It's time to do what we do best, which is to stir the pot, of course. What is Operation Golem?
Operation Golem serves to take advantage of a recent turn of events and pre-existing beliefs among our target demographic so as to turn the weaponization of the black populace against the jews who are forcing a false narrative of victimization through their control over all institutions of power.
Operation Golem has two goals in mind.
1.) Continue the narrative that blacks are the true jewish people. In doing so, we take this narrative a step further, and we convince blacks that their true homeland is the land of Israel, and that Jerusalem belongs to blacks. In doing so, we will increase criticism of Israel in public discourse by figures which are beyond the ability to cancel, and highlight the conflict with Palestine. The primary goal of this is of course to encourage massive immigration of blacks into Israel, and if Israel refuses, to paint jews as inherently racist.
2.) Blacks are obsessed with the ideal of slavery. Our aim is to take this programming, and direct it to the modern era to serve our purposes. The goal of this is to target the financial system, which is the primary source of power held by our enemy. The idea is to paint the narrative that slavery never ended, that we're all still slaves today. That debt contracts are as enforceable as a crack of a whip. That both blacks and whites are suffering as modern day slaves. And that, it's the people who have stolen their jewish heritage from them, that are responsible for this. Not white people.
In a more complicated sense we know it goes much further. It would be good also to bring to the forefront of mass consciousness that our government goes into debt by private banks which print money out of nowhere and is levied on the populace which must repay through their blood, sweat, and tears. And that these same financiers are pedos who control the education system, MSM, Hollywood, music industry, etc. BUT, we know that not many blacks, or normies, are capable of linking all the dots together. So to be effective, we must keep it simply to the two points outlined above.
In doing this, we can effectively turn the weaponization of a demographic used against us, back on to those who have purposely created this divisive and destructive chain of events in hopes to enact total control over our people.
What you can do, is to start making propaganda to suit these purposes, and spread that propaganda on social media among the black community. Have several black accounts on social media, engage in regular discourse for a few weeks, and intermittently post our propaganda for the most effective utilization.
Your service will be considered a great honor.