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and shitslinging
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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 2051856816b5c1c⋯.png (59.55 KB, 450x450, 1:1, image01.png)

06c77a  No.131546

Do you use facebook or other social media and have a friend who became a SJW commie literally over night?

Did they never talk about politics or rarely made political/racial post until suddenly almost like someone took over their account and now post every day multiple times about BLM, socialism, Trump hate, fake news, and white privilege, etc..?

Well turns out someone probably did. There are organizations that are offering people money to take over their accounts so that they can act like the original person and post this shit so everyone on their friends list suddenly think they "woke" and are willing to listen and debate with them. These are not the people you think they are any longer.

If someone you know suddenly starts posting things like this completely out of character please message them personally and ask them something only the real person would know about you that was never shared on social media. Likely they will not respond, or if they do it will be something very vague or incorrect.

Be careful though, once they realize you found them out they will trash your reputation with fake things to all your friends that you share in common to try to snuff you out.

It will not help trying to ask your real friend why they sold out their account, likely part of the payment agreement is that they don't discuss the transaction or else their reputation too will be destroyed.

Yes this is really happening but sadly I don't have a way to prove it for privacy reasons. Just be careful and know that this is the world we live in now.

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7e97df  No.131567

File: e815276b6223e62⋯.jpg (19.67 KB, 474x223, 474:223, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

I'm amazed at older guys I know in their 70's that have gone raging mad over Trump Trump Trump and swallow every fucking piece of shit from MSNBC and CNN. You can't even talk with them; they know nothing of public affairs. I pointed out to one that at least Trump had shitcanned the TPP. He'd never heard of it. I tried to explain it to him and he dismissed it all with a sweep of his hand. It's really hopeless you know Democracy ended up being a catastrophe for the Athenians and that was among a voting public of 60,000 landowners who were well educated in public affairs at that Agora. In a country with tens or hundreds of millions it's a bad joke.

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fc0de7  No.131636


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

50dc3b  No.131708

>it’s real goyim

>no I can’t prove it

Sage and report.

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