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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: a2ccd11472b9ec4⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 2968x2792, 371:349, 1539008865176.jpg)

9b4476  No.133969

The fucked up world we're seeing today didn't start a century or two ago. The conflict itself is not just the war against cultural marxism. Judaism & it's philosophy's go much further back as does it's Aryan opposition. The war we are seeing today has been raging for more than 70,000 years it's Cro-magnon (Aryan) vs neanderthal (Jew) and we are about to lose a 70 millennia plus old war.

Ever wonder why the jews are so set on having Europeans interbreed with other races, and destroy us from all possible sides? What's that's old jewish saying? An eye for an eye?

It’s what we did to them over 10’s of thousands of years. See first neanderthals ate, raped, and murdered (it’s their genetics to do so) all of the hominids in the areas they lived in and when the most recent ice age ended the subsequent flooding forced them to migrate to other areas. Since more land was opening up in the north due to the receding ice age there was more opportunity for Cro-magnon and neanderkike to cross paths once again. All that was left after millennia’s of cannibalism, rape, and murder were packs/tribes of hyper aggressive, hyper territorial cro-magnons who began to band together. “Slowly the Saxon (Cro-magnon) began to hate”. Cro-magnons began the hunt for Neanderthals at dawn due to neaderthals being nocturnal. These hunts over time began to not just be at dawn but also at night & in the dark caves where Neanderthals made their homes. This war has been going on for many epochs & ice ages for when the ice recedes the war continues. We thought we had finally finished things for good after the last ice age.

We fought back and won for the most part taking our trophies with us back to our homes, content with the thought we had won. Cro-Magnon raped Neanderthals to proactively eliminate them while simultaneously hunting them at dawn, since neanderthals are nocturnal creatures. Both pyshically and spiritually. Thriving in not just the pitch black of night but in our pre-socratic interpretation of black as the bearer of all things evil. Why do jews hate the Fylfot/Swastika? It represents the sun, dawn, and the coming of cro-magnon.

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9b4476  No.133971

File: 2b60163803caf59⋯.png (79.6 KB, 694x476, 347:238, 1593614812366.png)


Why do the Jews hate Hyperborea? The homeland of Cro-magnon & Atlantis. It's a land for half the year is impenetrable to them, and the other half of the year plunged into darkness guarded by the sonnenrad. The pinnacle of human consciousness out of their reach. But not for much longer as they have gained much ground while we've been blinded by their cunning.

Scientists have found that Cro-Magnon were the first to train wolves as wolves would have been extremely helpful in hunting Neanderthals at night.

Of course we know about semites love for blood libel, pedo shit, and sex slavery. A vampire is a person rejected by the church (or rejecting Christ – Jews/Muslims). Vampires are also materialistic and look like jews in the old movies. And vampires hate the dawn.

The Sun representations of the swastika, fire cults, sun gods, golden dawn, light of god, lightening, all of these things kill vampires and drives the neanderkikes back into their caves.

Wolves are a huge part of European myth: Romulus & Remus (Roman founders). Odin’s berserkers and pet wolves. The friendly werewolf of Scotland who feeds the poor by fishing. Hitler, “they called him Heer Wolf”, and so on.

So what if our oldest instincts are writing these modern gothic stories? An instinct drawing from our deepest and most ancient psychological archetypes of a war between Cro-magnons vs Neanderthals?

Myths of travelling into the darkness, into the caverns of death (Hates/Hell). What is these are unconscious metaphors for fighting neanderkikes in the darkness and in caves? A metaphor for bonding with the wolf? The Black Sun an unconscious metaphor of the full moon that changes man into werewolf? Dehumanizing us into the beast that can face inhuman amounts of violence & bloodshed?

Even the vampire daywalker, an adopted son, who turns on the kikes (Jesus. Blade).

What if it’s all leading to one big species war, not a race war? Werewolves’ vs Vampires. Cro-magnon vs Neanderthals. Aryans vs Semites.

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9b4476  No.133972

File: 1142961c1cb617e⋯.jpg (20.17 KB, 236x313, 236:313, 1511330464621.jpg)

File: cc100bb67a091d0⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 564x839, 564:839, 1591835645053.jpg)


This is why they shill the "one race human race" bullshit at a fever pitch.

This is why they make "white" to be the only ethnic identity you're not allowed to embrace.

This is why "antisemitism" is as old as Western Civilization.

Neanderthalis is still alive, he is in control of all the other species now, and has nearly exterminated cro-magnon. And when he is finished he is going to enslave all of the more primitive hominids. Forever. We were his only foe.

These are the last days of a secret war that’s been ongoing for more than 70,000 years against an enemy we thought we had slain outright. Ancient evil. Slavery. Rape. Death.

Things we instinctively know are the hallmarks of the enemy no matter what mask it wears. That instinct is our racial instinct, telling us to identify the evil.

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