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9d3258  No.135138

are we winning?

some background; I work in a small-ish shop in the uk, and I've noticed three of my colleagues started talking in the last month about (sic) the cabal. I haven't pushed too hard, but they definitely know about the jq. They know I've browsed 4ch since 09 because I've been pretty forthcoming about that even before the coronahoax, and I guess that might in part be why they've been so comfortable about talking to me about ths stuff.

Are we winning?

Is this what winning feels like?

because i feel worse than before.

I'm happy that the memes have evangelised themselves. I'm happy we have that reach that (most of) you all as i have helped to cultivate.

at first it felt good. people were awakened to the things that i'd spent so much time occupied with. but it doesn't feel good anymore. the emptiness is back. that existential dread that i know so many of you are feeling too.

you don't exist any more than i do.

that's why we can bend reality to "our" will. you think you're bending reality to your will, as do i. but reality IS our will. niggers only exist because you willed them into existence, because you are lazy. discipline youself and they will go.

is it wonderful?

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647d1c  No.135193

No, we’re not winning.

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f4e9f2  No.136106

As long as we're using this shitty site we aren't winning

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