This might just be what the insane ones want; they can accuse the cops of deserting their posts, causing a destructive riot, then overnight replace them with their own evil reverse police force. And who will that force be? Try the muslim brotherhood for starters, or maybe Mexican cartel members that have been on the payroll under Obama and the Bush admins. There's lots here. They're under discipline. They're trained with weapons. They could be put in uniforms and out on the streets within a week. The Democrats are that fucking insane.
Think that's absurd? The Chicoms are persecuting the Uighurs in Western China. The Chicoms have 18,000 Uighur terrorist militiamen in Syria fighting in Idlib province right now. How did they get there? Why are they in northern Syria.?
And man are they ever evil
Doesn't matter, they're there and we could wake up and find a similar force right here in North America or in Western Europe. The time is rapidly approaching where we will be compelled to fight for our lives.
Open borders is more than just low paid workers replacing American workers. It's infiltration of some of the most dangerous criminals in the world, it's letting the wolves and the hyenas in among the lambs.