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File: 58cc6375859d418⋯.jpg (37.35 KB, 612x408, 3:2, istockphoto_495225830_612x….jpg)

f596ae  No.141021

Is it an addiction that makes you weak or does it come with benefits? The Nazis were strictly against smoking and even alcohol. Although the Nazis did use Pervitin, but that's another topic for another day. Funny enough, smoking is one of the most addictive habits you can pick up, because the withdrawal effects are lifelong. The recidivism rate is in the 90 percentile range for relapse. It's almost impossible to quit. In prisons or other smoke-free environments in general, people have been known to do some crazy things. For example, inmates have been known to make "teabacco" by taking some tea bags (say four or five) pouring the leaves into a container,then taking another container, placing a nicotine patch in there, sticking it in a microwave for about 30 seconds, take it out, pour the nicotine juice in with the dry tea leaves, mix it up and leave it to dry, thwn once that's finished, they'll hand roll it with either toilet paper or pages from a small prison-issued Gideon's New Testament Bible and a cardboard filter (I assume they could use a toilet paper tube, tear out a small piece, roll it up and scotch tape it) then light it up using a prison lighter made feom batteries and conductors, like foil, wires, razor blades from a disposable razor, etc. and smoke it. According to some sources, it's no more dangerous than reguar cigarettes, while to other sources, it can cause circulatory problems, nosebleeds and other stuff or even hospitalization.

Annother thing they'll do is they'll tear out the pouch from inside the nicotine patch, stick it in their cheek and let the nicotine absorb through their gums and spit it like chew. This next one is really gross. They'll take the used dip from a police officer either on the ground or from a used bottle in the trash can, microwave it till dry, then roll it up and smoke it. Or they could just smoke dead grass that they picked from the rec yard.

Hell, even people who aren't in prisons have been known to do some crazy things for cigarettes. People often smoke butts when they run out or even steal them from others. And not only is it extremely addicting and hard to put down, but it can cause cancers and many other diseases and complicatioms, including heart attacks. Why would anyome start doing this?

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817a8e  No.141046

Also, it's expensive. In Canada it's something like $18 for a pack of 20 now. I know guys that are emaciated, just wretches and their clothes are shit. They have no money in the bank. But they shell out $18 a day or more just for smokes. Then there's the booze. I know a lot of guys that drink 36 beers a day every day. They eat shitty food when they could be eating meals every day that Prince Charles might envy. It's idiocy.

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630b74  No.141047

Smoking is for people who want to die faster without putting cold steel to their temple

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62d6e7  No.141048


It's expensive because your communist government puts additional taxes to stuff like tobacco, alcohol, gasoline etc. The product itself is not that expensive. Basically, whenever you buy a pack of cigarettes, you are financing gibs for shitskins, corrupt government thieves, white genocide, and someone's ability to enforce even higher taxes on you. A good reason to quit smoking.

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7e8053  No.141051

File: d5874bcf3482260⋯.png (157.45 KB, 459x337, 459:337, d5874bcf348226032e682b4e52….png)

It's literally the worst form of addiction because it affects everyone around you all the time. If you smoke in your own balcony/porch then you're literally worse than Stalin because you're huffing your disgusting cancer fumes into your neighbor's homes and subjecting their children to poisonous gases. If you smoke literally anywhere else in public it affects even more people. Even if you retract into a secret homo dungeon to take your smoke, as soon as you return the entire room will fill with your disgusting gag inducing smell. If you smoke you become a walking living cancer to yourself and everyone else who has the misfortune of having to be near you for any duration of time.

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a560d5  No.141068


Calm down. It's cigarette smoke not nerve gas. 2nd hand smoke was only a health issue when everyone smoked indoors - I remember the awful haze that hung in the air at bars and diners.

Back in the day, the benefit to everyone smoking was no fat people. Now it seems like half of everyone I meet it overweight, if not obese.

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233af9  No.141070


this is a califronia lib shit post

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62cf03  No.141075


And here's the marxist with its obsession over "deadly" gases.

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8e6992  No.141079

File: 60310d5767e8705⋯.png (228.52 KB, 808x946, 404:473, 2b8e63babecf75b44c8847bd34….png)



>Back in the day, the benefit to everyone smoking was no fat people. Now it seems like half of everyone I meet it overweight, if not obese.

go be a degenerate somewhere else Smoking has always part of gay culture even back in the day. I haven't seen smoker that wasn't a open queer.

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171e8e  No.141083


I can only tell you social benefits, it's a widely accepted social que to split a group into smaller groups for a short while at social gatherings. A smaller group allows for more personal conversation topics, it also forces a tit for tat like speaking rhytm.

You smoke I talk; I smoke you talk, …

People like being heard and the best conversations are where both sides get to present their point, that's why you have alotted times in public debates as well as moderators enforcing them.

Repeatedly giving/recieving small gifts builds trust in people who are only somewhat acquainted to each other, While repetition is actually more important than the value of the gift.

Smoking is basically a rapport cheat. That's probably why it's so popular.

But with anything that tickles your endorphines, exercise in moderation.

I'm not saying that's a good reason to be a smoker, but I can understand the appeal of socially smoking.

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741b3b  No.141090


Know some people say the nicotine isn't the problem it is the chemicals that they load up in the nicotine for example cigarettes. but some people have used it for microdosing using pure nicotine and it has shown some promising effects.

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4ba542  No.141103

File: 14fd8d054318e97⋯.png (363.18 KB, 1068x601, 1068:601, ClipboardImage.png)

cigs increase T, simple as.

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741b3b  No.141107


Yep exactly.

Make smoking great again!!!

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c4d5d5  No.141112

You can get a year's supply of nicotine base in pg or vg for around $20-$30. Yeah, you have to buy some vg and pg and mix it yourself, but if you have to be a nigger and buy dried leaves in a piece of paper, you are going to pay.

Smoking is brutal, but nicotine can be ok. It is addictive, but if you vape, you can wean yourself off easily enough.

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a6f7ba  No.141123



You get the rope, too. Unless your lungs rot first.

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817a8e  No.141129

Smoking is closely related to clinical depression. Something like 86% of the people in insane asylums for clinical depression are heavy smokers.

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817a8e  No.141130

File: 2940878ae68d93b⋯.jpg (402.84 KB, 1936x1763, 1936:1763, depression.JPG)

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b723bf  No.141134

Smoking is for idiots. You destroy your lungs, your mouth, your teeth and shorten your lifespan. Alcohol is also bad for your health, but at least you get drunk which imo has a few merits.

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2241b6  No.141138


>Smoking is for idiots. You destroy your lungs, your mouth, your teeth and shorten your lifespan.

Pretty much this.

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5c94d0  No.141156

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95a25e  No.141165


>thinly-veiled what does /pol/ think of [x] thread




Remember to report shit like this.

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741b3b  No.141651


proven fact it helps calm the nerves and ups testosterone.

Just don't smoke it. get gum or patches.

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817a8e  No.141685


Don't fall asleep wearing a patch or you'll get the most atrocious dreams you ever had. You might even wake up after fighting for your life against a ravenous grizzly bear only to find you've strangled your wife to death.

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288e3d  No.141891


I just say "ban all tobacco." See if society can survive.

But, not very seriously. I think people should be free to choose to do what they want, but often it seems they take that freedom and say "I choose freedom to eat Tide Pods, not look into Hillary Clinton's emails."

It's like motorcycle helmet laws. Sometimes the net positive is big enough that the negatives are mostly outweighed.

Freedom to kill yourself is fine, as long as no one who smokes gets any medical care they do not pay directly for themselves. Or wears not helmet when motorcycling.

My own personal FEELING is to just ban tobacco. However, when do you stop? Prohibition? I am also against booze, but no way that would work, to make other people not drink it.

Everyone has to follow their own conscience, but some things are so societally cancerous, they need to be outlawed, like porn, child rape, having a foreign-language cult that forms a power cabal that has no accountability to the country in which it resides.

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288e3d  No.141903

All recreational drug usage is degenerate and a sign of low IQ niggery. Even if you think it doesn't cause health problems you're still spending money on hedonistic feel good trash. There's no argument against that. This shouldn't even be a thread.

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b723bf  No.142054


>I think people should be free to choose to do what they want


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d64aa4  No.142056


The only reason why drug bans don't work is because they're not taken seriously in the sissified parts of the world, like America.

There are many countries where the penalty for drug trafficking is death. Drug bans tend to work a lot better in these countries.

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