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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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8e719d  No.136822

If you had the opportunity to write for a publication appealing to military personnel & gun owners, how would you go about inserting subtle redpills, and calls for solidarity among white people?

Essentially, less talk about lampshades and soap, and more about reminding white men who they are.

Reminding them of their responsibilities and duty to their people. Their flesh and blood, their shared ancesty and future.

I was thinking about taking it nice and slow, easily digestible.

A gradual journey for the reader, starting with awareness, leading to preparation, and ultimately, action.

To that end, what narratives and talking points would you like to see addressed?

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490b66  No.136832


just post accurate verifiable well sourced crime statistics while writing about the necessity of owning a firearm for personal protection. People either get it or they don't

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13e463  No.136918


Nice. Maybe too spot on depending on who he writes for.


Try to incite pride and white unity. Write about our ancestors and heroes (American and European). If there are images, show pictures of white families and strong white men etc. Write about traditionalist values gradually. Idk what you specifically wrote about normally, so tie these themes into your normal writing if need be. The most important thing is to be gradual.

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e4b966  No.137010

The "your ancestors died for this" meme hits home with whites of all ages across the spectrum of wokeness. You obviously can't come right and say that, but commentaries from men of previous generations could get a few neurons re-engaged.

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