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File: f674172848696e1⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 634x536, 317:268, 22840896-7840301-image-m-5….jpg)

b739ce  No.13505[Last 50 Posts]


>Disturbing footage has emerged of an Orthodox Jewish man being assaulted by a group of seven teenagers as he walked down a street in Brooklyn – in what has become the 14th documented incident of anti-Semitic violence in New York in less than four weeks.

>The incident occurred in Crown Heights on December 24, just four days before an assailant - believed to be 37-year-old Grafton Thomas - stabbed five people with a machete inside a rabbi’s home as they celebrated the seventh night of Hanukkah in Monsley, New York, late Saturday.

They kill white people all the time but never manager to kill a Jew. Hoax?

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15ae47  No.13507

File: 8017b519adce6a0⋯.webm (425.87 KB, 288x288, 1:1, 8017b519adce6a01455358bb6….webm)

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982afa  No.13542

Based niggers

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133e02  No.13548



Don't think so, this is normal nog behavior. It's great to see the kikes being subject to diversity themselves, sometimes good things do happen.

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9f1f99  No.13551

This is a case of them being hoisted by their own petard. For decades on end, they've incited Blacks to hurt and kill Whites, and now their own pets are turning on them. This is a welcome development. I hope it gets worse than it did in 1991.

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e74a76  No.13558


Why do Black Israelites scream "Das rite" so often? Is this some kind of their meme?

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2997ff  No.13606

File: 6f251bb0be15a51⋯.webm (1.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kapow.webm)


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bf2ac5  No.13638


Incite niggers to keep attacking jews, until they start killing the kikes. Straight up pay for niggers to kill jews, if you have the means to. Always cover your tracks.

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1ac307  No.13643

File: 8cdd09092dbb927⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 530x541, 530:541, Anti Semitism is a NORMAL ….jpg)


Are you going to screenshot this and post it on twitter, Moshe? Trying to prove that it's all a White nationalist conspiracy against the chosenites who've never done anything wrong, ever?

The only "people" who are to blame for the violence the jews are seeing at the hands of Blacks is the jews themselves, as they always have. Hatred is the normal reaction to jews and jewish behavior.

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6f6732  No.13661

File: 8189dbff3725ac5⋯.jpg (83.59 KB, 960x629, 960:629, boring.jpg)


This is getting pretty old, shlomo.

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e324da  No.13664


Remember when the (((media))) said the knock out game against whites wasn't real?

<Pepperidge Farm remembers

As soon as it happened to jews it was a shoah! The media wouldn't stop talking about it.

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9f1f99  No.13672


It's big enough of a deal to have its own Wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knockout_game yet they still try to spin it as something else, even after admitting on the top of the article that 94% of the victims are White.

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3ee548  No.13953

>‘This incident demonstrates that there are many unreported incidents in New York,’ Behrman wrote.

Happens to non jews all the time and the media doesn't care.

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9f1f99  No.14090


Colin Flaherty and the resident board member here continue to document such cases, though.

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325c37  No.16851

File: 1e1d9668f47e69c⋯.png (147.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1578176120613.png)

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a13ebe  No.16856

File: 2f969622d02718a⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 400x400, 1:1, kapooyah.jpg)

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913dd9  No.16860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Use info about the jewish dominated slave trades (both "western" and islamic) to stir up tensions between the two groups. Jews owned the majority of the slaves.

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325c37  No.16863

File: 323b11ba0283056⋯.png (515.49 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1578251895477.png)


No comparison


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a53231  No.16865

File: 4f9507ab2b578d6⋯.gif (515.58 KB, 136x102, 4:3, eheehee.gif)

jude behind slave trade

jude behind the civil rights movement

jude behind desegregation

jude behind mlk

jude behind forcing nignogs into all facets of media

Karma is a bitch.

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5e9d69  No.16870


do this

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22f3ec  No.17005


I like it.

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9e5b88  No.17009

File: f0d6e8d20025edc⋯.png (43.44 KB, 300x209, 300:209, thumb_preach-it-brother-me….png)


"That's right!"

They say it, and similar expressions, in church, expressing agreement with what the pastor is saying, and more generally as an expresion of agreement with what is said.

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2772cb  No.17026

File: 386582186491861⋯.jpeg (67.11 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, chimp.jpeg)

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2772cb  No.17027


>They say it, and similar expressions, in church, expressing agreement with what the pastor is saying, and more generally as an expresion of agreement with what is said.

The real gem in all this is that even after 100's of years of interaction, we still find their behavior so foreign that we study it and have to explain what we found out about them to others who have not done the amount of research as we have.

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04387a  No.17036

and retards like in this thread wonder why other fascists want nothing to do with them. apparently people think disliking a group(s) means they're part of an ideology. no wonder far right ideologies are declining in dedicated thinkers. whether it be neo nazis, black isrealites, etc. its all blind hatred and no productive praxis

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e01782  No.17053


Wow /leftypol/ it's almost like the "right wing" is a lose conglomerate of multiple ideologies of which are completely different from one another and are prone to infighting any time or working together any time similar to leftcoms, ml's, ancoms, etc for the left wing.

Shut the fuck up.

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04387a  No.17064


ok hoomer

"bro you must be a commie since we disagree"

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c5a807  No.17667

File: 0d3cf9c346b3bdb⋯.mp4 (10.05 MB, 720x720, 1:1, SHOCKING VIDEO Black New Y….mp4)

Some MIGA kike interviewed some Blacks in Jew York about why jews are being attacked. He said called it "shocking", but it's more or less the same thing that happened to every population unfortunate enough to have jews living among them.

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f3fcff  No.17692


Is there more to this? One where he tries to counter their talking points?

Also, I really wish that an mp4 could be sped up on here. I just listened to 2+ minutes of Jew- and nigger-babble

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d1febb  No.17693


No, you are a commie because you talk like a fag.

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26f759  No.17724


How is he going to counter their points? He just leaves them out there with the idea that the ideas are so stupid and self evidently wrong they don't deserve a discussion.

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bf2ac5  No.17730


I love the editing you know took place in the making of this clip. The part where the jew replies, "So you're saying jews are not American?" then you hear, "You're not American." I would have liked to hear more of that particular conversation.

Are basedniggers figuing out the jew is israel frst, last and everywhere in between?


I feel way more connected to Blacks in America than I do to jews. I think Black Americans exist, jew American is a meme.

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9d599e  No.17949


those two words dont make sense together, it's like saying hot cold

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9d599e  No.17951


this is good

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04387a  No.18650


ok larper

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90bce6  No.18729


rabbis published a journal going during the seventies that goes into detail about why the black american community is a threat to jews. one of the main points was that most blacks in NYC know full well what they're up to and will turn against them given a good enough chance

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fcffcc  No.59749

who controls New York?

Jews or Africans?

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4f04ba  No.59885


Not bad, this could be a good project for Jew York anons.

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9a4052  No.60193


Corona-chan controls new york.

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ce873e  No.60685



Based, spread it

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0536c9  No.60708

File: 0deaed45546c328⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 296x235, 296:235, 6585841.jpg)


Not ONE nigger had the knowledge about the kikes control of colonial slave trade to bring that shit up? We need to keeo pushing that meme, it's close but not there yet.

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d91350  No.60729

File: f354c241cc3ee1a⋯.png (140.51 KB, 1024x840, 128:105, jews.png)

File: 79cd0a555c4f50a⋯.png (17.57 KB, 694x216, 347:108, 1582405561408.png)

File: 5b8f487be80bfd9⋯.png (154.44 KB, 1042x592, 521:296, 1582405617332.png)

File: 5d37c76a3b249d2⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 845x1436, 845:1436, slavery.jpg)

File: 50ad228778e671f⋯.png (79.16 KB, 1401x1049, 1401:1049, 1582405339733.png)

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a161f7  No.83785




Anymore like this? These are great.

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8e341b  No.110502

File: 99b1704c07a3df4⋯.webm (637.97 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Shlomo_meets_diversity.webm)

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645595  No.110515


redpilling niggers is a fundamentally impossible task, they're too stupid, biological reality will always prevent it

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e200c8  No.110560

These niggers are just pavement apes who attack others who look funny to them. They do not know anything else. This happens all the time in these infested neighborhoods. They are not redpilled by any means.

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376f6f  No.110563


did this kike have a small jew hat under his big jew hat

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463187  No.110564


They are getting Biden Pilled as we speak

Joe Biden: Hey you fucking niggers you fuckingwell better gimme some smooth brown young chocolate to sniff or you ain't niggers, and if there is anything a Democrat hates it's a nigger that ain't at work on the Vote Plantation helping that Democrat get back into office.

I had three law degrees during my seventeenth combat tour in Washington D.C. all of them financed by myself from selling little nigger kids to James Alefantis.

Holy Shit China is a fucking arr you can eat buffet with all those abandoned little girls in orphanages. I almost wear out my dick with Viagra when I visit there.

God I hate niggers. Don't you be gettin' all upp'ty BOY when I'm talking to you. Niggers is only good for one thing: harvesting.

Harvesting their children't adrenochrome

Harvesting their stem cells from the babies we say we aborted

Harvesting their votes

Harvesting federal money sent to help them out

My message as pres'dent will be: Niggers, get back to niggering and bring me my iced tea and SMOOOOOTH YOUNG CHOCOLATE.

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e0755f  No.110567


It doesn't matter. They'll still vote for him regardless of what some angry twitter niggers (twiggers?) say. There's an unspoken rule among the nigger community: stick with the whitey you know. That's why they didn't vote Bernie. They know Biden. They also hate Trump. All Biden needs to do is pick Kamala as his running mate and the election is in the bag.

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506244  No.110574


>They'll still vote for him

so true, he could kill babies on stage, and they would probably call it 'performance art' or something, debates are pretty useless now, I think

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ed26f7  No.110754


i'll be honest

this probably wasn't anti semitic

just some niggers picking a fight to pass the time

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ab706e  No.110755

File: ce25617765506db⋯.png (143.96 KB, 600x525, 8:7, fg.png)


Did the blacks finally realize that 'white privilege' is actually (((white privilege))) or something?

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1eda3f  No.136776

File: f2951ae195f47b4⋯.webm (465.74 KB, 352x640, 11:20, kick.webm)

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ace764  No.136852


I'm going to bomb your Synagogue faggot, next week Central Synagogue.

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ce3dcf  No.136887


This is some real slapstick.


What a chad

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849511  No.136914


Kek, I didn't know they did that

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849511  No.136916


This is why I don't understand why jews keep trying to open the floodgates. They were able to subvert our people and live well off in perfect, white, societies. Why throw that all out the window, because of spite? If the Jews were honest, I'd be fine supporting Israel and allowing them to live here in some capacity, but they simply are too naturally destructive. It makes no sense to me.

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ce3dcf  No.136920


>This is why I don't understand why jews keep trying to open the floodgates.

Because it's not literally every jew idiot. They don't have a gloabl all-hands meeting where they consult each other.

Consider these two statements:

"Catholicism is a network of homosexual child abusers"

"Jews control the world for their own benefit"

Not literally every catholic is a pedo, in fact I would go so far as to say that most catholics are not pedos. And yet the institution of the catholic church is accurately described as a pedo protection ring.

Just so, not every idiot rank and file jew is involved in conspiracies. Perhaps even most of them are just regular normies. But still it's accurate to describe jewry as a malevolant force shitting up the world for the cynical self interest of a select few.

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ce3dcf  No.136924



Sorry I referred to you as an idiot. That was uncalled for.

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24843f  No.136928

File: 374c87b13c7a2d1⋯.webm (1.86 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 374c87b13c7a2d171c0fc1213….webm)

>when your dog bites you

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ce3dcf  No.136933


That boy has no father.

His mom gave him whatever he wanted when he cried.

Now he reacts to adversity by crying about it.

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248099  No.136935


Jews are a contaminated blood line that is an abomination and needs to be exterminated from the planet for there to ever be any peace.

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ce3dcf  No.136937


>Jews are a contaminated blood line that is an abomination and needs to be exterminated from the planet for there to ever be any peace.

Fine, but can we at least agree that it's the ones actually pulling the strings that need the rope first, if we can't even do that we've got no chance roping them all.

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248099  No.136940


Nope. Any and all of them need to go and I don't care which ones go first.

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ce3dcf  No.136941


Pure fantasy.

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e37232  No.136947

File: 5df3e827db0104a⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 980x552, 245:138, World_jewish_congress.jpg)

File: a3d7cdfe16d032f⋯.jpg (421.41 KB, 2909x2068, 2909:2068, Jewish_hate_groups_2.jpg)

File: 885fb91a66c97ee⋯.jpg (102.26 KB, 1088x526, 544:263, Jewish_hate_groups.jpg)


>They don't have a gloabl all-hands meeting where they consult each other.

That's where you're wrong, kid. Do you even know anything about what you're talking about? You're just spouting the socially acceptable lies that you've been trained to espouse.

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ce3dcf  No.136959


>Do you even know anything about what you're talking about? You're just spouting the socially acceptable lies that you've been trained to espouse.

Enjoy being a schitzo and achieving abosolutely nothing to remove the jew from his throne.

All religions have global conferences.

Did you count how many christian lobby groups there are?

Shit there is a fucking world conference for MLP, are they controlling the world there?

You need to grow up and get a more mature understanding of how power groups work.

Just think about what you are saying:

Literally every jew in the world is intimately and personally involved in a global conspiracy

Have you ever even had a job? Have you worked for a medium - large business? How much does the average factory line worker know about the plans in the c-suite? Fuck all thats how much. But somehow every jew in the world is in on all the details of the big plan.

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809fa8  No.136967

File: a10b64363a5ccdb⋯.jpg (135.24 KB, 850x446, 425:223, Thunderstruck.jpg)


Show me how many Christian lobby groups there are. I've done my side of the argument. Why don't you do yours instead of asking questions as if they are an answer?

>there is a fucking world conference for MLP, are they controlling the world there?

Now you're playing dumb. See pic related.

>Literally every jew in the world is intimately and personally involved in a global conspiracy

I don't get it why you make that sound outlandish.

-There are jews all over the world

-Jews have racial bias towards themselves and Israel

That's all it takes for jews to be intimately and personally involved in a global conspiracy.

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f4700e  No.136971


redpilled nigger

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8a4ac0  No.137073

File: b584e3c35658a60⋯.png (22.7 KB, 360x263, 360:263, lol.png)

File: 3381d8561a88b5f⋯.png (47.17 KB, 596x320, 149:80, lmao.png)



Now might be the time to spam these boys

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8a4ac0  No.137079

Jews not eager to give reparations


We're booking the grudge match of the century here

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66c51e  No.146703


I'd buy the Negro a beer and tell him to watch The Greatest Story Never Told.

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31e882  No.146705


Note, the jew's brethren do nothing to take vengeance or defend their friend. They just stand there helplessly instead of pounding the assailant's face in.

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df48c7  No.146757


Gay kikes fedpost the worst. Milo was a fedposter, which is why he can't release clean data.

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