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File: 4d6c1dd25947cb8⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 700x699, 700:699, 723c6e2055ebd325b8da4c0e4e….jpg)

289ce2  No.141135

"Raised in a Modern Orthodox Jewish family,[10] Kushner graduated from the Frisch School, a Modern Orthodox yeshiva high school, in 1999. With help from his father, he enrolled at Harvard University in 1999. According to journalist Daniel Golden, Kushner's father made a donation of $2.5 million to the University in 1998, not long before Jared was admitted."

"In March 2020, an episode of Netflix's docuseries Dirty Money labeled Kushner a 'tier-one predator' in an episode titled "Slumlord Millionaire". One of the predatory strategies adopted by Kushner is referred to in the program as "construction harassment."[38] His rental companies initiated "unnecessary large-scale renovations intended to make life so miserable that tenants flee their homes, thus allowing rents to then be jacked up to unaffordable levels."[39][40] Another strategy involved pursuing tenants who had previously lived in one of his company's apartments claiming they had not paid rent since they left - in one particular case, up to three years earlier.[41] In 2019, Maryland Attorney General, Brian Frosh, filed a lawsuit accusing the Kushner company of failing to take action on apartments with rodent infestations and forcing tenants to pay illegitimate fees. Court records show properties owned by Kushner are continuing aggressive eviction practices and debt collection lawsuits against tenants who are waiting for government relief due to the COVID-19 crisis."

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897601  No.141144

Did you mean to reply to the virus thread?

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cde0c7  No.141154

File: f2d26b96f74fdfb⋯.pdf (1.83 MB, Vicky_Ward_Kushner_Inc_Gre….pdf)

File: 32cb249415987e8⋯.jpg (352.7 KB, 1435x2200, 287:440, 3b5ef60332c9df9316b89139cf….jpg)

It was really something when Kushner arranged an embargo against Qatar without checking with the Sec. of State to coerce them into investing in 666 5th Ave and they were amazed when Tillerson found out and told them that Qatar is a US ally that has the biggest AFB in the entire middle east. The US was laying siege to a country with their own AFB in it. That's how incompetent and stupid these two venal children are.

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cde0c7  No.141157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yes I know, Democracy Now, jew commies but nonetheless an excellent interview on an important book

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cde0c7  No.141159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker unloads hard on that venal shallow unintelligent jew rat Jared Kushner

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877d0f  No.141440


> One of the predatory strategies adopted by Kushner is referred to in the program as "construction harassment."[38] His rental companies initiated "unnecessary large-scale renovations intended to make life so miserable that tenants flee their homes

Kikes are using rapefugees and niggers for the same purpose now, if you complain you are da evil raycis. They flood the area with shitskins in order to get residents to sell their property much cheaper, then remove shitskins and do some renovations when they need to re-sell those properties for higher price.

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7a1543  No.141453

You folks know this already but might as well add to the pyre.


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cde0c7  No.141469

File: acfb42d202cef8a⋯.jpg (204.96 KB, 818x1474, 409:737, coulter_1.JPG)

File: 445a246eedf115f⋯.jpg (160.23 KB, 632x1245, 632:1245, coulter_2.JPG)

OP thanks for starting this thread; I've got so much hate on for this fucking vermin.


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cde0c7  No.141470

File: a1a9fd129b1c169⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 170728_gma_karl_16x9_992.jpg)

Brought to you by Jared and Ivanka…bwaahahahahah.

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cde0c7  No.141474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cde0c7  No.141475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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115247  No.141547


the jew's a psychopath

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cde0c7  No.141674


It's almost impossible to make me sympathize with a gob of sticky green snot like Reince Priebus but somehow, Scaramucci succeeds.

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965c5f  No.141678

This thread is like fondling a slime mold

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cde0c7  No.141711

File: 56e3761e641ad82⋯.jpg (164.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, C4pZ1d3WAAEHWfH.jpg)

File: 61163d1134c37c7⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 150818211835_ivanka_trump_….jpg)


>>fondling a slime mold

Yes it is…

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48733a  No.141727

File: eb15a27d95f2ad8⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Ivanka_Trump_plastic_surge….jpg)

File: 804186e29ae6236⋯.jpg (115.89 KB, 720x749, 720:749, ivanka_trump_plastic_surge….jpg)

File: b2088bc9aca7d92⋯.png (241.73 KB, 1261x725, 1261:725, trump_genealogy.png)

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cde0c7  No.141823

File: b601b4549ab9544⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, jared_kusnher_iraq_1491509….jpg)

Behold the mosiach appears!

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abfbde  No.141832

File: 3b200695243e017⋯.png (249.85 KB, 456x361, 24:19, creature.png)

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9e21b0  No.141852


behold, sinagogue of satan at its best

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965c5f  No.141856


Honestly I would take any of the men around then, no matter how flawed they might be, rather that PlushKush

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cde0c7  No.141893

File: 4de50e1a53c174d⋯.jpg (169.05 KB, 1079x1592, 1079:1592, kushner_11.jpg)

File: 82379d411cd2bda⋯.jpg (182.29 KB, 1079x1491, 1079:1491, kushner_22.jpg)

File: ded9dad0ec5031b⋯.jpg (234.42 KB, 1079x1751, 1079:1751, kushner_33.jpg)

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2b784a  No.141905


That Trump is ethnically Jewish makes a lot of sense. It connects a lot of dots and explains his behavior in regards to Jews, Israel, and his two-faced policies regarding America's future and White population.

Things are far worse than I had realized.

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965c5f  No.141906



Good lord anon…you must have quite the collection of that worms frolics.

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