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File: 5f6d5f97bce0559⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 980x551, 980:551, homo_rights_matter.jpg)

File: 31e80d48e69ed8f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 52.36 KB, 666x691, 666:691, faggot_shit_sex_the_smell_….jpg)

e0f5b9  No.137422


It sounds insane to say, but the party that once rallied against gay conversion therapy is coming shockingly close to promoting it themselves. All under the guise of supporting the trans community.

Suck the d**k, bigot. No, really! In today’s increasingly strange world, in order to show full allegiance to those who tick the final letter of the LGBT acronym, one must forgo all dating preferences and swallow their pride – or something else – to prove they are true allies.

>Reupping to TL:It's transphobic to decline having sex with a trans person *because* they are trans. If you don't want to have sex with a trans person because you two don't have chemistry, there's nothing wrong with that.


— Ana Valens 🏴 (@acvalens) August 22, 2019

A fringe belief is gaining traction, and previously well-respected publications such as the BBC are now promoting people who present the idea that ‘genital preferences’ are transphobic. In an article titled ‘The black transgender push to keep the fight alive at LGBT Pride’, non-trans gay men are called ‘transphobic’ for not wanting to date trans men. Aka, biological females.

Only in current times can gays come under attack for not liking vagina, all in the name of progressivism!

>Uncareful people I think that this is the same thing as homophobic people saying that non hetero sexual orientations are unnatural and so you should just change to being hetero.I'm not saying that at all.Kind of literally the opposite.

— Dr. Veronica Ivy (@SportIsARight) September 30, 2019

Elsewhere, on social media, more and more people are screaming to the void that those who don’t date trans women are also transphobic. In 2019, Veronica Ivy, formerly known as Rachel McKinnon, the trans cyclist infamous for demolishing records, came out and claimed that any sexuality outside of pansexuality is immoral.

This is conversion therapy for the modern age.

>not wanting to date trans women stems from y’all not viewing them as “real” women… so yes your “preference” is transphobic.

— destiny (@MAM1SHAMPOO) July 1, 2020

Growing up as a gay youth, I always aligned with the left in regards to their fight against conversion therapy and their belief that sexuality isn’t a choice. Today I still maintain those views. What gender and genitals someone is attracted to is just what someone is attracted to, it simply will not be forcefully changed. But to the new left, sexuality is akin to bigotry, and one must be open to all genders lest they be seen as hateful.

>Genital “preferences” is manipulative language suggesting we can change our attractions. Sexual orientation is immutable. pic.twitter.com/iK4Sn6Tg1e

— Arielle Scarcella (@ArielleScarcell) March 1, 2020

Have I mentioned that this is insane?

Taking it further, it is progressive seppuku. Ideological suicide of the highest order that will only cause backlash and fiery anger in return. It is as if LGBT activists want to be hated, because this newfound push to convert people toward sexualities they don’t otherwise identify with is only going to create resentment. Resentment which in the end will diminish the standing of trans people to the public at large.

Nobody wants to be called a bigot, more so if they’re, well… not bigoted, and labeling gay or straight people as transphobic because of genital preferences is simply going to create actual bigots as people begin to look down on trans people and avoid any association with them.

>I got cancelled out of work that was going to me after young "wokes" in the establishment were horrified that I said a lesbian is not a bigot if she does not want to have sex with a person with a penis…merely a LESBIAN.

— Amy Alkon (@amyalkon) June 19, 2020

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e0f5b9  No.137423

As a trans person myself, it sucks to say, but I can’t blame them. In recent years everything within this universe has somehow been labeled as transphobic. Missing a space between the words ‘trans’ and ‘woman’ so that it reads transwoman? That’s transphobic. An ‘ed’ at the end of ‘transgender’ so that it says ‘transgendered’? Yup, that’s transphobic now too. Actors doing their jobs and taking on roles in which they have to act? Uh huh, that’s transphobic as well. Just ask Halle Berry.

The left has taken horseshoe theory to its limit, and now if someone doesn’t want to guzzle my you know what, well then they’re transphobic too. If I was on the outside looking in, I wouldn’t want to associate with people like me either.

Another horrifying aspect to this is how close they are veering toward being pro-rape.

This is emotional manipulation in order to force people into having sex with others. Please explain how this doesn’t fall under that umbrella. So kudos internet progressives, you played yourselves and shot countless others in the foot while doing so. Attraction isn’t a choice, but there is one choice you can make, and that is to leave. Politely exit public discourse so that the rational people among us can clean up your mess.

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4dae14  No.137434


Let me guess, you're a "lesbian" too right? Just come to terms with your crossdressing fetish and keep it in the bedroom where it belongs.

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e0f5b9  No.137437


That is the end of the article anon, it was too long for the OP.

But if I was a lesbian I would commit seppuku and be done with it. No one should have to live with that shame.

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2411aa  No.137442

File: 926f4577428ba22⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.96 MB, 480x270, 16:9, kys.gif)


how about you just save us the fucking time and kill yourself now? you can quickly commit anhero by drinking a bottle of Listerine, the one with alcohol of course.

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33e7d4  No.137531


Bullshit. That's not effective at all, he'd just get drunk. Chugs here in Leafland are constantly either buying or more likely stealing the bottles of yellow Listerine (with the alcohol). They aren't dead yet.

Also, thanks for the article, OP, it is at least interesting and useful in propaganda production. Source?

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e0f5b9  No.137543

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a5e08e  No.137552


>This is conversion therapy for the modern age.

This thread was written by a faggot and likely an ashkenazi. A faggot or an ashkenazi will always be orienting your thinking towards depravity, degradation, and self negation. That is all this thread is doing. Everything in the writing is oriented towards faggotry and thinking on the level of deranged depravity that separates a person from Life.

Shit like this needs to be removed from existence. Anyone of you who bumped this shit is wrong

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e0f5b9  No.137566


>Anyone of you who bumped this shit is wrong

Like it or not, people need to be informed about the lefts agenda, anon. I would post the 'homosexual manifesto' but doubtlessly we have all already read it and realize that this is just part of the agenda going forward as was explicitly outlined in the 'homosexual manifesto'. It is doubly important for anons to understand that we are not setting or reaching OUR GOALS while the left is breezing to the finish line without anyone to stop them.

I guess since you bumped it you are 'wrong' as well…but I think it is important to 'know our enemy'.

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ff0b14  No.138166

File: b870d3f5fd22037⋯.jpg (65.3 KB, 345x642, 115:214, hidalgo_beaner.jpg)

Oh I'm a bigo allright, I won't fuck no niggresses and I won't fuck asians or blondes (beaner), I'll only fuck women of my own race, I will not fuck people who currently are or have ever been men.

I'd fuck a pretty tomboy though.

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d36ea0  No.138461


You don't fuck tomboys you dumb nigger. They deserve better than that

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5edb9e  No.138971


Shut the fuck up.

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5edb9e  No.138975


I say that, and everyone says I am a racist.

The difference. I am as White as fuck.

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