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File: 9e9cfafed82462a⋯.jpg (92.92 KB, 800x979, 800:979, priorities.jpg)

9171c4  No.141715

Women are corrupted. Men are on their own. In order to protect our sovereignty and freedom, we must first go our own way as men. Men have been under attack for decades, yet we are the ones who have innovated, created, and defended. Women are the enemy of mankind, and are the ones leading the leftist push for 1984 style totalitarianism.

We must, as men, go our own way. It is how we can save ourselves. Do not waste your time chasing women, they are all corrupted. Use your time to organize, create, and defend. We must abandon women to succeed. They are too far gone. As a proud young MGTOW who is physically fit and mentally aware of the dangers we face, I must implore each and every one of you to go MGTOW, and use the MGTOW principles are a means of self preservation.

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93561d  No.141724

MGTOW is a totally self absorbed movement of men who are fine seeing the total destruction of the society they were born in as long as in their eyes they're getting revenge on women, its no different than the black community in the U.S responding to police violence by looting and burning their own neighborhoods to the ground.

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1aa99c  No.141733


You just want that to be true so you don't have to take responsibility for the fact that its the western ideal of equality that lead to "rebellious women". Because if you had to admit that western society was anything but perfect then that would mean you have to take the blame for the repercussions of its mistakes and fix them yourself. Much easier to just blame some nebulous boogeyman and shed all responsibility so you can just idly bitch and moan without feeling the need to do anything about it huh?

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1aa99c  No.141738


All I know is that you're the kind of paranoid schizophrenic whos life will almost certainly end in suicide.

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97b3e1  No.141813


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7226c7  No.141921

File: 40ca7005fc68122⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 989x429, 989:429, tfb.JPG)

I'm doomed. It's in the cards…

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c466db  No.141926

I can't believe this thread about a jewish psyop to destroy the White race is still permitted here. This is as embarrassing as that fucking nigger porn.

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7226c7  No.141930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MGTOW is an embarassment alright. Sure bitches are insane and yearn for their own destruction, destitution and abuse at the hands of liars drug dealers and scum. But petulantly saying "I'm going my own way" after you've been definitively rejected by them is pretty embarrassing.

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9171c4  No.141932


I never chased women, and never will. Women are the jew gender. We are best off going our own way. Women are not in the short future we have left. They are all bad, as far as I know.


What other choice do men have, exactly? Every thing will implode regardless. Women are too far gone for us to not go MGTOW.

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7226c7  No.141933


>>women are the jew gender

Ironically for me, it's always the jewesses that hit on me. Anglo scots this is a fucking tough tough nut to crack. French…damn it's hard too.

But jewesses…I'm just standing there or sitting there minding my own business and suddenly a jewess is looking down on me and smiling and rubbing her pussy through her jeans on my shoulder or I'll turn around another one is standing right there staring hard at me.

How the fuck do you date someone you'd herd into a cattle car with a barking snarling Alsatian on a leash?

Try Mormon girls in the southwest, when you're in the money. Try mormon girls attending the Mormon university on Oahu. They're real blonds and they are very respectful of men and they seem to be looking for a guy that can give them an exit from their predicament. But don't go to a Mormon church or temple whatever. That's no different than Scientology cult.

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9171c4  No.141934


I am not going to take my chances on getting divorce raped or deceived by women who are naturally leftist. I have come to the conclusion that MGTOW is the only way. I have never met a female who is truly good. Women are too far gone. Blacks are more redeemable and savable than women.

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7226c7  No.141936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


C'mon, turn that frown upside down.

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9171c4  No.141937


Lol, I am no hedonist. I would rather live as an honorable single and give the wimminz to the dindus than stoop down to the levels of going after them. Also, I don't really interact with women (never have), as I know of their corruption. Seen too many men ruined by them.

MGTOW will save us. We are the creators, innovators, and philosophers. Women are leaches to men, and pawns of the Marxists.

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c466db  No.141938


MGTOW is the opposite of JEWISH FEMINISM…just for men. It is retarded.

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c466db  No.141939

Unsurprisingly, no one, not even the jews, care if you are incapable of raising a family and live a fulfilled life anon. I certainly don't care. Outside of being embarrassed that you kikes are allowed to push DEPOPULATION on /pnd/ I have no other concern.

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9171c4  No.141940


What is our other option? MGTOW can unify men against the left. There is a reason the left opposes it. Men are strong, intelligent, and capable of so much. If men are united and freed from hedonism and the corruption that is women, we are unstoppable.


No matter what, we are getting depopulation. We either go MGTOW, or become cucks. If you don't go MGTOW, you may as well be bending your knee and chanting BLM slogans. Women will lead to our demise.

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97b3e1  No.141941


You could report it and see what happens. And then rail at the BO for forcing mods to allow it. Or sage the damn thing, for starters.

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7226c7  No.141943

File: df94a5cab0a479d⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1200x1781, 1200:1781, Oswald_Spengler.jpg)

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f21eaf  No.141945


The BO doesn't have a say in the matter, under jim they're just glorified janitors themselves.

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9171c4  No.141948


Think about it. Women are the main tools for Marxists. They have been weakening men for years. They are majority far left, and pretty brainless. They manipulate men with their biology, when we can achieve so much more.

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7226c7  No.141954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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97b3e1  No.141955


Sage anyway.

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7226c7  No.141956

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6c93d9  No.142060

Why are there so many anti-mgtows here?

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286feb  No.142062

File: 4b327d7cea94471⋯.png (342.59 KB, 610x297, 610:297, mgtows.png)



idk for sure, but for me mgtows look like butthurt loser incels, and in general people don't like such men, suffering women get positive attention, but weak men are just ridiculous

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510794  No.142066

What if there was a mass conversion of western whites to Islam, would that solve this issue? Muslims don't put women on a massive pedestal.

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6c93d9  No.142070


That's called being a SIMP. Smart men don't chase women. In today's Brave New World, chasing women leads to the risk of false harassment accusations.


That's an interesting point. Women's liberation just gave them a false sense of entitlement. Islam did do one thing right.

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c466db  No.142071


>what if you lost your culture and were genocided by yet another semitic religion anons

>would that 'fix' your situation?

Fuck off.

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c466db  No.142072


Oh great the 'semitic invasion' and pro-genocide crew is here again

>anons semites have slaughtered hundreds of millions of our people in a non stop onslaught…clearly we would be better off if we let them slaughter all of us…


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30d1fd  No.142076


No, I like the concept of self-ownership. The problem is welfare. If daddy government didn't support single mothers they would starve to death. This would force them to not be whores and sociopaths and actually value men, since it would become obvious that they can't survive without them.

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c466db  No.142078


All 'government' is the problem anon.

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e16778  No.142090


All "freedom" is the problem anon.

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c466db  No.142093


Tell that to every other living system on the planet.

>anon says that you are all doing it wrong!

I can hear the entire planet laughing at you.

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30d1fd  No.142098


>What then should a man have in readiness in such circumstances? What else than "What is mine, and what is not mine; and permitted to me, and what is not permitted to me." I must die. Must I then die lamenting? I must be put in chains. Must I then also lament? I must go into exile. Does any man then hinder me from going with smiles and cheerfulness and contentment? "Tell me the secret which you possess." I will not, for this is in my power. "But I will put you in chains." Man, what are you talking about? Me in chains? You may fetter my leg, but my will not even Zeus himself can overpower. "I will throw you into prison." My poor body, you mean. "I will cut your head off." When, then, have I told you that my head alone cannot be cut off?

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7226c7  No.142099


> a mass conversion of western whites to Islam, would that solve this issue?


>The problem is welfare.

Perhaps you're ignorant of the fact that in Muslim societies the $$ big shots get all the fuckworthy women and the remaining mass of losers can never get married. Muslim societies are gayer than a Blue Jays fan. In Saudi Arabia men openly go about holding hands. Islam = filth and widespread dementia. They jealously guard their women because they're all deranged sluts and well they know it.

There's no solution; you simply have to man up.

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9cce85  No.142100

>don't have children goy

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6cbc0a  No.142123

Sometimes anon, only war is the solution.

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858b69  No.142128

File: 5f94b89cf2e6443⋯.jpg (99.71 KB, 720x960, 3:4, meadow_with_tree_stump.jpg)


Women are the same as normalfaggots; they are not deliberately malicious, but are just reflections of how weak and hollow society has become because of how weak and hollow Western men have become. Women are cattle to be herded, and only the kikes are herding them.

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687819  No.142136

File: aa95540ea2d44b0⋯.png (865.57 KB, 949x773, 949:773, buff_CIA.png)


/pol/ and its off-shoots have always maintained their insistence that all you have to do is find a wheat field inhabiting woman by self improvementing for 25 consecutive years to save the West. Meanwhile, niggers breed like the pests they are, never minding any o'dat whiate shiat dawg.

Their pure autism, in this regard, makes themselves blind to the fact that Bolshevist programming is a runaway process in the West and that people, including women, become more corrupted by the day.

I guess, if you wish to discuss MGTOW without the LARPers screeching at you, your best bet would be to go to a self improvement group masturbation thread and claim you wish to become the best man possible to get that blonde wheat field virgin girlfriend that has no tattoos.

Go ahead, you autists, do what you must.

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fa5107  No.142157



I am not masturbating in a wheat field with a bunch of fags.

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65a13b  No.142340

Women aren't the problem. It's the laws that are the problem. So long as women are heralded as equal, yet still given alimony, child support, etc. Then the entire idea if fucked. You either cut your balls off, or you die without offspring. Either way, the dysgenic effect will be in effect. Personally, I'm of the mind to keep my balls and die spiting low IQ easily manipulated brainwashed vampiric whores.

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65a13b  No.142341


It's like knowing the truth, but just lying to yourself and telling yourself everything will be okay. You think that bitch really is going to love you the way you think she is? You think she's going to raise your son properly? You really think you aren't going to get cheated on, never see your son again, lose half of your future assets, and has your wife's black boyfriend beat your son? You really think that's not a possibility?

Then, you aren't fucking redpilled. You still have your head either up your ass, or in the sand.

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1b0c17  No.142376


Pretty much. No vice exists at scale without subsidy, and that applies here just like any other.

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