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File: 633f5bb3f638b17⋯.png (24.43 KB, 466x600, 233:300, When_Johnny_Comes_Marching….png)

f28ee4  No.140076

Corrupt SÄPO (Swedish Security Police) breaks FBI rules on usage of requested material for "terror" case - which was in reality a racism crime


Swedish Security Police breaking FBI rules regarding material requested about a specific person (15 year old). The material was supposed to be used for a terrorism case, but after receiving this information they changed the case to "hets mot folkgrupp" (racism) and did not notify FBI, and is trying to use the material in court, which is against the rules given by FBI - only use for terrorism case.

Anyone Swedish, please share. Anyone in America may as well share this information that exposes corrupt Swedish Security Police.

In Sweden we do not chase down actual terrorists, we chase down 15 year olds with political stance (racist or not doesn't matter).

PLEASE share to help this become headlines in America, it is probably the only way authorities will be held responsible!

I love USA!

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e92af2  No.140127


What can those of us not fluent in Swedish do with your jewtube video? Any resources on the matter, text or video, in English?

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6a8df4  No.140134

I wonder what trump will do when he finds out he got screwed over

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6a8df4  No.140144



>Swedish leftist gov lied to FBI "help us hunt down terrorists fellow american"

>gets federal data from GAB

>Hunts down conservative white teens with GAB database info.

>Literally tricking the american government to commit unconstitutional shit just to hunt down a pro-trump troll

Isn't exploiting the good american faith to scam americans out of sensitive federal information illegal? Isn't that some RICO-tier crime lol

Last time i read about something this big FIFA was indicted under the RICO act, when the organization influenced Russian and Qatari winning bids. But openly exploiting american terrorist legislation like this is a whole new level of corruption top kek

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a1e602  No.140150

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e92af2  No.140235


Thanks, I appreciate it. I hope this is looked into further by others, too. Have a bump.

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e88c82  No.140406

Lets bump this I guess. It would be interesting for this to become something.

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e53d5e  No.140466

I'll give this a bump. Links etc wanted!

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cff4ea  No.140468

OP, My heart goes out to you.

I see that you declare, "I Love USA!"

But you live in Sweden, a Nordic European nation that was once home to a great people, and still is. The Jews have corrupted all that was once good, but there are good people still alive.

The USA is not your friend. The USA has for a long time now been serving the Jewish objective of destroying all White European races. Trump is a fake, his job is to trick people into thinking there is hope, that there is still reason for average people to participate in the system. A system that is ruthlessly and relentlessly working for a world without White people.

You love a country which hates you and wants to see your people exterminated.

I'm sorry, I know things are very bad in Sweden. They are even worse in the USA. You will find no salvation in the USA.

Times are bad for all White Europeans.

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d4d029  No.140470


Kill the police.

Kill your authorities.

Anything else is useless.

>muh glownigger

Waiting for actual glowniggers to start screaming that.

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66c94e  No.140510

File: bc67ae3fff22c33⋯.jpg (5.62 MB, 6912x4608, 3:2, Nothing_to_see_here_goyim.jpg)

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122e5e  No.140921


>Literally tricking the american government to commit unconstitutional shit just to hunt down a pro-trump troll


How positive are you that the glowniggers were tricked out the information, how do you know they didn't contact their Swedish cohorts and tell them that the FBI had the goods on Swedish "racists" and could send it over if only Sweden would request the info as "terrorism"?

None of the people who participated in this stand a change of seeing any negative consequences.

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9bc071  No.140923

File: cceed1498770947⋯.png (20.29 KB, 328x71, 328:71, nice_going_dude.png)

they forgot to censor his name on the fbi release. anyone able to pilfer social media profiles?

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b3ef97  No.140928


>literally just proves him right

Get the fuck out.

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