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File: 42bb7b8437da0f2⋯.jpeg (300.85 KB, 800x745, 160:149, SADM.jpeg)

3ff689  No.136086

Somehow you have gotten your hands on a suitcase nuke (pic related). Probably glowing like crazy and not from the uranium. There is a note attached:


What the hell, you decide to use it. At least you will be the subject of debate on the chans for time immemorial.

So anon, where do you set it off? How will you make it count? Will you go straight for maximum highscore, use it as a nametag for your local hebrews? Use it wisely.

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431b95  No.136095


I would immediately inform the Department of Homeland Security and the local police and try to evacuate as many people from the area as possible. I would never seek to do harm to anyone for any reason.

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ef99bd  No.136096


Report it to the authorities.

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3ff689  No.136097

File: cb38c6376837c5d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 675x672, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)



Thank you citizens!

*Cough* I mean, lol gay can't you even blow something up, fag?.

Also you can assume this all happens in Minecraft.

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1167ba  No.136100


This isn't cuckchan, you fucking faggot.

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36bd03  No.136150


I'd sell it to netanyahu

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a5cbd7  No.136162


Give it to blm so maybe we can kick off the missed four of july celebration and finally have our dotr or south african state.

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8331b3  No.136196


Why waste your time and resources on obtaining a nuke just so you can kill a bunch of people when you could kill just as many by strapping a stick of dynamite to a hydrogen sulfide tank at a natural gas refinery and kill thousands by sour gas exposure? Literally, what a fucktarded concept of using a portable nuke that would kill maybe 8,000 people at most within a large city whereas sour gas could wipe out a whole county? Seriously OP, you are retarted.

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8331b3  No.136197


But if you really wanted to get dirty, use dirty bombs maybe or assuming you have mechanical and engineering background, you could build a death ray.

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7974ad  No.136348

File: a54e4305b9b914d⋯.jpg (391.84 KB, 1162x1853, 1162:1853, 21_June_copy_1_.jpg)


Someone seems to think that it will go off in Nashville on 18 July 2020

A Nashville, Tennessee newspaper called, "The Tennesean ," ran this full page ad on 21 June 2020.

Look for it yourself if you don't believe me.

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cb5466  No.136471


Lol imagine if this actually happened, and they were all like "Yeah I know, I warned you all - I took out an ad in the newspaper and everything.. didn't you see it?"

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fc8e74  No.136474


Oh, cool! Another example to add to the massive pile of examples of someone claiming something massive is going to happen on X date and then making every excuse in the world when literally nothing happens.

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