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File: 7e9bcf4636b6746⋯.jpeg (159.97 KB, 750x1010, 75:101, 794FF8E5_D9D5_4A72_A9EB_8….jpeg)

be3dcb  No.139158


>single mom murdered for saying all lives matter

>twitter blue check says she had it coming

>tweet still up

>700+ likes

Thoughts anons? Know I sure hate being threatened with a good time.

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0080b7  No.139163


As much as I cringe, the all lives matter "movement" is probably the easiest way to trigger the niggers right now. Much like fast food, it is a quick fix that isn't particularly good at it's job. We need some more mainstream shit, like its ok to be white, ect.

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158207  No.139166



No one will do anything about it. No one will find this person and kill him. No one will go house to house in Indianapolis with a team of thousands and slaughter every nonwhite in the city. No one will kill anyone at Twitter for allowing this, nor even physically damage or destroy Twitter hardware such that the website is permanently damaged. Nothing will happen, at any scale, anywhere, for any reason.

Same thought as any time anything happens to whites, honestly.

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be3dcb  No.139168



Comments are calling it sarcasm and that he’s a conservative yet that doesn’t explain how he has a checkmark or why twatter is leaving it up while they and every other (((social media))) site are shadowbanning the subject. Tucker will probably bring it tomorrow night and that’ll be it, even if it is intended irony hope this faggot burns.

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c6f132  No.139177



Like this (((cunt)))?

Some city in Canada somewhere

Tearing down "it's okay to be white" signs.

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c6f132  No.139181

File: 1338673ae6f4bca⋯.png (181.8 KB, 1421x719, 1421:719, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, typical white-hating Jew, evidently, a lesbian

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c6f132  No.139183

File: f88900869c8eb66⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1431x939, 477:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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be3dcb  No.139186

File: 161982ac817abf6⋯.jpeg (69.78 KB, 640x678, 320:339, D7D7369B_9A91_4451_A32B_E….jpeg)

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fc23da  No.139187


Just ask her, "are Jews white?"

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e8aeae  No.139328

File: b1fdb36e46a8352⋯.png (34.14 KB, 987x800, 987:800, notally.png)

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4b3f76  No.139350

File: 3c1cb474d84d7ee⋯.jpeg (14.42 KB, 256x256, 1:1, brendan.jpeg)


His entire twitter now trying to protect himself with "poe law" shit. Dude's already losing it. You cannot fucking joke about murder. This fat soyboy won't make all the stress from "unwell" people not understanding his "joke".

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970740  No.139409


Well, you can joke about murder, but this guy seems far from joking. Blue checkmark professionally dressed white guy - either a libcuck who truly hates his race or someone with such an advanced case of boomer syndrome that they didn't realize how serious what they said sounded (true ignorance of poe's law). Either way it seems like a learning lesson for him.

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16d101  No.139426


Well yeah, he's paying same price he put on a table himself.

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5006aa  No.139471

She wasn't a single mother, she had a fiance who tried to defend her.

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88bc16  No.139477

File: a8d8790057a8348⋯.png (92.22 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, NoLivesMatterBW.png)


>We need some more mainstream shit, like its ok to be white, ect.

16 hours in paint. Please don't waste it.

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88bc16  No.139478

File: af22dd1c8d3b399⋯.png (34.27 KB, 405x720, 9:16, NoLivesMatter.png)

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2ca73e  No.139489


Needs to replace the sicko hammer with the kike hexagon.

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ec80d5  No.139498


Trigger the nigger? WTF anon?

The only triggering that needs to be done to the nigger is from the back of a .308 to watch their head turn into a pink mist.

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ec80d5  No.139499

File: ccfdc4a71227148⋯.png (253.25 KB, 1545x1633, 1545:1633, communist_subversion_proce….png)



Their body count is so much higher than that…

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ec80d5  No.139501

File: 14a1bce75ff57a5⋯.png (79.18 KB, 960x1100, 48:55, Gay_PPL.png)


She is a faggot anon. The entire 'black lives matter' is a faggot psyop…it has fuck all to do with black people. One of the things you will notice about most of these and the antifa rallies is that they are FUCKING FULL of faggots.

You reap what you sowed for not BOGGING THE FUCKING FAGGOTS when you had the chance.

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c483a4  No.139621

lf it is his legit opnion or just shitposting, you have to check his historic to see his takes on pozzed shit like Blm and Shitifa.

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f2d9b6  No.139636


>Thoughts anons?

Kill everyone that is not white.

>muh glownigger

Then be the next one in line to be killed by nonwhites.


>Everyone must find this person and kill him. >Everyone must go house to house in Indianapolis with a team of thousands and slaughter every nonwhite in the city.

>Everyone must kill anyone at Twitter for allowing this, and physically damage or destroy Twitter hardware such that the website is permanently damaged.

Fixed that for you.

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bd9390  No.139643


The correct answer here is Whites need to recognize our mortal enemies and shoot on sight. Do not engage verbally. If you have an interaction with a nigger, one of these will end: your social life or your actual life. I've made my decision a while ago. Mag dump, then drive away til my tank is empty

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6cf52f  No.139651

File: 072676b55e16272⋯.png (249.89 KB, 500x1040, 25:52, periodt.png)


meanwhile on her FB page

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dd7eb1  No.139655

File: e2215b4569a500a⋯.jpeg (250.48 KB, 1073x1263, 1073:1263, 87912978_C6E7_4F7A_9AEC_0….jpeg)

Blood of patriots and tyrants.

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3d2b41  No.139656


>whores paid to hold their countries flag


oddly apt

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