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File: 77d28ffc6d84dee⋯.jpeg (70.36 KB, 640x423, 640:423, Puritans.jpeg)

8aa445  No.139048

Can political movements stop descending into religious or social puritanism and fully accept moral relativism and right for everyone to enjoy their life however they please, and in whatever amount of such enjoyment they want? I mean really, discipline rises from desire of one to discipline oneself for a certain goal. You cannot force people to do anything. You can only bring good message with promise of freedom from moralism and censorship.

Because where you're going with anti-degenerate message may be not acceptable for modern crowd of this "degenerate" age that enjoyed freedom from puritanism and religious prejudices for at least 30-40 years. Even when you're advertising state controlled racial segregation and racial purity, by descending into moralist madness you will only bring religious crusaders to your side, but neither young nor people used to their lifestyles. You will advertise stoic message and promise to live as pity as russians or chinese, and nobody will listen to that.

My advice is simple, rethink idea of centering your message on morality, and think only in matter of race. Everything else should come on its own if we're truly perfect.

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08762d  No.139320

I guess the other anti-moralism thread reached the last page.


>Can political movements stop descending into religious or social puritanism


> fully accept moral relativism and right for everyone to enjoy their life however they please, and in whatever amount of such enjoyment they want?


> I mean really, discipline rises from desire of one to discipline oneself for a certain goal. You cannot force people to do anything.

You grew up without a father. Truly momma's boy.

We are trying to get people to discipline themselves for a certain goal dipshit.

>You can only bring good message with promise of freedom from moralism and censorship.

Nope and Nope.

>Because where you're going with anti-degenerate message may be not acceptable for modern crowd of this "degenerate" age that enjoyed freedom from puritanism and religious prejudices for at least 30-40 years.

More like 80 years. One does not make change by asking for people to accept it. Weak. Everything you've said so far reveals how weak you are. Weak and dumb.

Who said people have enjoyed the past 80 years? Do you believe the mask, reject the suicides and escapist self-destructive behavior, habits and actions? wake up retard

> descending into moralist madness you will only bring religious crusaders to your side, but neither young nor people used to their lifestyles.

Plenty young and those used to their lifestyles if they hear the clarion ring of hope, purity, purpose. Non-religious will and have joined.

>You will advertise stoic message and promise to live as pity as russians or chinese, and nobody will listen to that.

Stoicism is making some waves in popular culture right now including silicon valley and I look forward to your desperate attempt at justifying this sentence.

Stoicism is not submitting to a totaltarian dictatorship. It is the self-discipline you mentioned earlier in your post. Stoicism permits you to endure and bide your time rather than give in and submit or go wild as your consciousness descends into madness and falls apart. Stoicism is a strength. You are full of weakness.

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e32754  No.139502

Want some moral relativism in action? Muslims are allowed to rape children because it's their culture and you can't judge them, but you can't because you're just a dumb goy.

How's that sound?

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374eba  No.139503


You shouldn't want to rape children.


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374eba  No.139504


He is just a retard communist anon. He would be totally horrified by his 'dream world'. They always are and then they themselves swing the pendulum back so hard that it results in total hysterical political and social control. I decided that this was the only 'purpose' of communism; to lock down the entire planet in a social system on the backswing that was unbreakable.

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35cd8c  No.139506

Sure man, lets go full true moral relativism. After all, if done without any deviation, moral relativism just devolves into might means right, so that's good with me.

> you: my internal morality deems X, Y, and Z as right

> me: my morality deems people who view X, Y, and Z as destructive, and must be killed

True moral relativism would imply there is no objective right and wrong. Thus, each individual is allowed to determine his own moral code. As a consequence, there's no reason I can't sentence you to death for your beliefs. The only thing restricting me would be my capabilities.

Hence, it devolves into, as I said, might makes right.

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d5b2ba  No.139507


>oy vey goyim truth doesn’t exist

>oy vey goyim relativism is good

>oy vey goyim morality is backward

>do what jews say


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495067  No.139512

File: f9ab552ed163e08⋯.png (171.54 KB, 500x740, 25:37, doit_single_edge_razor_bla….png)


>freedom from moralism

Yes OP, that is what the West desperately needs right now. Freedom from moralism.

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cdc36e  No.139635


>Moralism in nationalism can be questioned


>moral relativism


>You cannot force people to do anything.

Then they must be killed for not doing what is right. Society as a group can be forced to do anything, simply by killing enough dissidents, so the survivors obey as they must.

No one must be allowed "freedom" to be a communist/marxist. Instead, they must be killed for being communists/marxists.

No one must be allowed "freedom" to be a greedy corporate suit that puts profit above his own people either. Instead, they must be killed for being greedy corporate suits.

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6d3e64  No.139737


You say you want to kill all communists but what your advocating for sounds like a communist's wet dream.

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0c92f2  No.139807


This. Though philosophically I mostly agree with OP pragmatically we have to acknowledge that honor, trust, meritocracy, altruism and sense of justice had been our primary selective adaptations and our main reason for success as a subspecies, even if kikes had turned these against us.

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0c92f2  No.139809


>m-muh horseshoe

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