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File: 548a22036e383e4⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 641x960, 641:960, nM4X4Fc.jpg)

1ecba4  No.137284[Last 50 Posts]




>‘I don’t see no white militia, the boogie boys, the three percenters and all the rest of these scared-ass rednecks. We here, where the **** you at? We’re in your house… let’s go!

>That taunt came from one of an estimated 200 armed protesters who marched through Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park on Saturday and called for the removal of a sculpture depicting Gen. Robert E. Lee, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson.

Mod edit; https://www.bitchute.com/video/QnF1KirExvle/

Lead nigger was caught on camera saying they were paid to be there. But who paid them?

(Spread these videos far and wide. These dumb niggers just gave you an incredibly valuable redpill. Use it.)
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532d51  No.137286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I thought this was amusing.

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48e8ef  No.137288

File: fdb1da5a9534504⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 425x419, 425:419, Ungern_Von_Sternberg_befor….jpg)

Militia warfare when? The police has already retreated from much of the public space, and the army is nowhere to be seen.

It's only natural for armed groups and soon-to-be warlords to make use of a power vacuum. A rapid retreat by one side has to be followed by a rapid advance by the other side(s). Why would this be any different?

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c683e5  No.137290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



So much for racism. This is just race realism, which ain't full to the brim of hate. Jabs here and there, hell yea, keeps it fresh and amusing, but the full on hypocritical hate of the (((communist))) is… well, it's just not that fun.

Used to be, we all knew that war really is Hell. It really is. War ain't fun for nobody. War sucks.

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3fa2ab  No.137293


(Checked and heil'd)

Don't worry, as soon as any white person makes a reply, pigs will come springing out of the shadows to arrest them, even after watching niggers and communists burn, loot and rape every major city. That's why they're shilling 'YOU WON DO NUFFIN WHYTEBOI' so hard.

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41582a  No.137296


This march was pre-approved by the city and protected by the police. The police even allowed the, to march down the street, stop, and harass white motorists. They didn't retreat at all, they protected this.

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24165e  No.137297

File: 44a21ab61059da4⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Charlie_Hebdo.mp4)


I'd rather see a CNN office getting Charlie Hebdoed, to be honest.

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621680  No.137302

Why does this get a sticky when we already have the chimpout thread. Sticky /sig/ and the stop watching porn threads.

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004898  No.137307


Agreed, we shouldn't be focusing on this LARP.

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2d436f  No.137309

File: 0ea92b1bf98c6d6⋯.png (153.64 KB, 523x513, 523:513, Paper_Beats_Rock.png)



>nothing to see here goy, just a couple hundred niggers with rifles and body armor marching on a confederate monument and openly calling for race war with the protection of the police

>just go back to sleep fellow goy, everything is okay

>by the way, did you catch that new rap album? Doesn't it just make you want to racemix, fellow goyim?

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621680  No.137316


Look you slob, we already have a sticky for this. I approve of the existing sticky. Give me a reason why this does not come under the very wide remit of "The Chimpout of 2020".

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532d51  No.137331





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70c9c8  No.137343

File: 98c9b741a30290d⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Alte_Kameraden_German_marc….mp4)


I stickied this because it stands apart from the widespread nigger looting and miscellaneous nigger antics. This is am open declaration of war.

These niggers are a joke, and they'd get shredded the first time they faced serious resistance. But with that being said, your average normie isn't going to realize that. This is a perfect tool to use on any family or friends of yours that might still be on the fence. They are literally calling for a race war.

Make use of this while it's fresh. Redpills like this don't come often.

- Oven

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c831ca  No.137371

they're showing off on their own turf. Georgia has 31% black population, and only 200 armed men showed up. Wow. No one even gives a shit tbh.

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032acf  No.137385


>When your rulers want you dead

Well shit is extremely blatant

Something important to emphasize is that these niggers are sponsored by jews

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4f290d  No.137416

File: 5429b48988300af⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1992x1920, 83:80, ClipboardImage.png)

An anon at halfchan has pointed out that this whole situation smells like niggers and glows in the dark. Pic related.

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31cd24  No.137444

File: ed593f3d7527fec⋯.webm (5.43 MB, 488x272, 61:34, This_is_how_we_fight.webm)


Stupidity or glow shit. You be the judge.

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bc8e1d  No.137446

File: c3e153189bccffa⋯.png (64.53 KB, 786x253, 786:253, left_vs_right.png)


that video's a completely different place and looks largely staged for the bbc cunts

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31cd24  No.137451


Did you think I meant to imply that it was the same place? Did you really think it wasn't an attempt to show them reverting to their actual fighting ways, like they do back in Africa? You haven't even read the Rhodesian sources saying how the terrorists handled their guns have you?

Where are the old /pol/acks and why is only the dumbest of dumb left here?

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0daddb  No.137463


this was outside metro Atlanta in an otherwise mostly white part of town.

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c683e5  No.137467

File: 036dd54f2a123fb⋯.jpg (105.56 KB, 628x900, 157:225, closet_aspie.jpg)


>glowniggers running a race-baiting op

It's too dangerous to give them actual guns for the photo shoot.


>Where are the old /pol/acks?

In the closet.

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aca025  No.137475


Fucking Niggers

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2edc2d  No.137495

Dear Admin,

Using non-linear chaos political strategies to manipulate the few genuine users of this image message board is inhumane. How do you justify treating people so cruelly?

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532d51  No.137503


>non-linear chaos political strategies



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30a312  No.137535






the leadnigger was caught on cam admitting they were being paid to be there, i can't believe no one has pointed this out yet.


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7ee646  No.137537


Well, now. I'll add that to the OP.

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532d51  No.137556

File: fe59483fc26414b⋯.jpg (321.35 KB, 1020x3300, 17:55, blm_actors_atlanta_black_p….jpg)

File: 55faade57df5049⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 1020x858, 170:143, actor_blm_atlanta_black_pa….jpg)

File: 7180e5885cefbc9⋯.jpg (407.49 KB, 1012x3386, 506:1693, blm_actor_white_black_pant….jpg)

File: 21f4ce7f8341e7c⋯.png (308.81 KB, 970x779, 970:779, atlanta_march_actors_stunt….png)

File: 7a36108c8cc57df⋯.jpg (174.34 KB, 1064x1280, 133:160, blm_march_georgia_weapons_….jpg)


I thought we all knew this from previous posts on the subject.

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30a312  No.137571


Yes, I know its been speculation from the beginning, and I've seen the stuff you posted before, but its important to highlight the most compelling evidence, and I didn't see anyone else mention this (on cam admission) before now. If someone else mentioned it before then I missed it.

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681189  No.137576


I found this funny too.

>Facebook bans everyone to the right of Bill Clinton

>Twitter bans ""

>Youtube bans ""

>Reddit bans ""

>8chan gets shoah'd ahead of the election for just so happening to have a manifesto on their servers that Facebook had hours before, splintering /pol/ into various bunkers


*Smacks lips

"Ayo ayo ayo, wher fuk yall white bitches at while we tearing up yall shit?!"

*Eats whole chicken leg

"Why fuk u niggas ain't saying shit, yall too pussy?"

*Stuff whole watermelon into mouth

"Sumbabidid muffugga, I thought yall niggas waz gon rise up!"

*chokes to death on watermelon seeds

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68c3ae  No.137604

File: 859bcbece1b6f23⋯.jpg (9.51 KB, 300x168, 25:14, honk.jpg)


these are legit glowniggers.

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415666  No.137610


Something is off with that guys videos.

Idk who he is but look at his channels views, he suddenly jumped in popularity and his content was at around 3k views in general before.

He does name the jew in one video but idk. seems kinda inorganic

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ea68ed  No.137614


These types of groups are always founded and funded by Jews, so their resources are unlimited. Also niggers are stupid and don't know how to firearms. Sums it up?

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da6125  No.137619


I'm glad nobody took the obvious bait, so all MSM could cry nazi. Meanwhile these videos are EXCELLENT redpills since even the most brainwashed leftist doesn't want to get shot by apes.

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6eb70e  No.137630


This whole circus is just a theater. Get used to knowing that.

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df3a4e  No.137644

File: 3ba68092dbe5ab2⋯.png (1015.5 KB, 960x754, 480:377, ptxxpca44f951.png)

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f92942  No.137655

File: 54b00882d6ff324⋯.jpg (323.37 KB, 878x1200, 439:600, kultur_terror.jpg)


look at Seattle, didn't take them long at all to do this. Unfortunately for you, the jew has completely fractured the right, which means that any vacuum that arises and taken by the right, will be dutifully handed over to the police/state/whatever because muh blue lives matter (yeah that's jews feeding you this) and muh constitution.

Seen from Europe, the right in the US is like this obsessed fool that insists he can live with a snake and turn it into a caterpillar or at least teach it to stay out of the bedroom. You're being played by the bolshevik jew who wants your demise. The jew counts on your insistent retreat, until you're too small to do anything anymore. The only way to break it is to move forward aggressively and fill those vacuums arising around you. But alas, you need ideology for that, and all you have is muh United States and guess what, they're all against you too. Instead of reading Mein Kampf, you fucked nigresses and latinas and whatnot. Instead of ghosting the state and come up with a viable alternative platform, you took their complacency of letting you own guns as a safety net. They've been complacent because it doesn't matter how many guns and ammo you stock up on.

I can't wait for the USA to just burn to the ground and be removed from this earth. It's become the epitomy of anti-Natural Law. Pic related and still valid.

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15112f  No.137657

File: feb95b7303e4959⋯.jpg (186.27 KB, 465x627, 155:209, guignol06markofthebeast_46….jpg)

File: 7d02660192b2947⋯.jpg (49.17 KB, 450x450, 1:1, d3f32562_0197_4ce7_8cc7_79….jpg)

File: 13aaee6f16d50a5⋯.png (1.51 MB, 650x956, 325:478, grand_guignol_03.png)


>This whole circus is just a theater. Get used to knowing that

Yes but what if the theater turns out to be Theatre du Grande Guignol?

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f92942  No.137660


I wholeheartedly agree with you. The right is literally acting like some abused wife. He didn't hit me with a fist. It's nothing make up won't fix. et fucking cetera. Niggers show up with fucking toy guns calling you out, put them down. It's another vacuum that they fill. Not a physical one like Chaz in Seattle but a mental one. Not in your heads, but in normal American people's minds. Nobody will protect them, they fear losing their jobs for facebook posts from ten years ago. And here the vanguard is discussing if vests have plates in them and ha, G36 is not available to the public, check mate atheist. So fucking tiresome. Get off your asses and DO something.

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97c90b  No.137662


>jews are afraid people will righteously start shooting them

>hire an entourage of flashily armed monkeys to shout taunts at their enemies

They really think you're this stupid.

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c95710  No.137664


Well spoken. One of the most perceptive comments I've read here in some time.

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c683e5  No.137674


>I can't wait for the USA to just burn to the ground and be removed from this earth. It's become the epitomy of anti-Natural Law.

Don't fall for the trap of thinking that Communism can win here.

The United States of America is itself like a cryptocurrency, like an idea that floats around on the internet, gaining value solely because it's so difficult to generate. It's not necessarliy pro- or anti-Natural Law; that's up to the people within it. When it was first formed, in purity it was formed in keeping with the Natural Law quite well. And as long as we remember our roots, adhere to their principles, the United States of America will itself re-emerge after those whom cannot (((or will not))) keep up are purged.

The enemy Jews rightly harp on race as a fracture point. Not all races are able to collectively express the wisdom, intelligence, and instinctive gumption required to live here, to add to our self-determination-oriented society. Even among Europeans, those that sailed across the ocean blue often returned with their tail between their legs. It takes oomph to make it here, and not all peoples, not all races have that.

The fact of the matter is that we ventured too far into the realm of compassion, we played too far into the hands of the Left, yes, that's blatantly true for all to see. But that has Not, nor can it, redefined America as a Communist hellhole - simply because too many of the people here have too much fucking gumption. This too is a fact. And to extend it abit, there's no other place in this world for souls with the innate American gumption to incarnate. (Australia? Canada? Russia?) We are all coming back here for consecutive rounds.

Communism by any other name is still just Judaism. Communism is but the manipulative arm of a subversive racial anachronism. When the weak are driven out of America - or killed off - we will come roaring back, wiser and less friendly to the International Jew and it's hoards of gullible halfwits.

IOW: you'd best keep your friendship handy now, while it counts.

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ee559c  No.137692


Women already whore themselves enough without you posting naked pictures, faggot nigger.

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532d51  No.137695

File: eea62bac3290d7f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 640x480, 4:3, nigger_mayor_pledges_to_ne….mp4)


>I didn't see anyone else mention this (on cam admission) before now

Truth anon. Good point.


I don't follow him at all. I got to him from some link somewhere and I didn't even think to look at the rest of his videos.


>This whole circus is just a theater.

True. We need to stop viewing it as 'theater' though and get serious about our genetic survival.


I don't think that cops are as 'keen on the jew' as you think they are. You should look into their publications and news feeds before you casually lump them into one basket like that.

>I can't wait for the USA to just burn to the ground and be removed from this earth.

Ummmm this is not jewish or anything…yikes.

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bcb3e8  No.137696


>But who paid them?

more importantly, can I pay clan, or some proud boys to march in my area? lol no

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532d51  No.137699


This simply shows you where the real power lies and that they are trying EVERYTHING to railroad it into submission. Don't worry anon. Nothing has changed we are, for now, still the real power on US soil. If we weren't they wouldn't go to these INSANE lengths to try and brow beat us down. Fact of the matter is that we are the only nation on the planet who can and WILL ruin their NWO.

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d1834e  No.137701


Get the fuck back to your containment board, Q-LARPer. You have no goddamn idea how the world works.

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532d51  No.137705


did your widdle jewish penis just turtle away in fear? awwww

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c683e5  No.137715


>nudity offends me

grow up, jerkoff

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d36e7b  No.137719


>Q-LARPer thinking about other men's penises

>worships the ZOG emperor without end

>instantly outs himself every time he posts

>uses buzzwords only jewish shills say

Fun fact: No one here believes a word you say, and no one ever will.

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142da2  No.137723


lol, but if you won't do anything it will have the same results. If the laws only exist to arrest white people then why obey them

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d346fc  No.137728


>why obey them

Because you'll be arrested otherwise, duh. And being arrested is bad. White no do bad, so white no do. And that's why white genocide is already complete.

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cde1fc  No.137730

How does this advance my knowledge in obtaining cunny?

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aaf575  No.137732

Twitter videos are already deleted, anyone got a mirror?

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d47898  No.137737


They were deleted pretty quickly. I was going to download them and post on the thread yesterday but they were already gone.

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142da2  No.137738


you are arrested for being white. you are not being arrested for killing/looting/stealing. you will be arrested regardless if you actually did something

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532d51  No.137741





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532d51  No.137746

File: f0ee503868ac142⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB, 720x1028, 180:257, niggers_BLM_with_guns_in_a….mp4)


Not sure which videos they were but have a couple from me…some one who is not a jewish demoralization faggot like this one >>137737 and actually downloaded the niggers when they had the chance.


Why would a jew download videos that proved they were instigators in this mess anyway, right you fucking shill?

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532d51  No.137748

File: b36195132ef7cf9⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 360x450, 4:5, niggers_marching_with_weap….mp4)

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532d51  No.137749

File: 0e2b57b93d5a64e⋯.mp4 (6.51 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, niggers_marching_in_atlant….mp4)

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532d51  No.137750

File: eca68f680f566d4⋯.jpg (186.27 KB, 850x1251, 850:1251, captain_america_civil_war_….jpg)


Thought this was ironic.

Captain America vs Black Panther Civil War…it is not related but it came up in my search.

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b181e9  No.137762

File: 4e7943aebe7b02f⋯.webm (317.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Just_another_parasite.webm)

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532d51  No.137765


Getting a job? So that we can 'serve the system' and the kikes that are destroying us?

I don't think so. Fuck them. The best thing we could do is destroy their tax cattle revenue and leave them with nothing.

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df3a4e  No.137767

File: 870c825af75c188⋯.png (513.65 KB, 700x420, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This reminds be of something

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073722  No.137770


The real irony is they're both niggers.

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532d51  No.137771

File: cbc9705bd7ce904⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 780x487, 780:487, this_was_someones_son_isis….jpg)

File: 48bcc4c7623acbe⋯.jpg (104.03 KB, 1140x759, 380:253, ISIS_Omar_Photo.jpg)

File: da94a90fb88e869⋯.jpg (167.62 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, ISIS_leader_Al_Baghdadi_Mc….jpg)


ISIS was better trained and equipped and more intelligent. McCain (may he scream in Hell) searched all over the world and let out the lowest psychopaths from the global prison system that he could find with the only criteria being that they would cause chaos and havoc in the Middle East. They were given a license to 'do as they willed' with no caveat of any sort for their behavior. Now they are in our nation.


I chuckled.

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073722  No.137772


>Ummmm this is not jewish

That's right, it's a national socialist awakening in Europe. You Amerikaner were never our friends and we haven't forgotten. We got slow boiled in a new Weimar after WW2 thanks to you.

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073722  No.137773


>IOW: you'd best keep your friendship handy now, while it counts.

Two things. One, check the statistics on your jew populace and compare it with 1900 Russia and Germany.

Two, check your latest census. Already your under 16 year olds are a minority. In twenty years you are gone.

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532d51  No.137774

File: a3b886f04f71174⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 600x804, 50:67, Alternative_for_Germany_Is….jpg)

File: ee12b7b5624a18c⋯.jpg (59.56 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Alternative_for_Germany_Is….jpg)


>(((national socialist awakening in Europe)))

Sure anon…I didn't think you could 'one up' the last kike comment but you didn't disappoint.

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fc458d  No.138487


Staged or real?

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6a8050  No.138535


What's the difference? Every political party in the western world is owned by jews and does everything jews want. Every single last one of them. Get it through your head. Voting does nothing. It's political theater.

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0feec3  No.138550



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61e6ea  No.138659


what was it?

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88b874  No.138660


CP, of course. Please do report it when you see it in the future. We can't always be here, but when we are it'll be taken care of swiftly.

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d585a4  No.138698


If things were allowed to reach as far as they did a week after the pregnant-shooting monkey then Whites will never do anything. For all their banter and 2nd ammendment dickwaving American'ts prove themselves to be a complete disapointment, not that I had any serious expectations of them itfp. Fuck's sake even Swedes are forming far-right groups, the only place officially more cucked than North America is freaking Britain and solely because there's only bottom below them.

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8361e7  No.138786


It's hard to do much "legally" when it's literally illegal to fight back and be white at the same time. Niggers can kill, rape, murder, steal and loot with zero consequences, while whites have both their hands cuffed behind their backs for even speaking out an ill mannered opinion.

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ebd5bc  No.138809

File: 38b66937a025706⋯.png (69.6 KB, 715x136, 715:136, BLMprivilege.png)

Wow! race has nothing to do with this. Sin is sin

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a0d15d  No.139068

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1a9d45  No.139078


It's almost as if we have been spending decades with convincing niggers that white people are the worst people in the world, to the point where they feel righteous in murdering us.

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de7ace  No.139112


USA has been being racially mindfucked for far longer than Europe

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a0d15d  No.139160


I doubt these niggers felt righteous anymore than a pack of mutts attacking a wolf feel righteous.

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b9fccc  No.139283


Survive and let subhumans bring down the zogbot traitors that defend them.

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98eb62  No.139675

File: 756815dc4c59cfa⋯.png (2.76 MB, 2047x1238, 2047:1238, Ebj3PYFX0AA6PNN.PNG)



These videos are useless unless you post and spread them in normie online space. Facebook, instagram, youtube ect. Not just in the right wing online ghettos, but to normies on the fence or center left leaning ones especially. Make a burner account if you want to, just post them.

People on the right always sit around and wonder "hurr why isnt anyone waking up to how horrible its getting?" Its because they literally dont see ANY of this. This is something that needs to become common knowledge on the right, the average normie doesnt see even a fraction of this shit by design. Most arent that interested in politics or culture war shit, and if they do come across any of it, its from either CNN, MSNBC, or some show like Bill Maher they may watch once a week or something. Its literally our fault for not rubbing their noses in it.

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b9fccc  No.139803

File: 848ecc0c8d07749⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 606x423, 202:141, 848.gif)

File: 92c49bad097d78c⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 498x432, 83:72, tenor.gif)


>macro text

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375c6f  No.139894


If you can't stop something - you can speed it up

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a55add  No.140142

The 'leader' haha…


His email:

thegrandmasterjay at gmail.com

His linkedin pass was JayBlaze123 his myspace revelat8

his ShareThis provided nothing of us. Or his Evite. He has an account on ReverbNation but I don't have that one yet.

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952fdb  No.140210

File: 18279baf326deed⋯.webm (2.45 MB, 320x182, 160:91, nigger_lit_on_fire_and_ni….webm)

File: 7ef4350ff5db47f⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jogger_gets_beaten_with_s….webm)


wow blacks are stupid. who else wants to rape them all as they call you "MASSA"

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5c4b9c  No.140231


Thanks for your input Special Agent Jaime Finkelstein, but we don't hate blacks. We don't get any perverse joy from raping black children, unlike people of YOUR groupenshekel.

None of us wants to rape ANYONE in fact. We want to let everyone have their own culture in their own areas, financed by themselves, supported by themselves, and enjoyed by themselves.

We are not here to import billions of people from other countries. We are here to enjoy our countries, and expect people to not be a bunch of self-proclaimed Master Race Over the Goyim Cattle, you know, like some people claim to be.

But, we don't hate. Hate isn't OUR thing. It's YOUR thing. Raping helpless goyim because we style ourselves their betters does not appeal to us, it evidently appeals to YOU.

So, no. We want a unity of our countries, a stop to endless mindless criminal invaders, and the "power elites" who are, to a man, pedovore Satanists who speak their own language and have their own "better than you" attitudes and customs to go back to their OWN country, and Culturally Enrich it.

Racism is not the problem you claim it is. Races are different, and all the sane people know that, even the megalomaniacal members of YOUR group.

But, the hatred and division are stirred up artificially, and not by anyone who is actually black, or actually white.

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532d51  No.140252


Ethnoglobe. Europeans ONLY is the only future for the planet.

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bcb3e8  No.140464


>Europeans ONLY is the only future for the planet.

sure, but whites don't have any kids, soon that would be a dead planet

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0746a8  No.140497


You are underpaid and your government does not love you nor your children. Your government will replace you at the slightest hint of ideological abberation. You can get a better job than this.


We motivate glowies to make their lives better and find a career that treats them with the value they deserve.

Praise KEK

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ced346  No.140595

File: 4b54ca1a7609630⋯.jpg (224.44 KB, 997x768, 997:768, BLM01.jpg)

File: 5bce11271af3f2c⋯.jpg (258.71 KB, 997x768, 997:768, BLM02.jpg)

File: ca2754bf7f98de7⋯.jpg (266.5 KB, 768x997, 768:997, BLM03.jpg)

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621680  No.140606


>We want to let everyone have their own culture in their own areas, financed by themselves, supported by themselves, and enjoyed by themselves.


Unfortunately for burgers, they don't really have "their own culture". So they resort so white supremacy.


>Ethnoglobe. Europeans ONLY is the only future for the planet.


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cc67a7  No.140631

File: ef68c4991a57717⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 746x540, 373:270, TheQuestionsNoOneAsked.jpg)

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532d51  No.140640


Subhuman trash. Shut the fuck up!

You are nothing. White civilization is EVERYTHING.

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ab7bb9  No.140725

Dude on the left has a pistol-rifle conversion kit with a goddamn drum mag lmao. Why? Just get a rifle. I don't understand. Is the one on the right an airsoft? I don't recognize that one.

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30eb1e  No.140727


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e28c2d  No.140743

File: ee0b99769407ad5⋯.jpg (62.85 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 30810792_8527275_Chief_of_….jpg)

File: 5bf3d0e7473370e⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 306x434, 153:217, 30810880_8527275_image_a_2….jpg)

File: 0ba1d15a1e1665d⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 306x434, 153:217, 30810878_8527275_Other_Pol….jpg)

File: 6a0e6a448ed4db1⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 634x482, 317:241, 30810884_8527275_A_bicycle….jpg)

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28024c  No.140750

Useful idiots.

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e28c2d  No.140771

File: a0cffab83d06f72⋯.jpg (176.47 KB, 1200x828, 100:69, ULMZB3EE2ZHJFGMGEC5GRX6TKA.jpg)




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532d51  No.140857


God…niggers have no shame. That guy sucked so much kike semen that he should be off yellow (from the syphilis) by now.

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bcb3e8  No.140872


>niggers have no shame

apes don't, too bad we have to share 'a society'

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621680  No.140943


>White civilization

"White" is burger speak for "mutt". Here in Europe we still identify with our separate ethno-linguistic groups. You suggest that Serbians and Hungarians are the same ethnicity? You suggest that French, Spanish and German civilizations are actually the same "White" civilization? Are Slavs included? What about Greeks and Bulgarians? Georgians?

I don't really want to be in the same civilization with a bunch of Albanians, Bulgarians and Georgians thanks.

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d1834e  No.140945


>things only jews say

At least the exposure is quick and painless.

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e28c2d  No.140954


whilst I believe niggers should be shot on site, JEWS are more confusing, how does one adress those responsible directly?

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0292ec  No.140975


how fucking autistic are you?

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532d51  No.140981

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457c32  No.140991

File: a7afcf7c630e27f⋯.jpg (778.95 KB, 1240x1502, 620:751, manchu_38_bureau_21.jpg)

apologies for neediness, but could one of you source anons send me the studies showing that poverty is not remotely tied to crime levels enough to 'justify' the levels of black crime that we see in America?

arguing with an extremely bluepilled girl but she is open minded and is always bringing up studies of her own. any related or similar studies would likewise be appreciated (or a link to an archived thread).

thank you.

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41582a  No.141007


Compare violent crime stats from impoverished white rural or rust belt areas vs. nigger areas. The white areas also have elevated substance abuse and health issues and all that crap like the nigs, but way less violent crime. I don't have a spoonfed source handy but just do a little leg work on your own and show her the compared stats from poor rural areas vs nig urban. Make sure to emphasize poor communities have similar issues with health/substance abuse but only niggers bring the violent crime like none other.

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959918  No.141014


i hate niggers

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c6d95a  No.141016

File: 2ab889a8b71c615⋯.png (26.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, races_Brownsburg_IN.png)

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c6d95a  No.141017


That article I posted was lacking some relevant information about shooting.

Here is a slightly better news article of this incident.


>On Wednesday 22-year-old black male Joshua Hayes traveled a few miles outside Indianapolis to Brownsburg, a neighboring community. Joshua Hayes stopped his car, got out and started shooting at the first people he saw – two white males working at a cemetery.

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c6d95a  No.141018

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308f70  No.141020

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5294c8  No.141023

File: 90076c838c7d5cc⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1283990282082623488.mp4)

Not related to Georgia, but in Portland Feds seem to be vanning more protesters.

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26ef06  No.141056

File: 126b2158dc178b6⋯.mp4 (13.56 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, They_did_this_because_thei….mp4)

File: c4a58ef9b3c2606⋯.png (186.83 KB, 548x866, 274:433, peaceful_protest_of_delaye….png)

File: b62d1392e99c433⋯.png (136.05 KB, 549x998, 549:998, peaceful_protest_of_delaye….png)

Are these sheboons or merely karens? Karenigresses?

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eda2f4  No.141059


How long until they are throwing their own shit at people?

>Are these sheboons or merely karens? Karenigresses?

Get your fucking eyes checked.

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bcb3e8  No.141065

File: 2dd80dcc167faf7⋯.png (70.9 KB, 403x397, 403:397, full_cup.png)


is it bad that enjoy watching this decay of civilization?

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5daf60  No.141091


It's not, if you "do something" in the same time to save yourself, your family and your local White folks.

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621680  No.141141


Did he give his name, I didn't hear it. Can a portland anon look him up in the court register?

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d91126  No.141370

File: 302a577d3c6fd04⋯.jpeg (51.48 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 8444D30F_26F8_4BA8_BADB_B….jpeg)


>flying on a plane

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527d8a  No.141376


Wow look at how compassionate these people of melanin are.

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1c2eb1  No.141445

File: b1da3556b758f93⋯.jpg (403.5 KB, 1280x1689, 1280:1689, 1280px_Chad_Wolf_official_….jpg)

File: b59422339327a3b⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 760x476, 190:119, 191022_chad_wolf_al_1101_6….jpg)


>“Our men and women in uniform are patriots. We will never surrender to violent extremists on my watch,” Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf wrote on Twitter.

>Sharing photographs of him meeting with law enforcement and inspecting vandalized buildings, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief said that police and federal officers would “prevail” against the “violent anarchists” who have held nightly demonstrations in the city for almost two months.

>Chad Wolf

Is the DS messing with us? Is Chad going to save us guys? What a timeline.

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3a7ba7  No.141456

File: 0985ef02316fb8b⋯.jpg (322.67 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Fuck_BLM_Dont_Help_Blacks.jpg)

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355550  No.141466

File: 13cc7fe1ad4f419⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 960x578, 480:289, 8768678.jpg)

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d91126  No.141472

File: 117a123528114b2⋯.jpeg (68.75 KB, 1200x814, 600:407, 97F5FB6D_02A3_4D10_A3FF_4….jpeg)



Cuckchan pls go

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98eb62  No.141473

Barr wasnt fucking around when he said he was going after antifa. Normies are completely retarded on this, both right, who think antifa is just le triggered SJW faggots, and the liberal left who thinks its "OMG TOTALLY NOT EVEN A GROUP THEY ARE JUST ANTIFASCIST THE US VETERANS WHO STORMED NORMANDY WERE ANTIFA!"

Its an international anarchist "terror" cell network, completely decentralized so if one is taken down the others cant be compromised. They also have on the surface level some combat/war experience in the Rojave/Syria, but they are FUCKED now. Theres a reason they only exist in super far left places like Portland were pedophile faggots like Ted Wheeler ad literally just let them do whatever they want. Literally make believe revolutionary play time. Expect these faggots to start squealing and ratting out their entire networks. I posted about the Rose City Antifa leaders in the antifa dox thread thanks to the Project Veritas Videos.

Youre going to see a change in tactics and rhetorics from them REAL soon. Crocodile tears about how liberal protesters against racism and bigotry were arrested by big scary fascist federal authorities and no more of this hardcore far left "FUCK AMERICA" shit.

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fb52fe  No.141505


>Use your words

The whole world is laughing at how these bolsheviks are reinventing your English language.

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24cc47  No.141512



You're dumb.

It's what a teacher or parent says to a small child or when you're talking to a low self-esteem student that is getting hormonal/ shutting down verbally/ is inner city retarded. In general it's just condescending.

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a8d7d7  No.141519

File: 43be75399a9546f⋯.pdf (11.96 MB, Encyclopedia_Of_American_R….pdf)

The Encyclopedia of American Race Riots

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bfb479  No.141587


>The key to answering these queries lies in the interaction of several factors, none more significant than the ideology of white racism. Seventeenth century English colonists entered the Americas as the Western world was experiencing its commercial revolution and nascent industrial revolution. In this context, Europeans came to see themselves racially and culturally superior to less advanced colored peoples. They wrongly equated progress with technological change alone and wrongly believed the rest of the world to be static and without historical worth.

>Believing Africans and Indians barbaric, English colonists considered sexual intercourse with them fatal to establishing Western civilization in the Americas. Because miscegenation frequently occurred between blacks and whites, they prohibited it in every plantation colony (as well as Massachusetts and Pennsylvania). Believing further that white women embodied the future of white society while black women embodied passion, white males practiced a double standard: permitting themselves miscegenation with black females, usually slaves; linking the status of mulatto children to that of their mothers; and shielding white women from black men, who were punished for crossing the line.3 White men alone enjoyed sexual freedom while white women bore the burden of upholding a false morality and black women endured abuse by men of both races.

This shit doesn't even attempt to be impartial. From the first to the last word it's meant to reinforce the bias of "evil white, victim black".

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a8d7d7  No.141604


The problem with living on a brutal frontier is that women don't want to go there. So you get a proportion on the frontier of 80% white men to 20% white women. That's why George Washington had to settle for marrying a widow (roastie) if he wanted an appropriately respectable upper class lady of good English stock.

>>She had first married Daniel Parke Custis, with whom she had four children, and was widowed by the age of 25. Two of her children by Custis survived to young adulthood. She brought her vast wealth to her marriage to Washington, which enabled him to buy land to add to his personal estate. She also brought nearly 1000 dower slaves for her use during her lifetime. They and their descendants reverted to her first husband's estate at her death and were inherited by his heirs.[3] She and Washington did not have children together but they did rear her two surviving children by her first husband, including son John "Jacky" Parke Custis. They also helped both of their extended families.

George Washington did not have any children. Despite that fact, there were always children at Mount Vernon. They raised Martha Washington's two children from a previous marriage, as well as her four grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

So even for the most glorious of all Americans, it's very father, the entire woman business sucked shit. A used up roastie, no kids, raise another man's kids.

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532d51  No.141618


Yeah but it is not realistic either. Only a kike would think that niggers represented 'passion'. White men don't want to fuck a negress because it is beneath them to engage in bestiality. Only a jew would not understand that fucking a nigger is morally and cultural death. Look at how often White men rape niggers; never. If they actually represented 'passion' this would occur more often than NEVER. Fact: this is a kike narrative that is totally untrue.

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659e69  No.141796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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85d754  No.141877


Reporting in on normalfag-talk in regard to the riots: They know the news is full of shit, they know that antifa and the likes are not protests but terrorists.

The thing is, they're scared. They just want to live their lives and not deal with this shit.

They are terrified that if they say something that antifa is gonna come and fuck up their business and their town's leadership will turn a blind eye to blatant injustices.

Fear is the mind killer. You want to get the normalfags on your side?

Destroy their fear

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532d51  No.141881

File: ac9f1cd3db65bd8⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 400x170, 40:17, fear_mind_killer.gif)


The difference between a man and an animal is that man can control his fear (sometimes). You can't expect to erase their fear anon, best case scenario is that you demonstrate that you love them by safeguarding them. They need us to stand in the gap for them, not lecture them for something they cannot control.

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b1023f  No.142013

File: 0a6568c41e18ecf⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ignorance_matters.jpg)

Niggers in Detroit are chimping out, because a recalcitrant nigger refuses to do school work she was court ordered to complete.

>A Michigan judge's decision to send a 15-year-old girl to juvenile detention for violating her probation by not completing her online schoolwork during the coronavirus lockdown has prompted protests and calls for her release.

>The nigger teenager has reportedly been detained since mid-May.

>Hundreds of students gathered outside her school and the court to show their support for the nigger known as "Grace".

>ProPublica highlighted Grace's case in a report earlier this week. Following interviews with Grace's mother, the news site described how the teenager had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and had already been struggling with behavioural issues. [In other words, she's a nigger]

>She had been placed on probation in mid-April via a zoom juvenile court hearing after facing an assault and theft charge last year; one of the terms of the probation was a requirement to do her schoolwork.

Naww fuck dat slap on the wrist. This homework be disrespecting me nshiat, ima go be a dumb nigger with my friends.

To be fair, it is animal cruelty to demand niggers participate in the education system. The vast majority are genetically unprepared, and the presence just mandates a watered down curriculum and an environment that is not conducive to learning.

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b1023f  No.142017

File: 81384cda4f5d6da⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 800x445, 160:89, PRC_158384316_800x445.jpg)

File: a511ce63ddfb361⋯.jpg (126.3 KB, 634x1131, 634:1131, 30861106_8532239_image_a_3….jpg)


This girl spoke up, and she lost her "Miss Swimsuit" title. Gradually, the masses are awakening.


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a8d7d7  No.142031


Strap them into chairs with their eyelids propped open like Alex in Clockwork Orange and make them watch university level calculus and physics lectures 12 hours a day every day.

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a8d7d7  No.142032


Look at her ass and waist. She is so fucking perfectly beautiful it's hard to believe such creatures still exist in this squalid world.

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117972  No.142055


Don't fetishize, judeized mutt.

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bcb3e8  No.142061


>This girl spoke up

has more guts than most men in this 8ch, shameful really

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a8d7d7  No.142102


>Don't fetishize, judeized mutt.

Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.[1] The object of interest is called the fetish; the person who has a fetish for that object is a fetishist.

She is the very paradigm of a beautiful woman. Every single part of her bespeaks genetic perfection. She is adorable. She is living, not nonliving and her ass houses her pudenda and her waist harbors her womb. You are the typical pseudo puritanical national socialist in this dump and are a fucking bad joke. If you can't see that she's a mega hot woman worthy of being loved and adored then you are gay. And, being gay you are either a jew or a brainwashed jew tool.

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532d51  No.142108


Or perhaps {said very dryly} she is a woman and doesn't have lust for other women.

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a8d7d7  No.142114


Non sequitur.

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11e167  No.142150


Your point?

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bdf37c  No.142158


>being gay you are either a jew or a brainwashed jew tool

>she is a woman and doesn't have lust for other women

<Non sequitur

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d91126  No.142160

File: b9618238968fd9f⋯.jpeg (68.32 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, BCD65D3F_2DC4_4841_950D_A….jpeg)


>lose Miss Swimsuit title

>gain respect of every non-degenerate chad suitor across the country

She’ll be okay


She’s no kayleigh



Speaking of top shelf tradthots, millenial millie (HNNNGGGG) said “4 chan 8 chan” at least 5 times the other night when talking to jonestein, and not in the past tense. Kept wondering if she meant this place or was just assuming 8ch.net was still running. Girl who comes on after (no MM but still a qt) talks about it too, just wrote a book about “neets” and the dank wojak maymay that inspires them, not even kidding.



your comment was shit btw happy to redeem it :^)

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45af6f  No.142179

File: 57cbd3cca9987d1⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 874x514, 437:257, michaelharriot_Wait_Did_Ro….mp4)

Roger Stone gets negro fatigue mid interview. It's a little tough to make out, but he's alleged to say the following at 0:40. Play it for yourself first, in case the transcript is suggestive: I don’t feel like arguing with this negro…”?

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33e58c  No.142184


sounds more like joseph biden to me

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fc8464  No.142191

Anybody else notice it's always light skinned blacks that have a special type of anger for white people, the type a regular black person doesn't?

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bb33e3  No.142195


The smoothest interactions with blacks are usually the darkest dark West Africans or some of the Caribbean islanders (Jamaicans and Haitians not included). They just don't seem to carry that chip on their shoulder like many of the permanently aggrieved American niggers.

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e7c31f  No.142209


Same with those hipster beard faggots, and same with those MAGA folks dressed up as superheros. Notice how the jew produces an outlet for men fed up with the bolsheviks running rampant in the streets, yet always make it buffoonish (jews run hollywood after all). They're easy to spot in their theatrics, almost like some fag jew broadway choreographer was involved.

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a86f08  No.142258

File: ecd59b180f0887e⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1157x1053, 89:81, 6bf396b7b80bf5098677fa54ad….jpg)


Yankees don't, but Dixie has our own, if endangered, culture.

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b4e8ed  No.142275


attempted to torch a Starcucks

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d91126  No.142281

File: 00825dd2f9bb104⋯.jpeg (26.68 KB, 509x339, 509:339, DA5B5959_7A22_4518_9E67_A….jpeg)


This jig is deliberately turning the camera away from the vandalism. Smh.

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bdf37c  No.142314


filter this nigger porn cuck

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59bd1c  No.142356


Killing enemies is the most fun thing in the whole world you fucking faggot. Death to all anti whites!

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59bd1c  No.142357


Yeah bullshit, moshe. I never met a WW that liked niggers and I bet I'm twice your age…

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d2ecfe  No.142360



he's right they do

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c95710  No.142392

File: 231ec90bf9782f7⋯.gif (360.94 KB, 1193x1258, 1193:1258, attraction_by_race.gif)

File: dd95691ff51aaa8⋯.png (35.3 KB, 493x524, 493:524, Reply_By_Race_Male_Tinder_….png)



>Source: dude bro trust me I saw a human tub of lard walking with a nigger in the Walmart all white women are coalburners.

Don't be deceived by retards like this. They want you to become one of those bugmen that disavow whites in favor of easy chinks.

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e4698e  No.142405


They are classic demoralization shills.

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e4698e  No.142406


1st pic

White male numbers are abysmal. I can only conclude that a White man will fuck anything…species doesn't matter.

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b9794c  No.142415


And theres the problem with identity politics, generalizing people into groups and then applying those generalizations to every single member of that group as if they're a hivemind. How both ends of the political spectrum have devolved into that retarded way of thinking is beyond me but the sooner it ends the better.

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de708c  No.142433


you're casting pearls at special ed class with that talk

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271607  No.142435

File: 84a26de4f3d28fc⋯.jpg (120.14 KB, 1024x704, 16:11, 1595212702317m.jpg)

She emerged as an apparition from clouds of tear gas as federal agents fired pepper balls at angry protesters in the early Saturday darkness.


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6bda91  No.142437

File: 3cbeeaf4baeb68f⋯.gif (564.42 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Glowing.gif)


>Get off your asses and DO something.

STFU glownigger

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6bda91  No.142444

File: a3e5cb1a265ba48⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 370x250, 37:25, Smoking_man_Meeting_is_ove….gif)


>I don't think that gun existed back then though.

And this is the problem with nu/pol/ fags.

you all post what you "think" when a simple google search for "gatling gun invented what year"

would of answered your question, and I would not have had to sacrifice a half minute of my existence reading your ignorant nigger lipping, and having to point this out to you.

this is why you get btfo in every other message board, because you perpetuate niggerism by treating the very idea of "light research" like its some sort of food dressing you hate.

you went and looked up a picture of lincoln getting shot, but couldnt be bothered to look up whether what you "think"(if this word, could even at this point be applied to you as something you are capable of)is true.

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e4698e  No.142454

File: 0efdebfffd01480⋯.png (301.79 KB, 600x591, 200:197, elephant_seal_costume.png)

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e4698e  No.142455


I bet agents wish they could have fired their pepper balls

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e4698e  No.142456

File: 28c74d247f106ba⋯.jpg (337.93 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_0187.JPG)


You not part of HIVEMIND?

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271607  No.142469

File: 4cf150a0c111b36⋯.gif (868.57 KB, 250x144, 125:72, tenor.gif)

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322be1  No.142492



Sounds plausible given she looks attractive enough to not be part of the original crowd.

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322be1  No.142499

File: e954a7fcfc2132a⋯.jpg (349.72 KB, 1464x2141, 1464:2141, moderate_islam_myth.jpg)




>generalizing people into groups and then applying those generalizations to every single member of that group

Yeah, that would stupid if we were dealing with an individuals and not organized subgroups of individuals. Also "individuals" are never truly "individuals", especially when, unlike Whites, they are not only not mocked or reprimanded for their ethnic groups collective misdeeds but also institutionally protected for it. You might not mind some quite Black college boy moving in into your neighbourhood, but this increases the chance that he might allow some deadbeat nigger cousin of his move in with him later and then his cousin's "friends" start hanging around etc… The vast majority of immigrant mudslimes might not be terrorists themselves (even though nearly all of them are terrorist sympathizers) yet they create an environment that encourages inflitration and organization of radicals within, ISIS for example had more 2nd gen western immigrants than any other national group after Iraqis and Syrians.

Tl;dr: POLItics don't function on an individual basis

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76049f  No.142509

You are so fucking disgusting w/ scanning.

so fucking diasgusting, that you make me wish to die, b/c this planet will never recover.

you wish me to die, b/c even you are stopping ppl to talk their minds.

i want to die and go away from you, disgusting urangutans, that you deserve nothing but shit you created.


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f1d467  No.142521


lol these roidmonkeys think the boogaloo boys exist.

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9d3069  No.142533

How come, I can post here, but not on q research?

let me tell you something, that you might not now.

I will destroy you.

Not for evil, money, pedo, just for justice.

You serve satan!

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9d3069  No.142535


Manthis is my lovely.

I am the only person on earth that loves her the same as she does.

I will fucking destroy you.

You deserve not salvation.

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9d3069  No.142536


Till now I was praying for Trump and Q-TEAM.


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9d3069  No.142539




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9d3069  No.142540




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d7c542  No.142544


just another jew whore leeching off of this for her performace art. the footage will sell at shekelstein and deutsch gallery.

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e4698e  No.142549


pussy power!!

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0590eb  No.142560

File: 00a80491bba039b⋯.png (499.64 KB, 850x480, 85:48, yugioh_derp.png)



Scoliosis-ubus look at that spine

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e4698e  No.142607

File: f984d7f2b1c5f6c⋯.jpg (98.88 KB, 791x851, 791:851, blm_domestic_terrorism_ore….jpg)

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d91126  No.142639


Footage here of the aftermath, porchmonkey with the camera made sure none of the people smashing windows were caught on tape.


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6bda91  No.142694

File: 8fbc223c934265f⋯.jpg (195.14 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, Do_you_feel_in_control_2.jpg)


>The vast majority of immigrant mudslimes might not be terrorists themselves (even though nearly all of them are terrorist sympathizers)

One Nations Terrorist is another Nations Freedom Fighter.

Never forget your Uncle Adolf, and all the bad things they said about HIM, when all he wanted was to MGGA(Make Germany Great Again)

>they create an environment that encourages inflitration and organization of radicals

All political parties could be accused of this.

> ISIS for example had more 2nd gen western immigrants than any other

ISIS was a group of Mercenaries working to create a "Bad Guy" movement.

"Paid Protestors and Funded Antagonists" ring a bell?

> POLItics don't function on an individual basis

and yet it could be said I was as guilty as any "Russian memester" for 2016.

I made top 100 most seen posts 2016 on twatter and they were all "Hashtag Alt Right Means"

I blew away dissidents and liberals like their armada of shills were "Paper People" and then had them for breakfast cereal with extra MarshShillows.

and I didnt have an account until september that year.

Never underestimate an Individual Operation of Weaponised Autism.

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6bda91  No.142695

File: 8f9545558e95944⋯.jpg (38.72 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Lions_of_Tsavo.jpg)


Remember, it is the Lonewolf the governments are most afraid of.

too afraid…

Like Germany's recent bout with "Rambo".

The Lone Wolf is the Most Hungry and Clever to Survive.

Or a Lion on its own… or with a Lover… never forget the "LIONS OF TSAVO"

Have that with some light research dressing.


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dc85b7  No.142730

I find it really weird how these progressives are putting animal rights next to black rights, it's kinda funny though.

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d91126  No.142788

File: 3605a16e63bfcd2⋯.jpeg (113.46 KB, 736x922, 368:461, 03B5B647_D233_41EB_AD62_7….jpeg)




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bcb3e8  No.142906


tbh she looks like better from this side

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6454b7  No.142950


>calls me dumb

>gently overlooks the fact you mutts have phrases exclusively for retards.

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a7f8fb  No.143036

File: b30208d0606a652⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 826x620, 413:310, 1383083799440.jpg)


pic related

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73b09c  No.143101

File: e59f65ebfcd8c0f⋯.jpeg (165.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, camera_with_wings.jpeg)


I wonder if they're using the persistent aerial surveillance over all the urban hotspots? I know Baltimore's been doing it since late April - well before George Floyd was goodified.


>BALTIMORE (AP) —Starting Friday, the roughly 600,000 people living in Baltimore will be constantly recorded whenever they step out under the open sky.

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d91126  No.143127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Austinzone live

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e09486  No.143420

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d1834e  No.143421


>trump supporter

Instantly ignored.


Instantly ignored.

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d91126  No.143645

File: 9d232b081e61ad0⋯.png (486.11 KB, 779x824, 779:824, 7E43378A_EDD8_4315_9B49_11….png)

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bd7612  No.143656


Whaat a loser you are


you lost everything

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bd7612  No.143657


u will make you up.

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bcb3e8  No.143675


>roughly 600,000 people living in Baltimore will be constantly recorded whenever they step out under the open sky.

wew, look around, the planet is full of cameras, and you carry a recording surveillance device in your pocket, it's not 600k, it's closer to 6B

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d2ecfe  No.143682


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39c2d8  No.143888

Paid by China. They are sending military grade weapons to BLM.

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5daf60  No.143951


ok retard

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bcb3e8  No.144207

it looks like there are actually some bots in here, chinks? is it possible that small shithole like this attracts them?

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69f0de  No.144504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Check out their weapons 'training'

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38a00f  No.144598

File: a2e3b5610896059⋯.mp4 (4.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, filth.mp4)

Give my one reason why Portland shouldn't be glassed?

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bcb3e8  No.144647


>Give my one reason why Portland shouldn't be glassed?

because gassing would destroy less infrastructure

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8c3909  No.144673


chinks/bots its all the same thing.

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8c3909  No.144676


Lol…I wonder if they think this will influence the global planners to accept worthless parasites into the future? Chant a little louder boys, if you scream it at the top of your lungs the lie becomes the truth.

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8c3909  No.144677


This. Honestly. There is no reason to destroy all the other life and infrastructure when you really just want to get rid of an infestation of trash.

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0d53ab  No.144679

File: 38cf6a9d90ab897⋯.jpg (873.11 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20200724_212949.jpg)

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3327e7  No.144702


literally bait

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3327e7  No.144705

File: 533d9f96c59b28c⋯.png (140.47 KB, 500x340, 25:17, tards.png)

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71d916  No.144706

ma boratura impwtita, how come i can type here, but not on q research?

Cock suckers, dick licker, satan lover, kids raper, satanist, garbage.

Truth hiddin garbage, pope lover, kids molester, sperm eatter.

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71d916  No.144707


coincidence, is it????

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71d916  No.144709



I don't want to give this planet any love, any more.

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71d916  No.144711


Show me your love, first.

Since the beginning, you show love to satan.

So remain with satan, and wrongs.

asteroid, fire from the sky.

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71d916  No.144712


costed you alot to be honest and love the good?

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71d916  No.144713


I eat 2 egs per day.

You fuck.

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71d916  No.144715


and don't sell my soul for a better life.

b/c good is the best food in the universes.

good is feeding your brain, that is universe inside you.

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3327e7  No.144732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bb6e69  No.144757


annnnnnd it's gone

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c9e7f6  No.144778

File: e9a1728802c3ad4⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 624x360, 26:15, NFAC.mp4)



niggers should've stuck to airsoft

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c9e7f6  No.144779

File: e591c930d6baab3⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 742x824, 371:412, NFAC_levergun.JPG)

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bb6e69  No.144782


thanks for posting

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c9e7f6  No.144785

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No prob. Here's another angle, but the video in the stream is fucked up during the shot.

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b89ee4  No.144791


Oh boy. Liberia's got nothing on these niggers.

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b89ee4  No.144792

So who's going to Louisville, KY this Saturday to get into a gunfight with airsofters?

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c8b9e9  No.144793

File: 80f64f589d3c64d⋯.webm (932.59 KB, 360x360, 1:1, funwblacks954_RO_Tyrone_A….webm)


This whole theater is such a fucking joke.

It's so bad they can't even pretend properly.

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b89ee4  No.144795


Pathetic, they have to shoot themselves. Be ashamed.

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83c096  No.144805

This page is mean and I expected something else..all I see is fucking niggers comments

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ce2f93  No.144812


imagine thinking this isn't just a larpy as any other gun march. call me when people do something other than destroying buildings and shouting. this display of force is toothless, even niggers are too comfortable to do anything serious. it's all theater

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ab4075  No.144865

Fucking boomers, "It's their right to protest and point guns at us, even though they want us dead."


Exactly. A gun is a tool, you take a tool with you when you are planning to use it. You have to be a tard to bring a hammer to a rally and think you are proving a point by waving it around.

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8c3909  No.144868


single shot; two people taken to the hospital BY WHITES…so nigger not only shot its own monkey ass, it fucking shot through itself and into another nigger.

Now that is talent.

I am sweating bullets over the coming 'race war' anons.

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358c22  No.144869


That low T voice:

>Someone's been shot!

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d91126  No.144935

File: ad4aac1715147af⋯.png (662.76 KB, 741x703, 39:37, A760B2F2_BF7E_4A3D_B647_86….png)

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8c3909  No.144943



Is this fucking Christmas in July?

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ddf963  No.144953

File: 1e951aa01e0367a⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x352, 20:11, VID_20200725_231520_063.mp4)

Some guy in Texas just had enough when BLM tried to pull him from his car. Not bad on same day Kentucky nigs shoot themselves

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a257cf  No.144958


It's not clear from the video what happened. Shots fired, but which way? Any nigs down?

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a257cf  No.144959


What a misleading headline.

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9c67e1  No.144964

Don’t even need to fight back, these niggers gonna kill them selves, brilliant strategy.

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17e543  No.144978

File: 610fd2de6b88cf4⋯.mp4 (9.54 MB, 360x640, 9:16, ifqJ5PFeyWyb2jyh.mp4)


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457de8  No.144987

File: b8c6a831fe183db⋯.png (92.19 KB, 1147x836, 1147:836, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb7988  No.144988


It's not brutality. They only understand animal rules, you have to make them submit. Put him on his back on the ground defenseless. In front of the pack. Would your neighborhood policing work in Mogadishu? Of course not, same thing.

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457de8  No.145019

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98f601  No.145029

File: 42ec97dac3e6b2e⋯.jpg (186.05 KB, 2000x1700, 20:17, 20200726_085357.jpg)

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c8b9e9  No.145043


I bet a jew made that.

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8c3909  No.145055


I guess someone decided to 'fight back' then.

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8c3909  No.145059


I guess someone decided to 'fight back'.


Most likely someone who has 'nothing to lose' by a race war. In the USA that is most likely a foreign national like a kike or it could have been a nigger. Either way it was made by someone who has invested nothing but parasitic behavior in our nation.

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297cfe  No.145075

File: 554950426192e8b⋯.png (133.64 KB, 506x404, 253:202, ooof.png)


I guess he forgot Austin is still a part of Texas. I saw a screen grab that showed him shouldering the rifle, pointing it at the vehicle.

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2ae506  No.145076

File: 47893107fff3123⋯.png (195.13 KB, 1334x886, 667:443, 1.png)

File: 752b953d60f2675⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 634x635, 634:635, 2.jpg)

Imagine being so pathetic, that despite being white, the only girl you can only get is a quaruple amputee negress. If that weren't bad enough, you then end up being killed as a BLM supporter. One of the biggest losers in history, has to be.

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a7f8fb  No.145077

File: 4f77049120e935d⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 750x450, 5:3, the_blm_rioter_who_was_sho….jpg)

Antifa faggot with an AK tries to murder a motorist, and gets goodified.

Look at the Sanpaku eyes. Every single time. It's hard to argue with the people who say there's some MKULTRA shit making these nut jobs.

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297cfe  No.145078


Yikes. the motorist did him a favor

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45dc55  No.145091

File: d1d1fe5b05d31bd⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maad.mp4)


OC related

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bc762e  No.145115


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1f0b8b  No.145119

Dindus try to shoot whitey, shoot themself instead https://twitter.com/i/status/1287266843510669312

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eae75a  No.145124


>moments before being shot dead

>sunlight in their faces

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eae75a  No.145126


>different tshirt

forgot that one

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45dc55  No.145142

File: 864dd7a155d358d⋯.jpg (225.88 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 1496224633178.jpg)

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ddf963  No.145145

File: 84918e6a9bba724⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB, 628x360, 157:90, VID_20200726_144015_967.mp4)

Another outstanding one here. BLM terrorists fire on a jeep while blocking the highway. The jeep plows thhrough them while driver returns fire. Jeep escapes, multiple subhumans down. People are finally fighting back.

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8c3909  No.145205


His windows were all up. That was niggers firing into the crowd while targeting the Jeep.

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817277  No.145223


His girlfriend is interesting. Notice how in the second image, while he's looking somewhere past the camera, she's looking right at it?

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d0dcbd  No.145237

OP why don't you go there and fight them?

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817277  No.145240

File: afd45fa4acd8bcb⋯.jpg (140.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, glowbait.jpg)

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850051  No.145270


You should know that https://dlive.tv/CommandandControll is operated by either or both, Jews&Feds.

You are self aware. I have warned you.

They seek control of what you see, they seek control of you.

Do as you will.

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f1d467  No.145283

File: 89bfb3061ce2ce3⋯.png (45.99 KB, 577x558, 577:558, Glowb8.png)

File: f71742e4877f1ae⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 600x424, 75:53, cianiggers_2.jpg)

File: 688052414de1b91⋯.png (226.36 KB, 327x316, 327:316, feds_on_parade.png)


are you that same no-life retard that keeps shitting out that race war is happening why wont you fight back spamthread 3 times a'day?

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ba1dcf  No.145498

File: 327135f153dfc23⋯.png (245.62 KB, 543x398, 543:398, laser.PNG)

Glowniggers are being lasered by the protesters.

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a7f8fb  No.145575


Interesting. This is covered by laws on "Mayhem" the punishments are typically only exceeded by those for murder.

These antifags could end up doing a life sentence for blinding someone with a laser pointer.

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2bd79b  No.145599


> These antifags could end up doing a life sentence

Should we tell him?

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817277  No.145624

File: 91e7acec8c1814f⋯.webm (2.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tzeentchian_keks.webm)




They spent years training for a right wing revolt, only for these limpdicked commies to show up and start shining lasers in their eyes. They must be so confused.

Of course, they probably won't get charged with shit because of all the goddamn commies in the courts.

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a7f8fb  No.145640

File: 990ecc3b229b24b⋯.png (550.53 KB, 704x729, 704:729, i9tfg5.png)


yes, I get it, if a "nazi" blinds someone they'll get 419 life sentences.

Smarter criminals, you know like niggers, know the law and intentionally don't commit crimes with higher sentences. Nigger serial rapists will avoid using a weapon because they know they can plead down the rape to misdemeanor sexual misconduct if they're unarmed. If they're armed they'll get a felony.

Despite your faggotry in pretending the courts are 109% against you. There are convictions of commie retards. Antifa do get slaps on the wrist in comparison to their crimes, but by committing higher tier crimes they're making it harder to get off with probation. You can negotiate ADW down to simple assault. You can't negotiate mayhem down to simple assault, you're negotiating it "down" to a lesser felony.

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2e92e7  No.145682

Do chingroes classify as negroes or patho-ethnic asians?

A lot of those marchers had the chingro tint and eye squint.

And chingroes are terribly unpredictable. One minute they’re lapping up BLM shit in formation the next minute they’re blowing the mess hall up yelling, “allah akbar!”

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bcb3e8  No.145820


>all that spacing

definitely negroes, no question about it

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d1834e  No.145842

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Merging content since this is the new ad-hoc chimpout thread. If the riots increase or expand again, I’ll make new stickies dedicated to streams, etc. when this one hits the max.

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cfb9a9  No.145880


his previous video wouldn't get shared on an obscure forum on the internet.

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9e886a  No.146071


to piggyback off this, please tell them to get /fit/, get a gun and if they live in a liberal city to move elsewhere ASAP.

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13bcf1  No.146095


>that staged bs

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d1834e  No.146305

Does anyone have that image compilation of graffiti of “kill the boer” from Rhodesia and “kill white people” from this year’s riots? I don’t know where I got it.

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668015  No.146430

File: 7d0e83f541f4168⋯.png (613.24 KB, 593x4000, 593:4000, Kill_the_Boer.png)


Not precisely what you asked for, but I hope it's still useful.

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638822  No.146699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>niggers should've stuck to airsoft

Here's a pavement ape trying to explain away the ND.

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999278  No.146753

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999278  No.146754


It has to have a live round in it you dumb pavement ape.

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c82e71  No.146798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Literally names the jew in this video. Not even subtle about it, flat out names them.

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