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File: 8f886097a5e5009⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 840x462, 20:11, rainbow.jpg)

336cdb  No.138305

Can we finally admit that this retard is not only a Zionist, but has never done anything good for white people? Just like the morons who shill him and larp as being white?

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14fb47  No.138380


He is just trolling faggots by calling them White supremacists.

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5513ac  No.138616


He glows and is homosexual.

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cf73f5  No.138618

Okay, and? Was that ever in question, particularly here?

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e4e13f  No.138685


no one ever supported spencer except his rabbi

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c24faa  No.138710

File: 7ddb1d219efa28b⋯.png (165.75 KB, 341x341, 1:1, 1495736663347.png)

File: 2fd9b73a09838e8⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 322x331, 322:331, 1502493966574.jpg)

File: 7504485add37a0b⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 1500x1466, 750:733, 1505515431995.jpg)

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c24faa  No.138716

File: 3011b7f8e077d32⋯.jpg (287.58 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, 1495218491285.jpg)

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c34b8a  No.139165

File: 2413067dc92b48e⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 517x800, 517:800, moonman.jpg)

Richard is a good leader. If it weren't for him a lot us wouldn't be where we are today

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6a9b81  No.139171


With less power, fewer numbers, and a worse position for whites that at any time in human history? Yeah, that's about right.

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6ea18a  No.139179

He also cried like a bitch when he got “punched” by that skinny antifa faggot. He’s an embarrassment.

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3f936a  No.139194


he was never a leader of anything, he was simply a faggot CIA asset that the jews tried to use to get the "alt right" all under one tent, but it didn't work, then they tried to push Milo. For some reason they keep trying to using homosexual whites to become leaders of the far right. But its not working. Now it makes me wonder if Catboykami is the latest iteration of this. As he seems to have come out of nowhere, he obviously has very homo-tranny tendencies, and he supposedly got rich off of bitcoin, so streaming is his job supposedly. And people actually believe this. I find his humor funny, but its obvious there are certain people also trying to prop him up as some kind of leader, whatever the case, no faggots will ever be a leader of white nationalists or Nat Socs.

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c7cafe  No.139241

File: bcacfcc5922b0af⋯.png (161.5 KB, 513x433, 513:433, crypto_jews_3.png)


Fuck you he's a cunt.

"Marx was basically right", "gayness is whiteness". Roman saluting with The Atlantic invited to the event ffs. What human being would need any more information than this to understand. He's a fucking shill cunty faggot.

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c753d2  No.139243


I looked up this Frank Collin Cohen guy on (((Wikipedia))); I can forgive him for being of partial Jewish dissent but it turns out he is a child molester so as far as I'm concerned that makes his Jewishness unforgivable.

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c24faa  No.139252


> Roman saluting

Post a picture of Spencer Roman saluting. Protip: you can't

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81cdf2  No.141321

There is zero evidence about muh fed.

Fuck your Catboy Spic Fuentes!

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83a0ef  No.141696

File: d5d06a75f53d24b⋯.png (305.09 KB, 500x1203, 500:1203, implicit_dick_in_his_own_w….png)

File: 5c6e2cb265b38b9⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 2442x2036, 1221:1018, Implicit_Nazbol_Spencer.jpg)

File: 623e1dd946c7521⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 630x276, 105:46, spencer_kike_bitch.jpg)


>it's either implicit dicky or nick the spic

How about neither?

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459ab5  No.141698

File: 70cb7fde0bf78be⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 708x1074, 118:179, 70cb7fde0bf78be393755000d6….jpg)


It was pretty funny when he shit on that nigger who was pretending to be a brit.

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3c45b7  No.141716

File: 8e4bdaf233cee59⋯.png (263.6 KB, 816x404, 204:101, alt_right_dugin.png)

I recommend to read article by Thuletide:


It's explains how "alt-right" and "identitarians" are just crypto-nazbols and were kosher from the beginning.

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9c5f6e  No.141952


They just understand capitalism's role in these recurring problems. People who would prefer they not notice that are the ones who have the biggest issue with them.

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b23fbf  No.141989



Why wouldnt you? Its the only one.

>Net Bibi

Probably would in terms of racial preservation

>understand zionist impulse

We understand as we are underthreat


Israel funded Rhodesia lol, why look a gift horse in the mouth

>kikes WW2

That is pretty cucked tbh

>race mixing

Miscegenation rates are in the single digits, the only mutts we receive are spics from the south, he has never promoted them.


First and last post were fucking jokes, you are being dishonest.

Second faggot quote is true especially in greco-roman societes (though controversial)


>guilty by association

Also marx has very legitimate and good criticism of capitalism

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e57f47  No.142047


I can't believe people need to be told this. Alt-right was suspicious as fuck from the beginning, especially as for a while the "leader" was a gay Jew Libertarian. It was nonsense, a banner for neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Libertarians, Trump voters and a few more. Made no sense and I never got caught up in it. Their job was to act as a safety net and trap waking whites from knowing too much.

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8a8f43  No.142375


>Their job was to act as a safety net and trap waking whites from knowing too much.

You're either lying or an idiot. The so-called alt-right is partially why whites were/are waking.


You are too.

The 'alt-right' is actual anti-establishment conservatives and pro-whites. The term is not tarnished and is actually the best one I've ever heard applied to dissidents. It's innocuous. We could be, and often are, called much worse.

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7e77c8  No.142403

File: 34846670a98d8ec⋯.jpg (295.18 KB, 992x720, 62:45, alt_right_in_one_picture.jpg)


>Why wouldnt you? Its the only one.

Israel is a leftist shithole where right wing nationalism is banned (See Lehi) .

>Probably would in terms of racial preservation

Preserving people with minor percent of Jewish DNA who are only larping as Jews. This including Russians, Westerners, Arabs, even niggers.


Eastern Khazar style mafia boss. He gets bonus points for jewing the jews though.

>Miscegenation rates are in the single digits

For a bunch of already mixed beyond recognition people which are only focused on preserving the kikiest of traits.

>Also marx has very legitimate

Not quite

>good criticism of capitalism

The only thing that he got somewhat correct

>Israel funded Rhodesia


Alt-right was an attempt to co-opt an organic movement by a bunch of gay leftist Jews and their lapdogs, while it did not succeed, it was enough to stop the original movement for the most part. Then they came up with (((Q))) as a more effective strategy.

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e57f47  No.142409


Yes because gay Jews talking about black cock is perfect for awakening whites. Spencer talking about homosexuality being white, married to a woman with strong ties to Communism. Alex Jones, a Zionist, Stefan Molyneux a Jew Libertarian. To be redpilled is to name the Jew and these shills didn't. The alt-right was literally a response to the likes of us spreading the uncomfortable truths and gaining traction with memes, social media and more.

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59c93b  No.142410



0 truth to this


we have trashed on alt-right for years. All these people are fucking new.

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09704e  No.142423


I figured he was nazbol…whatever that fruity globohomo faggot is, he isn't 'our people' partially because he is half kike (ashkenazi) on his mothers side which as you all KNOW makes him a full jew.

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8c9c27  No.142426

what the fuck is a "white people"

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df5679  No.142503

File: d8d0a3ff351c7dc⋯.png (9.85 KB, 239x219, 239:219, 8293154a0ded815f19dc3117ea….png)

Jews hard at work with the gay op infighting in this thread.


>With less power, fewer numbers,

That's an outright lie. If you talk to the 1.0 types you'll find that they're extremely white pilled because there are more of us than ever. I myself joined the movement well after charlottesville: I went from an israel worshipping shabbos goy to the holocaust didn't happen but it should have.


> and a worse position for whites that at any time in human history? Yeah, that's about right.

This is the consequence of losing world war 2.

Besides, Spencer isn't a leader: he's just another voice trying to advocate for us.

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