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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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86d205  No.138063

Domestic Terrorist Bill de Blasio BANS ALL EVENTS AND GATHERINGS for the Entire Summer in New York City… Except Violent Black Lives Matter Riots (ARSON, LOOTING, CARNAGE ENSUES!)

WATCH: https://youtu.be/4L2FS9X16Cs

When will our people finally stand up and defend our identity and our heritage from an invading army?

Full segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L2FS9X16Cs&feature=youtu.be

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86d205  No.138064

File: 932eb4993de0798⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 780x439, 780:439, de_blasio_family.jpg)

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a46b0c  No.138070

File: eadc843b133339b⋯.png (38.53 KB, 615x128, 615:128, worst_nightmare_pandemic_s….png)

Oh no, worst "NIGHTMARE" pandemic scenario happen! How could it happen? Nobody knows how! Probably people were going to bars too much and ignored the warnings!

Murrica is a fucking joke.

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043916  No.138199


Oddly I don't know a single person who has died of the rona, and there are no bodies piling up in my neighborhood, in fact my local hospital is not even overwhelmed. I must be the luckiest person alive, since apparently everyone else is dead or dying of it right now.

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942dec  No.138208

>When will our people finally stand up and defend our identity and our heritage from an invading army?

Never. Next question.

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b5ba48  No.138217


>invading army

Quick question … how are black people "invading" when they didn't come here voluntarily?

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