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File: 7c769a6c0f62f99⋯.jpg (73.93 KB, 720x570, 24:19, 1593832979229.jpg)

d2f31b  No.137128

Did Augustus Invictus only host his Guerilla Radio talks on youtube? I can't find any of his content now that his youtube is banned. His site also just points to youtube videos. I tried to email him through the contact thing on his site. This dude was dropping mega-redpills on COINTELPRO and other subjects, stuff that made the rhetoric we hear on most channels mere child's play, while his material was like the university for /pol/acks (back when university had actual merit).

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a046ad  No.137132

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d2f31b  No.137135


Ah thank you very much. Don't know why I couldn't find that even when I searched.

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d2f31b  No.137136


Does bitchute have playlists? These are out of order…

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1d7c32  No.137225


Go to yandex.com

Type site:bitchute.com guerrilla radio

This is how you find things on bitchute.


You can make you own if you have an account.

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9aa1bc  No.137244

How is this not QTDDTOT. Why do you care about an e-celeb. Your Churchill quote is a hoax, by the way.

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36535b  No.137323


>How is this not QTDDTOT. Why do you care about an e-celeb. Your Churchill quote is a hoax, by the way.

He's also an IRL politician.

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2de46f  No.137335

File: c65a712296a65da⋯.webm (5.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1593986123897.webm)


> Revolutionary

> Conservative


remember though,

Conservatives - Support 'The System'

Leftists - Mob Rules!

what else is there fren???

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69d15d  No.137355


There's no such thing as "revolutionary conservatism". What you might be thinking of is fascism which actually is revolutionary while upholding traditionalist and nationalist values.

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5f3f8c  No.137551



This "Conservatism" is a defeatist ideology to have. A conservative only fights on the defensive, and they rarely do well.

A revolutionary traditionalist would be a fascist or you could use reactionary too. Important distinctions.

Also question for thread, why does Augustus Invictus use that name? It seems pretty larpy to me and kind of egotistical. Augustus was such a badass that the name became synonymous for Emperor. And Sol Invictus "The unconquered sun" is a deity. I know nothing about this guy so I don't want to be harsh but the name gives me some bad vibes.

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36535b  No.137564


He used the fasces as one of his logos if I recall. He's a qualified lawyer, not stupid. Likely uses the name as a euphemism.

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36535b  No.137565


>This "Conservatism" is a defeatist ideology to have.

It isn't. Ideology is a system of ideas by definition. Conservatism isn't a system of ideas. Thus not an ideology. It's an attitude, a moral stance. Even Wikipedia states this, quoting conservatives themselves. And that's why they never do anything – they have no ideas. It's just posturing and finger wagging while the left slowly drags them even more left.

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d2f31b  No.137580



The Conservative Revolution (German: Konservative Revolution, lit. 'Conservative Revolution'), also known as the German neo-conservative or neo-nationalist movement,[1][2][3] was a German national-conservative movement prominent during the Weimar Republic in the years between World War I and Nazi Germany (1918–1933).

Conservative Revolutionaries were involved in a cultural counter-revolution and showed a wide range of diverging positions concerning the nature of the institutions Germany had to instate, labelled by historian Roger Woods the "conservative dilemma". Nonetheless, they were generally opposed to traditional Wilhelmine Christian conservatism, egalitarianism, liberalism and parliamentarian democracy as well as the cultural spirit of the bourgeoisie and modernity. Confused and plunged into what historian Fritz Stern has named a deep "cultural despair", uprooted as they felt within the rationalism and scientism of the modern world, theorists of the Conservative Revolution drew inspiration from various elements of the 19th century, including Friedrich Nietzsche's contempt for Christian ethics, democracy and egalitarianism; the anti-modern and anti-rationalist German Romanticism; the vision of an organic and organized society cultivated by the Völkisch movement; a Prussian tradition of militaristic and authoritarian nationalism; and their own experience on the front line during World War I, escorted by both irrational violence and comradeship spirit.

The movement held an ambiguous relationship with Nazism from the 1920s to the early 1930s which led scholars to describe the Conservative Revolution as a "German pre-fascism",[4] or as a "non-Nazi fascism".[5][6] Although they share common roots in 19th-century anti-Enlightenment ideologies, the disparate movement cannot be easily confused with Nazism.[7] Conservative Revolutionaries were not necessarily racialist as the movement cannot be reduced to its Völkisch component.[2] If they participated in preparing the German society to the rule of the Nazis with their antidemocratic and organicist theories,[8][9] and did not really oppose their rise to power,[10] the Conservative Revolution was brought to heel like the rest of the society when Adolf Hitler took power in 1933.[11] Many of them eventually rejected the antisemitic and totalitarian nature of the Third Reich,[12][9] with the notable exception of Carl Schmitt and a few others.

From the 1960–1970s onwards, the Conservative Revolution has largely influenced the European New Right, in particular the French Nouvelle Droite and the German Neue Rechte,[13][14][15] and through them the contemporary European Identitarian movement.[16][17]

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d2f31b  No.137583




It's a reference to the conservative revolution that happened between World War I and World War II.

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d2f31b  No.137867


James Mason appears on this one!

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d2f31b  No.138961

He did 2 videos on civil war that are good.

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97183e  No.139000


>what else is there fren???

anarchy…no system.

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