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File: 621cfb89547a394⋯.jpg (238.41 KB, 2048x1972, 512:493, pjwtvprf3ef21.jpg)

d60cbd  No.138174

Any firing that involves noticing someone's skin color contrasts from any other element is discriminating by their race, isn't it?

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42a829  No.138176


>Is it illegal to fire someone for blackface?


>noticing someone's skin color …

That's not how it works.

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d60cbd  No.138186


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42a829  No.138214


What's to explain? Putting on blackface doesn't make you black, so you can't claim EoE. Further, putting on blackface is considered a political statement and political beliefs are not protected by EoE.

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b4735d  No.138219

File: 775e53bc33dca93⋯.png (109.56 KB, 674x726, 337:363, nazi_alleged.PNG)


You can be arrested for being a Nationalsozialist on your own time without even proselytizing on the job or anything like that because Nationalsozialism is just Capitalism in decay so it is natural that employers would want to fire Nationalsozialists for dividing the working class with their racism and antisemitism.

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b4735d  No.138220



Fuck I mistyped, don't worry tho in a few days that fuck up will age gracefully.

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42a829  No.138225


None of this should be surprising. It goes the other way, too. If you work for a conservative company, you can be fired for having liberal bumper stickers on your car. Political speech is protected by the First Amendment, but that doesn't mean you can't get fired.

It's all in the paperwork you sign when you're hired. If you don't read that, then it's your own damn fault.

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d60cbd  No.138229

Blacks aren't the only race though.

You have to notice their skin color doesn't match the one they painted on their face to fire them for blackface, so how is that not discriminating against their race?

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42a829  No.138230


… because if you put on blackface, you're not being fired because you're White. You're being fired because you're an asshole. The law doesn't say you're not allowed to notice skin color. It says you're not allowed to fire someone for their skin color.

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b4735d  No.138242

File: d756a9ac26e0c24⋯.png (50.4 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Deutsche_Arbeitsfront.png)


What if an employer determines that believing workers should unionize is an unacceptable political view?

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d60cbd  No.138249

Does the civil rights act specify what amount of race discrimination is okay? If you have to notice their skin color to come to that decision, it sounds like it's still part of the decision.

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503a94  No.138286


>If you have to notice their skin color

You're seriously a window-licker, aren't you. A legit, balls hanging in the toilet, window licking retard. Learn to read.

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503a94  No.138287


Legally you cannot be fired for union organizing. If an employer does so, they have violated Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act.

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b4735d  No.138288


But I thought I could be fired for my opinions?

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d60cbd  No.138294

Are you retarded? They have to notice your race to fire you for blackface.

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b4735d  No.138360


Brown people having access to white countries is one of the fundamental human rights so whether or not something is agreed upon to be a "right" should be irreverent.

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d60cbd  No.138371

They tell you it has nothing to do with your chances of getting hired though.

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0c03d2  No.138995


> They even ask you for your race on the fucking job application.

Which is, of course, racist and will sooner or later be booted by SCOTUS.

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d60cbd  No.139077

You literally cannot fire someone for blackface without thinking about their skin color. It may not be what's important to you, but it's inseparable from the process. So it's racial discrimination.

Same with racial profiling.

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0fe466  No.140792

The written law doesn't matter. If you're a business owning NPC, are you going to listen to the silent cuckservative that never makes a peep and will keep his nose to the grindstone, no matter what? Or will you listen to the mob of angry niggers and antifas that will dox your family and threaten your children?

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e073f7  No.141361

I didn't ask this because I care how impotent our legal system is. I was just curious if it's technically illegal because people getting fired for political incorrectness/"racism" is kind of a meme.

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5f7919  No.141411

its like firing a black person, which the niggers think is racist, lol

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