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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 4a56dc684406d73⋯.png (60.96 KB, 577x362, 577:362, EbdMXiNWAAAk4ct.png)

5fffd3  No.131405

According to this research by the Williams Institute, African-Americans are 60% more likely to be transgender than whites. Latinos/Hispanics are 68% more likely to be transgender. Asians 20% more likely. (These comparative figures are somewhat obscured in the research, but you can calculate them yourself.)

It means, once again, that the races are not equal. Black, Asian and Latino people are more sexually feeble-minded than white people.


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791337  No.131413

We used to be gay as fuck in greco-roman period. No need to pretend being a woman.

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00336f  No.131428

Health plays a huge part in mental illness. Majority of (((food))) is just chemically processed trash made out of GMO plants, soy, and meat full of hormones.

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79b993  No.131511

This is not surprising as the Shekelers seem to bend over backwards to make sure every black male is incarcerated in sodomite rape camps from a young age, thus warping their sexuality by torture, violence, and homosexual rape.

God, the Shekelers hate blacks. I mean, really, really, really hate them.

No wonder, when the Shekeler girls find black guys, often to be far more attractive, because they have actual penises, not just second navels, and are not, well, you know, Moichant-looking shekel grubbers bitter and jealous of the whole world.

So, in typical Shekeler fashion, what do they do?


When are they going to learn that genocide, however it is practiced, makes people realize that YOU are the problem, and YOU need to be expelled from every single place on Earth other than your Chosen Little Country?

When they lose control of the internet and media, it is OVER for their slave trade.

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57329c  No.131517

File: 70e4136f1eb2154⋯.jpg (165.42 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Watch_out_white_boi.jpg)


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