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cf0cca  No.131267




The UK Parliament has quietly changed its profile picture on Twitter to show an inclusive LGBT+ Pride flag, in the wake of reports that the Tory government plans to attack trans rights.

>On Thursday (June 25) the Twitter accounts for UK Parliament, the House of Commons and the House of Lords changed their profile pictures to the Progress Pride flag overlaid with parliament’s portcullis symbol.

>None of the three Twitter accounts acknowledged the change, but ParliOUT, the workplace equality network which supports LGBT+ people in parliament, wrote on Twitter: “#NewProfilePic This Pride Month the UK Parliament is flying the Progress flag.

>In 2018, designer Daniel Quasa made-over the six-coloured rainbow flag to make it more inclusive by adding a five-coloured chevron to represent queer people of colour as well as the trans community.

>“Daniel Quasar designed this flag to highlight how different systems of oppression intersect,” ParliOUT wrote.

>“It is a symbol of support for all of Parliament’s LGBT+ community.”

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1d7537  No.131282

G-g-good thing the conservatives are in charge, imagine how bad it would be with the loony left!

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6528ba  No.131327

Imagine giving a shit or thinking that anyone is going to fight back anywhere.

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