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File: 8715e17b2786de8⋯.gif (589.75 KB, 214x199, 214:199, 1540104311588.gif)

45f3c1  No.135327

Are the Jews centralised under a single authority?

If so, who rules such an entity? who are the key figures and what is the heirarchy? Also why do the globalists and the zionists seem to have a clash of interests (for example why do they allow lgbt parades and hordes of black Ethiopians to enter and exist in Israel?)

If the Jews are not centralised and are indeed factionalized, what are the main factions and who are their leaders?

As above Ive already recognised that the Ashkenazi Globalists of the West both look and operate differently from the Israeli Zionists in the Middle-East, and in some circumstances they contradict eachother (Left-wing vs Right-wing). But are there anymore factions because surley this is just a general overview?

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fa5bfc  No.135337

There are definitely spontaneous cadres. For example Kleibold and Harris and the rest of the Trench Coat Mafia were all jews or mischlings who spontaneously formed a Hagganah terrorist cell. It was impossible for the two shooters to have place 50 crude bombs made with propane tanks throughout the school; it is a fact that it took weeks for the bomb squad to clear the school of all the traps they set. They needed a lot of assistance to plant those devices; their intention was to turn the cafeteria into an inferno of death. The rest of the black t shirted TCM were spotted by police helicopter lying in the grass in a field overlooking the school to watch the carnage unfold. Columbine was a Jew pogrom on Christians…it's known that they specifically targeted Christians.

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45f3c1  No.135339


interesting, never even considered columbine was a jewish operation, but it makes sense considering the complete hysteria the media generated from it, but im more interested in the nature of jewish organisations rather than their operations

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32c648  No.135341


>Are the Jews centralised under a single authority?


>If so, who rules such an entity?

Yo mama.

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fa5bfc  No.135347


That's the point; it's spontaneous and you'd be surprised who the leaders are. It's not like some old wealthy man. The cadres can be led by committees of sweet old white haired ladies, high school boys, housewives…Jesse Ventura moved into the Minnesota governor's mansion and was summoned to a committee in a downstairs room. That's what he found there. He didn't say that they were jews but they were jews.

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c72fd3  No.135371

It's the Rabbi's you idiot.

When they say Order out ofChaos, who did you think they were talking about?

The Rabbinical ORDER.

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718af3  No.135399

File: 0275ac539ffb0a6⋯.png (230.49 KB, 2830x536, 1415:268, alien_jews.png)


The organizing principle of Jews is founded upon a religious belief in race, as outlined in the Torah. It's all very historical more than mystical. The upshot is, it leaves no room for 'Jews' that are Not of the race of men/women whom are genetically Jewish. In other words, it's a religion based upon race. In another era, it might have been known by a more exact term: tribalism. But they have convinced the world that theirs is a racial religion, so, whatever.

Religiously, they have leaders. These are called Rabbis. The Rabbis give lip service to the Torah (as laid down by 'God'), but then refer almost exclusively to the Talmud (as laid down by 'Men'). The Rabbis argue and wring the hands over issue, how to keep slaves, how to loan money to the Goy, how to tell the truth, the issues that Jews must wrangle with while staying in the good graces of 'God'.

Genetically, there is a core group of Jews whom are not allowed to marry outside a certain circle of breeding stock. These tend to be the higher level Jews, most commonly some derivation of a Kohn, but there are other lineages that are much more guarded. Again, the Rabbis keep track of whom in these families can marry whom.

Financially, there are a few lineages that have arisen to the creme of the crop, most notably the Rothschilds, but also Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc. Speculation is that there is a level above the Rothschild, but that's for some other autist to determine.

In terms of whom determines collective Jewish policies: that often occurs through the auspices of the media. One must learn to read 'like a Jew' to recognize when the dog whistles are being blown. Additionally, much discussion of policies and events occurs at synagogues, exclusive Jewish meeting places, this being facilitated with Rabbis.

Buried within ALL strongly all cohesive groups, however, there is another level of organization which occurs. Jews are not exempt from it, far from it. Although not all Jews take part, nor would even agree if they knew it existed, this has long been a part of the Jewish group. It is the alien level, the Satanic level, the level of child-rape, baby sacrifice, and blood-drinking. It's pain, torture, death magic, not that any of it does them any good. It's wholly superstitious, their 'gods' having left them, and is fast-dwindling in influence, mostly because it's ineffective at anything but wasting time and money in search of a good time. Within a few generations, this nonsense will probably cease.

If you are looking for how to understand the Jews, it's mostly a confused group of people with a massive inferiority/superiority complex whom are paranoid. In treating other peoples are 'other', the Jews do not integrate, but hold themselves apart. They would be a great addition to the family of man if they but dropped the self-inflicted mind-fucks, along with the mind-fucks they impose upon everyone else. There are reinforcing elements to the Jews, not only fear of being discovered, but also fear of… well, everything really.

Eventually, I believe, a small surviving breakaway sect of former-Jews will arise, whom are treated with some degree of distrust by the rest society. They will study Judaism (the religion), and the Jews that arose from it for perhaps a few centuries before growing bored with it and dropping that matter entirely, and melting into the rest of humanity.

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09a943  No.135402

You would not even be able to tell if someone was genetically Jewish.

Judah has been dead for like 2000 years, and left no remains behind for DNA tests. Literally impossible to find out whom was from the tribe of Judah, and not just one of his followers.

The other tribes aren't Jews. The Cohen marker is the genetic marker of the Kings of the tribes, and is present in almost every race that has ever come into contact with the remnants of Israel.

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5bc259  No.135640

File: 1c551ee0dd7644d⋯.png (1.06 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

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f29235  No.135683


if you really want to know what jews are look up thugees from India, it's the same thing.

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233c03  No.135693

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45f3c1  No.135738


This is just the kind of answer I was looking for, Thanks anon very interesting.

So where does Soros play into all of this? Is he an underling of the Rothschild or is he his own thing?

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45f3c1  No.135739


damn theyre not even subtle about it

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e37e0f  No.135781


They still exist in Colorado. Colorado is absolutely flooded with Jews.

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4acdab  No.135814

I don't think there's a grand jewish conspiracy.

No two jews ever needed to conspire to screw over the goyim for their own benefit.

It's their second nature, or rather, first nature.

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fa5bfc  No.135825


He's the JP Morgan of our time. In the late 1800's JP Morgan was reputed to be the wealthiest man in America but he died leaving a fortune of only $10 million. He was the front man for the Bank of England/CROWN and the vanguard laying the groundwork for the coming Federal Reserve, which is just the American Branch of hte Bank of England.

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fa5bfc  No.135898

File: b30c250abe3ab6e⋯.jpg (164.25 KB, 709x1170, 709:1170, hermes_2.JPG)

File: b91954c159f5e61⋯.jpg (74.17 KB, 731x1185, 731:1185, hermes.JPG)

I was just reading this analysis of the writings of Hermes Trismegistus and in the introduction the translator is discussing proto Christianity, and the cross fertilization between the ancient Greek philosophers, Egyptian theology and asiatic influences like Judaism which according to him doesn't even exist till after Alexander shows up.

Let me start my translation at this point;

>>far from denying their debts, the Greeks were more disposed to exaggerate their importance. Moreover, to borrow something from the Jews, it would have required them to know them, and before Alexander , the Greeks didn't even know their name. Later, under the Roman Empire, when the Jews were already spread throughout the west, Justin recounting their history after Trogue Pompee, attached their origin to Damascus; the successors which he gave to Damascus were Azelus, Adores, Abraham and Israel. That which he said of Joseph is almost in conformity with the Bible, but he made Moses a son of Joseph, and the chief of a colony of lepers kicked out of Egypt

haha so funny.

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fa5bfc  No.135900


Might I suggest that henceforth we call (((them))) "the colony of lepers kicked out of Egypt"??

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fa5bfc  No.135905

File: aa1fb469d8bf760⋯.jpg (562.25 KB, 2059x3456, 2059:3456, 341456201_J001_17_00.jpg)

Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus[n 1] (fl. 1st century bc), also anglicized as Pompey Trogue,[n 2] was a Gallo-Roman historian from the Celtic Vocontii tribe in Narbonese Gaul who lived during the reign of the emperor Augustus. He was nearly contemporary with Livy.

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e89a0d  No.135907

File: 8e9e92760fd9795⋯.jpeg (327.88 KB, 1200x874, 600:437, golden_city.jpeg)

File: 2b101d0153ab88b⋯.jpeg (30.28 KB, 400x300, 4:3, revelations.jpeg)


Its more complicated than that. Majority of new testament leans on hindu myth more than you think. I am just too lazy to stress out how much. Old testament yes, relies on Egypt and Mesopotamia, but not new one.

You know, sometimes i want to make a comparative image, and i know some people would ask me to, but i wonder why i should, if people simply refuse to read ancient scriptures including greek philosophy and writings from older religions (older than Christianity). I think its either a man is predestined to break the condition and his condition breaking will be testament for gods involvement in his fate, or he never will. No matter how much people write about that.

Its all about going that uncanny longer way than the one of militant atheists who simply read Nietzsche, trust the contemporaries and move on, and it seems to me any real comparison will be met with disrespect to the effort made because people simply aren't spiritual enough. Its almost like there's a bareer or entry way that is not broken until someone from outside break it for their own reason and the only proof of it lays on shoulders of one who's enlightened. And there's enough cults of "men" to fool one could become a god and worship humans. Reality is all sorts of difficult.

Whatever one would call this condition i'd say christianity in contemporary way went two short ways instead of longer more complicated one. One was protestantism with its trust to new testament itself, and second one was atheism with distrust for everything out of materialism. But both of them missed crucial element nobody discussed of comparative religions that only few tackled and unsuccessfully.

If there's one law in celestial world its the one not to speak to humans how much they are bullshitting themselves.

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fa5bfc  No.135910


It definitely is a matter for another thread, an in depth thread. This one is more oriented towards a superficial analysis of the underlying political scaffolding of international judaism. I only injected my comment as a crude antisemetic joke without any pretensions to anything more than that.

If you were to make such a thread I would hope it's going to have links to pdfs of the relevant literature. I'd be interested in that.

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e89a0d  No.135915

File: e606c555124c662⋯.jpeg (29.04 KB, 220x336, 55:84, Herakleitos.jpeg)


Yeah i know, i am just drunk.

As far as this goes i left whatever important in reading thread anyway. If people gave a shit about Herakleitos or Pyrrho or Greco-Buddhist period, or Upanishads and Vedas, everything would be simpler.

The philosophy stolen is just there for the reading.




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fa5bfc  No.135919


Perfect, thanks.

Drunk on Sunday morning! Evidently reading the great philosophers and religious divines has failed to inculcate even the most basic moral precepts in you.

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73f212  No.135933


>Are the Jews centralised or do they exist in Factions?


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303135  No.136046

File: 9e74519c76513b9⋯.gif (483.42 KB, 992x620, 8:5, 9e74519c76513b91957b47e4d0….gif)

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3cc746  No.136050


>You would not even be able to tell if someone was genetically Jewish.

1. So why is everyone literally able to do it by sight every single day?

2. You are genetically jewish and I don't even have to see you.

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fa5bfc  No.136065

File: f60b8afbbf9c5f9⋯.jpg (423.32 KB, 1001x1994, 1001:1994, jews.JPG)



This has been common knowledge for over 20 years now.

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7f3319  No.136107

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fa5bfc  No.136151

>>Céline adresse ensuite une quarantaine de lettres ouvertes publiées par les organes les plus virulents de la collaboration, sans toutefois adhérer formellement à aucun des mouvements collaborationnistes créés à la faveur des événements. Dans ces lettres, il se présente comme le pape du racisme et déplore l'insuffisance de la répression contre les Juifs, les francs-maçons, les communistes et les gaullistes.

>>Il écrit en mars 1942 une lettre à Jacques Doriot dans laquelle il déplore le sentiment de communauté des Juifs, qu'il estime responsable de leur « pouvoir exorbitant » : « Le Juif n'est jamais seul en piste ! Un Juif, c'est toute la juiverie. Un Juif seul n'existe pas. Un termite, toute la termitière. Une punaise, toute la maison »12

Of Celine's pamplet Beau Draps;

Celine then addressed 40 open letters published by the most virulent papers of the collaboration without formally adhering to any of the collaborationist movements created in line with current events. In these letters he presented himself as the pope of racism and deplored the insufficience of the respression against the jews and free masons the communists and the Gaullistes.

He wrote in March '42 a letter to Jacques Doriot in which he deplore the idea of the community of the jews that he regarded as responsible for their exorbitant power. "the jew is never alone on his path! One jew is all of judaism. A lone jew does not exist. A termite is a termite hill. The entire joint stinks. "

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df99c9  No.136264

File: 78a4561a78584af⋯.jpg (103.88 KB, 577x587, 577:587, 78a4561a78584aff72308e514f….jpg)


I only have anecdotal evidence. I had a pretty good Jewish friend in college. We were even roommates. I went over to his family home for some parties which were pretty much entirely Jews. I was always aware of Jewish tricks and told him this so there was good banter. Anyway, he and his family told me to not trust Jews. Him and his family are pretty normal people but they definitely have Jewish behaviors. Because of them though I do think there are factions of Jews. These people were only middle class. They went to public school and public colleges. They had average STEM jobs, middle management type of stuff. Nothing interesting. Everything we see going wrong in our society appears to effect them. Shitty economy, degeneracy, immigration, diversity… you know. I really tried to see if the kikes who push this shit are some how benefiting these kikes and I just don't see it. When we had religious conversations when it came to orthodox jews like in OPs picture. They thought those people were crazy.

Honestly, I think they are more slaves to the kikes than whites are. They have no choice but to believe the holohoax narrative. It's just not something they can disbelieve or even question. Consequently, because of the position being Jews puts them in. It's not really possible for them to become aware of what the kikes above them are doing. So they can never become completely redpilled. They are aware of the greedy covetous Jew trope, and will negotiate hard in financial deals with each other. They try to undercut and show off to each other all the time. In this regard, they aren't really much different than certain immigrant groups in the US. They put locks on the donation boxes at bar mitzvahs, which is pretty fucking telling. They do benefit each other in the sense that Jews will prefer to do business with other Jews. But again, this behavior at least to me seems to follow the patterns of immigrants in the US. Oddly enough, these Jews consider themselves to be white and Jews.

These Jews I knew, the parents were from Israel and IDF. They also interestingly enough made a distinction between Jews born in the US on the East Coast (like New York) and Israeli Jews. Basically they considered the jews here to be stupid. Anyway, I've said enough here that I'll get shilled as some kike JIDF apologist or something. I'm not. I'm very much aware of overall what the Jews have done to the world and are currently doing. I just suggest people get to actually know Jews to better understand them. I don't think they are as cohesive as a hive mind as you would think if you've never known them.

So in short, I definitely think there are competing factions of Jews. Jews who support us, jews against us, and jews who are clueless to everything. I think too they have an unofficial caste system because there are definitely Jews who are higher up and the ones below like my friend's parents who are constantly trying to compete to get to match. Usually this manifests as kids doing more extracurricular, going to better colleges, getting a new car. Which again, seems to follow other immigrant groups in the US like the chinese, indians, etc. If you want to play it safe, don't trust them if you have dealings with a Jew.

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fa5bfc  No.136274


This is pretty close to the truth; like any cult the low level cult members get exploited horribly. You can be a member in good standing at a high end synagogue, pay $100k a year for 7 years and then you have a bad year. You go to the rabbi and explain that you can't make that $100k for your seat at the synagogue this year, can you cut me some slack?

Nope. Give up your seat and come back when you can pay. Like Goodfellas; "fuck you, pay me".

And then there's the entire issue of which jews wound up in concentration camps.

Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Ovadiah Josef

" The ‘guilt’ of Jewish victims of the Holocaust:

“The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”

— Weekly Saturday night sermon in August 2000

They're all around fuckers, they really don't care. But like scientologists they'll all stick up for their leaders no matter what the lie or shit they have to eat.

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2606f6  No.136405

Not organized.

Programmed at the factory.

It's just the way they're made.

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685743  No.137308

File: 336ce107ff19024⋯.png (251.26 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Louis_Ferdinand_Celine.png)

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fa5bfc  No.137349


Thanks a lot; I'm particularly obsessed with British Israelitism and your article is excellent.

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8c3de5  No.138739


Kahal maybe?


>Columbine was a Jew pogrom on Christians…it's known that they specifically targeted Christians.

Is that the case that involved the guy who appeared as Adam Lanza (spelling?) or close? Exact same face, etc., now advocating for gun control?


>Genetically, there is a core group of Jews whom are not allowed to marry outside a certain circle of breeding stock. These tend to be the higher level Jews, most commonly some derivation of a Kohn, but there are other lineages that are much more guarded. Again, the Rabbis keep track of whom in these families can marry whom.


They are very cautious about their cohanim and levites.

> Rockefellers

But are they Jews? I think they're just protestants who found it comfy to fuck their own race for shekels. The kind of shabbo goyim the Jews love.

>Buried within ALL strongly all cohesive groups, however, there is another level of organization which occurs. Jews are not exempt from it, far from it. Although not all Jews take part, nor would even agree if they knew it existed, this has long been a part of the Jewish group. It is the alien level, the Satanic level, the level of child-rape, baby sacrifice, and blood-drinking. It's pain, torture, death magic, not that any of it does them any good. It's wholly superstitious, their 'gods' having left them, and is fast-dwindling in influence, mostly because it's ineffective at anything but wasting time and money in search of a good time. Within a few generations, this nonsense will probably cease..

Cut the dope man, rabbis have practiced child sacrifice throughout the entire existence of their people. There are maaaaaany cases in Europe alone, spreading over centuries. They even got caught in the 60s I think in Chicago where 5 kids disappeared close to a Jewish area iirc.

They're twisted fucks, no need for aliens or sheeyit.

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8c3de5  No.138740



I think this man deserves to be more known. A eFren told me he's been totally banned in (((Frogland))). Paint me surprised.

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30b723  No.139325

File: 23cff23336705c4⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 478x338, 239:169, beetlejuiceschwitz.jpg)

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5d6104  No.139343

Who did the United Kingdom cede land to after "winning" World War II?

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