we are capable of ruining the public image of cartoon characters
we shall now initiate:
Operation Fanbase Subversion
the goal of this operation is simple
we decide on a character to slander
criteria: this character has to be
it has to be someone with a technically very large fanbase
spongebob is a great example since
everyone's fucking watched it as a child, but there isn't as much money behind it
we need to make sure it follows current events (think not wearing your mask, blm, or even adl slander)
make one post on your most influential social media account commenting on the current political situation somehow,
mention the exact phrase "Hitler wanted to free us" (something like, you are sceptical about this statement.)
ask in the same post who he wanted to free us from
post 50% hateful memes, 50% Hitler wanted to free us memes
it will be reported in the news (anons working at news corporations, lend us your energy), and public outrage/enlightenment will insue
but only if we hurry to have it reported before the kikes shutitdown.png
it will be labeled forever as a symbol of hate by the jewish-owned adl, and the people actually affected by this (the fans of this character) will become based and redpilled