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abb853  No.135702

lets do 2-3 person 'protests' with signs like "ONLY DEMOCRATS WILL DEFUND THE POLICE, VOTE DEMOCRAT!" or maybe do the flyer thing with similar messages

im all but certain its a losing message for them so the more we associate it with Dems as a party, the better for the R's. mind you, i hate em both, but R>D at least.

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2ed0bd  No.135705


You may have mistaken this for a jew puppet board. We don't give a shit about your jewish false dichotomy. We don't support the (((Republicans))) here. They literally vote identically. They literally have identical policies. They do exactly the same thing, every single fucking second of every single day. It does not matter to us.

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f932e1  No.135733


I have to say though that when democrats bring in policies to kill of nigs or to cut off Israel it's pretty tempting. Too bad about that open borders shit.

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765243  No.135970



Hi Qoomer. Watch The Greatest Story Never Told.

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50910b  No.135971


This board is a hot bed of Finkelthink.

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eeaa39  No.135983


Except that hasn’t happened in decades.

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46ab69  No.136032

Just ask Sheldon Adelson to pay some people to do that.

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