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File: 88674354fb90c0f⋯.png (252.58 KB, 800x516, 200:129, ClipboardImage.png)

a69199  No.139319

Only white people can be racist so only white people get to use that word. It's linked to almost a century of oppression of white Europeans. So if anyone else calls you the r-word with the hard r (only "aces" is acceptable for non-whites to use), then split their fucking wig. They're trying to use a hateful word to destroy your reputation, your livelihood and even your life. It is and should be taken as a threat.

Beat their fucking asses. That's our word.

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269d2b  No.139348

File: 24e4ec1886a182f⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wp6451344.jpg)

I just say "you're a white-phobic racist". That hits them with TWO nasty NPC words, not one.

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00ecbc  No.139356

File: b9e79520e6b135e⋯.png (248.71 KB, 600x389, 600:389, courage_to_say_no.png)


"White" people is an American concept that never existed. Everyone in Europe is laughing at it. Americans are the only ones using that word.

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8e2fd7  No.139395


You're right, white only exists in America. After all, Europe has Italian, British, French…nationals (lol). Have fun when you still have your identities which no longer match your ethnicities.

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30ae15  No.139538


>thing that literally everyone recognize for millennia is fake

Imagine being this nonwhite.

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ca3879  No.139546



"White" people is an American concept that never existed.

Totally. America is a colony and has no real ethnic identity, so they had to make one up called "white". It is meaningless in Europe because people identify each other by their real ethnicity. In Eastern Europe most of the ethnic tension is between Russians and natives, all of whom are white skinned so the word "white" is useless.

Also, in Europe ethnicity and language are related in a way that most burgers don't understand. A member of your own tribe speaks your own language, has a name traditionally used by your people, celebrates the same traditions as you, and has your ethnic phenotype.

"White" is simply not an ethnicity. It's shorthand for "not a chink, paki, arab, or african".

Literally zero europeans would consider their ethnicity to be "caucasian" or "white".

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fbd731  No.139557


>Everyone in Europe is laughing

<hey white people, you should hate those other white people

Oh look, D&C shilling, who would have guessed.

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ca3879  No.139559


>Oh look, D&C shilling, who would have guessed.

You do realise that for the entire history of Europe different white-skinned ethnic groups have been killing each other right? And that there is good reason for a Balt or Belarusian to be skeptical of Russians (Or for all of Europe to be wary of Franco-German hegemony). "We're all white" is simply not a European way of thinking. What is the language that "white people" speak? Certainly not English which is the muttest language on the planet. I speak my own language, 98% of the speakers of my language are my own ethnicity. Whilst I feel solidarity with my neighbors, I in no way feel that we have the same ethnicity.

Perhaps you could argue for common Romanian/Moldovan identity as they speak the same language and the border is purely political, but you will never make a Belarusian, Pole, German, and Spaniard feel like they have the same ethnicity.

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30ae15  No.139561


>You do realise that

Don't care. Fuck your D&C. No one believes you and it doesn't matter. We're not going to fall for it.

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ca3879  No.139566

File: 2619386b60b5839⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1656x979, 1656:979, ClipboardImage.png)


>Don't care. Fuck your D&C.

It's not D&C. I'm trying to educate you on how things are on the ground in Europe, how ethnic identity works here, what is important etc.

It's very consequential, because once you understand what I have been trying to tell you, you will understand why ethnic nationalism is much much more common in Europe as opposed to white supremacy. Nationalist europeans want their unique cultures to be allowed to thrive in their ancestral homelands, and understand that to achieve that for themselves they have to allow the same for each other. The solidarity between an Estonian and a Dane is in helping each other maintain their own separate cultures, not in establishing a global "white" monoculture whatever the fuck that would mean (I ask again, which language do "white" people speak?)

In the USA, you find white supremacists because you find people who identify as white, and who don't see how having a supremacist identity can turn other ethnicities against you. Eastern Europeans hate Germans and Russians both, because both came to erase their local culture. That's what happens to supremacists in Europe.

I don't want europe to be at war with itself, but I would gladly go to war against anyone who wants to kill my national culture, language and traditions. The unity has to come from mutual acknowledgement of each other's separate identities.

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709228  No.139568


Stop watching CNN, mutt. 99% of Italians live in Italy and so do Czechs, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Dutch, Germans, French. And yeah, western European countries have tons of niggers and arabs among them, but again, 90% of (both of) them marries within their race. Go be 'white' with your 5% Sioux and 4% Creole DNA kits. You're using slave language. We called them blacks before you were a country because they didn't countries to speak of and we didn't feel it necessary to racially group them, because they were our slaves. You adopting 'whites' puts you on their level in our European eyes.

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709228  No.139570


You forgot to mention their mutt government even includes 'white hispanics' to really confuse the poor jew pets, fucking lel.

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5917f5  No.139575




Leaf here. I realize you will likely level the same sorts of (D&C?) accusations against me as the Americans, seeing as we are, as well, the result of the colonization of North America. Nonetheless, I ask you, how does beating down people who are (regardless of your accusations of "mutt-hood") nearly genetically identical to you and also support you retaining and maintaining your identity and culture in your lands help you achieve that retention and maintenance?

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709228  No.139576


Your jew overlords have completely brainwashed you. Because they made you believe that your country was supposed to be some melting pot of cultures, and that everyone who wanted to could be an American. That's not how culture works, and it was just a trick the bolsheviks used to mass immigrate and hide among you and other immigrants. Heck, even half the Germans from the 19th century you claim are fucking jews that had friends in immigration change it to German for 'protection' from their holohoax fantasies. Unless you start to say you're not an American and call out the spics and niggers and jew and actively try to get them out of your country, you're just as complicit.

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5917f5  No.139582


I don't see why they can't ultimate revise the jewishness of modern American culture and return to having European-American identity and culture. Those things happened, but I would argue that the jews who did what they did to America, and to the West as a whole, should not be afforded the privilege of talking for the real Americans, those of European descent. Same as they shouldn't be afforded the same for what they've done to Canada. Jews and traitors do not speak for us, even if they have power over us. The same is happening in the EU, and you will not be spared. Will you just clutch ever tighter to your sinking ship as theirs goes fully under, knowing yours is next? Or will you try to do *something*, anything? Maybe something heroic even? Or will you just spit and curse at them while smugly feeling superior because your ship hasn't, *YET*, sunk as far?

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709228  No.139587


>nearly genetically identical to you

They're not. I traced my family back pretty much until records started, and all, including in-law families, are spread in about 200x500 square kilometers in northern Europe. That's where the Frisians live, now split in two countries. Americans are not a natural haplo group, they are a mix, because off the boat, even what you call 'whites' mixed together. Which is highly unlikely here (all jew propaganda notwithstanding, it is very low in Europe in general). And they can't support our culture, because they frame everything in white vs black, which I explained is lowering yourself to the level of an animal. They do not understand the finesses of Tirolean Italians or Sardinians or Corsicans or Silesians or Bavarians or Balts.

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709228  No.139594


I am not responsible for the Americans fucking up their chance at becoming their own race over time, when at every opportunity they get to defend their own (let's call them white Americans), they insist on being open to everyone as long as it's 'legal'. They are so in the thralls of jew propaganda it is sickening.

Americans can claw this back, only if they stop and neutralize e a c h a n d e v e r y o n e that is not like them or insists on mixing them further. Starting tomorrow morning. And start deporting. Including your slaves and nigger filth that claims the same background as your slaves.

See where this is going? What do you think is the chance of that? Because if they do all that, then they start to come alongside us. It's a long way to catch up to, and I doubt with the jew power concentrated in the US that it will happen.

I think it's best to just admit the experiment was a failure, and secede and start anew. But I don't even think they have the balls to do that (must have been so infuriating for them to watch niggers overtake a city block with nothing).

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ca3879  No.139595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>how does beating down people who are (regardless of your accusations of "mutt-hood") nearly genetically identical to you and also support you retaining and maintaining your identity and culture in your lands help you achieve that retention and maintenance?

I'm not aiming at a beatdown, I'm just sick of people pretending that "white" is an ethnicity. I actually don't have a good idea about how to build an authentic ethnic nationalism in a colony like the North American colonies. Perhaps that is why supremacism comes more naturally. A Serb can insist that Serbia is for Serbs, and point to the fact that his country is named after his language and ethnicity, and that his ethnicity has been occupying the land - but what does the "white" american use to argue that America / Canada should turn away certain migrants? It's far too easy for the kikes to point at the "immigrant history" of the country or the (((melting pot))) or whatever, and they will be right. Europeans used to ridicule the colonies for taking their trash people.

Americans need a substitute for language and history. Literally every single song in my native language is nationalist - simply speaking my own language is a nationalist act. Americans don't have the same luxury.

There are even certain songs that will consistiently bring a tear to the eye of 50% of people here. At big national events we literally link arms and sing our national songs and feel a national bond.

I don't think there is enough common cultural material yet to build a synthetic ethnicity.

Sorry for the unstructured ranting - I would like to know what you guys think about the foundations of American culture.

> That's not how culture works, and it was just a trick the bolsheviks used to mass immigrate and hide among you and other immigrants.

This is true. And along the way they destroyed English as a language of a culture and made it the "international language".

> return to having European-American identity and culture.

Yeah this is the weak bit. "Serbian culture" is so much easier to define than "European-American" culture.

> The same is happening in the EU, and you will not be spared.

Not really - not in the East. It's happening in France and Germany.

>even what you call 'whites' mixed together. Which is highly unlikely here

Yeah intermarriage between Russians and locals is rare here. I think it's very hard for burgers to understand how strong ethnic identity is in Europe. Perhaps they see it more like being from one state in the US vs another, when it's much more serious.

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ca3879  No.139597


Sorry vid related was my wish for a strong, and truly American identity. You guys do have a beautiful and unique culture that needs protecting from kikester rap. But you will always have more work to do to constitute it and protect it.

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709228  No.139605


That we do. The sad fact is though we are jewed, they are clearly recognizable because they are very few (except for France and England). The US unfortunately is the mother load of jewdom right now (and has been for 100 years).

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709228  No.139607


Oh and vid is appreciated, very nice. I always felt the CSA is closest to the true America.

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709228  No.139610


Not ranting, you expressed a lot of my thoughts much more eloquently. As member of a small language group, I can wholeheartedly concur that speaking and singing in your mother language is an act of pride and joy. Again, it is saddening to see the 'right' Americans freak over Mexicans sticking to their language. Not because they're wrong, but simply because they don't get it.

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5917f5  No.139617


Genetic differences between groups with different European ancestries are infinitesimally small. They are, regardless of your bloodline, almost genetically the same if you are European, and in a way that is very different from jews saying, "oh, nogs are the same as you, we all bleed red". Of course there are differences, and of course European natives have more true diversity in terms of different genetic groupings/ethnicities; that is always the case when you have a founding population that remains largely isolated from their homeland. It's happened many times over the Millenia in Europe, too. Given time and, especially, access to genetic engineering to weed out 'mistakes', I don't see why they couldn't become a true nation, or at least a grouping of several nations united to defend themselves.

>>Americans are not a natural haplo group, they are a mix, because off the boat, even what you call 'whites' mixed together.

I don't refer to myself as "white", but I recognize the utility of the term in the unique situation that Europeans found themselves in through the development of North America. Also, define what a "natural" haplogroup is. All of them throughout history and prehistory have been produced and over time maintained by the movements, wars, and mixings of historical and ancient era peoples.

>>And they can't support our culture, because they frame everything in white vs black, which I explained is lowering yourself to the level of an animal.

I understand what you are saying here, but in the states the word does have some actual utility, and even European-ancestry Americans still tend to remember their actual ethnicity/ethnicities. Europeana, especially upper classes and royals, have mixed ethnically for almost a couple thousand years. There is no reason that the actual European-Americans can't understand and support your cause in Europe just because they are in different circumstances and must therefore deal with them differently.

>>They do not understand the finesses of Tirolean Italians or Sardinians or Corsicans or Silesians or Bavarians or Balts.

Maybe not. In fact, most likely not. Seeing as they didn't have to live within that world, a world you are lucky to exist within. Sadly, it seems that the same that happened to them will also happen to you and yours, because you are no less under the thumb of ZOG than they are, it's just that your illusions haven't yet been fully shattered - but, alas, they will be shattered if we can't move beyond our petty squabbles.

I 100% believe in continuing the diversity of **EUROPEAN** peoples/ethnicities and their cultures in Europe and I do recognize your basic point here. I just don't want to see what is being done to the West as a whole by ZOG continue and I know that it will if we can't stand up for each other.

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5917f5  No.139620



I understand. I don't think these are simple problems, and I see your points much more clearly now. Thanks for the further elucidation.

I will have to respond later tonight as I must attend to matters IRL, but thanks for the reasonable discussion so far, to the both of you

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242efa  No.139624


>wow people who live in a country filled with people who look like them never had to distinguish between them and the people they colonised.

Amazing insight! Revolutionary. Do you think the Khoi San had a concept of the khoi people before they met black africans or white europeans. Probably not the khoi people are laughing at you Europeans.

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7838d0  No.139626


If someone calls me "racist", I just say, "So?" And that usually shuts them up because they don't know what to say after that.

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709228  No.139627


Everybody is racist. It's natural.

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7dc6da  No.139631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We should start trivializing the term "oppression",owningit like the left did with snowflawkes, using it in the same context as we did with "triggering", shitposting on the pozzed social media with clickbait titles such as "whinny shittifa OPPRESSED by based Tucker Carson" stuff like that until even low energy lolburgs, centrists and cuckservative use the term as household name.

After we manage to do that, we do the same with NAZI, breaking the stigma around it with the shit that the typical antifag already consider to be FAXIXT these days. like "i'm a nazi because i'm against the legalization of paedophilia" with

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5917f5  No.139654


This seed of an idea does seem to have some potential.

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8dd402  No.139793


It's because these liberals feel superior in their sense of having evolved past those 'taught' behaviors. It's also why they will not ever accuse arabs of being racist, or chinese, or africans. They expect those lower races to do this. So, in a way, they exhibit racism as well. I said before, racism is the most basic and most natural form of group identity. Everybody does it, it is nothing to be ashamed about.

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