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File: db3e01cc7978dc5⋯.png (54.9 KB, 500x300, 5:3, lets_try_these_nightmare_v….png)

f179c1  No.137301

TFW can't escape this utterly kiked timeline.

Visuals of Karens exploiting their privilege when things don’t go their way have become Internet shorthand for a particular kind of racial violence white women have instigated for centuries


The Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies, or

CAREN, Act could possibly result in people who call law enforcement based on racial bias facing criminal charges.


Check this actual Tweets (see images). This is the Karen act. They're slowly making it illegal to call the police on blacks. Their end goal: make it legal for blacks to kidnap and rape white women.

It's all being very audaciously shoved in our faces now. I hope you boys are prepared for the future because things are going to get really ugly for our people

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ce0f48  No.137305

This will just lead to vigilante justice, there's already little reason to want to involve law enforcement in your life as it is.

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f179c1  No.137311


>This will just lead to vigilante justice, there's already little reason to want to involve law enforcement in your life as it is.

And then they will arrest you for hurting tha gawd Tyrone jr and his holy friend B1g Shyn3 tha cr@ck dealer.

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efb386  No.137326


This. I am going to try working with my neighbors in the future if anything happens we will simply cover the whole thing up together. We don't want BLM showing up in our neighborhoods rioting and looting because a nigger did something stupid like try to rob us. Better to hide everything and dump the bodies somewhere they will never be found as a community with the understanding that the niggers shouldn't have been in our neighborhood in the first place. There is nothing for them here, there is no need to ever involve the authorities.

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a31d8c  No.137328

Don't live amongst niggers anon.

Are you going to rope them all? No? Then get the fuck out of your shithole libcity and go live in a nice town sans nègres

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f179c1  No.137330


>Don't live amongst niggers anon.Are you going to rope them all? No? Then get the fuck out of your shithole libcity and go live in a nice town sans nègres

I don't. Actually live in Australia. But we're becoming like Burgerland fairly quickly. I live in middle-class neighborhood too (no niggers at all, none for miles).

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a31d8c  No.137336

File: 65d98eedd227824⋯.png (28.35 KB, 620x423, 620:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d8b46d64f5dbdd⋯.png (522.25 KB, 575x407, 575:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45a1e6cc771916e⋯.png (754.85 KB, 634x580, 317:290, ClipboardImage.png)



You have Indians, lebs, and chinks for days in your cities. Somalis and sudanese rapidly incoming too.

You will never get rid of the chinks either, they own all your real estate, and dominate all the best schools and universites.

Chinks are the jews of Australia.

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f179c1  No.137342

File: 093a58b0b4fcc06⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, It_s_All_So_Tiresome.jpg)


>You have Indians, lebs, and chinks for days in your cities. Somalis and sudanese rapidly incoming too.You will never get rid of the chinks either, they own all your real estate, and dominate all the best schools and universites.Chinks are the jews of Australia.

Yes, that's generally quite true. NSW is basically an Asian ethnic state. You missed the images of CCP flags flying above government buildings, though. FML, TBH.

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fa3297  No.137420


>And then they will arrest you for hurting tha gawd Tyrone jr and his holy friend B1g Shyn3 tha cr@ck dealer.

Won't happen if you don't livestream your ops on fb. There are tons of unsolved murder cases.


So what? The Chinese need us for the food. All they have from us is tissue paper called bank notes and crapware they're desperate to sell us.

Would we collectively give them the finger, they'd fall into lawless cannibalism overnight while we'd just restart a new monetary system with a healthy bunch of non kiked currencies, without usury and shit.

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0034db  No.137677

File: 537ab44e5c6f8de⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1356x1001, 1356:1001, BIRDWATCHER.PNG)


Yea that lady that called the cops on the black dude that was supposedly bird watching. She's being prosecuted for filing a false police report. Have any of you followed that?

Was that dude really bird watching or was he casing homes to rob?

Check out this propaganda fr CNN.

Article written by some Jew titled

The realities of being a black bird watcher.


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0034db  No.137680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i'll be damned, he is a bird watcher. Here's a 2019 video.

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a072db  No.137686


I heard the nigger dropped the case.

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0034db  No.137693


The prosecutor makes that decision. Please don't use the N word.

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a072db  No.137694


Why not, nigger?

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0034db  No.137697


Only bad under no circumstances can something good comer fr using racial slurs. Otoh plenty of bad can happen ntm it de-legitimizes your argument and this site right out of the gate.

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37fa03  No.137698


>the N word

wtf, are you baiting niggerfaggot?

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efb386  No.137700

You shouldn't be calling the cops ANYWAY. Your family/neighbors should come to your rescue and drop that nigger like a bag of potatoes and then dump his body in an open field.

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efb386  No.137702


Fuck off you dumb jew cunt.

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efb386  No.137703



Go the fuck back to africa stupid nigger. No one will bother you for casing peoples home there.

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6bc4b6  No.137704

File: 3edcf9697ad5899⋯.jpg (39.17 KB, 460x377, 460:377, 1431189651455.jpg)


>it de-legitimizes your argument and this site right out of the gate.

Now I know that you're joking.

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451bc5  No.137706


And why the hell aren't you killing your authorities and overthrowing the government?

>muh you glow

Then face genocide.

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7db666  No.137721


Telling users of a chan not to say nigger is like telling a fish not to swim.

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ac854b  No.137724

File: 2edf465a776eac3⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 251x201, 251:201, 12.jpg)


> bird watcher.

Is this a new euphemism for home invasion?

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45c562  No.137743


I think people should say the word nigger as much and as often as possible, especially when they can get away with it without the hall monitors of judeo-liberalism siccing the tranny stasi on you.

The word nigger has become an unhealthy taboo in American society that's used to enforce crazy political ideals and justify violence.

The only way to destroy a taboo is to confront it.

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f7267d  No.137933



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873b20  No.137974


What's wrong with using the nigger word? Are you trying to censor rap music? I'll bet it's because you hate niggers for the color of their skin. Hater.

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