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aa7fc3  No.135706


Globalization blows. It is totally disgusting.

No matter what culture I look at in the AI restored and colorized movies all of humanity looks wealthy by comparison to today standards and far more healthy. The people look more physically fit, the clothes are more carefully crafted and much higher quality. The women are more beautiful in all cultures. Men are more masculine. The people look curious and full of wonder and without stress.

People look happier

Restored movie Japan 100 years ago.


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b4bfa8  No.135735

And the cities had far more character too. Like before the WTC was built in NY there was this entire neighborhood of electronics shops that grew up in there with the invention and popularization of radios. Stanley Kubrick used to haunt that neighborhood. When they tore it down for those glass and steel slabs of shit they tore out a really cool piece of proto nerd culture.

All the cities aspire to this Los Angeles freeway big box store office tower hellscape with designated scenic walkways where everything is built around giant filing cabinets for rich people to count their money and show off their big yachts and car collections. It's fucking boring. It's fucking boring. It's all cheap crap, like the supposedly luxury label stores that have proliferated everywhere. When the entire world is a strip mall what's the point of dressing up in Patagonia shit? When the only night clubs are full of stoned niggers and rap music what's the point of wearing Hugo Boss?

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042101  No.135753

Americans have turned into Niggerbots

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b4bfa8  No.135760

File: dd37100e607456d⋯.jpg (204.5 KB, 676x1024, 169:256, 14dc0d846ba50fe21695eb9a35….jpg)

This is a drawing by le Corbusier from before WWI. It's one of the first concepts for the modern city layout; elevated highways linking modern concrete steel glass buildings that are totally detached from each other and even the landscape they're placed in. Note the long bent slab building in the foreground and the prominence of its parking lot. This was conceived before there even were parking lots. I can't date it precisely but I'm pretty sure I read in some book a long time ago that it was made in 1905, right at the dawn of the automobile. Even as the splendors of the Edwardian era were drawing to a close, modernists were already looking forward to a totally different architectural concept for cities based around the automobile. It seems like such an American concept but le Corbusier was French.

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fe97f5  No.135774


Europe had the automobile decades before the US did.

Most people forget the US was basically a third world country until the middle of the last century.

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b4bfa8  No.135822


uh..no. The automobile gets mass produced in America first. You know, Henry Ford and all. You can see it in street films and photography; 1905 there's the odd internal combustion engine vehicle and the rest of traffic in cities is horse and mule driven. 1911 there's just a few horses in the streets and the majority of traffic is internal combustion engines.

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1a9a5a  No.135841

File: 9ca83a3c6d06199⋯.jpg (4.33 MB, 2800x1600, 7:4, 1401585559659.jpg)


>humanity looks […] far more healthy

The global obesity epidemic hadn't started yet. We have been eating ourselves to death for decades in order to make money for greedy corporations who prosper when we fill our stomachs with processed sugary crap, instead of simply putting a piece of fish or meat in our mouth. And we must not forget the mass psychosis that is veganism, or as I like to put it: a new fluffier, trendier way for food companies to scam you out of money.


>And the cities had far more character too.

Of course. Ugliness is the new trend in architecture. It all revolves around the ego of the architect, while the people who sit in city planning councils are afraid to seem stupid if they criticize the movement of asymmetrical, disproportionately shaped monstrosities that plague our cities. Just recently, the local philistines that rule my small town decided to place a box decorated with rusted plates on prominent display.


>Americans have turned into Niggerbots

Also this. Our modern, high-technology, service-based societies suddenly revolve around the common goal of attempting to put mediocre people in places where they do not belong.

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aa7fc3  No.135958


>service based society

I believe that this is the basis for mediocrity and mediocrity acceptance, right?

In a technical society fuckups are plainly visible but in a service economy fuckups can fit nicely in every strata.

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aa266c  No.135966

File: 741bda6234685bd⋯.jpeg (31.32 KB, 620x414, 310:207, playing_fortnite.jpeg)


>service-based societies

All you have to do in order to survive in hightech future is to be desireless in order to not become a slave of all entertainments of the future and be free thinking man.

What's more important is that society since the 90's was already undergoing a test run of such consumerism including digital consumerism and only escalating.

That means the best you can do is to actually appreciate the little amount of nature we have left and detox yourself from tech constrains. But even that involves getting out of the internet and not even having your phone around to be truly free.

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b4bfa8  No.136023


>But even that involves getting out of the internet and not even having your phone around to be truly free.

I drove across the continent two years ago. It was quite informative when I stumbled around my Google account and found my entire trip mapped right down to the second and the meter, even my meandering around this truck stop looking for a good place to park and take a nap without the big street lamps shining in my face.

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11f198  No.136034


One big difference is that there was more suffering back then and in a way suffering can make you healthier

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aa7fc3  No.136123


Suffering does seem to refine your ability to tell truth and perception of value as well as allowing you to happen when you are not suffering.

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