x In the post-Fed nuclear war, It will be a simple matter to start on the northern and Eastern borders of California and forcibly deport every last non-white person that is not a citizen of the United States. March South and West, using all available technology, communications blackouts, and hundreds of thousands of warriors. It could be done in weeks.
That will eliminate about 20 million Democrat votes, AKA 10 million illegal alien enemy invading rapists and murderers.
Then, do the same in all the Southern border states, completely uprooting and ejecting invaders, but not just right across the border, but to the furthest Southern tip of South America, no matter where they're from. 500 of them per C5A Galaxy would require 20,000 flights, so container ships would be the best way. If they were worried about safety and security in their shipping container neighborhood where they would be fed and watered on the way, we can assure them that since they will not be surrounded by any Raycss White Folks that their little girls and boys will be magnificently safe.
They can start a new life anywhere but here.
Then, the constitution will be taught and published, nationwide, with people's rights being reinforced first and foremost.
Pedos in prison just shot
Rapists in prisons just shot
Drug traffickers shot
Human traffickers shot
Pornographers shot
Pimps shot
Propaganda leaders shot on camera
Abortion doctors all hunted down, to a man, and shot
Full audits of all politicians books from the day they started in politics to the minute. If any foreign (((influence))) is found, then they are shot
It's not hard to fix a nation. You have to start with excising the cancer.
Of course, all contact with China eliminated. Anyone from China deported unless they have already attained full citizenship and have NO criminal record.
Higher education imbalance of any ethnic group above the national racial or gender demographic redressed. Imbalance of teachers who are of (((one particularly cancerous group))) redressed.
This stuff is not rocket science. The people just have to be un-hypnotized by whether a celebrity's anus-lightening cream works for them for five minutes.
There may be more graceful solutions, but if there are, feel free to propose them.
Free white men, not (((white))) men of good character welcome, especially from Germany.
Priority, no CELEBRITY status given to families with at least three virgin white girls in the family, to reverse the tide of nigger dick being thrown at us for decades.