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File: fcc9aea6e287aca⋯.jpeg (35.7 KB, 604x385, 604:385, AdobeStock_308320434_Edit….jpeg)

75ffb8  No.141493

>ARNHEM, Netherlands — Can a fantasy really affect how people deal with reality? When it comes to pornography, a new study says yes and the news isn’t good for men. Researchers say watching porn is leading to worse cases of erectile dysfunction and greater sexual dissatisfaction when it comes to the real thing.

>The survey by the European Association of Urology finds only 65 percent of men say sex with a partner is more stimulating than viewing it on a screen. The group adds 23 percent of men under 35 report having some level of erectile dysfunction.

>“This figure was higher than we expected,” Professor Gunter de Win says in a media release. “We found that there was a highly significant relationship between time spent watching porn and increasing difficulty with erectile function with a partner… People who watch more porn also scored high on porn addiction scales.”

>Researchers in Belgium, Denmark, and the United Kingdom questioned over 3,200 men after advertising the survey using social media and flyers. The study focuses on men who had sex within the last four weeks. Participants answered 118 questions typically found on standard erectile function and sexual health surveys.



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5cc471  No.141502

Cool it with the anti-semitism bro, anti-porn is a code word for anti-jew.

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502fac  No.141559

This doesn't deserve its own thread if I'm being honest. Porn being bad for relationships and real sex has been known for years.

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072964  No.141574


"Doctor, it hurts when I do this…"

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befed7  No.141606

File: d402b8d8d4f44dc⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 600x612, 50:51, Its_afraid.jpg)


It does deserve a thread. The effects of drugs can and SHOULD always be studied. I was at a young age when i discovered the blight of pornography. Having been educated I wouldnt dove headfirst into this judeo-degenerate habit.

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052fd6  No.141613

Yea, most of us know porn is poison. Why do you think halfchan is filled with it? It's used as a weapon of psycological warfare against young men and lead to most of our generation of men becoming soibois and sexual degenerates.

It causes both mental and physical problems. The jew deployed it on the world because they fear what men can do when they have free time and a working mind. Hell, monkeys get more shit done than coomers do. No fap isn't just a meme, why do you think the /sig/ and no fap threads on cuckchan always either get slid or moved to /bant/?

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95e324  No.141615

File: c0302d3754b08c5⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 452x300, 113:75, CjP_wkRWgAATUks.jpg)


It's degenerate, but the dangers are overblown. I've been fapping 3x a day for over 40 years. No problem getting it up or fucking.

When combined with other degenerate behaviors is when you run into problems. Poor diet, no exercise, drugs, no real relationships, etc.

Thinking nofap will turn you into an übermensch is Q tier counter productive magical thinking.

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e9d83e  No.141621


>I've been fapping 3x a day for over 40 years. No problem getting it up or fucking.

It's not about wanking off, it's about using and absorbing pornography. When exposed to it, the mind undergoes desensitization - progressive loss of stimulus pushing the brain to seek more and more extreme material over time.


(try searching archive.is for the whole paper and ctrl+f "desensitization")

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e9d83e  No.141622


>I've been fapping 3x a day for over 40 years. No problem getting it up or fucking.

It's not about wanking off, it's about using and absorbing pornography. When exposed to it, the mind undergoes desensitization - progressive loss of stimulus pushing the brain to seek more and more extreme material over time.


>This attentional bias to sexual cues is predominant in early hypersexual individuals [110], but a repeated exposure to them shows in turn desensitization [111,112]. This means a downregulation of reward systems, possibly mediated by the greater dorsal cingulate [107,113,114]. Since the dorsal cingulate is involved in anticipating rewards and responding to new events, a decrease in its activity after repeated exposure points us to the development of habituation to previous stimuli. This results in a dysfunctional enhanced preference for sexual novelty [115], which may manifest as attempts to overcome said habituation and desensitization through the search for more (new) pornography as a means of sexual satisfaction, choosing this behavior instead of actual sex [20].

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fa8393  No.141780


You're a fucking liar, or a shill. Nobody who faps three times a day is healthy. And now some younger white kid might read this and think "well anon says he faps three times a day and he's over 40 and he still gets laid, i'll be fine". Maybe if I were a teenager, I'd be influenced by your kike post, but not anymore.

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f539c7  No.141791





Death penalty for porn production, human trafficking.

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d16e61  No.141850


Leave this board. Porn is detrimental to the dopamine receptors. Yeah, you can fap 3x a day for 40 years. You're probably a complete fucking loser though.




Also this. South Korea has pornography banned for good reasons.

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0a0969  No.141868


Has much has porn is a kike retarded hobby, I do have to admit if someone can't get it up after finishing only three times then they're pretty fucking weak. But yeah, to any young guys browsing this chan - know that porn is a time sink (and you'll start to get into some weird shit after awhile if you use porn during the deed), and you will perform worse than if you abstain or at least don't go nuts with beating the meat. If any worries about premature ejaculation happens then rub one or two out before sex so it can last longer.

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a13063  No.141871


The problem isn't the porn itself, it's the quality, and the faggots pushing low-quality trash.

Protip, fap to something that makes you warm and fuzzy inside, Patrician-tier fetishes include:





Pornhub and it's ilk are trash peddlers. Stick to stuff done by either real couples, written porn by anons, or artists.

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2d7050  No.141876


> Porn being bad for relationships and real sex has been known for years.

It's really guess work. Not many studies are done into it. And whenever one gets done, like the one in OP, you can always wonder how honest the people are on the questions. Typically the more private something is that is being questioned the more mixed results you get.

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10a2b5  No.146541


Just want to recommend pmohackbook.org for anybody still falling for porn. It also works for educating you about addiction in general so you can use it to break free from other addictions as well

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95e324  No.146680

File: 0e04e9cbbdf58c9⋯.gif (974.78 KB, 255x182, 255:182, impressive.gif)


Alcohol kills brain cells. It's empty calories, it's bad for you. Many people become addicted to it. Others are incapable of making moves on women unless drunk. Yes alcohol is dangerous. Is someone who drinks 3 beers a day capable of living a normal live? Of course they are.

Fapping is the same way. You have retards like this anon >>141850 who are incapable of comprehending that it can be used correctly. Fapping differs from booze in that it's unavoidable. A healthy high T man is going to have a sex drive that requires regular release. Only a buzzfeed soyfag is going to be able to abstain for months at a time. Our bodies are simply not built to operate that way. You may not be able to maintain the levels I have due to your poor diet, lack of exercise or genetic reasons, but if you're at all normal and healthy you will have to regularly clear the pipes well into your golden years.

They key is to understand that flogging the dolphin is like eating at McDonalds. It's a stand in because you can't get real food. If once a month you just get a hankering for it that's fine. If you're stuck at the airport and it's the only thing open, chow down. The problem comes when you forget that it's supposed to be a stopgap and think if it as a legitimate replacement. If you're hitting up McDs for lunch every day then you have a problem.

Tormenting the tubesnake works the same way. Having trouble falling asleep? Sometimes it'll help. Is your wife out of town for a week. Drop your pants have have a party. Can't concentrate at work because your gf keeps sending titty pics? Go to the shitter and have some alone time. But don't ever think of it as a replacement for getting married and having children. Dont fall into the trap of consuming so much that you have to find an ever more degenerate fix. If you havn't had a girl in years, then you're probably doing it too much. If your hormone levels are all over the place you're probably not doing it enough.

This anon >>141622 is on the right track. Your porn should be pics of your wife. Not a midget getting fisted.

As with many things too little is as dangerous as too much.

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c14a68  No.146701


I jack it without porn. Is that better?

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bf07f6  No.146707


I exclusively jack off to IDF girls, am I doing it right?

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6ea737  No.146745


There's nothing wrong with looking at women online, but who the hell thinks watching on a computer is better than the real thing? Europe is more cucked than I thought; their women still don't have the obesity epidemic like the fat hogs in the USA, so there are no excuses.

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d16e61  No.147618


>who are incapable of comprehending that it can be used correctly

Nocturnal emissions are there to clear your pipes. Porn fries your brain, as does reddit, social media, and this mongolian basket weaving forum. Yes you can do those things in moderation. Homeboy said he faps 3x a day. His T is low as fuck and his brain is releasing an absurd amount of cortisol.

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bee987  No.147624

File: 93f8a17386a608d⋯.jpg (619.52 KB, 1063x1500, 1063:1500, senpais_seed.jpg)


I am astonished there's smart man amidst this board. But it isn't about fap, its about reading romantic novels/doujins to culminate that always fleeing feeling of love.

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