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File: f80c5b8fda10ed6⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 552x384, 23:16, 1594959355254.jpg)

c1133e  No.141022[Last 50 Posts]

HAM radio can transmit data and images. Why can't we just build our own internet over HAM radio? Sure there are some bullshit laws around HAM, but if enough of us started using HAM radio then we could challenge those laws. Right to assemble and all. If something like this was up and running it would be very difficult to shut it all down.

>Required reading








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33d400  No.141024

You could, but we wouldn't have enough people with all the necessary equipment (can be a bit pricey), and packet radio is very slow. It'd be cool to see a text only 'chan' on HAM though, maybe it already exists.

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c1133e  No.141025


How pricey? I mean lots of anons can afford gaming rigs. Maybe if they put their money towards something like this instead we could have a chance.

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5f6855  No.141401

File: d35654af3165782⋯.jpg (118.44 KB, 1007x461, 1007:461, ic_73002.jpg)


Depends on what you get. I'd say getting a relatively modern SDR can run from $700-1200 for something decent. The problem right now is due to (((covid))) the swapmeets aren't meeting. Which is really the only way these boomers sell their crap. You can go on Ebay but it's hard to tell what works and shipping is expensive. Once you get the transciever you need a power supply $80-300. Then you need an antenna which can be $100-2000 depending on what you do. You can make your own antenna though. If you get a more modern software-defined radio, many of them have built in antenna tuners. But you may want to buy your own additional tuner. Also you'll need at least 70ft of good coax cable so that's about $100. Overall to get started it's maybe $1000-3000, so in short. The cost of a gaming rig. This is an outline for High-Frequency and not VHF/UHF. For our purposes we should be focused on HF radio. Additionally many HF rigs can be "unlocked" to include the 11m band which is CB radio. Great place to shitpost on the airwaves.


Of course you need a license. It's not a big deal, get a PO box to avoid linking your home address or use your business. The test is free or $15. I suggest paying $2-3 for a phone app to memorize the whole test bank. You can take all three exams for all three levels at the same time and get the highest tier of license in one afternoon. This isn't putting you on a government watch list. You are already on that list anyway for talking about this subject.

>You only need a license to transmit

Yes, but unless you transmit you'll never know how good you are at using radios. It is a skill and more importantly you won't know how well your equipment is actually working. As a bonus to the goals OP is listing. Ham radio is an almost exclusively white and high IQ activity. Lots of great discussion and fun available within the hobby.

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b6a6a4  No.141410


>This isn't putting you on a government watch list. You are already on that list anyway for talking about this subject.

I am already on the list for being here in the brenton shooting and shitposting on tor onion sites for wrongthink, too bad the darknet is slow content-wise. I wonder if HAM is better.

>Overall to get started it's maybe $1000-3000, so in short.

Can't I make a redneck HAM? I lost my ability to own my own finances even though I work part time,no way my parents would pay that. Sometimes I wish I was normal instead of shitposting on my Mongolian throat singing forum all day.

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ebaeab  No.141421


>Can't I make a redneck HAM?

Yes. In fact making you own radio is usually an essential part of the license. Also you will be traced and vanned abusing it. HAM radio is like volunteer military reserve.

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b6a6a4  No.141428

File: 80b9e47e991b63d⋯.jpg (122.05 KB, 538x750, 269:375, 80b9e47e991b63de4d7d04e70f….jpg)


>In fact making you own radio is usually an essential part of the license.

Nice, how do I get my licensee? How do I learn to make my own is there a community I could learn from?

>Also you will be traced and vanned abusing it

I don't want be to vanned or aubse anything, I just want to talk to relatable people, the longer I stay on the clearnet the more cucked and degenerate it becomes .

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68bd4d  No.141439


How long can you transmit for (assuming proper etiquette and compliance)? For instance if I wanted to do a 1-hour weekly show, would that be possible, or would it have to be done one sentence at a time. Speaking of that, are there any prominent white nationalists broadcasting? Also, are there restrictions against (((hate speech)))?

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8ff525  No.141444


I wonder what kind of equipment would you need for being able to achieve very long distance connections. My grandfather had some pretty decent stuff and he managed to talk with people from France and Germany for example (while being in South Europe). They had competitions where the further you find someone to talk with, and the longer you maintain legible communication, the more points you get.

I know getting inter-continental connections would be tricky due to earth's curvature, but there should be plenty of relays for that.


>I just want to talk to relatable people, the longer I stay on the clearnet the more cucked and degenerate it becomes.

High learning curve and IQ needed to set everything up would serve as a good filter, similar to the internet of old.

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246e9a  No.141446


> similar to the internet of old.

I don't even use HAM, but that should be kept a secret. We don't need a litany of jewish articles bemoaning the "unbearable whiteness of radio," and "meet the tech companies making it super easy for POCs to dive into HAM."

Don't allow this scenario to take place:

>Shiat mane, HAM always been a black invention numsayin, we just wont ever using it, and cuz they had the power we never gots to experience it. They hid it from us, they hid the knowledge. Now we talkin', and connecting to our melanin brothers and sisters anshiaat.


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b6a6a4  No.141460

File: 4e97cdad9bfc444⋯.png (8.16 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 961013a1f246c4a8abb4870943….png)

>>141444 (checked)

>High learning curve and IQ needed to set everything up would serve as a good filter, similar to the internet of old.


>Speaking of that, are there any prominent white nationalists broadcasting

Honestly at this point I am hoping if HAM is at least /pol/-lite similar to gamergate without all the e-celebs and faggotry. I feel like there is no where left to turn.

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5f6855  No.141465

File: d471b9d384dbcfc⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 3650x2738, 1825:1369, blended_riser_pic.jpg)


>In fact making you own radio is usually an essential part of the license

No it isn't. It's a multiple choice test with a publicly available test bank.

>Can't I make a redneck HAM?

You can. You can even go cheaper than that $1000 minimum that I had posted. Problem is that now you are getting into fixing things yourself. Making a good 80-10m HF radio at home isn't really possible.


>Nice, how do I get my licensee

http://www.arrl.org/licensing-education-training only applies to USA


>How long can you transmit for (assuming proper etiquette and compliance)? For instance if I wanted to do a 1-hour weekly show, would that be possible

You are not allowed to do any sort of broadcasting. So no /pol/ radio show. People do however have regular networks with net controllers. I'm really not sure how those work but they are scheduled and legal. Ham radio is more like a chatroom, not a broadcast service. You can post on a forum or somewhere and say "hey lets all meet at this frequency on 80m band and talk about X subject." That is fine.

>Speaking of that, are there any prominent white nationalists broadcasting?

Not really no. Like I said, it's basically a chat room. If you are on Ham radio 80m (meters) or 40m you hear some stuff occasionally when people shitpost late at night. A lot of that depends on where you are and what you can pick up. Pacific Northwest and just the northern midwest states have some characters. Los Angels and So-Cal desert too. The problem is that this type of speech isn't really allowed on Ham radio. The FCC however does a god awful job of policing the airwaves. You can however be easily doxxed. Your callsign links to an address that you can receive mail to as well as your name. Most people use a PO box for this reason. That being said, I've listened to 3-4 hour conversations at night where people are regularly talking with friends and not dropping callsigns. There are tricks to stay compliant too to protect yourself like transmit a quick recording of your callsign in very fast morse code or transmit on one frequency while listening on another. There are some SJW types in Ham radio… they post on reddit. They are all cuck lurkers and they will try to dox you but they lack competency. Most of them just get the cuck tech license and shove baofeng antennas up their ass.


>I wonder what kind of equipment would you need for being able to achieve very long distance connections

High Frequency is what you want. It's very simple to transmit with worldwide range. However, you run into problems with the solar cycle and some other factors. It's a bit complicated. You can literally get a HF backpack radio set up and transmit hundreds of miles in good conditions.

This is an approved video for our interests related to Ham radio. I've already linked it once but apparently no one watched it since I'm answering questions from the video.


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5f6855  No.141467


>Honestly at this point I am hoping if HAM is at least /pol/-lite similar to gamergate without all the e-celebs and faggotry. I feel like there is no where left to turn.

I'd say that most of the time Ham (never HAM) is similar to 1980s bar talk mixed with /x/. It's pretty based at times.





Also I forgot to mention but CB radio (Civilian Band) is on the 11m (meter) frequency. This does not require a license to transmit on and isn't really regulated. You don't need a callsign. However, you are legally limited to 5w of power. Most people ignore this law. 11m used to be a Ham frequency way back in the day. You can potentially get worldwide coverage with a CB radio. I do not however recommend buying a CB radio. I recommend buying a HF ham radio that covers 6m-160m ssb at least. You can "unlock" them to transmit and receive on frequencies outside of the "ham bands." very simply. Some old radios you don't even need to "modify." However, it is illegal to use more than 5 watts of power on CB and technically illegal to use a ham radio on CB but literally no one cares and everyone kinda does it.



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5f6855  No.141468

File: 294792c2dc35153⋯.png (155.32 KB, 630x555, 42:37, NigHam.png)


>We don't need a litany of jewish articles bemoaning the "unbearable whiteness of radio,"

Already happening. Go to the amateur radio reddit page and you'll see tranny freaks complaining about boomer q tards.

>"meet the tech companies making it super easy for POCs to dive into HAM."

That will never happen. It's easier now than ever to get into Ham radio. The niggers are just simply unable to understand the licensing process to even get started. Second, you can cram as much poz into a radio as you want. It doesn't change the laws of physics. You don't just turn these things on like walkie-talkies and go to town. Modern radios are basically computers and they still require a ton of work to figure out how your antenna is working, how to pull a frequency out of the static noise, interference in the house, etc. This is why Ham will always be a pretty much White hobby with asians and poos lingering about.

Even the cheap little baofeng walkie-talkie looking Ham radios you see are beyond their comprehension. To actually use them properly takes work. Otherwise they literally are just walkie-talkies. Aside from that, we here aren't concerned with VHF/UHF since VHF/UHF requires infrastructure in the form of repeaters to get significant distance. HF is where it is at since it's all up to your equipment and your skill.

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0664fb  No.141497

You literally have to dox yourself every ten minutes.

Literally literally.

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d222bf  No.141503


>The niggers are just simply unable to understand the licensing process to even get started.

Everything else you said makes sense, but I don't think abiding by the law is going to be a problem for a nigger. You might as well just assume that they won't bother getting any sort of license. Is the FCC really going to search the ghettos for an errant nigger with a transmitter?

Actually serious question, how do you stop an organized group just jamming everything and acting like well, niggers?

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5068d4  No.141515


>Actually serious question, how do you stop an organized group just jamming everything and acting like well, niggers?

It is easy to see where the jamming is coming from and jamming is a felony. If antifa pulls that shit then we can just fox hunt them and call the cops. Boom felony charges.

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5f6855  No.141524

File: 31547a2eea195a5⋯.jpg (309.95 KB, 828x821, 828:821, 265547.jpg)

File: 596af482eb0d9cb⋯.jpg (217.48 KB, 828x828, 1:1, 12426.jpg)


> I don't think abiding by the law is going to be a problem for a nigger

No. It really doesn't stop anyone from transmitting without a license. However, even if you do just straight rote memorization for the test (technician, general, and extra) like I did. You will still learn some basics. The tests are there partly for gatekeeping but also partly because you don't just flip a switch and go. Someone said it's like the old internet which is true.

>Actually serious question, how do you stop an organized group just jamming everything and acting like well, niggers?

There are some pretty notorious jammers out there that have been wrecking havoc on the airwaves for decades with basically no FCC enforcement on them. How do you Jam? Well these people just get on a frequency and use a fuck ton of power. Only one person can talk at a time but if two try, the person with more power will break through. The minimum fine for jamming I think is like $20,000. Ham radio operators try to police the airwaves themselves and do know how to track people. The problem is most of these people use mobile units so it's hard to get a fix on them. If you get interested in the hobby. I recommend joining boomers on a fox hunt. I don't think I need to explain why knowing how to triangulating and track a station is good experience to have.

Here is something fun. Radio /b/ on the renegade repeater in Los Angeles. Unfortunately you really need to be in LA to listen to this thing via radio (internet streams work). None of these people are using FCC callsigns


CB radio is a bit more like this, and again. I suggest getting a Ham rig and modifying it for 11m/CB radio.


>You literally have to dox yourself every ten minutes

Yes and no. Per the FCC rules you do have to transmit your callsign every 10 minutes. Which is fine for 90% of the conversations you'll be having on ham radio. They are the equivalent to the conversations you'd have on the street if you aren't autistic. If you are conversing about the type of stuff we do. Which people do on 80m at night, then almost no one follows this rule. Maybe for initial contact if you don't already know the person or you are calling CQ but that is it. Even then, if you really want to transmit it ever 10 minutes, you can run a recording in really really fast morse code which no SJW tranny is going to be able to decode. That's perfectly legal too. I would advise linking the callsign to a PO box or just any address where you can reliably get mail. Not like the FCC will be sending you mail anyway. You do not have to use a callsign on 11m (Civilian Band CB radio). Like I pointed out previously you can use a Ham radio set up or get an amplifier for a CB radio. CB radio are limited to 5watt of power but 99.99% of people ignore this rule. So with a Ham set up you can get 5-150watt power easily and with good solar conditions, make it across the world. There are ways to protect yourself on Ham radio. You can even just ignore the callsign thing and do a prearranged meeting with people. There are ways to make the voice more private such as transmit on one frequency, receive on another. Keep yourself in the "extra" portion of the bands. If you are worried about the FCC… the FCC does a god awful job of policing the airways. The biggest threat to you is some boomer who gets off to tracking people. Which I admit is fun and a good skill to know.

All of the digital stuff OP talked about… you can't really get doxed through that. Why? Because literally the only people who will know is you and whoever is on the other end. There are ways I'm sure people can "spy" on you but that is very very unlikely. Not even the government would bother.

Additionally, I think many people are trying to move the FCC to allowing people to hide their address from the database.

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535eba  No.141590

Blackpilled made a useful introductory video for HAM radio a while ago. Recommended as a very basic starting point for newfags.


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33d400  No.141752


>which no SJW tranny is going to be able to decode

I don't like it anymore than you do, but some of these mentally ill trannies are high IQ, especially those that attach themselves to tech circles. After all, they were genetically intended to be white men.


>Making a good 80-10m HF radio at home isn't really possible.

What are the limiting factors? Assuming that most anons here are MIT engineering undergrads, with a masters from Princeton, a doctorate at Cambridge and post-doc studies at ETH Zurich. All spanning mathematics, electrical engineering, physics, and computer science.

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5f6855  No.141797


>I don't like it anymore than you do, but some of these mentally ill trannies are high IQ,

I'm aware. I've worked with SJW trannys that are quite competent aside from their mental illness. From browsing the amateur radio reddit (I know). Most of them don't really venture to where we would be. Even then most Ham radio operators in general don't know morse code. I really don't know how to explain it other than they hang around the meme subjects of Ham radio like Ft-8 or VHF/UHF. They are more inclined to stay in a safe space or leave the hobby entirely.

>Making a good 80-10m HF radio at home isn't really possible.

>What are the limiting factors?

Nothing really. I should have reworded that. It's entirely possible to make one at home. It's just not very practical. If you open up a any HF radio you'll see what I mean. There is a certain level of manufacturing that you just can't mimic in a garage or kitchen (practically). You are better off just buying a transceiver and power supply. You can totally make an antenna though and some antennas you can buy are just professionally manufactured versions of popular homemade antennas.

That being said there are kits and you can follow these to make all band HF radios. But they are really more computer than radio. Which I guess is what really all modern radios are. I wouldn't say that is a bad thing at all.


This is a popular kit. But if you are serious about getting out on the airwaves, it's kind of a toy. It will work but at 10w it's a bit limited. Don't take my word on any of this though. I'm not the best at ham radio DIY stuff. DIY is a HUGE portion of the hobby and you can probably find much better resources than me on a full DIY build.


This video is actually what got me into Ham radio. His advice is solid which is why I've linked it a few times here. If anything, it's a rewarding hobby and I suggest everyone to try it.

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ea10c2  No.141799

Just a heads up; you can now get your license online. Hamstudy.org lets you schedule a test and has plenty of study materials.

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5f6855  No.141806


You can do the exam online but it is usually done through (((zoom))) with three people watching you. They make you scan whatever room you are in. I took my exam in a parking lot due to (((social distancing))). I think in person is better if it's an option.

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c90f7a  No.141826


>I really don't know how to explain it other than they hang around the meme subjects of Ham radio like Ft-8 or VHF/UHF.

Ahh, I know exactly what you mean. In electronics, these same types gravitate to Arduino and Raspberry Pi "maker" projects, but will seldom touch an FPGA, lesser known micro-controllers, or have anything to do with analog. They are "makers" to the extent Python routines allow them to be.

I'll definitely look into the DIY stuff (at some point). Also my interpretation of "at home" wasn't limited to just scrap parts I could salvage, but ordering components from digikey/mouser etc, just using my own designs or the DIY plans as you mentioned. Of course it's going to be difficult to achieve the same level of quality that a professional team has invested hours of man hours into, like all things really and even when you know what you're doing.

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5f6855  No.141848


>Arduino and Raspberry Pi "maker" projects

Ya pretty much. Here is the mode ft8 that I was talking about.


You basically send your callsign to someone and they send back there callsign. No real exchange of information but you can log a "contact" for a logbook and jerk off to it. The soycucks like this. The stuff OP listed is also digital but I don't hear much about it nor am I familiar with it. I just do voice (or phone). I also wanted to clarify that VHF/UHF is not a "meme" side of Ham radio but because of the physics involved in VHF/UHF it is not long range and generally requires infrastructure outside of your direct control. That's why all the preppers who buy cheap baofengs that think they have a Ham radio are stupid. If the power goes out, those repeaters aren't going to be working for long.


>Of course it's going to be difficult to achieve the same level of quality that a professional team has invested hours of man hours into

If your goal is to DIY I'd suggest buying something older and fixing it up. The reason people pay so much money to get expensive equipment is because in the end that little bit of quality makes a big difference. That being said, if you were you break a Ham radio station down into four components: Transceiver, Power Supply, Antenna, and Antenna Tuner (somewhat optional with SDR radios). Then the most important part to invest in is the antenna. Without a good antenna set up, you aren't reaching anyone. So if you want to focus on DIY and do a really good job. Then focus the time and money on the antenna. There are plenty of free resources to help you with this. I know people here are kind of anti-social but I strongly suggest joining a local club. You'll find you need things like a SWR meter or other testing equipment. These things can be pricey. But if you are in a club, someone will certainly let you borrow it. If you want they'll even come to your station and help you set everything up. Or even better, they'll give you a set up.

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12bf87  No.141894


probably once was and all easy for an amateur to implement setups are, but wifi and your phones internet are basically radio, I mean they can figure out how to do it decently fast in those bands I bet you can do it in the ham ones.

Other problem is of course though, you need a ham license to transmit or the fcc sends goons. and that's a high barrier.

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d9ef01  No.141899


>High learning curve and IQ needed to set everything up would serve as a good filter, similar to the internet of old.


>Ham radio is an almost exclusively white and high IQ activity

That's shameless over idealisation. white? maybe but the high IQ based aryan ham operator meme should die. The hobby is 90% white boomers of which a high portion are some pseudo preppers. This is literally a Qboomer demographic that belives in "The plan". It's for sure a better hobby than eating kfc but some background in electronics and reading a book about EM is all you need. And money, the more the better.


>HAM radio can transmit data and images.

>Why can't we just build our own internet over HAM radio?

I feel like this thread got derailed from the original direction imposed by OP. I'm sure Ham radio is fun but it's nothing but a hobby for larpers, it doesn't solve any problems. As mentioned before you literally have to ask the jew for permission and systematically dox yourself on every occasion. It wouldn't be so bad if there was no better alternative but almost everything is better than (((licensed))) Ham.

I like OPs idea more and I've been trying to prepare infrastructure for such an endeavor for some time. As for carrier frequency you can pick anything from the ISM bands, for example the previously mentioned CB radio could be a good contender for a long range link but 443Mhz and (8/9)00Mhz are also fine if the distance isn't too great and you can achieve a higher throughput.

With this you would ideally want to run a proprietary digital protocol, at this point no one can intercept it but for extra paranoia you could add encryption. The speed would probably be that of an old dial-up modem but that's entirely sufficient for communication and shitposting purposes, you aren't supposed to pull (((4k 120fps BBC pron))) or (((netflix))) on that.

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534ffe  No.141913

/pol/ global satellite network when?

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88045b  No.141929

File: e03e5b8c19cc992⋯.jpg (1013.38 KB, 2327x2980, 2327:2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_Wan….jpg)


It couldn't come soon enough. If I have to go off planet to have a fucking convo I am happy to do so.

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fb11f6  No.141942


It would be more practical to use balloons.

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3b67e1  No.141962

Bandwidth is the biggest reason. Think of 1400 baud modems and then understand that I dont think it can go that fast. Think an internet that is nothing but text messages.

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c558fd  No.141970


Text and low res images. You can also send video over some bands, but it isn't very high quality.

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bed7d4  No.142007

You Ham guys should just broadcast "Jews rape kids" repeatedly, over the commonly used frequencies. Imagine if we could make these things inexpensively and just plug them into random outlets.

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10a6f1  No.142038

Don't expect a reply but I'm assuming most anons in here are from the US. What is the official registry for Europeans to acquire a HAM license? Also is the process anymore complicated or is it the same relatively around the world?

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3043b1  No.142044


>I'm assuming most anons in here are from the US

Based on what?

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5f6855  No.142046


>"Jews rape kids" repeatedly, over the commonly used frequencies. Imagine if we could make these things inexpensively and just plug them into random outlets.

You could make or buy a cheap FM transmitter and do this. To avoid tracking you will need to be mobile. However, you will never break through commercial airwaves to many people because the common FM and AM frequencies (which is much further range) use massive amounts of power. The problems are even worse with AM which is not great for being as mobile. Some "militia" group recently got a bunch of FM transmitter seized after they shot some spic rioter pulling down a statue. I think it was the group in New Mexico.


>That's shameless over idealisation. white? maybe but the high IQ based aryan ham operator meme should die

I never said they were "based aryan" ham operators. I said they were high IQ. I don't know where you are from, but even preppers and qboomers can be refreshing to talk to when everyone around you is literally a sub 90 iq goblin. The preppers generally follow what we believe and what is wrong with prepping? Current events have proven that it's necessary. The other Qboomer tier people are just misguided and generally come around to our type of discussion. The point anyway is to move discussions off air to in person if you trust the people. If we gain any strength, it's through trusted community. Not at a distance. Aside from that, there are based operators out there. Usually you only talk to them because you already know them through other means. All my friends live within 50-70 miles out here and this is how we communicate aside from normal means. We don't use callsigns and keep ourselves in lesser used band portions.

>I feel like this thread got derailed from the original direction imposed by OP. I'm sure Ham radio is fun but it's nothing but a hobby for larpers

It's not for larping. Everything OP listed falls under Ham radio. You'll never know how to do what OP wants to do without understanding things like how to set up a station. Which is something you really only get good at by doing. You can read, but reading isn't going to put an antenna up or run coax to a tuner. I'm just starting in Ham and didn't realize for someone with only automotive electrical experience (normal non-EE person) just how much there is to do. It's a steep learning curve.

>As mentioned before you literally have to ask the jew for permission and systematically dox yourself on every occasion

This is a regulation that is routinely broken. I've literally listened to over an hour of conversation tonight between three people and I don't know any of their callsigns. You use callsigns when you are trying to make contacts in the sense of a public street conversation or formally partaking in the hobby. When you are communicating with people you know. No one bothers. The FCC does not police the airwaves or if they do. They do a god awful job of it. There are people who have had licenses revoked still transmitting after decades that the FCC knows about and they do nothing. You will want a callsign simply to do G-rated Ham conversations to see how your equipment is doing. The contact I had over 1,000 miles away wouldn't have responded to me if I didn't have a callsign. I wouldn't have known my ghetto antenna reaches that far without a callsign.

>I like OPs idea more

Looking back I apologize. I have derailed the thread from OPs intent which is clearly not phone or cw. But my intention is that people learn all aspects of ham. Modern SDR radios are entirely capable out of the box or modification to literally do everything. Which includes everything digital that you want. Cheaper alternatives can be made as a homebrew kit. The reason why knowing what I am describing is important is to get any sort of reliability you'll need to buy or build the stuff ham radio operators use. You'll be using essentially the same antenna set ups. I admit though that my knowledge on digital is poor but I know that the bands you use for phone are the same bands you use for digital so you'll need relatively the same equipment unless you want to go through the internet which defeats the purpose I think. I hope this makes sense. I'm also just very excited people are talking about Ham as it is a bit of a dying hobby due to white boomers dying. Which is a concern because as less people use these bands. The more the FCC will sell off to (((corporations))) who literally do not use them. California tried killing off repeaters for Ham radio because that's how badly (((they))) don't want people to communicate outside of cellphones and internet.

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5f6855  No.142048

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246e3b  No.142050


>I don't know where you are from, but even preppers and qboomers can be refreshing to talk to when everyone around you is literally a sub 90 iq goblin

They might be refreshing to talk to but that's not the point of this thread. It seems like most ham operators just want to larp on their gubbermint approved frequencies. I don't have anything against that but don't pretend it's anything but a leisure activity.

>The preppers generally follow what we believe and what is wrong with prepping?

Never said prepping is "wrong", it's just that most of these preppers are Qboomers and schizos.

>It's not for larping. Everything OP listed falls under Ham radio.

Not really my point. OP outlined a very specific purpose of utilizing amateur radio which I agree with and have been pursuing myself but most replies seem to focus on muh Ham radio as in gubbermint regulated larp for Qboomers and schizos on 80m/40m,

>automotive electrical experience

I assume you worked mostly with digital systems with microcontrollers and digital data buses like CAN which has very little do to with analogue electronics

>I have derailed the thread from OPs intent which is clearly not phone or cw

At least you understand what I'm getting at

>You'll be using essentially the same antenna set ups

Not really antennas for long wave radio differ substantially from short wave ex. 27Mhz, 433Mhz and up

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9a35b4  No.142057

8chan used to have /ham/ , can we reinstate that board on 8kun and continue? I'd like to work on some of these projects myself.

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5f6855  No.142058


> I don't have anything against that but don't pretend it's anything but a leisure activity

Mostly it is yes. But my point in getting the callsign and using those gubbmint frequencies is you do need to practice. It's like trying to be a race car driver but you never learned to drive a car normally and have no way of driving to the track. It's also basically free to get a license so I see no reason not to get one. Use a PO box for the address.

>I assume you worked mostly with digital systems with microcontrollers and digital data buses like CAN which has very little do to with analogue electronics

My point is that I'm just a regular guy. I'm not an electrical engineer nor a computer scientist. I know my way around a soldering iron and multimeter.

>Not really antennas for long wave radio differ substantially from short wave ex. 27Mhz, 433Mhz and up

Of course. But digital modes and packet radio can be used on HF which I think is more important as it avoids being tied to infrastructure. But if you are trying to keep your range within a city, it's less than ideal. Anons should learn how to set up their own repeaters.

>OP outlined a very specific purpose of utilizing amateur radio which I agree with and have been pursuing myself but most replies seem to focus on muh Ham radio as in gubbermint regulated larp for Qboomers and schizos on 80m/40m

Would you mind sharing what you have been doing or good projects to start with?

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867d84  No.142085


>It's also basically free to get a license so I see no reason not to get one. Use a PO box for the address.

I'm not a burger so doesn't apply

>Of course. But digital modes and packet radio can be used on HF which I think is more important as it avoids being tied to infrastructure. But if you are trying to keep your range within a city, it's less than ideal. Anons should learn how to set up their own repeaters.

How exactly are you tied to infrastructure? You can still achieve a relatively good range with them. You seem to think that anything that isn't capable of cross ocean transmission is somehow dependant on infrastructure.

>Would you mind sharing what you have been doing or good projects to start with?

Right now I'm trying to design low cost high power transceivers for the aforementioned frequencies (27MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz).

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080502  No.143261

File: 8024a7b2c47a7b2⋯.pdf (4.65 MB, USMC_Field_Antenna_Hand_Bo….pdf)

File: f57553d369ffd48⋯.pdf (1.61 MB, Strelok_ham_radio.pdf)

File: 10517d9d8932e87⋯.pdf (3.72 MB, Pirate_Radio_Teflon.pdf)

Bumping, because this thread appears to have been slid over the past few days. Someone seems to be afraid of anons managing effective organisation, perhaps due to the following:

Hopefully this doesn't redirect the thread too much, but it seems OP is onto something by incorporating radio into alternative communication setups. By way of example, consider how antifa were caught in the recent riots using SDR dongles in conjunction with pre-paid / burner smartphones as a means of establishing short range encrypted radio traffic.

https://www. americanpartisan.org/2020/06/from-a-reader-a-look-at-antifas-field-organization/

Here is a description of how these setups might work, along with links for related software / hardware:

https://www. americanpartisan.org/2020/06/delta-seven-sends-sdr-phone-commo-in-the-current-color-revolution/

I know OP has grander visions of establishing worldwide HF comms, and that this only focuses on short range UHF/VHF solutions. However, these setups could easily access local repeaters to extend encrypted radio comms between local groups of anons. It may also help to overcome the potential self-doxing issue. All an anon needs is a phone / tablet, an SDR dongle, and a home made arial, for a fraction of the cost of a full HAM setup. Whilst transmissions could perhaps eventually be located by your government regulator, such a rig is far easier to hide, dispose of in a hurry, and is also highly portable.

I'm extremely new to HAM, so if there are any oldfags out there that can shred this idea and critique it, go ahead. The reason I'm posting is that we need to start using the enemy's techniques against them. The truth may be on our side, but this counts for little until we can effectively manifest it in the world.

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abe26a  No.143416

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535eba  No.143596

Bumping for great interest.

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5da9b3  No.144114

File: c8b7494d0c43583⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Triple checked for quality digits!

If you want range, just apply the power! The signal will circle the entire earth, bouncing off of the underside of the ionosphere.

Imagine the range if you had a broadcast already recorded, and you got your HAM radio on a drone and flew it up to a decent altitude then broadcast the message! You can just hang the antenna below the drone!

Also, very hard to locate, trace and eliminate!

Similarly, an endless-loop message in a compact radar-absorbent package suspended from an inexpensive, helium-filled weather baloon with solar panels could just fly over the Earth like the angel in the book of Revelation, and broadcast a good message for all to tune into!

With low or no radar signature, and an unpredictable and random transmission schedule the idiots at NASA would have a heck of a time assembling a team of black crack female feminist mathematicians in time to track it down!

Black and white pic is Lester Sumrall, famous missionary who cast out some of the deadliest devils from people. Not your average cherry-popping pastor of the local American Fat Buffet church.

his HAM radio station, I think it may have been 1MW, could bounce a broadcast around the entire globe.

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5da9b3  No.144117


Get books. Read them. Older libraries are GREAT for this sort of thing. Get the physical book, take photos of the pages, and put it back. Untraceable.

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5da9b3  No.144121

Also, if you want to LISTEN on HAM radio, you don't need no stinking license.

Build your antenna into the structure of your house. No one has to see it. There are so many ways to do it.

If you want to do quick transmissions, you can fire it up, blast out your transmission, and shut down.

Don't get a license. That just makes you The Most Likely Suspect.

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d03d8d  No.144153


>If you want range, just apply the power

And get fucked by the FCC

>Also, very hard to locate, trace and eliminate!

Not at all, feds sit on all bands 24/7 with tens of thousands of receiving stations and every time your transmission reaches 3 or more you basically doxed yourself up to 1-5 meter accuracy.

>I think it may have been 1MW, could bounce a broadcast around the entire globe.

You don't have to use that kind of power to bounce the signal of the ionosphere, unless you want to get v& then go ahead


>If you want to do quick transmissions, you can fire it up, blast out your transmission, and shut down.

Peak brain damage

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dba053  No.144555

Are Baofeng radios legit?

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7cb888  No.144615


>Are Baofeng radios legit?

Depends on what you mean by this

>Are they cheap


>Do they work

For the most part, yes

>Are they legal

I'm not a burger so I don't know and for that matter I don't really care. There has been some back and forth regarding their legality but lots of people use it so they are probably FCC certified otherwise every calicuck radio operator would have gotten v&.

To be honest I wouldn't buy them myself but that's because I'm pretty sure they are of little use for digital systems.

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3ed400  No.144776

It's sad that this thread isn't getting the traction it deserves so I will effortbump.

I have been working on a simplified reference for what I think is a reasonable approach of establishing a reasonably specd communication network.

As of now I'm somewhat convinced the 27MHz/11m band (commonly called CB, right under 10m ham band) is the way to go. It's mostly unregulated, at least compared to the ham bands and since the 90s most countries introduces additional 40 "channels" thus widening the band. In general what you should know about the CB is that you don't need a license to transmit and in most european countries the upper TX power is 4W but running at 5W-8W shouldn't bring any unwanted attention. I'm not a burger so I won't speak for what the TX power limit is in the US. Most users of the CB run your typical mobile transceivers in their cars that provide kosher channel division and AM, FM and SSB modulation none of which would be of particular use for packet radio.

The range you can achieve varies greatly with the antenna and it's height, the car antennas can still get a good range (in the 10s of km) despite being under sized antennas and their low elevation. For our purpose running a full size (1/4 or 5/8) monopole ground plane antenna and placing it on a reasonably sized mast can get you +100km range even at the pesky 4W.

As for the transceivers, most of the old HAM equipment isn't fit for the task because it't usually running AM, FM, and SSB modulation. For a packet network I think going with some variant of phase shift keying is preferred, I don't have a clue how the market for 27MHz/11m PSK transceivers looks but so far the results of my search led me to believe that due to the lack of popularity it would be expensive but the upside is that for 27MHz making your own transceiver isn't that completely out of reach and I'm looking to do just that.

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dfde27  No.144931


The only value to ham is to run without a license, never from home. However, the radio police (FCC) & their karens basically only exist to bust you & collect industry kickbacks. Legal ham is stupid and meaningless useless cucked on israel boomers.


I'll check your id.

Basically, as a radio equipment company, you have to certify your gear before selling it. As an operator, you have to comply with your license(s). It's up to you to comply. You can build gear, modify gear, but if you fuck it up, you may hear a knock on the door.

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dfde27  No.144933


Hamming is a classist matter. If you're so poor you don't sink $10,000 into your hobby, you smell too bad to hang out with those boomers. tbh, I am glad AOC will sack their investment accounts fuck those cucks who sold America to the kikes.

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5f6855  No.145003

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If you want to do quick transmissions, you can fire it up, blast out your transmission, and shut down

You'll want a license. You are entirely right, you can set up very simply and even do a stealth antenna build for cheap. You can probably get decent reception with limited knowledge. You are also correct that you can transmit and really face no consequences after blasting out a message. The problem is that very likely, no one will hear you. That's why I recommend a license. It's the best way to reach out to find contacts to determine how well your equipment is actually working. I can guarantee you that the first time you set up an antenna you'll have transmission issues. Worse even you may not realize is due to lack of knowledge and damage your equipment. I would suggest joining a club and borrow an SWR analyzer from a boomer because they are expensive.


Baofengs are find for handhelds. They just are cheap so the spurrious emmissions drift out of band. Certain boomers get pissed about them because ya it's technically illegal but no one cares. If you can spend the extra $30, you can get a far better japanese handheld. Baofengs are annoying to program in the field.


> most of the old HAM equipment isn't fit for the task because

Not true. 11m used to be a ham band so you can find old rigs that will have 11m filters built in. None of these will be "mobile." I've mentioned in this thread already that I recommend getting a ham rig and modifying for 11m. The power limit is 4w but there have been people who have literally blasted 11m with 1000w and avoided FCC action for years.


> Legal ham is stupid and meaningless useless

Not true. As I've said before, it's the best (and really only way) to properly practice using your equipment. If you are having 1488 fuck nigger conversations then ya don't use a callsign and do other security methods. But if you want to see if you can reach people in Oregon from Texas then you have better chances getting them to reply with a callsign then going full /pol/. Ham isn't something you can just pick up and be good at. It takes time to get good at using your equipment, setting up your antenna optimally, finding out what equipment actually works for you, etc.


Fuck off kike. True hams are cheap as fuck and master budget builds.

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5f6855  No.145004


>I know OP has grander visions of establishing worldwide HF comms

OPs vision is digital modes like HAMnet. Establishing an internet that is free of kike-based infrastructure. I will try to avoid the more analog verisons of ham when replying to avoid further derailment.

I wish I could help further in this matter but this is not my forte. Here is some information HAMnet.




Other points of interest are digital modes.


For people like us an alternative internet I imagine will be very limited. Essentially a way to pass a 3x5 note card worth of information to each other.


>Not at all, feds sit on all bands 24/7 with tens of thousands of receiving stations and every time your transmission reaches 3 or more you basically doxed yourself up to 1-5 meter accuracy.

If this was the case than at least half of the ham user base would be in prison. Oh maybe they are on a "list." Like the list you get put on for buying a gun or buying ammo, or coming to websites like this, or being white. You dox yourself more times in a day using a cellphone than you would using a ham radio. There are also physical limitations to such a fed operation being possible, but I don't want to derail any further.

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f9ca36  No.145305


I remember them having literal trolls who got into their frequencies and made various noises or made fun of them. They also used to argue about /pol/ tier subjects. In essence, it was not much different from the internet. Some of them even used mobile radios so they could run away before someone triangulates their position, and they even organized searches for those people. Of course, it was mostly for fun, no one actually wanted to get them arrested or something. In fact, some of them got what he called "crystals" (I guess he was referring to some kind of quartz chip) on the black market, which allowed them to listen to police frequencies (which were not encrypted back in the day), as the manufacturers/exporters/sellers had to somehow physically disable certain frequencies. I sold his radio station because it took too much space and was quite filthy, but I could find another one on second-hand markets. Even high tier stuff. Of course, this project would require a lot of time and learning (if we are to get anywhere with it that is).

There are three categories to work with here, regulatory/legal (how to avoid getting v&) , technical (how to set everything up, make it work globally, and make it resistant to interference), and cointel (how to avoid unwanted attention and potential (((takeover))) )


>just apply the power

If only I had a nuclear powered aircraft carrier at my disposal. Speaking of which, would there be a way to tailgate on common military frequencies, since they have the best infrastructure? To get within the "error margin" so to speak. Running a low data encrypted signal which would be enough for text messages. The key would be getting past their filters and getting their relays/repetitors re-emit it until it reaches global/long-range comms. Would also make identity spoofing somewhat easier. Just an idea, it's been a long time since I was reading into these subjects.

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5f6855  No.145323


>boomer still thinks this thread is about his ham-larp

Lots of people are asking questions about ham radio licensing and voice modes. But I guess that makes me a boomer and it's a larp to know how to use a radio. It's larping to be interested in anything really, especially if you want to be good at all aspects of whatever you are doing. Sure thing faggot. Keep up the divide and conquer. Do you know what happens if we don't get a license? The FCC sees the hobby is dying so they sell off the bands to kikes to fully control more than they do so now. UPS bought a ham band from the FCC and they don't even use it but they keep paying for it. If you knew anything about ham you'd know the reason people drive so hard for the license is so we have at least some access to the airwaves. So that's why I'm trying to answer as much information here for anons that I can. So you can insult me and we can waste a bunch of time doing that or we can try to stay focused.

>If you build a full sized antenna and elevate it to a few meters above ground you can easily get from 100km to global range (if the solar activity is appropriate) at not more that 10W. Running at 1kW is stupid because your local measuring stations will likely notice someone dumping 1kW in the air and you'll get a visit from glowniggers

I fully agree with this for 11m/10m. Just dumping 1kW in reality isn't going to help you get any further. 100w max. Anything more and you are just wasting your time. At least in the US, you won't get a visit immediately but 1kW is asking for it. People do it though. Usually truckers and rednecks. They just think more power is the solution.

>This is literally the FCCs job, to monitor the electromagnetic spectrum.

And they do a terrible job of it. This is no secret, the boomers who do the job for them are dying off.

>You might not immediately get a visit just because you transmitted illegally but when you do they will fine you a hefty sum so why push your luck when you don't need to?

Then use a callsign. If you are talking about the power output for people on 11m/CB. Then I really wouldn't bother if you are under 150w. When CB was big in the 80s dozens of companies sold amplifiers so people could boom all over CB and talk over each other. The FCC essentially stopped enforcing that. If you are using a stupid amount of power in a non-mobile situation, you may get a letter in a few years. Fines are hefty, but again. My point is that doing 20w, 50w, even 100w on 11m isn going to draw zero attention. I don't know what it's like in Europe. I just assume everything there is worse.

>you even forgot to crop the "because" you fucking nigger

You posted a bunch of shit about CB and it was late so I made a mistake on your post. 11m is CB radio. Now I'm doing my best to post more information digital modes for ham radio. I'm new so I really don't know much. I'm taking extra time now to try and study so I can post here more. Again, you can insult me and we can waste time. Or we can try to stay on task. It's not my goal to offend you or troll you. I just want to help people find something they may enjoy. Then I hope they learn from it to help the cause. If that makes me a boomer (which I'm not) or some sort of larper then I really don't care. Knowledge is never a bad thing and the same goes for being good at something. If you were going to own a modern ham radio for digital modes, that's fine. But why limit yourself and not understand how to use your equipment to it's fullest extent?

For other anons.




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e75995  No.145329


>Lots of people are asking questions about ham radio licensing and voice modes

Maybe it's due to an unfortunate thread name but this is off topic as OP made clear in his post what it's about.

>Keep up the divide and conquer

If there are people interested in the ham-larp you should make a separate thread about it because as I previously said I have nothing against people doing this shit it's just that it's mostly counterproductive to this thread (aside of maybe gaining some knowledge in RF).

>But I guess that makes me a boomer and it's a larp to know how to use a radio. It's larping to be interested in anything really

It wouldn't be larping if for example you read a book about RF circuit design and posted a circuit diagram and BOM of a cheap to build filter/transceiver/RF-dsp or anything for that matter that brings us closer to what OP envisioned. It doesn't have to be exactly this, just anything original like pointing out real world problems and proposing solutions relevant to this thread. Talking about shit from the 80s that you can literally read about everywhere on the internet and muh ham licenses and callsigns is counterproductive because ham as in ham-larp is a dead end, even thinking about utilizing it is a lost game. Talking on licensed frequencies without encryption using common modulation that anyone can demodulate about anything non-kosher is a recipe for disaster.

>Again, you can insult me and we can waste time.

>It's not my goal to offend you or troll you

Then stop polluting this thread with ham-larp. It's both pointless and worthless. If anyone wanted to get into ham-larp you have thousands of forums online where they sperg out about how awesome it is that the gubbermint let them talk like big boys on a ham band QEIloveJewishCock73toyoumydudeover.

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8e58db  No.146830

i found the fraud:


< True hams are cheap

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8e58db  No.146831


>Talking on licensed frequencies without encryption using common modulation that anyone can demodulate about anything non-kosher is a recipe for disaster.


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1df147  No.147175

I got about 5 or 6 of those little handheld baofeng radios

If you get them, make sure you get the 8-watt capable radios

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