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File: 9cbadda1f47f6b4⋯.png (271.2 KB, 1643x390, 1643:390, Screen_Shot_2020_07_14_at_….png)

File: 16977c1d9d1cef5⋯.png (644.57 KB, 892x652, 223:163, tom_hanks_pedo_instagram_p….png)

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2fd8ed  No.139874

Strange post to get banned from 4chan for, huh?

It's legit info and well sourced. I provided a link to the penal code in the 1st comment.

It was a good, quality post.

Really makes you wonder what the mods over there are up to, doesn't it?

Hanks also has a ton of weird references on his instagram to a creepy SNL character he did called "David Pumpkins" (pictured below). All sorts of other creepy, weird stuff up on his IG too.

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7b38e2  No.139887


is a code i think "a platform for pedophiles" 4chan and 8kun have also pedophiles in boards look threads this is why you got banned !those people are sick!

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7b38e2  No.139888

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c43198  No.139896

4chan is run by the feds to datamine whistleblowers. This is why you cant post from proxies, since all proxies are already known by the feds.

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cded1d  No.139906


Can feds crack VPN and Tor?

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457217  No.139907

A thread about the Milwaukee pedo/trafficking house which was burned to the ground was started here on 8kun, it was deleted by the mods.

A thread about the pedo trafficking taking place on Wayfair was started here on 8kun, it was also deleted by the mods.

This place is no safe haven to discuss pedo investigations. The mods delete and stifle these investigations on the pedo sanctuary otherwise known as 8kun.

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f8e711  No.139908

File: fb2c6445aa9f7e6⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1386x2354, 63:107, pedo_symbols_trudeau_elpid….png)


>This place is no safe haven to discuss pedo investigations. The mods delete and stifle these investigations on the pedo sanctuary otherwise known as 8kun

This. It's no coincidence that pedo-spam is tolerated long enough to disrupt discussion and tarnish the board's image but the "pedo" posts are not exactly illegal (just pictures of naked toddlers in non-sexual poses) that would put Jim and the spammer in the risk of getting tenderly loved by Tyrone.

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f42609  No.139910


Not exactty, they pressure the companies. Like ExpressVPN handed over user data of 8chan users during the Tarranting.

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6f20d5  No.139912


>This is why you cant post from proxies, since all proxies are already known by the feds.

Or 4chan has just had over a decade with its countless numbers of users posting CP via proxies for them all to be banned by now. Before jim took over "permanent" bans here only lasted a maximum of 90 days and global mods would almost never permanently ban from all boards because they knew nobody barebacked the place and all it does is punish unrelated users that happen to use the same proxy later down the line.

But with jim in control now with the same mindset as the normalfags that run 4chan he has no problem banning people from all boards permanently for something as benign as lolicon and those bans truly are permanent. But this place being so dead and irrelevant now thanks to him makes sure theres never enough people breaking the rules to ever have a significant impact on the number of proxies available even if the site went on for another decade.

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81611e  No.139924


TOR was created by US Naval Research and most of the onion servers are (reputedly) theirs.

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81611e  No.139927


>>permanent ban

Unplug your router, turn it off, turn it back on, plug it in and you have a new IP. That's what I did last time I got a 4chan/pol/ lifetime ban. I wasn't even off the board for an hour.

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c04537  No.139942

The deleted wayfair thread.


I could not upload it here received error "The file is too big". But it's only 6.6mb.

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f4e13d  No.139944





















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18cad6  No.139946


How Q-LARPy do things have to get before they’re deleted?

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18cad6  No.139951


I tend to think that part of the reason Q-LARP was created is to co-op the pizzagate and related investigations. It sure as shit has been successful at doing so, even if that wasn’t its original intention. Makes you wonder.

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7d5130  No.139953


1 - Most threads on 4chan are fake. The re-occurring threads are auto-generated by a bot that parse twitter/FB/youtubecomment/etc etc data.

2 - Every time you are sending 1mb of data to 4chan, you are sending another 0.1mb to its "DDOS pool" to assist its DDOSing.

3 - 4chan registers you by your mouse-movement profile.

4 - 4chan has tons of "make le epic psychological test" posts to profile you. Just by hoovering your mouse over the "Reply" link, gives you profile-points.

5 - Wrong opinions => Extra recaptcha.

6 - Your manual-made threads will mainly get "thread killer replies" by its automatic chat system. Thread will not get bumped at all. If it gets bumped it is becasue the system prematurely declared N amount of auto-bumps to it.

6 - Every image on 4chan has tons of government data embedded into it in case your computer would be confiscated.

7 - Pretty much all 4chan images are GUID marked to datamine you. If you print images obtained from 4chan the printer might detect the image and do secret yellow dots that aim to expose your identity. (this is why HP's wifi printers require internet).

8 - The entire website turned into a government operated sting since Moot got employed by the CIA.

9 - There are no "4chan mods" , the entire project has automated ML-based moderation and the only operatives on the "4chan-project" are a handful of NSA-employees with classified identities. This is why its "unallowed to post Government ID's on 4chan. Or "host Government ID's" on google servers.

10 - About 10% of the memes on 4chan have steganographic .zip files embedded into them with CP and t3rror1sm material that the government can use to frame you. This is why some 50x50 pixel images are 4mb.

11 - 4chan collects your typing style, your browser header, terminology and intent to train its model when automating online profiling.

As some anon previosly stated. They probably DID use primitive methods before to flood certain websites with authorized CP to mass-ban Proxies (feds have recaptcha backdoors). Today they are much more sophisticated with overarching institutionalized profiling of webusers (Read my blob text below). But with windows doing default call-backs to the feds, and with it resetting OS-settings by remote controller: TOR and proxies are a joke for the average user.

This is also a reason to why there are so few chan sites: The government has automatic software that detects them and floods them with CP (using XSS) to make the mods demoralized. (These spambots are called executive crawlers).

Either way, 4chan is a full blown honeypot and its being used in an experiment to model ML-methods to automatically detect whistleblowers based on online footprint. Just by moving your mouse on that website (with javascript activated) you are providing data to its ML dataset.

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7d5130  No.139957



too long post: cont.

Reddit is in ways more complicated for them since the data is open and makes the government tracking harder to conceal. This is why uBlock Origin will detect 500 trackers on reddit when you visit it (look for yourself), making it probably the most spied on community in the world. btw, the entire frontpage of reddit is most likely controlled by a group of about 10 users with 10 cellphones each.

How do feds expose proxies? How safe is TOR? A small sample of the data mining hell we live in:

Feds are using google, facebook, twitter and other social media to automatically detect proxies based on browser signatures. These "Proxy-detection" models are ancient tech in the ML-world. There are statistical methods for this (ask any computer science fag). There are even government provided API's that tell the odds of an IP being a proxy. They know which IP is proxy due to all the spyware installed on windows (windows does automatic "search" indexing of your entire harddrive by default, and takes regular screenshots/snapshots that gets parsed and sent to remote). This is why windows has hidden most of its datamining services in "svchost" (it has about 60 processes hidden into it) and windows is careful to restore the holy "svchost" every single "update". To complement all of this, google is using their massive servers to let youtube videos be "embaddables" on websites just so people accidentally expose themselves. This is how they caught the owner of silkroad, the idiot accidentally used the same VPN connection on his youtube account that he used on the entry-node on Tor. Of course Android is a botnet, and many of the "apps" on google play have scripts embedded into them to do government based DDOSing. This is why Ublock SDKs are unallowed on the google play store, it complicates the tracking.

All of this is the main reason android is not allowed to be forked in "Open Handset Alliance", It makes it easier for feds to DDOS certain TOR nodes to expose people on the darknet, by simple automatic "callbacks". (Unless you use a certain entry-node for a Only-once-single-package alone) They can probably detect your root-node automatically by sheer bruteforce. Crackers used to provide installers to cracked games to put DDOS callbacks in them, now the government is doing the same thing. Theoretically, safe communication of unsafe channels is possible, but 4chan ain't it, especially if you don't secure your entry-node. As long as the feds have DDOS-monopoly and can DDOS anyone as much as they like, anyone on the darknet can get its rootnode exposed. The longer you are on the same root-node socket, the more likely it is it will compromised.

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b15be3  No.139971

File: 0fc7d5ef5260d8d⋯.png (641.71 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1_rZWRhMAJPSPVUQN4yafVbQ.png)

I just got banned from 4chan for saying that I appreciated Sweden for not having a Covid19 lockdown.

I wasnt even saying it was a good or bad thing. I was mainly talking about the value of different countries taking different approaches so we can compare and contrast the results.

4chan was becoming annoying anyway. There are ten times as many shills as users on there now.

Its pretty quiet here but zero shills.

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c36220  No.140028


>But with jim in control now with the same mindset as the normalfags that run 4chan he has no problem banning people from all boards permanently for something as benign as lolicon and those bans truly are permanent. But this place being so dead and irrelevant now thanks to him makes sure theres never enough people breaking the rules to ever have a significant impact on the number of proxies available even if the site went on for another decade.

I'm 8chan refugee from saint tarrant's glorious crusade finally checking out this shit board. any alternatives to old 8pol?

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97b245  No.140070


Go post this on nine chan dot tw asap before jannies delete it like the others

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a519be  No.140820

4chan mods range banned my entire subnet for "abuse".

What finally tripped their sensors?

Me promoting a replacement for IOTBW which has posters that simply read "woman".

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bbd1b2  No.142294

File: 525220d7745a588⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 700x692, 175:173, clean_milk_dirty_faggots.jpg)

File: 75420702f7ff104⋯.jpg (207.19 KB, 750x759, 250:253, fag_pride.jpg)


I got ran out of 4 chinz for supposed cp posting an adult woman that apparently got me an autobahn, it's filled with shills and now all the faggot antifas and trannies, you can't even tell them to fuck off anymore, of course as you say this place is slow as hell, and nine is even worse, but now I hate 4 as much as I hate faceberg


hahahahha, jannies ARE trannies!

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