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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: d681900a59ce4b2⋯.jpg (5.21 KB, 119x120, 119:120, anti_race_mixing_6.jpg)

e5a279  No.136438

Everyone knows that race mixing is bad, I have some points for my statement, but I need more sources and reasons.

Please send me any source or reason to back up my point.

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059ee8  No.136439


>Everyone knows that race mixing is bad,

Then you don't need arguments against it.

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9b4ba8  No.136446

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c598e6  No.136448

File: 790049cf04acc29⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, individual_elements_which….jpeg)

File: ec423b6da419f00⋯.jpeg (2.99 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, all_mentally_ill_are_whin….jpeg)

File: 92cd1c7ff9e094c⋯.png (98.7 KB, 374x512, 187:256, activated_complexes_of_anc….png)


If you read C.G. Jung (of whose points i am deadly skeptical). There's a theory out there that our myths/gods and other things transferred from our ancestors. Even small drop of nigger blood would interfere your connection to locked ancestral knowledge inside your mind and intertwine it with a negro one.

It has only evidence in repeated behavior in various ethnic groups copying religious symbols of their ancestors, and eventually adding their meaning into new religion (e.g. Christianity).

The real danger of racemixing is not a mixed raced body.

Its a soul possessing different ancestral lines of mixed experiences.

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