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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 6b4da9638d4c5a3⋯.jpg (124.13 KB, 500x802, 250:401, DhaoOT6UwAAj9Ot.jpg)

File: 1c6475337fb91f7⋯.png (116.19 KB, 377x1297, 377:1297, 1594264938_1.png)

File: 9f5a361e6720e15⋯.png (31.45 KB, 463x315, 463:315, 1594264870_0.png)

File: ea86954716815d0⋯.png (278.84 KB, 964x1590, 482:795, 1594264938_0.png)

File: 7675ab77eb3069a⋯.png (468.3 KB, 2067x1913, 2067:1913, 1594264989_0.png)

f56b06  No.137806

Does anyone have anymore screen caps of all the based and red pilled stuff this man has said? He's at least the second known smartest man on the earth and I remember seeing a lot more of these posted on the old 8chan.

Christopher Michael Langan (born March 25, 1952) is an American horse rancher and autodidact who has been reported to score very highly on IQ tests.[1] Langan's IQ was estimated on ABC's 20/20 to be between 195 and 210,[2] and he has been described by some journalists as "the smartest man in America" or "in the world".


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ed1fc2  No.138098

File: 54303bbe2cc0ace⋯.png (20.49 KB, 471x254, 471:254, 1539798838898.png)

File: 26bda56b4416877⋯.png (200.41 KB, 377x1297, 377:1297, 1541833669836.png)

File: e9daa26e5f44114⋯.png (55.26 KB, 491x509, 491:509, 1541867900040.png)

File: 6db3c98810da030⋯.png (22.85 KB, 414x308, 207:154, 1541837110969.png)

File: ae8ece092d3e729⋯.png (100.36 KB, 508x984, 127:246, 1541833700098.png)

Forgive me for any duplicates, my OS is fucked and I can't preview images.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ed1fc2  No.138099

File: 86c035a05488bbe⋯.png (64.64 KB, 497x739, 497:739, 1541833716317.png)

File: 7578957a6c856b4⋯.png (45.13 KB, 494x564, 247:282, 1541833794314.png)

File: 785e97d032ba2f7⋯.png (69.28 KB, 494x889, 494:889, 1541833631982.png)

File: 301361940db4f3b⋯.png (66.28 KB, 494x715, 38:55, 1541833596765.png)

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