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dc3a82  No.138860[Last 50 Posts]

Parents used to be allowed to judge who was involved with their daughter, and in what capacity.

Now, however, with the artificially-constructed age of consent laws, the state can kick down the door, abduct the children and sell them to rape/torture/murder farms based on a report of suspicion of the child having drawn a picture of a COVID virus or whatever.

My point, anyway: You are 18.0000001 years old. You have a 15.999999 year old girl who you have known for years, you grew up in same neighborhood, and have loved her, mutually for years. You always talked casually, then more seriously of being married someday.

BUT, the local Jew in her high school wants to be able to gang-rape her in the synagogue basement, so he has you arrested for some crime involving here being not-yet-sixteen, and you being the gray old age of 18. He has to get you out of the way.

By the way, that is the entire point of taking authority from parents as to whom their daughter is allowed to see, and on what level, just like it was the point of Goyim War 1 and 2.

Should it not be restored to where parents determine who gets to consort with their offspring, not some jealous kike who has family connections to the local DA and judge?

I am not advocating pedophilia. That is attraction to people who are not even pubescent. That is exceedingly rare. The satanic murder shit going on in synagogues and other places Democrats gather is lumped in with that, when it is more "satanic ritual abuse" more than it is "actual attraction to a minor for sexual pleasure" though that is thrown in there, too.

But, back to the point. Give parents to authority to determine who sees their daughter. The state being able to abduct children and levy multiple life sentences on some goyim because they found out that he didn't set the alarm clock and quit smooching his girlfriend at midnight on his 18th birthday, even though the parents and the couple are already planning the wedding, etc, has got to go.

Also, being able to fuck donkeys at 16, but not being able to get married until 18 has to be discarded. States where it is legal to fuck animals are also states that forbid marriage before 18.

1Ti 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 

1Ti 4:2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 

1Ti 4:3  Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 

"Forbidding to marry" a doctrine of demons, especially when coupled with Child Abduction Services shuttling her off to safety in an underground rape bunker where she can turn into a farm womb for kike rapists.

Parents know a lot better who are what is good for their children than the pedorapist state does, and they are FAR more likely to keep them safe than the pedorapist state government workers are.

inb4 "All men who wants someone under double their own age are pedos."

There is no provision in the Constitution for what is presently happening in the USA and around the world.

Forbidding people to marry is a doctrine of demons and an invitation to disaster, as we have seen.

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b69559  No.138865

Theres a mod banning people all over the board for advocating for this, no doubt an american thats been well brainwashed by the feminist society he was raised in to believe fucking someone a day before their 18th birthday is pedophilia and must therefore be censored.

This whole thing was concocted in an effort to force women into greater education because a culture in which men are the providers and women are the caretakers isn't a very equal one so forcing women into the role of provider through legality and shaming surely will set things right. Only now theres nobody to take over the other half of family life and so families are simply unsustainable and we're seeing a huge rise of abortions and single mothers improperly raising kids because of that.

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dc3a82  No.138867


Ah, but I'm not advocating child sex or sex outside marriage.

I'm advocating depriving kikes of every last shiksa on the entire planet, ad infinitum.

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b1eabb  No.138869


Really anon…don't you know that there is 'no marriage' for the goyim. Her being married isn't going to stop them.

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dc3a82  No.138872


I hear what you are saying.

But women go in the direction they are properly led. Getting her in love and married up instead of gang-fucking mouth breathers in Whore College is a huge step up.

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63507d  No.138879


You wouldn't happen to be the guy from the other thread who publicly supported raping children and denied that jews are responsible for the world's ills, would you?


>known for years, you grew up in same neighborhood, and have loved her, mutually for years. You always talked casually, then more seriously of being married someday.

>parents determine who gets to consort with their offspring

You've elucidated your point with all the right conditionals. You're absolutely correct. If we're to survive as a species after (someday, somehow, magically) reclaiming our homelands (and more), we have to restore traditional, healthy psychology in all aspects of society.

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934509  No.138884


I know a lady who is president of the university's women's club here, and it's a fairly high ranking university in the Times of London annual ratings of the top 500. Her university woman's club's #1 charitable effort was teaching 3rd world women to read. I smiled benevolently upon her and commented that nothing collapsed birth rates like teaching women how to read. Her face lit up with a beautiful smile and she waxed eloquent on this subject at some length. It's an effective brake on global population growth without the messy side effects and dubious moral qualities of abortion or provoking local genocidal wars, though I didn't say that of course.

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b69559  No.138887


I'm the guy from the other thread who you strawmanned as being in support of child rape for saying we should eliminate the restrictions on the age of marriage yeah.

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b1eabb  No.138888



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dc3a82  No.138889


God himself has signed your post with quads of Truth.

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934509  No.138890


On one hand, I'm not interested in going after 12 year olds, fuck at my age I'm not interested in pursuing anyone frankly, but the brutal fact is even little broads from good families like surgeon's daughters are going out and whoring themselves eagerly with gold blooded calculation in grade 6, and being pimped by 15 year olds into the bargain. They're defiant when caught, claiming correctly though with utter immorality that they're making more than both their parents combined for a couple hours of fun after school.

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934509  No.138892


haha "gold blooded", that's a good Freudian slip eh?

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4e15ce  No.138893



I just read the thread, man. You do realize it's the jews who changed society to cause all this shit, right?

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b1eabb  No.138896


You have to take your pick anon…because you can't have both. This new promiscuity is the natural result of education. You can't have huge White families as well as virginal 'educated' women. There is just too many deviant attractions when you are (((educated))). Don't worry tho, the rest of the worlds women are just as susceptible to not wanting to reproduce the more they read…it isn't just White women.

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b69559  No.138899


No because theres no evidence to back that up, I don't believe in a boogieman thats responsible for all the worlds ills simply because its convenient for the same reason I'm not religious to explain all the worlds unknowns on "god did it" because its convenient. I actually enjoy critically thinking and coming to my own conclusions. But I'm not going to derail this thread attempting to discuss it further only for the thread to be destroyed by the butthurt mod who can't handle dissent like what happened in the last one.

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54e09c  No.138900


> You have a 15.999999 year old girl who you have known for years, so he has you arrested for some crime involving here being not-yet-sixteen

Show me one casejust onewhere that has happened.

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b1eabb  No.138901


What a coomer tho, he couldn't wait 15 minutes til 16.00000 to coom in her pussy.

Hahaha such a spaz.

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b69559  No.138906


They made the romeo and juliet law specifically because that kept happening over and over.

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934509  No.138907


I don't have to "pick" anything. I'm pushing 70 and I'll be dead soon, hopefully of natural causes before some 14 year old nigger can amuse his friends by sneaking up to me on the street and stabbing me in my liver with a home made shank. My misfortune is that I get distressed dating ignorant empty headed women regardless of how beautiful they are. It actually drives me crazy, drawn as I am by lust for her and repelled by fear of being attached to a hopeless moron. Talking to an AI is more entertaining. The girl of my dreams is this corporate lawyer I went to school with when we were both 15. She's so beautiful, more beautiful than Natalie Wood and she is so fucking intelligent and sophisticated. If only she was my wife. The better man won though, I must admit. She's been happily married for 45 years or more to the same guy. I've known him since elementary school. What an arrogant violent motherfucker he is, a highly disciplined engineer and damn near a murderous thug.

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b1eabb  No.138910


I can't imagine they actually watched Romeo and Juliet then.


If he only knew that he would be banging that drum for the next 60 years…15 minutes might have been worth the wait. Thank God that men can grow to love any woman over time.


Really anon? She was that good that after 45 years you are still longing for her? Perhaps she was your soul mate in previous life or something. Also, no one is happily married after 45 years…that is just the face they present to the outside world.

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934509  No.138911


My friend wound up in juvenile hall for slashing $10,000 worth of tires in one afternoon in 1966 (that was a lot of fucking tires back in 1966 money) in an enraged tantrum when his mother broke up his family to move in with her lesbian lover. He slashed that school teacher's tires first and then conceived of the scheme to slash all those other tires to cover up his crime. He made the mistake of going back to join the angry mob hunting for the tire slasher and got caught. haha..

But back on topic he said that 90% of the guys in juve hall were in for fucking their little honeys. If you had lived in 1966 you would have come in your pance all day long every day. No strip parlor has ever been more erotic than high school in 1966. Micro mini skirts, high heeled shoes, 99% white student body, pantihose hadn't even been invented so girls wore garter belts and nylons and their miniskirts were so short you could see all that equipment. If they bent over even 15degrees you could see their panties and they were wearing black silk see through panties. Mein Gott!

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b1eabb  No.138913

File: 6d7ee8c7d126611⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 484x700, 121:175, 1966_minskirt.jpg)

It was a different era.

I would just be happy to live in a White nation at this point.

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b69559  No.138914


Well the term "jailbait" certainly didn't come out of nowhere, in fact a lot of the under 18 "children" were actually lying about their age and then blackmailing the men they'd sleep with after the fact because they knew how much power the law had given them. We're still seeing echos of that today with the whole #metoo debacle where 40 year washed up old hags are coming out and saying they were sexually assaulted by some celebrity 25 years ago in order to regain some semblance of relevance.

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b1eabb  No.138918

File: 7b16bc68d49035e⋯.jpg (363.14 KB, 1142x2783, 1142:2783, age_of_consent_usa.jpg)



If you look at the age of consent informative graph you will see that the 'hypothetical' scenario proposed by OP is almost non-existent in the USA. This story and scenario is not a problem here. It only becomes a problem when a much older man wants to fuck minors…and that is disgusting. Indefensible.

Most states are FAR more lenient in the scenario you outlined in this OP than not.

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b69559  No.138919


>much older

The highest age differential there is 5, I can't even think of a single married couple I know that are within 5 years of eachothers age. Women peak in their early years and men peak in their later years so you almost always see a gap in age between the two in marriage, to place that narrow of a gap and consider a 21 year old a child rapist for fucking a 16 year old is insane and to consider the 21 year old "much older" in that scenario is even more insane.

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b1eabb  No.138922


Anything more than 3 years is too far apart. If you want to have a 6 year gap in your age you need to wait until they are more mature to fuck them.

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b1eabb  No.138923


Also, I can't think of a single SUCCESSFULLY married couple whose age gap is more than 3 years.

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b69559  No.138927



You're fucking with me, right?

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b1eabb  No.138930


Um no, not at all. People can't relate to each other in a technological society if their age gap is more than 3 years. Too many things have happened in that span, they don't have common experiences anymore or common interests or culture. This is only going to get worse and worse as technology advances and information becomes more dense. Guess you don't remember being that young anymore but I do and when you see someone who is 10 years older than you when you are 16 they are like a fucking dinosaur.

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1b349e  No.138932


>People can't relate to each other in a technological society if their age gap is more than 3 years.

You're saying this in a thread made by a man who says hes almost 70 years old, you realize that right?

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b1eabb  No.138935


Yes. I know that. Technology and culture has advanced more over the last 5 years than over the last 50 years. It is moving so fast that people are not going to be able to keep up. Not just that but without AI (a more likely life partner for individuals) they will not be able to keep up with even their own experience and culture at all in the very near future.

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a58067  No.138937


This is a good point.


>promiscuity a result of education

Education is dogshit in America and has the opposite effect on people you retard. "Can't have huge families and virginal women" yes you can it's called family-oriented, but simple 'character' will do. Saving it for marriage. You're full of all kinds of bullshit. Fact is the stereotypical good girl is fine having two children at the very least, and definitely more if the dude knows what he's doing. The (((deviant attractors))) will always be in the uneducated more than the educated.

At best you got a tiny slice of the picture and are drawing all sorts of conclusions. At worst you're here to fuck with /pnd/.


This isn't common at all faggot. Relatively more common amongst poor, uneducated, unvirtuous people of trash or no character and no culture to speak of. Nothing really handed down to them by their family. Only trashiness. Of course poor and generally uneducated people can have character and culture but there's plenty of "white trash" in corporate shithole America.


>come in your pants


>age of aquarius

You mean the onset of the downfall of America? The Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt school, and British Crown conspiracy to control america by perverting everything? k. And I assure you the women still try and get away with stuff or in fact do depending on where we're talking about.

In highschool I had a lot more self-control than you fucker. Young people are figuring out what matters in life, and in a deeper and broader way, than you have simply by age and experience. Most anyone that has any good sense is isolating themselves. Men are doing it less and less.


What's your point. Enough one liners, you think this is TikTok faggot? Even the Greek thinkers got sick of faggots trying to make their shit 'pop' all the fucking time.

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1b349e  No.138938


You haven't even been alive over the last 50 years to know that or make an apt comparison, you're just talking out of your ass because you've only been alive long enough to see some internet memes come and go. Theres a reason people refer to the 90s and the 80s and the 70s etc as entirely different culturally, because they were. Things aren't changing any faster now than they ever have, just differently.

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1b349e  No.138939


>Enough one liners, you think this is TikTok faggot? Even the Greek thinkers got sick of faggots trying to make their shit 'pop' all the fucking time.

As opposed to you that makes a wall of text replying to everything yet says nothing at all? What the fuck is your point?

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54e09c  No.138987


And that law is why OP is fake and gay.

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147ce2  No.139070


>No because theres no evidence to back that up

Okay, go away forever. You don't belong here, and it was correct that you were banned and your spam deleted. Fucking kill yourself.

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61b7bd  No.139110


Why go away when I can simply ask you to provide a single fact to back up your bullshit and you'll showcase your total inability to do even that?

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67b5f9  No.139121


People made claims and I contradicted, sometimes soft-counter them. That's saying something. So is not couching your meaning in a one liner thinking you're fucking dropping shells or are provocative or whatever bullshit is in your head. Say what you fucking mean the first time [ >>138938 ] instead of wasting time and post count.


You said something retarded about the thread creator being 70 years old as if that somehow contradicts the guy you were responding to on the effect of technology on society/people.

There are grade schoolers with better reading comprehension and critical thinking ability than you you fucking retard.

You seem to act like the last 50 years are an enigma and that people can't learn about it whether they were alive then or not. Most people don't have a fucking clue what's going on in the country or world. It barely makes a difference if you were alive during the 60s or not. In fact, new things surface over time and people start compiling together very broad or deep research on various decades.

And of course this includes various conspiratorial elements that come to light. The secret influences become known.

Look in the Catalog, Tavistock Institute. Should be a thread on the Frankfurt School as well. I think the "Aquarian Conspiracy" is in the Tavistock thread.

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b6ebfc  No.139123

>Should it not be restored to where parents determine who gets to consort with their offspring, not some jealous kike who has family connections to the local DA and judge?


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e82e9f  No.139151

Position of /pol/ : if you marry her, provide a stable relationship and have children to increase fertility-rates of the country => You are approved.

If you exploit and are a predator on the innocent children => You hang.

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61b7bd  No.139157


Saying "nu-uh" in an overly verbose way doesn't make you any more compelling.

Someone claiming that its impossible to relate to anyone older or younger than you by 3 years is patently false just by the example of a 70 year old in this thread that the millennials that make up the core demographic of imageboards wouldn't even be able to differentiate from themselves had he not specified his age. I don't even have a single person in my friend group thats within 3 years of my age and regardless of whether they're older or younger we have no issue relating to one another. Its just such a ridiculous thing to even suggest that I can't believe I have to elaborate further than a single sentence to illustrate to you why its ridiculous.

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fbab0f  No.139164


>there is no evidence that jews are behind anything

It was correct that you were banned.

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3a7cca  No.139172


What you said was "You do realize it's the jews who changed society to cause all this shit" and when asked to back up your baseless claim surprise surprise you had no proof. This is a debate platform now so it wasn't correct for the mod to ban me for debating your baseless claims and if he keeps overstepping his bounds like this thinking hes still on /pol/ he won't be a mod for much longer because they changed this board to be how it is now for a reason.

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147ce2  No.139176


>the claim that jews control the world is baseless

It was correct that you were banned.

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3a7cca  No.139184


Prove it, I look forward to being just as compelled by your paranoid schizophrenic delusions as I was listening to terry davis go on and on about the cia niggers that he thought were controlling the world.

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cf3e98  No.139189


lol, can confirm in part. Someone dated at 12, wasn't the first boyfriend. Had said her ex had "raped" her and such. Regardless, didn't break up until later. Can say at minimum though, sex ~12 isn't a surprise in the current status quo. At minimum, it's almost set in stone for 12-16 to do it with someone in that age bracket.

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3b3c93  No.139190


Modern society can't be fixed piecemeal. You have to cure education, racial segregation, welfare system, state religion, common culture all at the same time before you can make assumptions about what ideal laws would look like. So you can say, "a 15 yo girl is old enough to be married," and in a perfect world this is probably true, but if you passed such a law right NOW, it would read: "age of consent is 15" and they'd be systematically turning them all into whores.

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b1eabb  No.139191


I have lots of friendships and acquaintances that are older/younger by decades. My point was not about relating to people in general, though you might never understand a younger or older generation…it was about NOT MARRYING someone who was more than three years junior or senior of yourself. It simply won't work because unless you are in sandnigger society the difference in culture and technology or viewpoints is too vast between two people to be compatible in any measure.

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b1eabb  No.139196


I don't think this was unusual in all of history though. It doesn't really mean anything for teens to experiment sexually with each other. It only means something for someone who has a MARRIAGE CONTRACT, meaning a contractual marriage as opposed to a love marriage. Contractual marriages are a function of the state or of upperclass families where fortunes need to be monitored and guided. It doesn't occur with lower class families because it is unimportant.

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fb9d13  No.139206


I see, well then, call me overly prude(nt?), but I would long for the world where it's the same for the common people as well. After all, it's not like commoner's parents care less for them, I would hope. As has been stated in this thread, education is an issue. In my view in particular schools are basically deathtraps. A girl gets caught up with

>muh friends do X, therefore, to not be a loser, I must do X

>putting wolves amongst sheep, with different values and character

inb4 that's already done with private and charter schools. I guess my sorrow as a "common" person is, I've known a certain set of people since 5 years old and know them and their parents to have been good people. However, the merging schools (i.e. they poured different students together into the same school) allowed the wrong crowd to exist and warp them. Hell, this always happens in the middle school transition two because, oftentimes, that's a new school.

I.e., everyone has their own distinct elementary school, generally, at that age, all the sheep are sheep and wolves ousted. Then they're all flung into the same middle school, and the downfall begins. This being independent of what's actually taught at the schools btw and focusing purely in on class and race based demographic shifts as one progresses up through school.

Oh well, I can imagine myself becoming like 70 year old anon. in due time.

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3a7cca  No.139208


You can assert thats the case as many times as you want, it doesn't make any more sense the more you say it. My own parents have an over 10 year age gap between them and they've been married for 40 years, I don't buy for a second that the only successfully married couples you know of are within 3 years of eachothers age, I think you're just lying to try and lend credence to your awful theory.

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4570a8  No.139214

File: fb615edb9ac2c6c⋯.jpg (426.34 KB, 1163x1500, 1163:1500, mistletoe_ritual.jpg)


41 with 18 is abusive.

18 with 17 is not.

These things are clear to any reasonable person.

Teacher with student is abusive, even when student is >18, because of the control they have over their lives.

Employer with employee is no different than teacher with student, and yet that is not banned, in fact, very common.

Note that Mexico is liberalizing all sex laws because they want more population because their swelling population is their power over America. They dropped AOC to 14 and legalized most forms of prostitution.

We need to protect 18 year old boys from 45 year old podestas more than we need to protect 17 from 18.

And don't forget the boy angle. They trick boys into the gay. Gay is heavily evangelical.

They try to make mistletoe ritual illegal in Ireland, such is their bloodlust for cutting numbers of whites.

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1b349e  No.139230


>41 with 18 is abusive

Yeah abusive to the middle aged man who'll have half the wealth he worked his entire life for stolen from him by the gold digging whore that uses him for his money and then throws him out the moment she can siphon alimony from him for the rest of his life. With the amount of power women have in divorce court you'll never get me to believe marriage is ever abusive to anyone but men.

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b1eabb  No.139245


He is a total retard for thinking an 18 yo woman would want anything to do with someone his age. That is just full blown retard.

It is almost like none of you remember being young and thinking that someone 10 years older than you was a fucking dinosaur.

WTF is a 41 yo guy going to offer an 18 yo?

They have literally nothing but sex in common and sex is not enough to hold a marriage together. It is not even HER FAULT for a forty fucking one year old man to try and hit on someone less than half his age. You know he is only about the pussy at that point and every woman on the planet knows it as well. There is absolutely no way for them to take you seriously…at all. Trust me, if they don't indicate openly that it is disgusting to them that you are chasing young pussy that hard they are still thinking it. Girls START getting propositioned by adult men in their 40's and 50's and 60's when they are no more than 13 years old. By 18 they are old hands at manipulating codgers who want to fuck them and dump them. Did I mention that it is totally creepy? Today it is rare to come across a man that is not a porn addled coomer and there is no thought or finesse in their action. They are like a wind up toy that just wants to COOOOOOOMMMM…with whatever they saw on PornHub last night…and lets say that you are 'the exception' and that you are serious by the time someone has been stalked, hunted and harassed daily or weekly for 5 years they are not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt; you become just another creepy 'joe biden' to them.

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3a7cca  No.139293


Yeah I'm sure women are just waiting to jump on the dick of some highschool drop out ass neet still living with his mother because he watches rick and morty too. Get fucking real, your perception of what people are looking for in a sexual partner is totally warped and nonsensical. Statistically speaking what actually holds a marriage together is a lack of previous sexual partners, with each new person you're with the likelyhood that your future marriage will last goes in the shitter. So for you to suggest that a woman should hop from dick to dick until she finds the guy that will watch rick and morty with her then she'll live happily ever after in a successful marriage is the shittiest mindset and its the one thats lead the western world into the hook up culture thats created skyrocketing divorce rates and plummeting birth rates.

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6f5c3a  No.139307


Saying "ya huh" is not compelling either, but if left unchallenged sure as fuck looks more compelling than if there is one.

And my reply was as long as yours if we're talking about the post on education making sluts. reading comprehension

> impossible to relate to anyone older or younger than you by 3 years is patently false just by the example of a 70 year old in this thread that the millennials that make up the core demographic of imageboards wouldn't even be able to differentiate from themselves had he not specified his age.

What differentiated himself from us are his views. His views are shit. In general I can tell that most people with views like his are at least middle aged, late 30s or 40s. They pretty much always are.

I didn't say anything because I didn't see a point of saying so when there was plenty of other shit to fling and arguments to be made.

I'm not the person that originally made the 3 year claim but there's a higher standard of intimacy and relatability in a marriage or any long-term and committed relationship. I also have to wonder why you have no friends within, perhaps 6 years of age? It's rather unhealthy being unable to form some bonds with those your own age; I get that generational issues can make it difficult and that there's fewer within one's age range of 12 years (+-6 years) than without especially with a 6 year range, but it indicates that one didn't form any long lasting bonds in high school and does not actively seek to interact with those of their own age in various situations, or actively avoids them.

Some conjecture: Social bonds is sort of like genetics. Recessive traits emerge when both parties have the same recessive traits, and dominant traits are amplified or remain the same, but they often prevent recessive trait expression. But mutts are mutts nigger. You're a generational mutt with all the ADHD, [social/mental] illness and [social] fertility issues (do your friendships create a new culture? Is the conversation interesting, new, culturally advanced let's say? Or is it more "ah these guys shoot guns and hate libs too and they pay you back and keep to meeting times".) that come with it.


Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt School, Aquarian Conspiracy though that last item is vague for me so I don't know. Check out the thread on tavistock, search in the catalogue.


Why would you call it "experiment sexually"? Why is the indicative word here "experiment"? Is that the kosher word? Hated that shit in fucking high school even. Just means hoes (inc. man hoes) being hoes wanting a word that gives them a free pass. An experiment is scholarly, purposeful and for the greater cause of knowledge, illumination, enlightenment. Huzzah! Fuck off with that sleeper koshe.


Yeah having the bad influences next to the good influences. School is a micro-reality so to speak. The solution to prevent such warping is strength. These "good eggs" are soft and or brittle. If the sons were raised as men, not children, such that they weren't sheepish, the school would naturally fraction in demographics with strong mini-alphas ousting poz and repelling invaders from their lunch tables and sick ideas from their brothers' and sisters' minds.

All originates from the strength of an individual.


Your counter is just your own parents and that's pretty biasing itself, but it's not a bad example since you would know what their married life is like. When did they marry? When they were 25/35? 10 years is a hell of a lot better than 30 years I'll tell you that much. Was your mother dirt poor/ come from a dirt poor family?


>41 with 18 abusive, 18 with 17 is not.

Yeah most states don't prosecute on individuals 3 years or less apart. Teacher with student is much different from employer and employee, seeing as going to school is state mandated, one can leave their job, and one gets a job generally at the time they also reach age of consent (why say these retarded things anon).

Mexico's power is not more numbers faggot. Beaner parasites crossing the border weakens America. Very different argument HA. And they're a corrupt shithole overrun with cartels; I doubt they want to spend resources on sexual crimes and "gray areas" when there are public fucking executions and bodies hanged from overpasses all the fucking time. "reasonable person" my fucking ass.

The mistletoe thing is dumb but the solution to one extreme is not another extreme.


Nah you are or are talking about a hedonistic he-cunt dealing with a gold digging heartless she-bitch. Get a clue, stop trying to fuck big children.

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6f5c3a  No.139312




laughing at this strawman.

You're referring to a singular statistic and you don't even know if it's the most reliable indicator, and if it is then remember that if one thing explains a marriage 30% and everything else less than 30% but it still adds up a fraction at a time to that 100%, means you still only have 30% of the fucking picture. There is still several other things to consider you bitter old shit.

The proper mindset is: How do I have better than likely chances of a great marriage? no body count, got it, similar age, got it, same race, got it, similar people in general, DING DING DING looks like we got the basis for a solid marriage.

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3a7cca  No.139326


Prove that theres "a higher standard of intimacy and relatability in a marriage or any long-term and committed relationship" if you're within 3 years of eachothers age. Also theres a reason you had to double the age and then simply assume I still didn't have any friends within 6 years of me, which I do, because its quite common to not have friends that are within 3 years of your own age unless you never move in your entire life and neither do any of your classmates. To say I can't relate to someone even 6 years older or younger than me is retarded.

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3a7cca  No.139327


If you have a more reliable indicator then share it instead of just relying on me accepting your baseless conjecture as fact.

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6f5c3a  No.139331


I can prove it, yes.

Given all else is equal, would one relate better to those of their own age or another age?

Second question: To one younger or older?

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6f5c3a  No.139332


I doubled it because I didn't make the original claim but that one would relate better to those of their own age makes sense.

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6f5c3a  No.139336


Show me the study that states it's the most reliable indicator.

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6f5c3a  No.139337


And quit regurgitating shit.

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3a7cca  No.139340


If all else is equal then their age is irrelevant to how well you relate to them as their differences is what determines how well you relate. I'm not going to relate to a religious zealot whos entire life revolves around god regardless of what their age is, I relate to people based on their own personal characteristics not generalizations about their age or gender or whatever else.


Its the only indicator until you can show a different one and then we can debate on which is more reliable.

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6f5c3a  No.139346


>Their differences determine how well [they] relate.

The differences between two individuals?

We're assuming there's still a society of various persons of all character.

You say age is irrelevant to how well they relate to each other [as their differences is what determines how well they relate] but this sentence makes no sense. Could you clarify?

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3a7cca  No.139347


A religious zealot whos entire life revolves around god could not relate with me as an atheist because of our differences, whether or not we both popped out of our mothers vaginas at identical moments in time is irrelevant.

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6f5c3a  No.139351


But it isn't the only thing that goes into a marriage. We know this.

You don't know what a proper argument is; the burden of proof isn't on me it's you, whom made the claim. We need to clarify what the study meant by "best indicator" as well.

You didn't even comprehend properly what I said; I said that if it were the best indicator it wouldn't necessarily be a majority indicator - as in, it may be as a single measure the best indicator of how likely a marriage will last over 40 years (thus, if you were only allowed one metric/measure, your bets will be better placed if you know their body count) but it doesn't mean you'd be better off than if you knew everything else about them except their body count. Get it?

There's two ways of looking at this term "single best indicator" but I don't have the numbers. So let's say 10% of marriages reach 40 years. Now let's say 70% of these marriages have women with no body count or just 1 previous, but they also had several other things going for them, that being one of them. There's still 30% of marriages with women with more than 1 body count in their history but what made their marriages work was a combination of things. This is one way of interpreting it.

The other way of interpreting it is that 30% of these 40+ year marriages had 1 or 0 history in the women because that shit is just rare and many different variables in each marriage including income, # of children, religion, parent divorce/not divorced after # years etc. where each marriage looked different besides that 1 or 0, but the 70% is some combination of many good marriage indicators - maybe they all start poor become middle class after working their way up, maybe they all have a middle-low education, maybe they all are religious, maybe they all had parents with a stable long marriage, maybe they all live in the town they were born in.

Get what I'm saying?

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6f5c3a  No.139352


I don't get it. I am saying there is no difference between the individuals except age. Why are you bringing up this irrelevant bullshit?

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6f5c3a  No.139353


What I am doing is establishing some things so we can have a proper discussion.

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3a7cca  No.139358


My argument was "Statistically speaking what actually holds a marriage together is a lack of previous sexual partners" which based on the study done on marriage success rates is true. If you want to try and deny this then you actually have to provide statistics of your own that show better indicators of long term marital success than "body count" and so far all you've done is pull some random percentages out of your ass that mean nothing.


If theres no difference between the individuals then I'll relate to them all exactly the same regardless of age because its their differences that change how well I relate to them, how is this a hard concept to grasp?

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59c7a0  No.139362


For me to deny it I must know what it is I am denying. Provide the fucking study.

You did not comprehend my post. Please reread it.


I don't think you have the abstract thinking ability to answer this question as your answer is fucking retarded. No you will not relate to the granny or infant as well. I am not saying the anime loli is 10, 000 years old, or that someone was born as a full grown adult and are actually days old. The older are still affected by age and younger affected by youth in this thought experiment.

If you still say you relate to them all equally you have the abstract comprehension of a lib with similar values based on similar incompetencies.

It's funny that this parallels the study that people are more receptive to lefty, progressive, feminist ideals when a magnet is used on their reasoning and learning center of the brain.

You can not reason and you are not learning.

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59c7a0  No.139364



Oh and that you didn't get what I was saying supports my point that you're too dumb, lacking in critical and abstract reasoning, for this conversation.

You don't know what the study was saying because it could have been saying two different things. You can't discern what those two different things could be. You can't comprehend my explanation of what those two different things could be.

If you can, you're purposefully obtuse about it. Defensive. Unwilling to fucking communicate. You're autistic.

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3a7cca  No.139368

File: 504dc0af517b05b⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 666x692, 333:346, untitled.jpg)


This study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3487709/

Which pic related is from, shows how much of an impact more premarital partners have on the marriage success rate.

If theres no difference between individuals except age that would require the individual be in the age range to have no other differences. Why you'd think I would assume it means I should be comparing a 1 month old baby to a 300 year old skeleton 6 feet under the ground is beyond me.

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904383  No.139371

File: 40195ebd02e0e39⋯.jpeg (861.92 KB, 3200x2378, 1600:1189, magdalene.jpeg)



Here's a hot idea, why not accept the sluthood instead? This is a brave new world, the sooner you will stop caring about your bride being a virgin, the more happy you will be as a man. Fuck it, both bride and groom should have sex experience, therefore happy in bed regardless of consequences. People re-evaluate their lives based on past experiences, why bother wishing for perfect world? Nobody talks about the fact that most people lose their virginity in 13, 16 at most. People fuck anyway and don't give a shit about moral preaching. Children themselves make fun of each other for being virgins at 18. And you're probably virgins at your late 20's. Maybe you only make sex look evil, because your christian parents didn't let you out of the house and therefore you only stayed at the internet and haven't seen that the world has changed and not a "bible believing utopia". And now you feel depressed only because you cling to values of the ancient people, and not even real ancients, but rather some jewish teaching that had nothing to do with even older ancestors.

Ancients used to send girls to temples to lose their virginity as soon as possible for the goddess. While men didn't gave a shit if they fucked other men before marrying. Somehow that didn't killed "white race".

We're adaptable to all those new environments, and you better adapt too or least you will be too sexually inexperienced to please women and your bloodline will die simply because you will refuse social norms of modern freedom and remain virgin out of dissatisfaction, making no children in the process yourself.

Embrace the slut, sooner you do it, sooner you will stuck with somebody and at least some kind of family and children in the process.

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3a7cca  No.139372


You looking at sex as a skill to hone and not a means to make children is why the western world is in the state that its in with more marriages failing than lasting and so many pregnancies ending in abortion rather than children. Religious ideals have stood the test of time and are proven to result in sustainable societies where as the hedonism you're talking about has only shown to destroy the family unit and the birth rate along with it and is therefore unsustainable.

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aa2fc4  No.139379


And people with no sex skill nowadays get sewn off as if curse of natural selection at work. Because of that women actually take sex lessons to find rich husbands and real men fuck since young with as many women as they can and end up producing offspring more quickly and eagerly compared to shy 2X+ virgins who end up scaring majority of sexually experienced women because they simply cannot handle pressure of having a relationship with sexually inexperienced person, because they end up treating you like a child. Its too much pressure on them.

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3a7cca  No.139382


A society in which only the elites are capable of producing offspring is a society that will fail and be replaced by one thats actually capable of not only replacing themselves but doubling their population every generation. I'm of course talking about muslims, theres a reason they're overflowing out of their countries and into those with birth rates so poor they're forced to open their borders to stop their infrastructure from collapsing in on itself due to a lack of a native workforce as the previous generation goes into retirement to be replaced by no one.

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59c7a0  No.139383


I don't think this is the study you meant to link.

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59c7a0  No.139385


>most lose virginity 13, 16

nope. Also, as a study from another thread states the earlier you fuck the more miserable you are in life, higher the suicide rate. My father was a bit of a hound and anti-christian as he "thought for himself".

>ancients use to send girls to temples to lose their virginity

ancients aren't a thing. You're referring to Babylonians and they were Canaanite crypto jews that sacrificed children to their gods/goddesses as well. They weren't white, they were mudslime mutts. So yes, it did kill whites. They love to corrupt as they were corrupted. It is their miserable existence, their unending agony.

>your bloodline will die

speak for yourself faggot. hang.


>no sex skills sewn off

Yeah keeping hanging around your druggy degenerate friends watching druggy degenerate hollywood shit burning out from both ends on a crash course with a brick wall. I'm sure your bloodline will do well being the utter trash of the Earth.

I don't care for your approval or the approval of those like you. Cunts be damned.

Then you turn incoherent:

>virgins who end up scaring majority of sexually experienced women because they simply cannot handle pressure of having a relationship with sexually inexperienced person, because they end up treating you like a child. Its too much pressure on them.

Too much pressure not being a hoe so she gets insecure and tries to treat you like a child. Makes sense.


The fuck are you talking about. Muslims aren't forcing any borders open, Jews are manipulating their puppets to command the borders be opened. Ignorant fuckwad. You really believe that shit they sell? The reason birth rates are so low first of all is the slut degeneracy that's rampant. It pollutes the waters so to speak and sex becomes disgusting and degenerate when it isn't a relationship between individuals committed to each other but a publicized and obsessed over decent into hedonism.

When everyone is a creepy degenerate that wants to get inside you or wrap their toxic fish hole around your dick one tends to avoid sexual activity and breeding (why bring children into this violating world?).

Then due to the problem they created, there's less laborers. So they want to create another problem to 'fix' this problem, which is to import mudslimes after bombing the shit out of their countries and saying how great Europe and America is and how they should all move there.


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ab29bb  No.139388



The rest of your post can be ignored from that sentiment alone. Just because you're sheltered and don't know society that's been absolutely different since sexual revolution doesn't mean your beliefs matter.

>You're referring to Babylonians and they were Canaanite crypto jews

Also Babylonian Inanna and Greek Aphrodite are the same cult (because whoever was Hesiod stole their religion), temple prostitution was common to both, fucking Evola of all people tells that in his Eros book.

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59c7a0  No.139391


You're full of shit.

And I don't give a fuck what degenerate greeks did.

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59c7a0  No.139392


Most lose it after 16, not before.

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3aa5e4  No.139393

File: 0742085224541cf⋯.png (25.27 KB, 264x274, 132:137, npc_jew.png)


> the sooner you will stop caring about your bride being a virgin, the more happy you will be as a man.

>why bother wishing for perfect world?

People like you are the reason we can't have good things.

Unironically kill yourself faggot - unless you want us to d it for you later.

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59c7a0  No.139394


Everything the media tries to do is to control perception, invent facts and distort everyone's world view. You swallowed the rancid nigger cum of the 6 major media corporations. Congratulations, you got brain AIDS you stupid nigger blowing faggot.

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3a7cca  No.139398


Muslims don't have to force any borders open and neither do jews, its a natural consequence of an unsustainable birthrate. You're so quick to blame it on jews yet if it were true they would be replacing a society thats happy to be their ally and fund their reclamation of israel with an islamic society that hates jews more than anyone and would now be in control of the most powerful military on the planet, how does that make sense to you?

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59c7a0  No.139401


Because a few muslims keeping the goys busy is the bread and circus necessary to keep the heat of their backs. It's to occupy people's attention with something else. They aren't going to completely replace whites, they're going to keep them occupied with bullshit. The less willing whites are to fight back, the better for them if they're ever ousted. The more whites wish to virtue signal and reward virtue signalling and tolerate, the better for the Jews if they're ever ousted as the ones behind the muslim immigration, and the better for them when they start getting people to believe that sex with 12 year old girls and boys is totally kosher. Also fags are kosher. Also trannies are kosher. Accept and tolerate all this bullshit so we can turn Europe and America into Babylon, goyim!

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3a7cca  No.139406


Muslims birthrates are at around 4 per couple which means they double in population every generation, whites on the other hand are at around 1.8 per couple which isn't even a replacement rate. To say that a flood of muslim immigrants to replace a lack of native workers as the previous generation goes into retirement aren't going to inevitably replace whites altogether is to just ignore the current trends.

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9de14e  No.139412

File: b07c9cd4bde0750⋯.jpeg (65.27 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Voltaire.jpeg)


Well, last thing I'll say is that virginity is not a virtue. Its a form of egoism.

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59c7a0  No.139413


You're ignoring reality faggot. Trends aren't forever like in your vacuum sealed statistical reality. Whites have been and will push back against immigration as they always have. In the 80s they got a bill that ramped up immigration even though most people were against it. You have to remember that things happen in waves generally; whites will likely expel mooslems at some point, end immigration largely and start making babies again. Maybe the Jews will help this along them fucking selves. A good plan is to suddenly shift the media to show how violent colored people are, then invite some terrorists to bomb something, and turn everyone against browns then restrict immigration and start dialing back degeneracy, taking a generally anti-degeneracy stance until birthrates are back up to what they have to be for Jews to feel comfy; then they'll try the degeneracy shtick again unless they've come up with something better like mind control with a bit of satan and sex thrown in if there's a slow day or something.


Voltaire was a degenerate that fucked 14 year old boys you fucking retard.

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3a7cca  No.139414


I have statistics and you have wishful thinking, whos ignoring reality again?

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59c7a0  No.139416


Holy fuck you're ignorant. Statistics aren't a magic bullet you Ben Shapiro worshiping faggot. Even the Shapiro Jew knows better than this, you lolberg retard. You can lie with statistics plenty. It's a well known fucking thing. Maybe you should spend a little time reading fucking whitepapers instead of "owning the libs" with "facts and logic". Dunning Kruger.

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9de14e  No.139417


You better read both Voltaire and Rene Descartes. Instead of calling people degenerate knowing nothing.

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59c7a0  No.139419


Go to gen.lib.rus.ec and download the book "how to lie with statistics" and give it a read. Educate yourself.

Crack open a Mountain Dew™ and bag of Cool Ranch™ Doritos™ and give it a peruse.

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59c7a0  No.139420


He fucked young little boys.

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3a7cca  No.139425

File: bac5d9d31207cef⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 277x350, 277:350, TheSecretLogo.jpg)


Now wishful thinking on the other hand, thats a magic bullet that will solve any problem. Don't even bother changing anything just hope hard enough for a better tomorrow and it'll happen.


I've got a book recommendation too, pic related. It teaches you that if you just wish and believe hard enough you can get whatever you want.

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59c7a0  No.139428


Can you explain to me what the distinction I was trying to explain to you here >>139351 in your own words?

Or is that too difficult?

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9de14e  No.139435

File: fceba8a52e3d12b⋯.jpeg (499.61 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, greece.jpeg)


Like most people in this panting?

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59c7a0  No.139440


Not that I know of, but I'm not Christian.

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59c7a0  No.139441



Oops its Greeks. Lazy glance. Still don't know, I know Aristotle was against that shit though. I don't worship Greeks but there were some smart ones.

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e076d4  No.139450

"Muh ebil sluts, Pol! Muh ebil sluuuuuts!"



< Muh age of consent is so unfair and stupid!

Libertarianism! Is! Stupid!

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3a7cca  No.139454


Ok karen if I tell you that you still have value in the sexual marketplace will you calm down?

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d03a35  No.139461

File: 9382dfb448f6de5⋯.jpeg (127.82 KB, 1242x728, 621:364, sniper_rifle_go_boom.jpeg)


What the fuck you want, those people lost the war to some russian savages even though they had higher technological advancement.

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612b73  No.139469


>i base my world view on funny memes about gay greeks

read a book nigger, pedophilia was punishable with either death or loss of citizenship


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67d578  No.139474

File: d71ed377c6ac10a⋯.pdf (6.44 MB, Greek_Homosexuality_Update….pdf)

File: b01b271a67f5704⋯.png (133.72 KB, 550x492, 275:246, Aiskhines.png)


Sorry anon, but it got debunked. It was actually a law against boys prostituting themselves. Because those young tyrant made money off of it.

There are many books that are christian/nationalist propaganda to portray certain ancient nations in a different more acceptable "moral" right as if they were "right wing" or "christian" in terms of their morality and sense of justice, and the book you posted is one of those. You think only jews subvert you every day? Think twice.

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c7b819  No.139479


It didn't get debunked faggot. I am reading Chapter three from this book by Adonis Georgiades >>139469

and it's shitting hot, rancid, jewish feces all over your cum stained face. kill yourself.

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b1eabb  No.139508


Prom and all those 'cultural' incentives.

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b1eabb  No.139510


Greek 'gods' were homosexuals. Their disgusting gods were literal faggots.

It really puts me off all the 'ancient gods' when I see how many of them were modeled after semitic trash.

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fab2d9  No.139519

File: 033091580a1db5d⋯.pdf (9.06 MB, epstein_flight_manifests.pdf)

flight log Epstein

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8768fe  No.139539


Imagine spamming something that everyone here knows is false.

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fb9d13  No.139564


Or that's bullshit and people like to draw dicks on their vases and comics like to tell a real scandal about big Zeus the fudge puncher.

There's a chapter in the >>139469 book for mythology. It's decent. Not like it covers a shit ton of mythology but I don't know who was really creating that shit after Homer anywho. In one case a person is cursed and their offspring cursed, killed and a couple of his children killed and Oedipus results from this curse on his homo father.

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b1eabb  No.139589

File: 5c5bdda9fc1dca9⋯.jpg (13.46 KB, 220x258, 110:129, Ganymede_Zeus_pedo_nigger_….jpg)

File: df13865e590c0da⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 375x500, 3:4, faggot_zeus_the_pedophile_….JPG)

File: f5bfeb1260737ae⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, faggot_zeus_the_pedophile.jpg)

File: 5e96179139ee610⋯.jpg (57.99 KB, 640x631, 640:631, pederasty_zeus.jpg)


Why would you care if people thought the Greeks were faggots anon?

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fb9d13  No.139591


Because you fags fag up everything, you invasive freaks.

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a6eddf  No.139596


Russia was fueled by the United States. It had no oil and it was running low on resources. The United States also pulled Germany out of economic catastrophe after WW1.

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b1eabb  No.139609


Yeah…ok…but just saying someone is a faggot when they are faggots is not 'bad' it is just speaking the truth. The truth is the 'Greek gods' were pedos and faggots. Totally amoral like a animal or a nigger.

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fb9d13  No.139613


Eh debatable. I'm not a historian. People put fag shit to vase and painting and the greeks were city-states rather than a country. If someone paints some fag shit you'd probably have it burned over the centuries, but it's Greek so people might not have decided to destroy it.

The third image of yours is about Ganymede and it's explained how Zeus thought he was "beautiful in soul" and everyone liked listening to him because he was wise, so Zeus made him his cup bearer. Not some fag shit. This is according to the linked book by Adonis Georgiades of course; but he cites the whole passage and goes into the words used, and Socrates himself supported the belief that Ganymede was considered good company rather than something lustful.

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edcc3a  No.139634


>41 with 18 is abusive.

Literally not.

No rational man would like to be bound to an old hag since day 1.

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46acd7  No.139639

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3d89c5  No.139640


don't worry grandma you'll always be able to find someone willing to stick their dick in your blown out vag

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46acd7  No.139641


I'm a 20 something dude faggot

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