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File: e9037e860536ae0⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1728x1157, 1728:1157, Kakapo_DvW2007.jpg)

File: fa233f4fb9202ac⋯.jpg (142.72 KB, 797x1000, 797:1000, Two_German_soldiers_help_a….jpg)

File: 1045dbb06b1a035⋯.webm (7.22 MB, 920x518, 460:259, Shitskins_have_no_honour.webm)

File: 790f7b00fff2488⋯.jpg (122.42 KB, 1024x837, 1024:837, glownigger_demoralization_….jpg)

File: 0f3227d19f1a034⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 900x901, 900:901, sinking_ship_by_q80designe….jpg)

64ab54  No.139529


Europeans have become much like the way of the Kakapo, a flightless parrot. There are less than 211 Kakapos in the world and are critically endangered but used to flourish in New Zealand. So how did it end up in such a mess? Millions of years ago, the parrot-family descendents of the Kakapo arrived in New Zealand and these birds realized that things were pretty good, there were no natural predators apart from a few eagles and there was plenty of food around. The Kakapo learnt to freeze when eagles are present, and became nocturnal. Its food source (nuts and berries) was readily available on the ground, so it did not have to become a skillful hunter and they became fat. Because they are fat, they can run very little and cannot fly. The kakapo continued like this for millions of years until homonids arrived, the Maori hunted these birds like chickens, their numbers decreased but they continued to survive. What was catasrophic was when Europeans arrived, Stoats, Weasels, Cats and Rats arrived with them but the kakapo had absolutely no defence against them. All it could do was stay still, but that did not work with these new mammal predators who hunted by smell. Rats and Cats decimated its eggs as the kakapo was so lazy that it only bred once every 5 years. The kakapo was catasrophically under-prepared for threats from the outside world and could only apply methods (i.e. freezing) that it had developed in its isolation from these threats that simply aren't effective for these more lethal enemies.

An example of how Europeans are similar to the kakapo is treatment of POWs. For centuries European armies, National Socialist Germany, Belgium, France, Italy all kept enemy soldiers who surrendered as prisoners of war, treated their wounds in hospitals and kept them alive in POW camps. But with dealing with this new warfare, that simply isn't possible. This is attrition warfare, we are fighting for our very existance as a race and civilization, our race has never been in such a dire situation as it is now. In the second photo you see chivalry and honor between Europeans: Two German soldiers help a wounded Canadian prisoner in Dieppe, France, August 1942. But with what we are dealing with today, we won't be taking prisoners, these are sub-humans who will stop at nothing to exterminate us.

There is so many deradicalizing posts here like "we should bleach niggers" and similar which justify actually keeping our racial enemies alive, when their enitre existence is geared towards our destruction. Even IF there were niggers or non-whites that are "sympathetic" to our cause (ethno-nationalism) they would be silenced or killed by the sub-human masses. The point is, like the kakapo, we can't apply the systems that we developed in white societies of warfare to these inferior hominids, at this junction where Europeans are critically endangered (less than 10% world population) there is absolutely no excuse to keep them alive. Another example is France, which is rapidly turning into South Africa.


These maps show where the non-european invaders have become the majority in FRENCH cities, we are at the final stages of the Jewish Agenda where we are being replaced at warp speed, we must organize, plan and prepare for the greatest struggle of our lives and civilization, posting online at your keyboard does not stop a nigger from killing white people, or from 100,000s of non-whites from flooding our countries, what does stop them is killing them. There is too much at stake for any compromises in this war, we need total extermination of these sub-humans once and for all.

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64ab54  No.139530

File: 09ba4a0ed6a4976⋯.jpg (136.74 KB, 900x901, 900:901, sinking_ship.jpg)

File: 6600a51ee5eb00c⋯.png (433.15 KB, 722x871, 722:871, police.png)

File: 5c3f28e3c0011f3⋯.jpg (66.88 KB, 600x716, 150:179, 5c3f28e3c0011f3fc99f5a3021….jpg)

File: a3e3d7edaedc95c⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_from_2020_07_13….png)

File: 3c81b0f492b3842⋯.png (237.75 KB, 1366x1713, 1366:1713, White_genocide_solution.png)

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c4cbf7  No.139801

File: 85c7efe87e06937⋯.jpg (202.4 KB, 1039x1613, 1039:1613, obese.JPG)

Great post OP. Love it.

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1be193  No.140066

I'm a culturo-nationalist rather than an ethno-nationalist because I believe the concept of being one race or the other isn't strong enough to tie a people together. Consider the fact that different groups of people have always fought amongst themselves despite appearing as the same race. Inasmuch, focusing on culture and morality allows for a very clear statement of what a group's goals are and limits the accretion or erosion of the group to the end that I believe it will create a stronger and longer-lasting union to rise from it. Tell me why I should abandon my culture in order to side with people who I historically despise and who historically despise me? Why should I advocate for blind destruction of certain people, despite them being my people, just because they are a different race than mine? Give me your counterargument.

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c4cbf7  No.140069


This is a contentious position and even painful to contemplate when encountered in real life;

Should a young neurosurgeon/track star who is fashion model handsome marry a super beautiful chinese MD from a wealthy family who plays Chopin at a competitive prize winning level, or should he marry some beautiful white girl who has been partying with E and cocaine since she was 12 and has a skull full of evil and a cunt full of STDs as are most beautiful women in the anglo saxon world now?

The guy like this I met had no problem choosing the wealthy chink MD.

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2142eb  No.140192


You think beautiful Asian women aren't riddled with STDs and Leftist nonsense? They are, but they're just smart enough not to advertise it.

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2c3ec2  No.140193

File: cc909116729a0ca⋯.png (67.95 KB, 297x297, 1:1, darwin_facepalm.png)


> the concept of being one race or the other isn't strong enough

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586f19  No.140237


when whites realize its enough for jews theyll realize its enough for them

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b9872d  No.140239


Where do I get more videos like that?

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c9fe37  No.140354


you are all virgin incels

how will you save your race when you cant even have sex with white women?

fucking losers

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0420af  No.140363

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0420af  No.140364

File: 2d24c544efa2077⋯.png (413.94 KB, 721x394, 721:394, Nogs.png)

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