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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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8479c7  No.131346

This morning a Muslim terrorist went on a mass stabbing rampage murdering at least three white Scots and doubtless injuring many more. Days before the mass carnage ensued, leftists gathered on the Parliament Lawn in downtown Glasgow kneeling with a black power fist in the air a plethora of pro-immigrant and outright communist slogans including:

- "Black lives matter!"

- "Refugees are welcome here!"

- "No borders; no nations; stop deportations!"

Watch the shocking display of white self-hatred: https://youtu.be/ArxHraWoy7M

Can this suicidal mental disorder be cured?

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8479c7  No.131347

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896449  No.131354

>Can this suicidal mental disorder be cured


Yes, it can be cured by killing them. There are no other options. There are no other options. There are no other options. There are no other options. There are no other options. There are no other options.

Get it through your head that there are no other options, and that every second you wait to fight back is a second closer to white extinction. It WILL happen unless we physically kill them.

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245562  No.131373

File: 5755731900bed0a⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 203x152, 203:152, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

>>Can this suicidal mental disorder be cured?

Yes. Argentine death squads.

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3278ce  No.131376


Shouldn't this be common knowledge by now? To not trust any sandniggers? I thought everyone learned this after Germany accepted refugees

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a404bc  No.131542


No wonder the media is silent on the details. The attack is a massive redpill that these shitskins are incompatible with European values.

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