB, 412x361, 412:361, enlightened.png)

File: aa1c78288184805⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 727x269, 727:269, RussiaRussiaRussia.jpg)

File: f0666f976793d44⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1664x1665, 1664:1665, Saturn_to_dust.png)


There was an element of 'new' moral code developing on 8chan before it got nuked. It was based in proof, not assumptions, in reality, not dreams, in reason, not emotional thinking. As the arguments evolved, it came to be seen that there is a universal set of truths that subtend the 'relative truth' of the Left. This universal truth was often referred to as the Natural Law, because all of nature adheres to it.

Nuking 8chan quashed the development of this moral code into something that would reasonably counter the Leftist cultural revolution. Or is it merely delayed? I doubt that this was the only reason 8chan was fingered in the El Paso false flag, but just one of many.

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9378cf  No.142784


To be fair, 8chan was so beset by warranted paranoia and forum-sliding behavior that the good productions coming out of it were being badly diluted. But that it was shut down was a sign that something of value was coming out of it, though I'd put that mainly on the scoops and memes they were generating in an environment that, unlike 4chan, was potentially less easily subverted via jannies and outside influences. Or maybe it was just an easy target and the hunger for any defeat of those held responsible for Trump's election was good enough excuse to ravage the site. There's also the issue of Hotwheels turning traitor seemingly out of pure spite for his former boss. Lots of factors. As usual, the evolution of Truth on image boards left unmolested by (((bad agents))) tends towards a more enlightened morality. Whether that is new or just rediscovered morality is another question.

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e9b164  No.142787


Maybe hotwheels wanted more for the site than a platform for people to suck trumps dick and convince eachother to become mass shooters and the only reason you lot remained after he was ousted from the site is because you're the only ones that didn't care what this site was actually supposed to be.

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0ba6aa  No.142790


I see more morality from this board than I do from any of the so-called leaders of morality, especially the Catholic church.

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4ffbfa  No.142801


>morality cannot be developed but only remembered

Jews rewrote history so this doesn't matter anymore. Matthew is packed to the brim with their subversion and they successfully edited whore tolerance into John. Our oldest version of John doesn't have that passage. And if you want to do something other than Christianity they've probably already gotten their hands in that too. The only thing you can do is check for Freudian slips and projection to see what secrets the kikes are spilling. Any easy access to healthy morality is gone except for maybe the OT apocrypha because they just tried to toss that out instead of subverting it.

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4ffbfa  No.142802


They subverted everything not just the church.

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3fd20f  No.142804


Maybe you're a faggot who enjoys his subtle enslavement and life of cuckery.

But, really, who are we kidding, we know you most *certainly* are.

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a4608e  No.142810

File: df744d891f14396⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 347x287, 347:287, ECover_of_History_Fiction_….jpg)


Granted the jews did rewrite the Scofield Bible, but they didn't have the power to do much of anything when the Bible was translated to Latin. On the topic of rewriting history, Fomenko's 'New Chronolgy' is a wild ride.

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4ffbfa  No.142813


I'm still doubtful of any books the kikes haven't explicitly removed from the mainstream Bible like the OT Apocrypha or aren't currently trying to remove. They're trying their asses off to get rid of anything written by John or Paul. Maybe John Paul II being the last good Pope was a warning from God.

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