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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: feaeea5d628e996⋯.png (769.32 KB, 600x667, 600:667, BANE.png)

1090eb  No.135936

The victim was probably white (BLM targets white folks in their vehicles):



Basically their car exited off the interstate and encountered armed BLM protesters who shot into their vehicle, killing their 8 year old daughter.

Waiting to confirm the race of the victim. If the victim is white….then what? Will all hell break lose?

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041046  No.135938


>If the victim is white….then what?

Then nothing. If you want to do something, then rock on. If you're expecting others to do something for you, then you're a nigger.

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c0b18b  No.135948

>will all hell break lose

You must be new here.

Anyone else remember the guy who kept up the "White Victims of Black Crime" threads? Well, I didn't see anyone "retaliating" when those were around, constantly reminding that the age bracket of 4 to 15 also don't get off scott free, but rather, tend to be rape and murder victims.

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741daa  No.135951


>a group of armed individuals who were blocking the entrance.

Such jewish language. They won't even acknowledge that it's BLM.

But my money's on it being a black child.

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278c3a  No.135952


> protestors

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8cb5d1  No.135961


Statistically she is probably a nigger (it is Atlanta) but it is strange that we haven't heard more about this.

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00e448  No.136037


when its either black on black or black on white, you won't hear much about it.

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643e9a  No.136062


>If the victim is white….then what? Will all hell break lose?

You’re totally retarded.

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8cb5d1  No.136124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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afd2f9  No.136171

File: bf2f50b519ac50f⋯.jpg (90.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8yr3.jpg)

Its ok pnd. It was a nog.

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2af77e  No.136244

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