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File: 7da202a14dfee1c⋯.jpg (88.59 KB, 583x667, 583:667, diplomamill_v1_583.jpg)

848f59  No.136826

What's the best way to dismantle the leading cause of Marxism in the west, whilst simultaneously giving Orwellian big-business the retaliatory kick in the balls?

>It is estimated that over 500,000 employed Americans currently have used an unaccredited degree to secure their position.

You've gotta fucking wonder, how relevant are these pieces of shit paper to most jobs today when you can have over 500,000 Americans doing their work competently and get by like normal, if anything they are out performing the ones who wasted $60k and 4 years of youth. You can't teach initiative or balls. But you can teach conformity and submission.

>The former Portuguese Prime Minister worked as engineer for years until this discovered that he got his degree by doing an exam on a Sunday.

>Yahoo CEO


>CCO at a fortune 500 company said he had a bachelors and didn't, worked out well for him!


>Laura Callahan. Former Director of DHS.

The real question now is, if more people knew about this; how many of the jobs out there today could be employing citizens and fixing the unacceptable youth un/underemployment rates.

The fake degree industry is the counter-Marxist industry bringing power back into the hands of working men and they need your support as governments are ceaselessly trying to shut them down, the youth are highly malleable and if they were just given a chance instead of being put through this horrible debt ridden zog machine maybe things could improve for all of us.

And remember they print out degrees free of charge for their own kind each and every day. Awarding honorary degrees to the likes of Barrack Obama, Jimmy Kimmel. Jobs for me and not for thee. Career opportunities are for the comrades only you racists.

Remember only about 20% of employers check, pretty good odds if you play the numbers game. If you do your homework and look em' in the eye give a firm handshake you might come the closest to knowing what it was like to be a young boomer with that glint of possibility in your eyes.

>'Staggering' trade in fake degrees revealed


>Redditors that have a fake degree or bought their degree online, how did your life turn out? What's your story?


>40% of Pakistan’s Active Commercial Pilots Have Bogus Licenses, Aviation Minister Says


>Start Generating your own degrees for free, brrr


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f791b4  No.136830

Apologies for the multiple threads, not sure how to delete the others.

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928d42  No.136908

>Implying a degree is for the purpose of education

You get a degree to show your membership of a social class, and to access a pool of potentially higher quality mates. Getting a degree from an elite university is like getting a minor title, a presigious but not elite university gets you a sort of yeoman status, and anything less than that makes you a peasant.

How often do you think rich girls from elite universities marry plumbers or electricians, even rich succesful ones?

You can't print out the personal, social networks you build at university or through membership of a professional organisation.

>Remember only about 20% of employers check

Fucking irrelevant. What are you seriously emailing your cv around to random employers? And you think you are going to get a good job that way? You get a job through your personal network. Someone who can vouch for you puts in a good word with so and so who takes you to lunch and if you are lucky drinks and if you can not sound like an idiot you might get the job.

I have a degree. I have never EVER been asked by anyone to see it. However by actually going to the place and actively participating I built real valuable connections that I have continued to use throughout my career. Not to mention that I have the right wanker buzzwords that I can use to indicate my social status around other professionals in my field.

Also: Imagine paying to go to university, studying dilligently and getting a degree, but failing to meet anyone, make any friends, or build out your future professional network. Man, I feel sorry for those nerds - they REALLY got ripped off.

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6bb95d  No.137154

File: 2f111a4047698f4⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2560x1693, 2560:1693, 1590723507237.png)


>Implying a degree is for the purpose of networking.

I get your point, it's sound but is it really necessary to fork over 60k that you don't have to a whole bunch of noses, so that you can get a chance to kiss peoples asses because they have some network to offer you? There is an infinite number of cheaper ways to network and kiss peoples asses if that's really how you want to get ahead. Selection by merit is what we need though.

Looking them in the eye handing over your fake degree and giving your best firm handshake, takes balls and if you maintain the position, you've demonstrated your ability meritocratically and contributed to the undermining of the massive zog machine that's raping the youth mentally and financially pretty hard right now. Boomers didn't need their degrees, why should we.

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928d42  No.137300


You either need a real degree, for real networking, or no degree.

Like I said I have never been asked to show evidence of my degree by anyone at all. The hardest thing is to get a back door interview, but once you have it you stand on your own ability to sell yourself.

Going in the front door is for suckers.

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eb4a5c  No.137310

>Remember only about 20% of employers check, pretty good odds if you play the numbers game. If you do your homework and look em' in the eye give a firm handshake you might come the closest to knowing what it was like to be a young boomer with that glint of possibility in your eyes.

I have a friend with a degree in linguistics who taught himself R, data analysis, mining, etc. He now does advanced analysis for a Japanese company. So you don't need a degree, although they help; you need proven skills (a portfolio). In his case, he's an independent researcher (academic publication record).

If you're going to go, however, attend an accredited and respected online institution. They offer degrees for very cheap because they don't need classrooms etc. The teachers are mostly checking and marking your work. I went this route and paid no more than $4000 US.

Bottom line is: higher education is now a bubble and even good degrees aren't worth that much. Get the skills only and save money, if you can.

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dc39cc  No.137340

File: 053db7038b5b894⋯.png (25.91 KB, 713x611, 713:611, pepe_laughing_smoking.png)


> remembering when I printed out an obviously fake Rocket Scientist Degree and people thought I was an actual rocket scientist

> signed by 'Albert Einstein' in pencil

> framed with glass

> NASA symbol on it

> mfw

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928d42  No.137346


>Get the skills only and save money, if you can.

I still say that with white collar work it's who you know and not what you know.

When I need to hire someone I don't even put out an ad, I ask around in the community, "hey anon you know anyone free right now with a mid tier b2b sales background? Preferably german speaker but not essential." You get a good guy that way because no-one is going to risk their reputation by recommending a jackass. But there is no open job ad, unless you know the right people most of the good jobs are just not even available to you.

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eb4a5c  No.137348


>I still say that with white collar work it's who you know and not what you know.

You could say that about blue collar, too. But higher classes usually have more of a boy's club culture, so to speak. So there's less of that in the lower classes. In some ways they're worse off because there's less community, less opportunities for networking.

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928d42  No.137379


>You could say that about blue collar, too.

Probably true. All the people I have hired to do work on my house I got from personal recommendations too.

Anyway I can say that my tech degree was totally worth it, back in fucking 2003, I won't be encouraging my kids to go though because it's all leftie bullshit, and even tech is all gay these days. My son will probably go to agricultural college and my daughters can do art/music until they get married.

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eb4a5c  No.137386


>My son will probably go to agricultural college and my daughters can do art/music until they get married.

Coding camps and things of that nature are good. Affordable and cram a degree into 6 months or so. My first tertiary qualification was in analytical chemistry, and it basically squeezed an Associate's into 6 months. Ag is good though, I wouldn't recommend any self-respecting white family to live in city TBH.

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928d42  No.137398


>Coding camps and things of that nature are good

I disagree with this. Big tech is shilling coding for kids hard to drive down the cost of labor. If you want youor kids to get a technical skill that will pay off in 15 years time I would get them into biotech. The market will be flooded with programmers, which is the whole plan (especially with "coding for girls" which means "get to work bitch").

One thing that stood out to me from the half of volume 1 of Wealth of Nations that I actually bothered to read, was that in the 16th century you could make a really good living just by being literate. People would bring you things that needed reading out to them, and ask you to write something for them. Then the church had this clever idea to offer free reading and writing classes hoping that more people would want to become priests (they were reading bibles). I don't know if they got more priests or not but what they did do was kill the economic value of being literate. Today the ability to read is literally worthless. Even hobos and drug addicts can read.

Teaching everyone to code will have a similar effect, driving wages down for programmers.

>I wouldn't recommend any self-respecting white family to live in city TBH.

No, which is why I'm happy to let my son go to ag college. At least he's likely to stay out of the big city, and he can still make a lot of money.

For the kids on this board, if you have no family support to point you in the right direction, I would recommend that you take a good look at yourself and try to figure out what your aptitude really is. If you build you career around that you are unlikely to fail. Then FIND A MENTOR. This might be a friend's dad if yours is a fuckwit, or an uncle or something like that, but you really need someone to guide you and advise you - you need this throughout your entire life. Don't go it alone. Don't be proud, be humble. Find someone who means you well and has achieved some success in their own life, and follow their advice.

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eb4a5c  No.137399


>I disagree with this. Big tech is shilling coding for kids hard to drive down the cost of labor

Consider time to opportunity ratio. If you have talent you can find a niche in a way shorter time. It's better. Besides, the dropping wages agument can be applied to virtually any field. In Australia e.g., mining companies are hiring Indian contractors for about $12 per hour (system loophole). Have fun with that.

>If you want youor kids to get a technical skill that will pay off in 15 years time I would get them into biotech.

Small field and global IQ is dropping considerably. Big money = online tech company and hiring high IQ Russian contractors who will work for $10 per hour. Business becomess infinitely upscalable (I do this).

>For the kids on this board, if you have no family support to point you in the right direction, I would recommend that you take a good look at yourself and try to figure out what your aptitude really is. If you build you career around that you are unlikely to fail. Then FIND A MENTOR. This might be a friend's dad if yours is a fuckwit, or an uncle or something like that, but you really need someone to guide you and advise you - you need this throughout your entire life. Don't go it alone. Don't be proud, be humble. Find someone who means you well and has achieved some success in their own life, and follow their advice.

Good advice, don't forget that most western govs also subsidize quals in areas with skills shortages. Look for those.

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