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File: 0c222d4075a99a7⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1789x855, 1789:855, 1.PNG)

5134c6  No.132674

hi i found that the protestesters are evil cult look the lady with sunglasses or with black shirt look screenshot and read the letters those people are sick they mock God and Jesus Christ


i think those people are evil cult they doing rituals those people are sick.

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7a2524  No.132676


>evil cult

You could have just said jews anon.

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5134c6  No.132679


WHAT?!how do you know that lady is a jew?

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7a2524  No.132686

File: fd3232241bdb983⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, jamie_lynn_sigler_5505_jew.jpg)


I literally can't believe that you can't tell that is a jew. How new are you? for fucks sake her skin is half nigger color…did you think she was White?

She is like 5 shades darker than the real Whites around her. she is darker skin tone than the bug person in red in the left corner of your image. And at least as dark as the mongrel nigger in the foreground.

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9c07b0  No.132690


Good b8

She's probably just an edge lord slut

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2aa03f  No.132691


lol what the fuck you smoke man muhahha

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2aa03f  No.132695


strange there are also some videos with freemasons in that group blm and antifa

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2aa03f  No.132697


really ?when i read your comment it seems that you have a problem !do you sleep last night??

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2aa03f  No.132699


yes there are many videos with them

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