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File: 7301be6dc3e8fa3⋯.jpg (276.5 KB, 1282x1979, 1282:1979, the_devil.JPG)

ea49a5  No.141565

Now put this on the back of a modified, super miniature Boston Dynamics Spot® and anyone can sent it crawling under your door or through an open window to spy on you no matter where you are.

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7acf0e  No.141573

How delightful of ZOG…what WILL they 'think' of next?

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b70d30  No.141588

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7acf0e  No.141591

>>141588 (checked)

This reminds me of CIA cat. 5 million in biorobotics that got hit by a taxi and squished while crossing the street to its mark.

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7acf0e  No.141603

yes yes, we were working on this shit in 2001. I no longer worry about insects…there are other things that go bump in the night that worry me much more.

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56cd83  No.141620

File: 2c3605f46db0908⋯.jpg (123.15 KB, 693x770, 9:10, jew_university_admissions.jpg)

File: ec4783ae3b1cfcb⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 579x611, 579:611, harvard_kikes.jpg)


> If you weren't so anti-academia

You mean the same (((Academia))) that supports the existance of 6 billion genders?

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7acf0e  No.141643


Holy fuck anon…I was in regular courses STEM courses and they had the most clinically insane liberal bias that I was practically choking on my own tongue.

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7c2b8d  No.141670

File: 91b36cd6925c45f⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4b8f2a36a19ac13dc1dd911b19….jpg)


>Yes, but nobody is forcing you to take gender studies classes.

That shit was already mandatory when I went to college... in the 80s.

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7acf0e  No.141680


You have quite the tolerance for leftism anon. You are a credit to your DNA.

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ea49a5  No.141683

I went for a walk with an old friend on our old alma mater and marvelled at all the super modern high price improvements and developments there. Later I mentioned this to an old japanese friend, also an alumni, whose father lost everything he had when he was incarcerated during WWII. He arched his eyebrow at me and said "yes it's very nice only it's insufferably politically correct now. And it's all chinese".

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7acf0e  No.141684


The was my experience as well when I went to college. You want to enter the door of hell, try going back now. Just take a course at the community college level for shits and giggles. IT IS HEINOUS. There were times when I was almost stunned into disbelief with what I was hearing.

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56cd83  No.141687


>or be an uneducated retard your whole life

Nigger I took my zoology bachelor's a decade ago, and thankfully my country, especially the backwater rural town mine was at, wasn't cucked enough to have "electives" such as "afrofellation" and "multigenderism" also, unless we are talking about Wagner or earlier, (((music))) is for junkies, faggots and other degenerates

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ea49a5  No.141688


Even in 73 I took this course that promised to cover 8 Shakespeare plays. The prof was this haggard beatnik jewess roastie in a serape and sandals and she looked like she maybe bathed once a month. The first day of classes she sat there sucking her filthy unbrushed teeth and announced that Shakespeare was boring and she'd rather talk about David Carradine on TV playing Kung Fu. Then she proceeded to do just that and nothing else. There were these rotten ex pat limey hippies that adored her for this and were most enthused.


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7c2b8d  No.141690

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, 25e96fb770a6e5e19b0469a351….gif)


You lying kike piece of shit.

When I went there was no class called "gender studies," but sociology, which was mandatory, was nothing but marxist bullshit about how there are 100 genders and white people are racist. So fuck off with our pilpul. That trash is mandatory and infecting everything. They just call it something else when they force it on you.

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7acf0e  No.141692


i had the same type of instructors back in 1997 anon. One time we sat in the back and counted (in one lecture) how many times she said the word 'dildo'. One tick mark for every mention; 57 times later…in a one hour class…and this was not the first time she lapsed into dildo mania. But now it is much much worse. You can be thrown out of the entire institution for something as simple as saying 'pew, pew'. I had one prof who tried everything even uniting the entire class against me repeatedly to make me bend to leftism.

I would not.

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7acf0e  No.141694


Also. She was a lesbian. From Sweden. If that gives all of you any perspective on the horror.

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ea49a5  No.141708

The best though is going to a class you worked hard to pay for and it's a subject you're really enthused about and you want to talk about in in the discussion sessions. Then you find that your enthusiasm is at best a faux pas on the order of publicly cutting a really stinking fart and at worst makes you the object of obvious contempt and ironic derision, even by the prof.


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8b1873  No.141740


I must have been lucky, I went to university around 2005 and didn't encounter any of the poz. I did double major in computer science and mathematics which helped fill up my schedule. I did have to take some humanities courses, but I just took a Latin course, and managed to convince the department to let me take "History of Mathematics" instead of something from the humanities/history department.

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8b1873  No.141742


It's an inferiority complex exhibited by the professor. Many of those people have extremely fragile egos and they do not like to consider that a student may exhibit a natural aptitude for the subject without the professor as gatekeeper. As in: I'm the authority on this subject, you can't be enthusiastic yet because you have not learned it from me! One day, you'll see the world like I do, because I have taught you."

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a7fa8e  No.141833


>muh education

Jewish buzzword.

People need to learn to build and use guns to kill jews and leftards. Not useless marxist indoctrination from (((academia))).

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d6febb  No.141847


>I’m paid to post here

K, leave. No one supports your spam.

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7acf0e  No.141861

File: 5e031de2733cdf3⋯.jpg (63.7 KB, 640x775, 128:155, handgun.jpg)


I have been dreaming of a new gun style lately. I want something (a bullet) that actually detonates on target (so basically a very small missile) that fires out of a regular 9mm hand gun. I don't think the mechanics and chemistry will be too difficult to work out. It should be very sexy looking as well. It is probably more bullet design than handgun design but since it is going to be firing tiny missiles I may have to beef it up for security purposes.

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02c8ab  No.141862


that exists, and no reason it can't be downsized to 9mm, just everyone kind of agreed that's inhuman, irl gibbing's kind of fucked up.


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7acf0e  No.141863

I am thinking of something that will use maybe a zinc/yellow mercury injection with a phosphorus outer shell or something of that nature (IHNI). I need to take another chem class. Basically a mini nuke that I can fire out of a pistol. It would be nice if I could get a plasma discharge at the point of penetration as well.

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7acf0e  No.141864


hmmmm delicious anon. Yes, something along those lines but BETTER!

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7acf0e  No.141867

File: 98fffe1471bd079⋯.jpg (75.18 KB, 522x670, 261:335, nuke_section.jpg)

File: cfbba3d7c21a91e⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 603x357, 201:119, wsarhead_minus_details.jpg)

Of course these are missing the details and the geometry of the incendiary could be arranged to deliver more payload in a tiny package. But you know something like this on a micro scale.

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5f7c94  No.141873


Fed posters are getting dumber, diversity hires?

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7acf0e  No.141874

File: 0c7183353c6e67b⋯.jpg (89.95 KB, 700x295, 140:59, 3hydrogenbombsequence.jpg)

polystyrene makes a plasma? IDK

Seems plausible but it should have some sort of accelerant in it and the shape should be configures to get maximum velocity from the initial explosion…the shape of the nuclear bomb is STUPID that is never going to cause the right velocity to inflict maximum damage. I would want something that would not 'echo' the initial detonation but rather compound it.

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7acf0e  No.141879

File: 17008af370f2194⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 654x611, 654:611, metamaterial_for_refractio….jpg)

File: 43c97e5d5114dda⋯.jpg (19.52 KB, 236x236, 1:1, chaladni_sound_waves_glitc….jpg)

Of course we would have to customize the geometry based on the wavelength of the compound but ideally we want maximum complexity at just the right stress points during the explosion to inflict maximum damage and aid the fission of the materials at the correct moment.

Rather than wave damping, we want acceleration and refraction…hmmm…I know I am talking to myself but this would be a fun engineering project.

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7acf0e  No.141882

File: fb2198b27ed5746⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 397x500, 397:500, fat_silver_spiderman.jpg)


That is where you are wrong anon. We are going to engineer tiny robots to ride the insects and herd them in the direction we want. kek

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8aed38  No.141912


>Implying that it wasn't an assassination.

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5c05a2  No.142027


I love it, so what else are you gonna need?

Well we've got the fissible materials, the shields, deuterium and tritium, high explosives, the neutron beam generator, ah yes, polystyrene and cardboard! that's what we need!

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ccd193  No.142034

File: e9a9f952f4d5b11⋯.jpeg (161.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, assemble_robot.jpeg)


Wasn't there some kind of early 2000's movie about tiny cyborg dragonfly?

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77f653  No.142051


Don't forget the duct-tape!

>When leftists try to larp as feds but suggest anons to produce mini-nukes and plasma weapons instead of makeshift gunpowder rifles and pressure cooker explosives

You enthusiasm is … appreciated.

A good way to deal with this, as well as other similar technologies, would be to make some kind of household electronic warfare unit. Or something that emits enough power to fry these even if they are autonomous (I believe the greatest challenge was how to make batteries which would last enough and an "AI" which could function without external commands), but that would fry many other things around so it'd be a sort of engineering challenge.

Speaking of which, (((5G))) could actually power artificial insects if they are small enough.

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7acf0e  No.142069



I don't know about the cardboard.

You assume I am a leftist…but if I was, they would win and you would be dead, rightfully, because you don't have the imagination to dream things that matter. Everything that is new seems absurd to those who have never see it.

You are both very pedestrian.

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59ae60  No.142202


>That shit was already mandatory when I went to college… in the 80s.

Ho Lii Fhuk

In what state was that?

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c2d93f  No.142204


The state doesn't matter. It's up to the college. Find out what college they claim to have gone to and you can look up not only the historical curriculum, but the teachers for each class going back decades. Expose the fucking lies.

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55d1c5  No.142253


Thats a legit college load. I've never been much of a math guy. I never legitimately passed Algebra in HS. It clicked in JC and I got a B+ after like 5 tries. I did trig and calc-1 but calc was a major problem for me. I understood it and could literally guess almost exactly the answer but I couldn't remember all the steps to get there. I think that was vaccinated out of me ha ha. Calc was cool shit though.

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55d1c5  No.142255

File: bb3d17425c86a6d⋯.png (362.1 KB, 617x418, 617:418, Screenshot_from_2020_07_19….png)

… is there some way I can use this tech to kill gophers. I'm not fucking kidding. HOW DO I USE THIS TO KILL GOPHERS?????

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