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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: b3cf9a889c0ab8d⋯.png (41.59 KB, 428x494, 214:247, Blackpowerprintout.PNG)

f8aae5  No.131916

Evidently if you go on omegle on black lives matter they will try to pull up your IP if you do not agree with them.

I was wearing a covid mask and sunglasses and just wondering what they were talking about on it.

Nobody had any goals or policy they wanted. Nobody had anything other than buzzwords

Lots were very young.

I just feel like the younger generation will just accept that whites wanting our own homeland is evil. They will accept more than this generation that interracial pairing is the only way to "stop white supremacy."

If you want to go on omegle and try yourself remember

- a VPN (tunnelbear is free but limited)

- a mask

- wireshark in case they track your IP you can trace theirs too

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