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2418ee  No.134967

As usual the left have embraced something which can only backfire on themselves "Cancel Culture"

They have pounded cancel culture into the main stream and have left themselves open to eat themselves yet again.

Today we are going to use the left's cancel tactics against them. These companies either submit or expose themselves and redpill even more normies.



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6fc387  No.135028


>As usual the left have embraced something which can only backfire on themselves "Cancel Culture”

Never has in all of history. Explain why it’s different now.

>have left themselves open to eat themselves

You realize this doesn’t actually happen, right? You just don’t get it. They get rid of their broken elements and leave only a core of ideological purity behind. You, a worthless fucking civic nationalist, want nothing more than for white nationalists to accept literally anyone into our fold, regardless of if they know the truth or not.

>Today we

No, race traitor. You aren’t us. “We” aren’t going to do anything. Go back to your containment website.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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