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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 8c9e9077f00cff8⋯.jpg (68.99 KB, 590x583, 590:583, niglet_abuses_dog.jpg)

bb71c4  No.132567

A young niglet films himself bullying a German Shepherd:


Curiously, I've noticed that when walking my dog, he barks at darker skin people when they get too close. He doesn't bark at white people though. Almost like my dog has a sixth sense that white people are ok, but darker skin people are a threat.

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e26695  No.132582

Reminder that nogs still dogfight and go out of their ways to get pit bulls.

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b5deea  No.132630

What a stupid nigger. He is lucky that dog wants to belong. He could have had his face bitten clean off.

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79cfa2  No.132633

File: 257edabbb94e9c9⋯.png (392.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>Why do nig-nogs hate dogs?

Why do you think they are capable of hate? Their behaviour is natural in any enviroment they are given.

Observe the "i'm the top ape here" in various circusstances

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7fd14a  No.132636

File: 3aef98a07520a7a⋯.jpeg (62.85 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Schopenhauer.jpeg)

File: e92a4ef3003d031⋯.jpeg (56.7 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Kant.jpeg)

File: b2d79b0ddfbcdcb⋯.jpeg (77.67 KB, 850x400, 17:8, gandhi.jpeg)

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199b35  No.132700


Something I'm curious about is when a fear is naturally ingrained in the mind from your ancestors' experiences. For example, our ancestors used to see spiders as a threat, so that's why some of us are afraid of them.

Because of this, it's possible black people look like something dogs' ancestors were afraid of. For black people, since they come from Africa that has mostly wild cats, you would think they'd be naturally afraid of cats.

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440b53  No.132713

File: 66bae7f2cc2e428⋯.webm (1.61 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 1588962998222.webm)

compared to

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b5deea  No.132718


…German shepherd heaven

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771da8  No.132767

File: 5be04c4547fa212⋯.webm (657.25 KB, 480x600, 4:5, coonhounds.webm)



Checked, as usual you can see they flee at the slightest pack behaviour and self defence. Almost like dogs are mans best friend for a reason.

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4ac423  No.132769


More afraid of dogs than water.

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1ddbfa  No.132988


>Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.

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