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5aab00  No.137883

tl;dw the eastern half of Oklahoma is no longer part of the United States.

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9b612f  No.137886

I doubt it will mean anything for the people driving through, but I wonder what this means for non native property owners.

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4ea6a4  No.137892


Now you can run a casino out of your house

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2387e2  No.137897


It means that THEY get their ethnostate and we don't…because it would be rayciss if we had an ethnostate.

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9b612f  No.137904


There aren't enough natives to force people to move. Seems like this puts both native and non-natives in an awkward predicament.

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3d315a  No.137931


You can have your ethnostate.

Get off your ass and go build it where it belongs.In Europe.

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9534fe  No.137935


>oy vey goyim run away and give up your lands

Not happening, moishe.

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51fd3f  No.137950

It's not gonna mean much except indians can put up even more casinos and the police won't be able to do shit to arrest them, which is already the case. It's most likely just going to be a big win for organized crime.


This. There's literally not enough indians in the state, they are less than 10% of the population, and even that is fudged upwards by tons of whites claiming partial indian ancestry, IE Elizabeth Warren types and whites that are trying to use their 0.012% indian DNA to claim some kind of tax reprieve bullshit.

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7a3a1b  No.137956


Even more reason to kill indians and leftists.

Don't obey the laws made by your enemies. Kill your enemies.

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22733a  No.137965

File: d7bc11dbdf36318⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 984x5677, 984:5677, Screenshot_2019_02_04_Woma….jpg)



more likely the purpose is to carve out a piece of land for child trafficking operations. Watch this become more or less the new "autonomous zone for pedos".

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435495  No.137980


Time to repeat this in israHell. Fucking kikes should leave Palestine alone finally.


>Get off your ass and go build it where it belongs.In Europe.

We don't want ANY burgers here.


>more likely the purpose is to carve out a piece of land for child trafficking operations. Watch this become more or less the new "autonomous zone for pedos".

the most likely reason.


kys glownigger

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1fa860  No.138019

why didn't "natives" build their own nation in defense of the white invaders?

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2387e2  No.138036


This. Truth anon. The first thing that ran through my mind was…well this is what happens when you have mercy on your enemies.

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93ef31  No.138081


That would be warlike. They were too busy living in harmony with nature. That's what my teacher Miss Rosenberg taught us.

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e9b8f7  No.138094

File: 6d91d31250008f4⋯.png (254.4 KB, 459x510, 9:10, howdyvincecolouralpha.png)


Good, a deal is a deal. Balkanize ZOG.

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2387e2  No.138107

I really resent that you didn't go more in depth with this story anon. You didn't tell us that the 'dispute' was over a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE RAPIST who raped a 4 year old on 'indian land' and that is who the case centers around. Also…thousands of convicts will be released into the general population of Oklahoma due to this ruling.

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c186ce  No.138479

I hope Americans immediately demand that this interpretation be applied to California post hast and that the entire state should be ceded back to the Indian tribes that lived there before Westward European expansion. That would immediately put a lock on the large number of electoral college votes along with nullifying the lower 9th district appellate courts.

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c186ce  No.138485

You realize the crippling political effect that would have on one of the bluest most progressive state in the US right? Lockheed Boeing some of the largest bases in the military industrial complex Hollywood Silicon Valley do you understand the disruption that would occur correct ?>>138482

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c186ce  No.138491

>>138488 Who said anything about forcing anyone to move anywhere I’m talking about a judicial ruling that when applied to a far left liberal state enclave would have detrimental political reverberations for them being instantly extradited from the wider political processes. I never said there would be some mass forced exodus why is it that you keep implying that scenario, care the people in Oklahoma now forced to abandon anything? It just upsets the political due process and applies the same standard to a powerful democratic state hegemony.

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593dcd  No.138495

File: 6d863ad01fa35f1⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 430x375, 86:75, 99742bdu2b.jpg)


> Tim Pool

Yes, please take legal advise from this retard.

The supreme court upheld that under the major crimes act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Crimes_Act Indians on Indian land must be tried by tribal courts rather than state courts for minor-mid level crimes. For things like Murder they're still under federal jurisdiction. Non-Indians on Indian land are tried in state courts. This has been the case for over 100 years.

You are dumb. Tim pool is dumb. Stop being a faggot that actually believes the blatant lies posted by the MSM.

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7cded0  No.138686

File: dd54a87300469b8⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 474x710, 237:355, valley.jpg)



They tried and died. But they did try.

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9b6dd0  No.138783

If anyone wants to get a better understand as to what this ruling really means, please check out this video from a real lawyer.


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22733a  No.138963


a (((real))) lawyer, lol. i stopped listening when he said the Jew York Times gave the hottest take on the matter.

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ba2127  No.138974

Great now the market for bathtub meth and jiggly trannies will be flooded again.

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1cc86c  No.138979


Don't shoot the messenger.

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8251e0  No.140151

File: 88e78dd9945f3b6⋯.pdf (98.94 KB, Red_Indian_Slavery.pdf)

Big Rez will become a hub for kike international human trafficking.

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108de1  No.140168

looks like plain and good ol' WG to me.

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