This is not surprising as the Shekelers seem to bend over backwards to make sure every black male is incarcerated in sodomite rape camps from a young age, thus warping their sexuality by torture, violence, and homosexual rape.
God, the Shekelers hate blacks. I mean, really, really, really hate them.
No wonder, when the Shekeler girls find black guys, often to be far more attractive, because they have actual penises, not just second navels, and are not, well, you know, Moichant-looking shekel grubbers bitter and jealous of the whole world.
So, in typical Shekeler fashion, what do they do?
When are they going to learn that genocide, however it is practiced, makes people realize that YOU are the problem, and YOU need to be expelled from every single place on Earth other than your Chosen Little Country?
When they lose control of the internet and media, it is OVER for their slave trade.