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File: 401fac975018f32⋯.jpg (203.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20_bild.jpg)

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947db2  No.139915[Last 50 Posts]

Here is a quick rundown

>young white German male gets evicted

>goes to live innawood

>someone calls the cops on him for no reason

>he panics, pulls gun on them and disarms 4 cops

>takes their weapons and goes on the run in the woods

>still on the run 3 days later

>town on lockdown

>media tries to paint him as dangerous and unhinged nazi-pedo

Send your prayers to this brave young man.


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185580  No.139920

If he must eventually be run to ground by the cucked cops, then I hope he kills a bunch of non-White cops on his way down.

Thanks, OP, for sharing this story with us.

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5e2bf8  No.139952


IDK what is going on in this story but it isn't whatever MSM is reporting.

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0dd657  No.139961

How long can you survive in the black forest? Are there plenty of deer herds and other animals to hunt? I wonder if he brought a fishing pole with him?

I'd make my way south across the Swiss border, lots of mountain valleys he could hide in.

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5525f3  No.139973

File: 021696aab52c80f⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, NO_FUTURE_FOR_DEMOCRACY.png)

File: 44e2dcdf314124d⋯.jpg (184.33 KB, 962x655, 962:655, fuck_zog2.jpg)



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5e2bf8  No.139979


IF he had just let ZOG chip him, they could find him like THAT {snap}

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278432  No.139988


>How long can you survive in the black forest?

He could be holding out for months, seriously. He was a prepper, he lived in a wooden shack and knows the forest well. The forest itself is gigantic. It's also full of caves and other natural hiding spots. Even more, it's full of old WW2 bunkers, not all of them known and discovered. He could very well have prepared for such an event and made a hiding spot with lot's of supplies. He also knows his way with plants, berries, mushrooms. He could unironically be hiding there till winter. It's actually hilarious to see zogbots helpless like that.

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3525ed  No.139995

When you try to run away from the zogmachine and mr smith catches up and now mr smith is everywhere. gg

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d426b8  No.140025

They hate the chad camper

Can't pay taxes if he's in the woods

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3525ed  No.140031


The system has had a lack of white bogey men of late, so this one will fill out that void in the media.

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e2eb1e  No.140043

Dude went full Ted. Here is a message he left before he ran off.

We as civilized people are just used to technology. Our everyday life is so determined by technology that we have completely lost the sense of simple life. If we cook with pots on stovetops every day, we simply cannot do without pots. We try to replace what we normally need in everyday life. However, the problems you encounter in the forests cannot always be solved by known techniques.

It is important that we, the rangers in particular, do not stop observing and do not let the connection go back. Do not trust so much in technology, do not think in a lane, but observe and let the ideas come to you. "

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fd16f7  No.140044

How come he was homeless with all that white privilege I keep hearing about?

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e2eb1e  No.140046


In Germany, the state is obligated to pay you neetbux AND to pay your rent if you are unemployed. Thing is, they are allowed to cut your bux for the slightest infraction or incompliance, sometimes with the pettiest of reasons.

That's probably what happened since he was evicted from his appartment for not paying rent.

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3525ed  No.140052


>cut your bux for the slightest infraction or incompliance, sometimes with the pettiest of reasons

That's probably why they give the neetbux, so they can keep you hostage and as soon as you have wrong opinions due to increased education you get cut. Its basically a criminalization of education by proxy. A system of state enforced debauchery.

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fd16f7  No.140063


It s the same in france

Western europe is a lost cause

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18b833  No.140064


The irnoy is that the non white cops are better shots, tougher and have more spin than their "fellow" "white" cops.


Helpless? They can't/ won't get antifa faggots out a forrest who attack cops, but for this guy they will repair all Bundswehr bombers and burn down the forrest.


Funny you mentioning it, there already was a guy (hippy not prepper) named öff öff, they didnt like him living innawoods either.


Obligated is a strong word, they do every and anything to weasle their way out.



You really think they do it to be nice maybe its 10% to avoid stuff and peace of mind, but 90% is control.

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9fd30d  No.140067

File: 0264a2dd14240e8⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 105646258_bell_hitler.jpg)

Once they destroy or remove this Church bell can we start rioting and become Guerrillas? Can that be the arbitrary start date for the National Socialist revolution?

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feda4d  No.140080

>>139988 (Checked)

What if they release the hounds?

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947db2  No.140082


They already did and they didn't find shit. They also used helicopters with high-tec infrared warmth scanners and found nothing. Dude is probably hiding in a bunker or in a cave.

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6cf6b6  No.140089




>Funny you mentioning it, there already was a guy (hippy not prepper) named öff öff, they didnt like him living innawoods either.

Never heard about öff öff but Marc Freukes who appeared in a documentary two years ago. Now his "tent hut" will be demolished.

>Helpless? They can't/ won't get antifa faggots out a forrest who attack cops, but for this guy they will repair all Bundswehr bombers and burn down the forrest.


Here's his dating profile:

>name: Yves Etienne Rausch

>nationality: German

>age: 31

>height: 1.70m

>eye colour: blue

>hair: partially bald

>figure: slim

Bekleidungs-Merkmale: Tarnmuster


From the French name and him having served in the French foreigner army I'd suspect him to have French parents or something tbh.



Not to mention that you can't move while on neetbux. Not even to somewhere cheaper.

If you receive them and you are in a shitty place, you're trapped there.

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2e489b  No.140208

I just hope he deosn't off himself. That would be such a waste. If he does I hope he takes a crap ton of pigs with him and the stupid bitches that talked shit about him.

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fd16f7  No.140297


You ppl aren t even good enough to meet up in rl. There will be no revolution when all you do is shit post from your mom s basement you cowardly cunts!

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ef3330  No.140392


>You ppl aren t even good enough to meet up in rl.

S'matter, glownigger, pickings too slim?

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f53d2d  No.140395


Now now, rabbi. We talked about this.

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7f1917  No.140416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b95438  No.140471


Always kill the police.

They are the enemies of free men.

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abe63b  No.140474

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18b833  No.140488

Ok anybody got a pdf of his text?

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ff6273  No.140489



Kek, the lügenpresse could scrape only 1 statement of an old lady feeling threatened by his presence. The rest just said things along the lines "i saw him walk around once with his pet rat" or "he's a pretty sweet carpenter, he did a great job building my garden hut"

About the "homicide" he was in prison for, he never actually killed anyone, he hurt his girlfriend at age 20 with a crossbow, but to be fair me and a couple friends jumped down from a hayball stack onto a trampoline turning 180° midair and shooting with a bow back at the hayballstack when we were like 17-18.

Was it stupid? yeah. Was it fun? are you kidding. What I'm trying to say is there's a reason he wasn't convincted for attempted murder.

Arround 2/3rds into his 3.5y sentence they wanted to preemptively release him but he asked to STAY because he wanted to finish his carpentry apprenticeship form one of the programs there. Dude had a job after prison for some time but got let go and when he was losing his home he built a wood hut so he doesnt become a streetbum.

From comments and normies/npc talking about him arround 80%-90% are on his side and think he isn't dangerous at all even if he's a bit weird because people kill people, not weapons kill people and he proved that since the 4 police officers he disarmed were unharmed. (besides being butthurt heh)

It wouldn't fucking surprise me if they plant kiddie porn or some other shit in his hut that will turn the public opinion against him because right now he is seen as a robin hood/rambo type who wants nothing but to be left alone and the police hunting him down as the bad guys who want him to be violent.

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a4529b  No.140498


yeah its in your moms butthole

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18b833  No.140577


Thanks god, if it were in your moms it would take ages to search the fat bitch.

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09f603  No.140607


Nice, Italybrah

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a4529b  No.140609

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83ea34  No.140984

File: de3da09a4e802c2⋯.jpeg (45.33 KB, 628x314, 2:1, frein.jpeg)


>Can't corner the Dorner

>ZOGbots panic when a one-man war is declared, shoot more innocent people than he did

>massive manhunt with hundreds of cops

>on the loose 9 days

>eventually gets cornered and burned out because he screwed up

>Can't constrain the Frein

>self-taught survivalist and autistic Balkan reenactor

>hides innawoods for 48 days

>massive manhunt with hundreds of cops, dogs, FLIR

>only caught because he gave up and let himself get caught

>Can't crush the Rausch

>innawoods for 5 days and counting

>thousands of soldiers and cops hunting for him

Let's see if he beats Frein's record.

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bbdf26  No.140987

File: d964b1ef899ea9d⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 300x259, 300:259, 1459459311291.gif)

Requesting screencaps of enemies on twitter hating the man. I'm sure they're foaming at the mouth just like they did when the peaceful protestors took over that abandoned park ranger office in the states. Things like this are the greatest show of their true nature, that they just hate white men and want them to suffer a slow rot in their genocidal "society", and if one of them escapes from this life of existential torture they will be hunted down like a dog. Things like this are also another excellent way for people to show their true colors. If a self-proclaimed "right-winger" does not have his full heart and support for another white man being persecuted by the system then he is either a cuck neocon or a literal jew/mixed mongrel.


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28341d  No.141029

what rambo tired of eating kebabs?

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e2eb1e  No.141040

As predicted, all German media outlets are now pushing the nazi narrative. It turned out that when he was 15 he changed some letters on a board to "Juden Raus" or some shit and that got him 8 months of probation. That's his only "nazi ties" but it was enough to convince the zogbots.

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919540  No.141058


These faggots will walk the entire forest arm in arm if they have to.

But when a child goes missing?

<thats not news it happens all the time lol

<here are some more important sportsball results

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f68cd0  No.141060


Type like a fucking human you faggot.

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cf3428  No.141132

They got him

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8ff221  No.141142



>The irnoy is that the non white cops are better shots, tougher and have more spin than their "fellow" "white" cops.

>source: my butthurt niggerism

Go rape an old woman nigger

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8ff221  No.141143

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add06f  No.141147


>Police have been examining an anonymous so-called "manifesto" left in a local bar, which may have been written by Yves Rausch. It is titled "The Call of the Wild" and argues that people who live close to nature are superior to modern, urban society.

sounds like a set up

Ironic that theyre calling him rambo when in the movie rambo did nothing wrong and was screwed by the system

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7ed486  No.141164


>Ironic that theyre calling him rambo when in the movie rambo did nothing wrong and was screwed by the system

So basically same as this guy?

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8289b4  No.141177

Here's some more info

>the manifest is not from him

>author of the text confirmed it himself

>"Bild" newspaper (founded by the ✡Allies✡ after the war) was talking shit again

>they used 200 men in the manhunt (old news) and dogs

>they got him while he was cowering in a bush with the 4 pistols and an axe before him

>they or one officer (can't remember how many) tried to talk to him

>one officer and he himself got hurt

>neither needed to go to the hospital

>officer apparently has a cut from the axe

>the postman rat him out

Some of it is from


Some of it from the press conference


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8289b4  No.141178



It was 200 and after two or three days they already send 100 home iirc.

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8289b4  No.141180

Let's not forget: He didn't do shit.

He just disarmed four police officers because they wanted to search him.

And the girlfriend he apparently shot at 10 years ago also just got hurt.

He wasn't trailed for attempted murder, so it's safe to assume it was some accident.

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8289b4  No.141183

However now that 200 police officers had to get their asses up from the couch, he obviously is a viscous bloodthirsty criminal.

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8289b4  No.141184

The whole thing started because of the police.

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439a04  No.141190


>casually dropping "Amerimutt"

You guys do realize that cuckchan is slowly creeping in, right? Meaning that no one can take what's said here seriously anymore.

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8289b4  No.141206

Also he gets at least five years. At most fifteen years (That's the most you can get. If you murder twenty people you still get fifteen years. He didn't murder anyone, so it makes no sense).

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8289b4  No.141221

And he'll be trialed for "extortion under threat of force".

I mean really? Disarming people is "extortion under threat of force"?

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8289b4  No.141225


It doesn't say so anywhere in the article.

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4727ad  No.141230

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8289b4  No.141236


Sorry, I already reported you.

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8289b4  No.141261


I found the source for that claim


>this was reported by the Bild newspaper


>anything but lies

They also found the manifesto that turned out to be not from him.

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557282  No.141263


Please do report that shit when you see it. I’m not going to stand for anti-white D&C.

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8289b4  No.141330

And they also make a giant fuzz about him having a gun with no license for it calling it an "unallowed gun" but when some turks shoot in the air when driving from a wedding with real guns that's totally fine and everyday life in BRD.

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360d86  No.141575

File: 262a1e82a043e85⋯.png (649.39 KB, 760x1231, 760:1231, caught.png)


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5e2bf8  No.141582


We can't have you 'getting ideas' can we anon?

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c94411  No.141614

he was arrested for cp several years ago and you want to wish him gl?

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6c5717  No.141657


What were we thinking, we should only be praising people who listen to government mandates on what you are and are not allowed to look at on a screen.

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5e2bf8  No.141659


Also…could be trumped up charges. There is no way to know anymore. They own the media. If you love someone now you have to love all of them…warts and everything.

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18b833  No.141699


If those charges are anything like the "rightwing gun nut" charges we can assume its fabricated or at very best they found some weeb shit that isnt even loli and try to pin that on him.

Doubt they actually planted anything on his hdd.

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557282  No.141748



>defending the rape of children

Commit suicide. Now.

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6c5717  No.141753


Why even bother accusing someone else of strawmanning if you're just going to immediately follow it with a strawman of your own? At least make an attempt to not look like a willful hypocrite.

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de6f9c  No.141755


Now Germany can sleep a little easier. This dangerous criminal could have started an insane religious cult and convinced millions of devoted followers to spread into the cities raping, stabbing, and bombing the domestic population.

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5e4727  No.141758


I guess that is what we actually need. I was very saddened last night while watching a podcast to realize that my own religion can no longer keep up with our technological advances.

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ce354f  No.141778


Do you honestly believe that if you fire up tor browser right now and view one of the many cp websites for 5 minutes out of curiosity, you deserve to be thrown in a cell? And as another anon pointed out, you really can't trust the reports anymore. He could have viewed a single picture of a seventeen year old for all we know.

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39255a  No.141815

Yes anon >>141778 I literally cannot imagine even being ‘curious’ about child porn. This is a crime against humanity and God. I wouldn’t ‘throw you in jail tho’ so no worries about that there are other more suitable punishments for this type of crime.

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557282  No.141816




>government mandates on what you are and are not allowed to look at

Commit suicide. Now.

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557282  No.141817


>thrown in a cell

Thrown off a cliff.

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8289b4  No.142132

Wenn hier noch Deutsche sind, kommt nach https://8chan.moe/de/ !

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f149b9  No.142156


lol this is one of those 'more appropriate punishments'

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85f5a3  No.142200

That rauschad meme is most excellent.


>In Germany, the state is obligated to pay you neetbux AND to pay your rent if you are unemployed

Way to bomb an economy with hordes of freeloaders!


>They hate the chad camper

>Can't pay taxes if he's in the woods

Anyone remember Gordon Khal here?

Similar story, but with less forest in it.


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85f5a3  No.142201

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aa327a  No.143445

File: dfb12028e32f10d⋯.jpg (166.86 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, dfb12028e32f10d4598a38ff1c….jpg)

Halte durch, tapferer Waldmann.

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9de01a  No.146235

Real life Rambo

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59c8e4  No.146241


As much as I hope this man is OK and sympathize with him, I can almost guarantee there is a logical reason why someone called the cops on him. Either he was found trespassing on private property ("innawoods" could be someone else's private property and often is) or one of his relatives were upset and scared he'd die out there.

Not saying I know for sure or the whole story, but I do feel sorry for the guy if he gets caught. Hopefully he goes out with a fight, it would be better than rotting and tortured in a modern gulag.

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431ddf  No.146258

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361c9f  No.146307


>this is my forest, you're not allowed to enter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>this is my lake, you're not allowed to enter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>this is my no man's land, you're not allowed to enter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why you should have deserted in WW2.

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