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File: e22e2259b13393b⋯.jpg (25.64 KB, 472x484, 118:121, EbyVHBgWkAYkBze.jpg)

ab1724  No.134537

if the coastal states decided to leave the union, do you think that the rest of america would be able to survive?

keep in mind the addition of two extremely questionable borders, forfeit of major trade ports, and ensuing arguments about how to partition military/infrastructure/gov resources.

what does a positive secession scenario look like (one that they would actually agree to)

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8990a1  No.134539


Imagine thinking that you can actually secede from ((liberals)) who can only survive through parasitism

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31b0d4  No.134545

File: 6de4d49c22ca427⋯.gif (29.02 KB, 521x376, 521:376, 1821440_orig.gif)

File: 996adccf879c448⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 3385x2520, 677:504, 2015_01_16_PaleMapOfFoodCr….jpg)

File: 034341f9fec3225⋯.jpg (157.5 KB, 1000x654, 500:327, tumblr_nd3727RMuI1tk131bo1….jpg)


> do you think that the rest of america would be able to survive?

Lol the coasts would be the places stuggling to survive

>what does a positive secession scenario look like (one that they would actually agree to)

Realisticly it means defacto sececssion without dejure secession. As states become more and more disaligned with each other, and with the union, the legislation will become more and more in conflict with federal legislation. If this happens enough it will be difficult for the federal government to enforce (with state agencies obstructing them). Disobedience and obstruction alone may cause federal agencies to be ejected altogether from some states, or leave voluntarily. The central states who have a net positive contribution to federal revenues may get pissed off enough to encorage residents not to pay their federal taxes (and not get any benefits in return but they would gain overall). The union gets more and more symbolic, much like the British Commonwealth. Perhaps we still have a "national" football league and a "national" anthem, but in practice the states become more independent.

I find this more plausible than actual secession. Perhaps those states with a strong history and narrative of independence such as Texas might wish to become independent.

So yeah I think it will be more like the conversion of the British Empire to the Commonwealth, rather than Balkanisation or the collapse of the CCCP. Given a couple of hundred years of a weakened federation perhaps it could look like the UK today, where everyone knows eventually England, Scotland, Wales and Northen Ireland will go their separate ways, but it will take many decades (even for Scotland which will go first).

If you are interested you can also read about Secessionism in Western Australia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secessionism_in_Western_Australia) which is a real thing, but has nowhere near enough traction to go anywhere. It would take a real cataclysmic event for WA to go solo, but nevertheless I think Western Australia splitting from the eastern states is more plausible than any state leaving the USA dejure.

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ab1724  No.134546


cali has been trying to secede since forever. you seem to think they dont actually believe communism has never been tried, and that they will set up marxist wakanda.

it doesn't particularly matter if the people at the top want it, so long as you can convince dumb protesters.

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392909  No.134547

It would be funny watching them try.

Feel free to secede California. Nobody wants your bullshit anymore anyway. Come collect your street gangs too.

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2eaff0  No.134580


Technically those are the CIA's street gangs as all crime in the USA is run and operated by the (((CIA and their affiliates))). Anyone you see 'captured' or drug bust happening is someone who is NOT AFFILIATED or run by the CIA. This way they can continue to turn a huge profit off of dead and injured Americans while making a public show of catching the bad guys. Nothing changes, everything stays the same and the horrific parasitism and disgusting jewing just keep going.

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2eaff0  No.134585

File: 18172fcc9ddf383⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 275x183, 275:183, haiti_torture_murder_nigge….jpg)

File: 3b3757a63aaa3ad⋯.jpg (101.81 KB, 537x330, 179:110, haiti_human_traffickers_an….jpg)

File: 6a696362c54d84e⋯.jpg (184.94 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, conan_trip_to_haiti_pshop_….jpg)

File: e2d599ca7533245⋯.png (299.53 KB, 571x1050, 571:1050, raped_in_haiti_but_still_f….png)

File: 50ede3bcf34809c⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 260x290, 26:29, nigger_with_sign_about_hai….jpg)

Really we aren't any different than Haiti. Sure we have some places where the CrIminAl element isn't openly active in the USA but the fact that it is there at all, profiting off tragedy and vice makes this nation absolutely the same as Haiti in terms of its corruption and the horror for its people.

I thought that last pic with the bubble butt nigger was interesting. They are turning the USA VOLUNTARILY INTO HAITI…

>inb4 you are a glownigger if you resist this anon.

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7b4055  No.134608


States cannot secede. If you want your white utopia, you're going to have to buy a private island or something.

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ab1724  No.134625

I feel like you all are missing my point.

Secession is potentially something that both sides want, nevermind that the coasts would go to shit. Their side doesnt know that, and openly telling them so doesn't even matter. Their entire premise is that they could finally implement wakanda. They would think they were pulling one over on us even if they understood our intentions.

Offering the coasts wouldn't be a hard sell. These people resent the flyover states. They actively hate America, and dont give a fuck about the rule of law. Our side seceding is outside the overton window, yes, but their side seceding isn't. If they were to bring it up first, it could gain traction. The question is if this would be a good thing.

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31b0d4  No.134628


> Our side seceding is outside the overton window, yes, but their side seceding isn't.

Really. I'm a eurofag so I'm wouldn't know. But you really think the lefties have more appetite for secession than the flyovers?

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a1a34e  No.134648

File: b7f470230b7c968⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 388x520, 97:130, 22154609_1479444645479851_….jpg)

> if the coastal states decided to leave the union, do you think that the rest of america would be able to survive?

It is quite other way around. No city can survive without food and other resources produced in rural areas.

Not to mention that even blue coastal states are red if you exclude the cities.

Overall it would just make sense to have liberal population move to a specific place, a reservation if you will, where they can be free to build their leftist paradise and perform social experiments on themselves while the sane rest of the nation moves on.

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ab1724  No.134656


100% absolutely for Cali Oregon and Washington. They have been talking about it for years. I dont see any reason why something like CHAZ couldn't evolve into calls for secession.


I am taking it as a given that if that happened the coasts would collapse. But that isn't what we should concern ourselves with. Would the flyover states survive without port access, and would we be able to solve the border problem quickly enough to mitigate immigration from californiastan?

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ab1724  No.134661

You won't be able to convince them to move to a reservation. I am talking about using their energy against them. In their mind they might perceive secession as a victory. Even if you explained our motivations to them, there are people on their side who would take that deal.

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31b0d4  No.134666


>Would the flyover states survive without port access, and would we be able to solve the border problem quickly enough to mitigate immigration from californiastan?

There are many landlocked countries anon.

And the browns would stay where the gimmiedats are.

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2eaff0  No.134671


They are going to raise bugs to eat and will make tofu out of chink tears.

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ab1724  No.134673


Would have replied to this one earlier but had to think about it.

I think that maybe 100 years ago you would be correct about defacto secession. We should have been an antifederalist nation from the get go. If it started early, we would have had smaller and easier to manage units competing with each other in some governing analog of free market competition. Smaller geographic regions are also more likely to be ethnically homogeneous, so it dovetails well with ethnic nationalism.

The issue now is that, ideologically, the coasts are so fucked that the moment they are free they will collapse. If it isn't dejure they will want gibs (again, look at chaz). Could a scenario be arranged where once they seceded they weren't able to ask for support? More importantly, could we stop them from fleeing whatever dumpster fire they light, like the libs from california are already doing to texas? How likely is that scenario given that they do in fact secede?

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31b0d4  No.134679


>If it isn't dejure they will want gibs

If the federal government is weak enough then it won't matter. All it has to do is be as weak as the EU. Poland is already telling them where to stick it. If they don't back off Poland and or Hungary will exit and maybe Italy soon after. They are a paper tiger, the US federal government would be too if enough states stood up to them.


> More importantly, could we stop them from fleeing whatever dumpster fire they light,

I wonder if they would? Take Poland again - Poland, and east of Poland is soooo much better for Whites than the UK. I live in the region myself and since moving here I have literally NEVER met an out homosexual. Think about that for a moment. But no matter how shat up the UK gets, you don't get a serious displacement of people moving east. A few here and there, mostly religious people moving to be able to, idk not have anal sex taught to their kids for example. But most bongs just sit there like frogs boiling.

Any foogies you got from Cali you should be able to redpill much more easily. You just say how you don't do things here like in california, and go back to where you came from if you don't like it.

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ab1724  No.134687


Yeah, I've lived on both the west cost and in the balkans. I am aware of how good they have it over there. What makes me think that it is different is that whereas the UK has this reputation of past glory eastern europe does not. Moreover, you have to pass several borders to get there.

As is, there are many, many libs fleeing the west coast for the midwest. The extremists stay and want their marxist regime. Those slightly left of them flee to e.g. texas and start campaigning for the same bullshit.

What is the factor that differentiates the two cases? Idk, I'm open to ideas. But that factor should probably be worked out before our side encourages them to form their own nation (defacto or otherwise). It seems very obvious that they could move in that direction.

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8990a1  No.134752


If protesters want it then that means they'll make signs about it. You know that stuff is smoke and mirrors, it's not real. If the people at the top want it, it'll happen, but since we don't see a real push for secession, then it's not a real thing. Remember they NEED your money, effort, time, etc. Never forget that a jew is a bottomless hole of desire. They have no real ambition or dreams.

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95f8b4  No.134778


California isn't actually trying to secede. That's red meat they throw out to their population. California would have real problems without open access to the 49 other state markets. They are also very dependent on out of state sources of water.

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a1a34e  No.134807

File: 444eb2a1577437f⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 500x276, 125:69, 79946718_137862484312459_5….jpg)


>. Would the flyover states survive without port access

They do have resources to sustain themselves and plenty of red states have access to sea. So "losing" places like New York or California wouldn't really be a significant blow to their economy, especially if outsourcing stops being a thing.

> and would we be able to solve the border problem quickly enough to mitigate immigration from californiastan

Assuming that it would be separate nations, they'd be considered refugees and immigrants and not get a vote until a certain period of time.

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3cb6fe  No.134824


The real parasites are in the nigger infested South. Cali alone accounts for 1/5 the US GDP.

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2eaff0  No.134884

File: f6a056f85abcacd⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 480x325, 96:65, san_francisco_human_shit_m….jpg)


Does anyone have the link to that Travel Blog where the couple were eating in a street side open patio cafe and the homeless person took a shit right next to their table? I got such a kick out of that 'sanctuary city'. They also have a 'human shit map' that keeps track of all the human shit on the street daily.

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401b7a  No.134897

x In the post-Fed nuclear war, It will be a simple matter to start on the northern and Eastern borders of California and forcibly deport every last non-white person that is not a citizen of the United States. March South and West, using all available technology, communications blackouts, and hundreds of thousands of warriors. It could be done in weeks.

That will eliminate about 20 million Democrat votes, AKA 10 million illegal alien enemy invading rapists and murderers.

Then, do the same in all the Southern border states, completely uprooting and ejecting invaders, but not just right across the border, but to the furthest Southern tip of South America, no matter where they're from. 500 of them per C5A Galaxy would require 20,000 flights, so container ships would be the best way. If they were worried about safety and security in their shipping container neighborhood where they would be fed and watered on the way, we can assure them that since they will not be surrounded by any Raycss White Folks that their little girls and boys will be magnificently safe.

They can start a new life anywhere but here.

Then, the constitution will be taught and published, nationwide, with people's rights being reinforced first and foremost.

Pedos in prison just shot

Rapists in prisons just shot

Drug traffickers shot

Human traffickers shot

Pornographers shot

Pimps shot

Propaganda leaders shot on camera

Abortion doctors all hunted down, to a man, and shot

Full audits of all politicians books from the day they started in politics to the minute. If any foreign (((influence))) is found, then they are shot

It's not hard to fix a nation. You have to start with excising the cancer.

Of course, all contact with China eliminated. Anyone from China deported unless they have already attained full citizenship and have NO criminal record.

Higher education imbalance of any ethnic group above the national racial or gender demographic redressed. Imbalance of teachers who are of (((one particularly cancerous group))) redressed.

This stuff is not rocket science. The people just have to be un-hypnotized by whether a celebrity's anus-lightening cream works for them for five minutes.

There may be more graceful solutions, but if there are, feel free to propose them.

Free white men, not (((white))) men of good character welcome, especially from Germany.

Priority, no CELEBRITY status given to families with at least three virgin white girls in the family, to reverse the tide of nigger dick being thrown at us for decades.

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